Biztalk AS400 Receive location: Error

One of my integration points is an AS400 file location. My application picks up files from this location. However, once all files are consumed, the receive location encounters an error and turns off. It happens for not one but three of my receive locations.
They all point to different file locations but have the same error. The error is below
The receive location with URL is shutting down. Details:"The FILE receive adapter cannot monitor receive location 
I read somewhere that this is an existing issue and that to fix it would require implementing a custom File receive adapter. Are there other options?

when all the files in the folder are processed, file adapter tries to register for next change event notification. But if this event fails then the receive location will shut down. Yes this is a known issue and receive location cannot restart on its own
once it gets shutdown.
The few resolutions that can be implemented are
1. if you have a BizTalk monitoring process like SCOM or any other, when you get alerts of this kind, you have to enable the receive location again manually
2. or else you can configure a script or a windows scheduled job that enables the receive location when it is shut down.
for more information you can have a look at  here or
here and here
Please mark the post as answer if this answers your question. If this post is helpful, please vote as helpful by clicking the upward arrow mark next to my reply.

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    Hi There - 
    We are facing AS2 connection problem with one of our customers. Following is scenario.
    Problem Scenario –
    We BizTalk 2010 server with which we are trying to connect one of our customer’s bank for secure communication.
    Our UAT box  has been done with a successful test connection with that bank however when we move to production server, whenever the Bank try to send any simple .txt file via AS2 protocol, we do not receive the file and bank receive an error following
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     <div><fieldset>   <h2>500
    - Internal server error.</h2> 
      <h3>There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.</h3> 
    Bank has AS2 setup on following environment.
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    Connect Enterprise
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    I have compared the UAT and Production servers AS2 receive URL configurations and these are completely alike.
    Whenever I try browsing the virtual directory setup for AS2 from IIS 7.0 or from
    internet explorer with hostname and virtual directory, I get 500.0 internal error which following post says is absolutely fine, this should not be a problem.
    I have setup the IIS Log trace. Following are the traces from IIS. 
    Action Performed to resolve the issue.
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    Installed the party certificates by referring following URL
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    Firewall ports are open to accept the traffic, I have to log from network team.
    I tried following URL.  (I have suffix the DLL name to the URL which party has to reach.
    Example - http://XXXXXXX/EDIIN/BTSHTTPReceive.dll
    I have tried resolving 403/ 405 error which sometimes reported in my IIS error log, which generally arrive after reset of IIS 7.0
    Using URL -   
    IIS errors has been referenced using following Url
    following are the error logs from IIS 7.0 log file, whenever party sends any message to our server.
    2013-12-14 19:02:59 POST /EDIIN/BTSHTTPReceive.dll - 80 - Jakarta+Commons-HttpClient/3.0-rc4 500 0 0 9812
    2013-12-14 19:03:48 POST /EDIIN/BTSHTTPReceive.dll - 80 - Jakarta+Commons-HttpClient/3.0-rc4 500 0 0 343
    2013-12-14 19:04:48 POST /EDIIN/BTSHTTPReceive.dll - 80 - Jakarta+Commons-HttpClient/3.0-rc4 500 0 0 406
    Sometimes I find following entries though
    #Fields: date time s-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query s-port cs-username c-ip cs(User-Agent) sc-status sc-substatus sc-win32-status time-taken
    2013-12-14 20:10:55 ::1 GET /EDIIN - 80 - ::1 Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+8.0;+Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64;+Trident/4.0;+SLCC2;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727;+.NET+CLR+3.5.30729;+.NET+CLR+3.0.30729;+.NET4.0C;+.NET4.0E)
    301 0 0 453
    2013-12-14 20:10:55 ::1 GET /EDIIN/ - 80 - ::1 Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+8.0;+Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64;+Trident/4.0;+SLCC2;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727;+.NET+CLR+3.5.30729;+.NET+CLR+3.0.30729;+.NET4.0C;+.NET4.0E)
    500 0 193 15
    Any advice will be a great help.
    Please Note: We have setup other virtual directories for receive HTTP connection using (BTSHTTPReceive.dll) file and these connections has been setup using same user account and are working perfectly fine.
    I repeat,
    >>           I have compared all the configurations for AS2 receive location with other setup on Production for other customers ( this is similar)
    >>           I have cross checked the setting with UAT box where connection with this Bank is working absolutely fine but in production it is NOT and configurations are similar.

