Bit too strange to me...

well hello there and all.
ive got a strange issue with my Geforce 4400 Ti.
now, this happens pretty much anywhere. no matter if im gaming or not. the screen goes corrupt, green/red blocks here and there, miscoloration, artifacts, the works really. sadly i dont posess a screenshot of it as the machine locks up just afterwards. both in windows, in the BIOS and when in a DOS prompt, this pretty much rules out its a driver problem
initially i though it was just a cooling issue, its a two years old card after all and such a cards cooler only live for a certain ammount of time, now here i am. 4x120 mm fans and new overclocker Geforce 4/FX fan later and its still there, the only thing ive gained is a more noisy pc.
so then i was thinking faulty RAM, but it can take a normal memory test just fine in another PC, did a overnight test with Memtest too. so its not that either.
it smells like a termal issue to me, but where ? i doubt its the CPU, its never really above 30(onboard sensor hardly accurate but its nowhere near the redline), the memory is "slow" DDR and its rarely above 35. the card itself is normally at a healthy 30-35 too its memory is near 40 when im gaming. while the northbridge is passively cooled its hardly the issue as its a problem that began to pop up not a month ago not when i assembled the thing after a catastropic hardware failure six months ago , old Athlon dumped its cooler, rather fatal error on a 1400 mhz thunderbird, maybe the card took some damage then and its only showing now ?
all tempratures in Celcius.
almost forgot my PC stats
Pentium 4 2.4 northwood
Intel D845BG (yes, newest bios)
Kingston ValueRAM 512 DDR 266
MSI 8871 Starforce Geforce 4 Ti 4400(first revision)
Soundblaster Audigy 1 (Revision 1.02)
Netgear 310TX
two HDD's a 40 gig seagate and a 20 gig Maxtor (though, i SERIOUSLY doubt they are the trouble makers)
PSU runs well within the normal operation limits, deviations are about 0.01 volts up and down above perfect and its a 300W
+5v : 25A
+3.3v : 15A
+12v : 13A
+5vsb : 2A
-5v : 0.5A
-12v : 0.5A
im thinking the card itself may be semi fried, a component might be giving up due to heat and wear or something similar, in any case im replacing it with a Radeon 9600 or something similar at some point in the future, might as well see what all this fuzz about the Radeons is anyway, ive been buying nVIDIA products since the Geforce 2 days now. card is out of its warranty period anyway and so is the mobo.
but, next week im bringíng the whole lot into work and see if i can recreate the problem with the card in another PC, its definately a hardware related problem but where ? it doesnt seem to be a seating issue, nor a dust issue. (oi, the wonders of compressed air on spraycans)

sorry for the relatively late responce, been busy.
the heatsink is making full contact with the GPU as nessersary, coolant paste has also been used (smoked a Geforce 2 that way once, lesson hard learned)
putting in another stick of memory did no difference, it still crash as before.
ive replaced it with a Radeon 9600XT (bloddy good card, im all happy with it) and the problem "went" away, i am personally thinking that it is indeed RAM related, the RAM on the video card, still input is welcome, i can find plenty of uses for the card itself.

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    But in Leopard, we're just getting started.
    As I've already explained, if I try to connect to the iMac again, I'm allowed to do so without typing in a password. This is a bit surprising, but I can see where some might find it convenient.
    I find I can also log out of the admin account on the Mini, log back in, and still connect to the iMac without typing in a password. Okay, we've gone from "surprising" to "unsettling."
    But that's nothing. I can also log out of the admin account on the Mini, log into my wife's normal user account, and still connect to the iMac without typing a password! ... Which means that if I log out of the admin account and walk away from the Mini, my wife will be able to log into her account +and gain instant, unrestricted access to any file in the admin account on my iMac.+
    Hmmm, I've just gone all the way from "unsettling" to "major heebie-jeebies."
    This probably isn't much of a problem in a small family business like ours. My wife knows there are good reasons why I don't want her messing around with the admin accounts on our computers (not least of which is the danger of extended computer downtime), and I trust her to keep her mitts off them. But I still keep the admin account passwords to myself because I don't want her accidentally screwing something up. Leopard has given her a way around this failsafe: it's made it possible for her to unintentionally mess up the admin account on my computer!
    In a large company, it could be a much bigger problem, made all the worse because the user gets no warning that the login info will persist after he logs out. Rewrite the above scenario, but replace me with a harried system admin who's new to Leopard and isn't aware of this "convenience," and in my wife's place imagine an unscrupulous employee who suddenly finds he has access to all the files in the admin's computer. What fun he (or she) could have!
    This has gotten quite lengthy, but I don't think it makes sense to be word-stingy when a big stinkin' security hole is apparently being passed off as a convenience. I hope I've managed to get my point across.
    That being said, I'd like to ask a question:
    Is there some way to turn this functionality off so that users will be required to log in every time they try to access files via AFP? I'd rather do things the old way, if possible. (I know it's possible to use the Kerberos app to burn the ticket, as the blog author suggested. But there's always the chance that I'll forget; and even if I don't, it's a pain in the posterior.)
    Also, a suggestion:
    Wouldn't it be a good idea to rethink this functionality? It seems to me that at the very least, Leopard should display a warning anytime someone tries to connect to a remote machine via AFP:
    *+Warning! For the next ten hours, anyone who uses this machine will have unrestricted access to the account you're about to log into. Are you sure you really want to go through with this?+*
    But such a warning would beg the question: Why does this function even exist? Perhaps it would be better if the functionality were turned OFF by default...

