Biztalk Outbound Edi

Can any one help me out n order to learn how to work on edi's in Biztalk (Outbound as well as inbound)??

Hi Debmalya,
I would suggest you to watch the below mentioned videos which presents a simple EDI scenario to explain how BizTalk Server supports exchanging EDI messages and the process of developing a BizTalk Server EDI solution.
EDI Tutorial 1: Before You Begin the Tutorial
EDI Tutorial 2: Create Trading Partners and Business Profiles
EDI Tutorial 3: Create Send And Receive Ports
EDI Tutorial 4: Create Trading Partner Agreement
EDI Tutorial 5: Test The Solution
Here's another helpful link for you -> Help materials for BizTalk EDI/As2
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    I have some EDIFACT files with a character set of UNOC though lowercase strings and umlaute should be allowed. These files should be batched in an outbound EDIFACT file. But the batching orchestration of the related send port throws some validation errors.
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    Hi Philipp,
    To define a character set in EDIFACT,
    UNA segment is used. After defining see, How Validation of an EDI Interchange Is Configured and Outbound
    EDI batching in BizTalk Server 
    Maheshkumar S Tiwari|User
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  • How to Archive Outbound edi messages in Payload?

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    Hi Khaja,
    You can check with "Adapter module MessageLoggerBean in a receiver communication channel" that may help you on this:
    Please refer following blog for more information

  • Outbound EDI missing envelope segment

    Outbound EDI file is missing envelope segment (ISA,GS,GE AND IEA). Input xml is getting processed successfully. However, the outbound EDI is missing the envelope segment. My vendor says he needs envelope segement. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for your help.

    Does it still still use transaction set ecs to validate the input file? or, does B2B use .xsd for validating the input edi xml file?In case of EDI, it is ecs always which is used for translation and validation (if translation and validation is enabled in agreement). XSD is only used for proving integration with back-end middleware. You may validate it by providing ecs only as part of document definition and enabling validation & translation in the agreement.
    Could this be the reason for not generating the envelope segment? The only reason why there is no envelope segments could be an invalid ecs.
    You mentioned that our ecs file is not valid. However, all seems to work without any issue except for envelope segment.When I say invalid then it means improper structure of ecs and that's why I pointed you to refer the sample ecs which comes as part of installation itself. You may match your ecs with that sample ecs and easily figure out the differences. Oracle B2B is already pre-seeded with interchange and group ecs and hence transaction set ecs must not contain these two parts. It should have only transaction set (ST to SE) defined in it. In case you have any specific requirement then ONLY you should override interchange and group ecs at respective settings in document definition otherwise you should go ahead with pre-seeded (actually standard) Group and Interchange ecs files.
    This document may be useful for you, if you have not gone through it yet -

  • Outbound EDI Invoice IDOC

    Hi ,
    I have a requirement for Outbound EDI invoice where  I need to validate something at the control record level and if it fails i need to Error out the IDOC say status 51 or any status in RED with my custom status message.
    I tried raising the exception in my user exit and it did'nt create the IDOC itself but i need the IDOC created with error status. Are there any other User exits in RSNAST00 or even in RSEOUT00 before  i write it to the file.? Basic idea is not to send the IDOC to sub system and reprocess it after correction.
    Any ideas on how to do this is really appreciated!!
    Edited by: Alvaro Tejada Galindo on Mar 10, 2008 4:22 PM

    Hi ..
    Am using the process code SD09..
    Veni, The user exits you mentioned, there is no error table to fill with..all i was able to do is raise an exception which is not creating the IDOC itself..
    There is a FM 'IDOC_STATUS_WRITE_TO_DATABASE' that i want to try .it needs the IDOC number but i dont have the IDOC no in any of the user exits in FM IDOC_OUTPUT_INVOIC...i need some user exit beyond that FM..
    Any ideas??