    It maybe windows firewall issue. you can try create a Windows Firewall exception if
    Windows Firewall is running on your server. And please refer the blog about 500 error in iis which might helpful:
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place. <br/> Click <a
    href=""> HERE</a> to participate the survey.

  • Receive location disabling(File Adapter)

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    Errors:" The Messaging Engine failed to add a receive location "Receive Location1" with URL "\\Server\Folder\File" to the adapter "FILE". Reason: "File transport does not have read/write privileges for receive location
    "\\Server\Folder\". "."
    "File transport does not have read/write privileges for receive location "\\Server\Folder\"."
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    "This behavior occurs because the account or accounts that the BizTalk Server receive location is using to access a folder or a file share do not have the correct permissions at the file system level or at the file share level. " - Refer this Knowledge Base
    from Microsoft:
    A BizTalk Server receive location that is configured to use the File transport type is disabled
    If this answers your question please mark it accordingly. If this post is helpful, please vote as helpful.

  • Unable to enable receive location

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    that the receive adapter is associated with a 32-bit only handler. ".
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    The Messaging Engine failed to add a receive location "Rec_Loc" with URL "C:\IN\*.*" to the adapter "FILE". Reason: "File transport does not have read/write privileges for receive location "C:\IN\". ".

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    List remote directory error.
       at Microsoft.BizTalk.Adapter.SftpInvoker.SftpInvoker.ListRemoteDirectory(String dirname)
       at Microsoft.BizTalk.Adapter.Sftp.SftpRLConfig.ValidateConfiguration(SftpReceivePropertyBag receivePropertyBag)
       at Microsoft.BizTalk.Adapter.Sftp.SftpRLConfig.CreateBinding(RHConfig rhConfig)
       at Microsoft.BizTalk.Adapter.Wcf.Runtime.BtsServiceHostBase.InitializeRuntime()
       at System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase.OnBeginOpen()
       at System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase.OnOpen(TimeSpan timeout)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject.Open(TimeSpan timeout)
       at Microsoft.BizTalk.Adapter.Wcf.Runtime.WcfReceiveEndpoint.Enable()
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    Shawn ([email protected])

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    4:20:59 PM – I re-enabled but this must automatically be done by BizTalk for the duplicate message to be processed
    The following BizTalk host instance has initialized successfully.
     BizTalk host name: BizTalkServerApplication
     Windows service name: BTSSvc$BizTalkServerApplication
    For more information, see Help and Support Center at
    4:20:32 PM
    An error occurred that requires the BizTalk service to terminate. The most common causes are the following:
     1) An unexpected out of memory error.
     2) An inability to connect or a loss of connectivity to one of the BizTalk databases.
     The service will shutdown and auto-restart in 1 minute. If the problematic database remains unavailable, this cycle will repeat.
     Error message: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
     Error source: mscorlib
     BizTalk host name: BizTalkServerApplication
     Windows service name: BTSSvc$BizTalkServerApplication
    For more information, see Help and Support Center at
    4:19:48 PM
    All receive locations are being temporarily disabled because either the MessageBox or Configuration database is not available. When these databases become available, the
    receive locations will be automatically enabled.
    For more information, see Help and Support Center at
    4:19:34 PM
    The Messaging Engine failed to retrieve the configuration from the database. Details:"The database cannot be accessed because the system is recovering from an earlier database
    failure. ".
    For more information, see Help and Support Center at
    Shawn ([email protected])

  • The error threshold has been exceeded. The receive location is shutting down

    I am doing polling using SQL adapter......For small records polling is succesful......but for large recorde i am getting following error..
    The receive location "RcvSqlDataLoc" with URL "" is shutting down. Details:"The error threshold has been exceeded. The receive location is shutting down.".