    Thanks for responding, Scott.
    Yes, what you describe is exactly what happened. I wouldn't have written what I did without trying it first.
    That said, I tried it again after reading your post, and it isn't happening now. In the meantime I've rebooted both of the computers in question and tinkered with a few settings, so it may be that the remote Mac was in a strange state that I've somehow jarred it out of. Or maybe I was just seeing things. In either case, I appreciate your taking the time to clarify the issue, and I'll allow myself to breathe a tentative sigh of relief -- on the assumption it'll keep working the way it is now.
    On a more theoretical level ...
    Although I understand that connection credentials are intended to persist, I'm not entirely convinced that there's nothing wrong with this. The blog I linked in my original post cites an example of how this arrangement can lead a user to inadvertently grant another user access to files on a remote machine.
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    I know, I know, this is really an example of bad computing practice. However, it's the sort of thing folks do every day without thinking about it. Still, we can say this in Leopard's defense: it's up to the user to know how the system works, and to avoid doing things that lead to undesired results.
    What makes it a problem is the fact that Leopard is doing something, by default, that its predecessors did not do. And it does so without alerting the user to the fact that things are being done differently. Someone used to the pre-Leopard way of doing things is all too likely to disconnect from a remote computer and walk away, thinking that the remote account is still password protected.
    All this makes it possible for a new Leopard user to give another user access to sensitive or valuable data +and remain completely unaware that he has done so.+ Even if that is not as bad as the "second account" scenario I described in my original post, it still strikes me as a bit of a security risk.
    I'd be happier if credential persistence were turned off by default. Or if there's a way to turn it off, I'd sure like to know about it.

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    Now, when using the same standard video files in Premiers 5.5, and using dynamic link to Encore 5.1, on auto transcode settings, the image files or transcode files (depending on how I order the build) keep coming out 150 - 300 MBs too large for the DVDs (typically Tayo-Yuden or Verbatim burning to Plextor/Pioneer drives). (Windows-7-X64 Intel D975XBX2 MB.)
    To see if I was going nuts, I recently saved a job as two AVI files (same length as the sequences sent through dynamic link to Encore CS5.1) and did the same DVD setup in Encore CS4 but importing the AVI files as timelines.  The chapter points didn't convert for Encore CS4 so I had to install manually. The end result, though, was a DVD image that worked fine.
    So I then went to the Encore CS5 build window and set the DVD size to manual, dropping down from 4.7GBs to 4.25.  The result fit, but then left too much free space (though the vids still looked OK). 
    I know by other discussions that others are having issues with Encore CS5.1 - or maybe it is related to Premiere 5.5 sequences.  Recently burned a set with 22 secs motion menu and 1.4 hours of video and had no problems on auto.  This leads me to believe either that Encore is underestimating the transcode sizes or there is a problem with writing DVDs at or near two hours in length. 
    Anybody have answers, suggestions?
    Doug A

    Thanks, Giorgio.
    I do you imgburn quite a bit and even the new version which allows for truncating and overburning wouldn't write to either the Plextor burners or the Pioneer 205 (Blu-Ray in DVD mode).
    I just ran another image build setting the disc size (for the burn) at 4.5GBs rather than the automatic 4.7GBs.  This helped and gave me a final image size of 4.33GBs - still not large enough to maximize the disc and the compressed code for better quality, but in this case, a tradeoff for just getting the job done.
    I hope Adobe updates a fix for this problem, if indeed, it turns out to be a bug.  Also, while I'm on the the bandwagon, the motion previews in Encore 5.1 do seem to preview in very low res.  I'll need to check to see if there is a setting for this, but I've not experienced it before 5.1.
    Doug A

  • Is Aperture dictating workflow a bit too much? External format Q.

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    Most of the time I manage to edit my photos in Aperture, but on occasion I do need to export to PhotoShop (I use Elements 4). I'm rather disappointed with the options for this though. It's OK working in a TIFF when I have RAW files as the master, but to force me to use a 16bit image is so presumptious. And to force that format when the original is an 8 bit JPEG is simply ludicrous.
    I do realise that working in 16bit images is the best possible format for pro editing. However, you have to switch to 8 bit in order to apply some processes - filters for example. So surely a good workflow would be RAW to 16 bit TIFF, edit it as much as you need to, convert to 8 bit TIFF if required for further editing, and then save. By this time it should be a reasonable file size. But Aperture will not let you save an 8 bit image. I've been editing a few images in Elements, switching to 8 bit mode to apply filters, and then saving it. They still appear in Aperture as a huge TIFF file - typically a 45MB file from a 13MB RAW. An even worse ratio if the original was a JPG.
    Of course this worflow should exist, but I really think there should be some more options for using an external editor - like being able to work in JPG format, or have the final image stored as an 8 bit TIFF. It'd just be nice to have the choice, that's all.
    PowerMac G5 DP 1.8   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   4.5GB RAM, Formac Gallery, LG Flatron, soon to have an ATI 9600.
    PowerMac G5 DP 1.8   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   4.5GB RAM, Formac Gallery, LG Flatron, soon to have an ATI 9600.

    the title of your question is  saying "Aperture", but in the body you are asking about iPhoto libraries.
    Have you previously worked with iPhoto and are considering to switch to Aperture?
    Would it be possible to keep the "main" iPhoto library on the EHD - and then just import albums into it (from the MacBook) at regular intervals. For example, if I go away for a fortnight and come back with 14 new albums, can I merge these 14 albums with the iPhoto library stored on the EHD? I've read that Aperture can manage multiple libraries - but I'm not sure if it's designed to be used in this way...
    Any help would be much appreciated!!!
    Aperture and iPhoto now share a unified library format. If you are having the latest version of iPhoto and of Aperture, both applications can open and update each others libraries.
    Aperture 3.3: Using a unified photo library with iPhoto and Aperture
    If you have multiple iPhoto libraries, you can easily consolidate them into one library, that could reside on an external drive.
    if you want to use Aperture while on the road, with the external drive disconnected, you could export a small, partial aperture library from your main library with the projects you are currently working on, an later merge this working set back into your main library. That is, what I am doing when on vacation, and I'm only taking my MacBook Pro with me.
            Aperture 3.3: How to use Aperture to merge iPhoto libraries          

  • GE60 2PL (Win 8.1 64 bit) too much lag and freezes

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    Even when I'm using only chrome, sometimes the laptop freezes or lag (like when dragging tabs or files, it lag..)
    The laptop was running in high performance with charger connected (without battery..)
    So I have tried defragment, virus check, and driver upates but there are still so much lag
    I don't really know what the problem is and pretty hard to identify what might be causing it too.. because my internet connection is okay as well as I'm not playing some high-end games.. (temperature is also okay)
    I need some advice or solution to this lag.. I can provide you more information if necessary
    oh and while I was playing Dota 2 my laptop got force shutdown (because I was using without battery, charger connected then my electricity went out...  ) I am curious how would force shut down would effect the laptop? Like what will it damage?
    Thank you

    oh and while I was playing Dota 2 my laptop got force shutdown (because I was using without battery, charger connected then my electricity went out...  ) I am curious how would force shut down would effect the laptop? Like what will it damage?
    this should not cause damage
    attach your battery then plug again your ac charger and see how goes.
    don't play only on ac charger, battery is used as addiction power source in addiction to the ac brick

  • A bit too much repeating :)

    I haven't touched Spry in a bit over a year, and I'm having to go back a relearn a lot (and I usually only use this sort of thing on personal projects) -- so I am w-a-a-a-y out of my depth here.
    I have an xml file:
    I constructed a page that I was fairly proud of that displayed all of the data quite nicely for a single project.  So then I added several more projects to the xml file and, for items that repeated within a project and that I was displaying with a "spry:repeat", I started getting all of them in the file showing up within the individual Project.
    I actually can see, I think , how to solve this dynamically, but if I just want to display each project, more or less as a flat listing of the contents of the XML file (mostly to just prove to myself that I understand what is happening at this level before I try something some complex) what do I need to be doing?  I've been reading the xpath summary over at w3schools, and have been reading the spry documentation concerning datasets but don't seem to have found (or understood?) what I am looking for that would explain to me what I am doing/doing wrong.  I thought I was onto something about nested xml datasets and the example of cakes and their toppings, but I couldn't get that to work--and noticed that the SpryNestedXMLDataSet.js wasn't even included with the Dreamweaver includes, although it was in the total package when I downloaded that.
    I want to keep reading the documentation, because that is the way I learn this sort of thing best, but could someone please give me a few hints so that I know that I am at reading in the right place?