    You might have resolved this issue, However I would not read all those records in one go! Instead I would read them in batches and pass to BizTalk.
    I would use
    Scatter and Gather Pattern to distribute the records to multiple orchestration instance for processing and execute them using more than one BizTalk host instance?
    If you have already resolved the issue, Then it would be great if you share the solution with us!
    Naushad Alam (MCC,MCTS,BizTalk Server)
    If this is helpful or answers your question - please
    mark accordingly!|
    My new TechNet Wiki
    "BizTalk Server: Performance Tuning & Optimization"

  • HTTP Receive location failing to in BizTalk

    Hi All,
    BizTalk application receives request from external vendor using HTTP Receive location which uses HTTPReceive.dll
    2 servers A and B in the production performing well, but it fails from yesterday. Could see request coming through the IIS in the IIS log, but it is not reaching to biztalk application.
    I have tried these steps in both A and B machines
    1. restart the biztalk app
    2. restart the application pool of the website that connects this app
    3. reset iis in the machines 
    How a request from IIS is routed to machines, I can't understand which machine handles the request, currently it reaches machine B, I could see previous IIS log where it processed successfully in machine A IIS log.
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    No error log in the event viewer of A and B BizTalk servers.
    Can anyone guide me how to resolve it?

    Hi Vivek,
    If you get HTTP-500 error you will have eventlog entries, not just in IIS logs.
    "How a request from IIS is routed to machines, I can't understand which machine handles the request, currently it
    reaches machine B, I could see previous IIS log where it processed successfully in machine A IIS log." -
    IIS would route to BizTalk machines, only if you have separate servers as webserver(IIS) and BizTalk. If IIS is host in the same servers as BizTalk, then when the IIS receive the message,
    it would route to its standalone internal BizTalk server. The routing to different machines is due to the loadbalancer. Your statement is bit contradictory. I assume your IIS is local to the BizTalk servers. So when the client send the message to HTTPReceive.dll,
    the url is bound to loadbalacer, which based on its load balancer logic route the message to anyone of the BizTalk server's IIS (machine A and machine B) hence you see two different IIS logs in machine A and machine B.
    Many Load-balancers, I have seen work with a unique logic where they send the requests primary to one server always and only if that primary server is busy (or not available) then it would
    send it to other server. May be load-balancer have been sending its request to mahicne-A until recently and may be due to some reasons its sending the request to machine-B now. The reason machine-B may not be working now, could be because it was never configured
    properly before and when machine-B start to receive the message, it gives error(as load-balancer request are always handled by machine-A before). To prove this, stop IIS in machine-B and see machine-A receive the message.
    For this HTTP-500 error, check the HTTPReceive.dll is configured correctly. Check the following articles for configuration:
    Configuring BTSHTTPReceive.dll to work on IIS 7
    If this answers your question please mark it accordingly. If this post is helpful, please vote as helpful by clicking the upward arrow mark next to my reply.

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    When I install itunes I received an error message like this:The exception unknown software exception (0Xc06007e) ocurred in the application at location 0x7c812afb. After the installation the computer is showing the message every time.

    If you update your QuickTime Player, does that clear up the iTunes message?

  • Error when trying to create a receive location

    I'm trying to creat a receive location using a WCF-SAP adapter.
    When I click on the Configure button, I get a "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation (mscorlib).
    Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Adpaters.SAP.SAPGInvoker.dll' or one of its dependencies. The specified module could not be found (Microsoft.Adapters.SAP)"
    Any idea what this means ? Sorry  I'm a newbie in this environnement.

    Looks like just installed the Microsoft BizTalk Adapter from BizTalk installation wizard, but not
    SAP RFC SDK. Check
    Microsoft BizTalk Adapter Pack 2.0 Installation Guide for more info.
    You need to install
    SAP RFC SDK driver based on the
    SAP client version used.