    Sounds like Spry nested datasets is exactly what you need.  I have a photos page that shows photos from multiple club events with each event having multiple photos.  Sounds like a match for your multiple items within project
    The page is here and the xml source is here
    xml/ImgPhotos.xml .
    Within my XML consider collection equivalent to your project node and ImgPhotos equivalent of your item node.
    You need to include the Spry nested dataset javascript file as well as the SpryData javascript file.
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryData.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryNestedXMLDataSet.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    The Spry datasets are defined via
    var Galleries = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("xml/ImgPhotos.xml", "imgGallery/Collection",{sortOnLoad:"PubDate",sortOrderOnLoad:"descending"});
    Galleries.setColumnType("PubDate", "number");
    var Photos = new Spry.Data.NestedXMLDataSet(Galleries, "ImgPhotos");
    Then you defined the regions as below
    <div class="SpryHiddenRegion" spry:region="Galleries Photos" >
            <div spry:repeat="Galleries">
                  <div class="photoTitles">
                  <p> {Description} <a href="{Link}" target="_blank" spry:if="'{Link}' != ''">MORE..</a></p>
                   <ul class="Gallery">
                       <li spry:repeat="Photos">
                         <a href="ePhotos.asp?imgUrl={Photos::imgUrl}&amp;imgAlt={Photos::imgAlt}" target="_blank"  ><img src="{Photos::imgUrl}" alt="{Photos::imgAlt}" /></a>{Photos::imgAlt}</li></ul>
    Hope this helps

  • My fan makes a bit too much noise! Whats wrong?

    For a couple of months my computer has been making quite a bit of noise. I think that there is something wrong with the fan, but I'm not quite sure what to do. When I go on skype and talk with my friends, they say that they can even hear my computer's fan! Even through the telephone. If I try to load something, something that's Java, then it will only load if the fan is making a lot of noise. If my computer is silent then it won't load the program. Should I replace the fan in my mac or what should I do?
    iMac G5 PowerPC   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    It sounds like you have bigger problems than the noise of your fan, as you mentioned in your post,
    "If I try to load something, something that's Java, then it will only load if the fan is making a lot of noise. If my computer is silent then it won't load the program."
    You mac should load java regardless of the state of the fan, I think you may have other issues with your mac as the status of your fan making a lot of noise or not should in no way affect your ability to run applications on your Mac. Have you tried running the Hardware test on the CD/DVD that came with your iMac ? that may help track down a possible problem. Failing that trying doing a new install of your mac (remember to back up all your files first). I know that sounds a bit drastic but its worth a try.

  • My 3 year old PC is a bit too slow for Flash 11.

    Its dual core CPU runs at 2.20GHz.  I expect a PC to last longer than 3 years!  I have just re-formatted my hard drive and re-installed everying.  Before doin that there was to problem with playing video clips.  I am now finding that quite a few sites want to install flash.  The previous version was lost in the re-format.  Is it too much to ask to have a version that is not so resource hungry?

    Finally got it to work!  Tried installing from the archive before at least once.  This time I logged on to Firefox as the administrator and  disabled anit-virus software first.  Looks like I cannot have tried the same combination before. 
    Discovering how to use "run as" helped.  You do not start download as administrator, so it seems, but Firefox.  Thanks for helping to focusing my efforts.

  • Network Sharing Bug? A bit too complicated to describe in Subject...

    I have a G5 and MacBook Pro connected via Gigabit Ethernet.
    I have AFP Filesharing active on both.
    First I could connect form the G5 to the MacBook and vice versa no problemo.
    I used the Administrator's accounts to log in, since i have the same on both machines.
    Now this:
    1) add some user in the file sharing pref pane on both machines. Like user "Test".
    2) Log in to the other machine with user "Test".
    3) Disconnect as "Test"
    4) Try to log in with your Admin acount into the other computer.
    Result: You'll not be logged in as Admin, but as user "Test".
    No matter how many times you try.
    Remedy: Restart the computer from which you are trying to connect.
    Can anyone repro this before I send a bug report?

    This bug is known to Apple. I have submitted a bug report on this and it turned out to be a "known issue".
    Obviously it wasn't addressed in the 10.5.1 update. Let's hope for a security fix update.

  • NEW BOOK: "FCE  HD 3.5  Editing Workshop" - Just a bit too late for Xmas!

    In case anyone hasn't heard yet, there is a new book coming out in February - "Final Cut Express HD 3.5 Editing Workshop" by Tom Wolsky.
    UK FCE 3.5 editors can pre-order it from Amazon:-
    Tom's New Book
    If it's anything like his others it will be a useful addition to anybody's library.

    The home key is separate key on most keyboards. On a laptop it's Function and left arrow. That's how you press the Home key.
    Make sure Show Overlays is turned on in the window where you're marking the out point.

  • This is just too strange . . . .

    Hi gang . .
    This is my first post, and hopefully it was not addressed in any previous posts. I searched before posting, but I could have missed something.
    So here is the deal.
    I have an iBook G4 that was running Tiger OS X 10.4.10. My son was using it about a month ago and it crashed big time. I thought, "no big deal" and proceeded to format and reinstall Tiger.
    So here is where it gets wierd. When I do a normal boot from the HD, I get a blue screen. No cursor, no finder, nothing. When I boot into safe mode, I have all of the applications and can use it like there was never anything wrong with it.
    So now I am here, hoping that someone can get me through this dilemma. I have been through all of the usual diagnostics (zapping the PRAM, repair disk, reset-all, etc.)
    Thank you in advance, and I look forward to "virtually" meeting some of you. From what I have read so far, everyone is very helpful and there are no attitudes (like I said, from what I read so far).

    Try this, found it in this forum, someone else posted it.
    Should solve your problem.

  • Deleting preferences a bit too much

    about three or four times a week I have to thrash my pages preferences in order to get spell checking working. this can get very annoying, and if anyone has any ideas how I could get spellcheck working without having to repitiately thrash my pages preferences that would be very helpful. I'm using cocoaAspell's norwegian bokmål and norwegian nynorsk spellcheckers, but it doesn't matter which one I use. no matter what I set the spellchecker to pages thinks it's english and I have to thrash preferences. any ideas? I'd prefer not to reinstall Pages as both my sisters have this same problem, so id doesn't seem like it would help.

    iWork, as I have found, for some reason does not get it's language setting from OS X.
    What you need to do is this.
    Go to the Inspector (in Pages) then click on the Text button (at the top. Now click on the "More" tab. Somewhere on the window you should see "Languages". Make sure it is set to the language you want.
    I used have this problem with iWork. It wouldn't even save my language choice. So I had to create a custom template (File->Save as Template) in order to keep it this way. For some reason Pages has recently stopped this and has set itself to British English, so I deleted the templates.
    I hope everything works out for you!

  • 6337 LE5 Floppy problem

    My floppy drive is now playing up.
    Whenever I try to use a floppy in W98SE, I get a "Please Format Disk" message. This happens on numerous disks that all work in my other computer.
    I also cannot boot from any of my numerous Windows 98 recovery disks. So I know it is not a windows specific problem.
    I went as far as buying a new FDD and also installed a new cable. The problem still persists.
    The drive light does come on correctly during boot and the light does come on when "attempting" to read the disk.
    I've also run Norton's AntiVirus with latest updates and no viruses were detected on my system.
    Does anyone else have anymore clues? I think it may be a problem with my MB....... what else could it be?

    Originally posted by Assaf
    It could be the PSU but it is a bit too strange for that.
    Try changing in the bios:
    Floppy A: none
    Floppy B: 1.44
    Swap floppy drives: Enabled
    And connect the floppy to the second connector on the cable.
    This was a very good idea!
    The results were that the Floppy did not respond at all. That is, no green light at all when I tried to boot from it or access it from windows. I double checked that I had changed connectors and all was well on this front.
    Interestingly, when I set Floppy B to 1.44 in the Bios and saved. On the next reboot it had automatically set it back to Floppy A again for me. I tried this twice, as I thought I may have forgotton the magic "save" when exiting the BIOS. However, this was consistent.
    I did have the "Swap Floppy" enabled (and also tried with this off - the BIOS would still only allow the Floppy A to be set in this case too!).
    I tried upgrading to the 7.3 BIOS over the weekend. This did not help.
    I hope that some of the above may help out with the diagnostics! (It sure confuses me).

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