  • I located my code in my account (in order to install Adobe photoshop elements 13) and received an error code stating my code was invalid.  I cannot locate my new serial number.

    I wish to install Adobe Photoshop Elements 13.  I located my serial number in my old account and when I entered it, I received an error message that the serial number was invalid.  I cannot locate my serial number and cannot complete my sign in.

    Serial number and activation chat support (non-CC) may help
    Select a topic, then click I STILL NEED HELP to activate Photoshop Elements Online chat
    - premiere.html

  • After Installing Itunes, it will not open and I receive this error, "The procedure point AVCFAssetCreateWithByteStreamAndOptions could not be located in the dynamic link library AVFoundationCF.dll"

    Please help, cannot open itunes after uninstalling and reinstalling multiple times. Each time I receive the error message, "
    The procedure point AVCFAssetCreateWithByteStreamAndOptions could not be located in the dynamic link library AVFoundationCF.dll

    Does anyone have any suggestions?  I restarted my PC and even tried to repair through the contol panel Uninsta; program.  HELP!!!

  • Biztalk receive location

    I'm trying to process a file with 70 MB but the receive location "IN folder" is not picking it up.
    To make sure that the receive location is working, I dropped a 10 KB size file and it picked it up quickly. So the receive location is working properly. 
    So why my receive location is not able to process a 70 MB ?

    Hi Christiane,
    I tried with 94.3037 MB EDI file using EDIReceive pipeline and it was processed, but it took 28 mins to process the file.
    And then after individual files (transactions) are getting
    send to destination...
    so far 5566 files are done (in one hour)....
    still counting 
    Offcourse the performance is not
    great but that was expected as the encounter is with EDI file
    that too large in size. And it is because while transformation from EDI to XML in pipeline annotations are
    added thus leading to increase
    of size.
    This is certainly a limitation, adding a dedicated host should help upto some
    extent, and I guess there is
    EDI Accelerator from
    covast which
    does overcome this limitation by removing the annotations (I haven't used it)
    Maheshkumar S Tiwari|User
    Page |

  • Biztalk SCOM 2007 R2 Automatically starting receive locations that are shut down

    Need steps to turn on receive locations automatically that are down. Could you please guide me to implement the script to do it. I am new to SCOM. Appreciate your help.

    When a port is disabled, an event 'xxx port is shutting down' is written to the event log, Then you can utilize SCOM to watch for the event, then write a script to restart it.
    Juke Chou
    TechNet Community Support

  • Unable to pick up the file from Receive Location

    BizTalk is  unable to pick up the files from receive location.
    My admin console is working so slow.
    It is showing the problem of snap-in as follows:
    I have checked all my receive location and its masking,it is working fine.
    Actually it is working fine in dev server(snap-in problem is not occuring in dev server ) but when I import MSI and binding in UAT server.
    It is not picking up the file from receive location.
    I want to know one more thing :if my message box database is not working fine,will it receive the files from receive location.

    For files not received by receive location. If the Receive Location is still enabled but files are not processed by Receive Location, then check whether the host instance  configured with your receive location is running. If the host instance is in
    running state, restart the host instance and try.
    Regarding the error in the admin console as shown in the image, people started to see this issue with admin console from BizTalk 2009 onwards. This happens in cases like you have done some activity with console and before its been refreshed it you do more
    activities like expanding the node you will see this error. Sometimes WMI is bit slowly to refresh your admin console screen. Just wait for few seconds untill the WMI screen is rendered completely. Ensure you have all the cumulative updates installed for your
    version of BizTalk and also ensure the service pack for your OS is updated.
    Obviously if message box is not working, files will not be received/processed. But if message box is not in healthy state this would affect all other application not just one and in-fact it would affect entire BizTalk not just Receive Locations.
    To start analysing this file not been processed by Receive Location, start with checking the host instance as mentioned.
    If this answers your question please mark it accordingly. If this post is helpful, please vote as helpful by clicking the upward arrow mark next to my reply.

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