  • Parent model information in Outbound EDI 856

    Hi Gurus,
    We have a requirement to have top model information in outbound EDI 856 file for PTO/ATO/Kit items. The Parent model is not shippable and hence, not present in delivery details.
    Can you please help/guide me in finding a field/record in relation with parent model information in EDI 856?
    G V Ranjith

    Hi Dipanjan,
    In case of ATO items we would be having the configuration item in delivery details. The expectation from business is to show the model ordered.
    Also, in case of PTO or Kit items we do not have the configure item. We only have the componenets in delivery details.
    Based on the file defintion provided by Oracle at [] I coul dnot find any feild that shows top model info.
    Can you please, let m know of any workaround or customization options?
    G V Ranjith


    I was just wondering if anyone has implemented a Outbound EDI 870 - Order Status Report.
    Which Msg & IDOC Type can I use in SAP?
    Any ideas or places to look would be great.

      If 870 is a order status report kind of a document, you may have to go by the ABAP Proxy route.
    Have an abap program that pulls out all the information that is needed for 870 and create a proxy for such an interface in your R/3 system.

  • Outbound EDI 860/Inbound EDI 865 Integrated to JDE 9

    Has anyone successfully integrated an outbound EDI 860 and an inbound EDI 865 into JDE 9?

    I think Order05 should work for you. Let me try to answer your questions
    1) which IDOC message type should i use for this transaction, to send an 865 ?
    A: ORDERS. Basic type should be ORDERS05
    2) What program and Form routine should i use to send an 865 , while configuring the output type in V/30 ?
    A: RSNASTED. Form routine: EDI_PROCESSING which is pretty standard. You can use BA00 output type which is standard again.
    3) Please advice me the SAP setting we need to do for an 865 (order change Ack) .
    A:  i. You should have the EDI settings done by your Basis team. (Else Idocs will not generate)
         ii. You should create a partner profile in WE20 for KU customer, outbound.
        iii. In the Outbound options mention the port and other stuff. Maintain the message control. Note that you put in BA00 there in  the message type and put the right process code (Should be SD01).
    I think these are the only things. Try and this should work for you.
    Mukund S

  • Outbound EDI Invoice

    Hi Guru,
    I have requirement for devloping interface for outbound invoice that is IDOC to be passed on to the middleware(here it is <b>Biztalk(EDI subsystem)</b>).
    Port configuration is given,
    RFC is done,
    1>Does I need to ask for partner profile bcoz in this case IDOC has to go to   Biztalk(EDI subsystem) then Biztalk will send this to the partner.
    2> Data mapping sheat is given by the onsite team.
    3> <u>Invoice creation and IDOC generation:</u>
                                                Whenever invoice is created by  VF01 then IDOC is created and sent to the Biztalk(EDI Subsystem).
    The invoice IDOC will contain only those fields which are given in the Data mapping sheet and all the fields are available in the INVOIC01 Idoc type.<b>so how to get the IDOC that will contain only those required fields?</b>
    And what are the other steps that are required to achieve the Outbound INOICE scenario? Does i need to ask for output types and message control configuration but there is no condition is given in FS for IDOC generation.
    Please help me out.Your input is highly valuable to me so please send me step by step procedure.

    Hi ..
    Am using the process code SD09..
    Veni, The user exits you mentioned, there is no error table to fill with..all i was able to do is raise an exception which is not creating the IDOC itself..
    There is a FM 'IDOC_STATUS_WRITE_TO_DATABASE' that i want to try .it needs the IDOC number but i dont have the IDOC no in any of the user exits in FM IDOC_OUTPUT_INVOIC...i need some user exit beyond that FM..
    Any ideas??

  • Outbound EDI X12 document with multiple ST transactions segments

    Hello all.
    I am STILL using Oracle B2B MLR 16 and need the ability to send outbound transactions (EDI X12 856 4010) with one ISA envelope and multiple ST segments. When I enqueue the 856 to the IP Out queue with multiple ST's, B2B does not generate unique ST Control #'s and the segment count is doubled for the second ST loop. Is it possible to get an accurate segment count with the MACRO's?
    If this is not possible, will someone please help me understand the batching process. I have followed the instructions in the B2B_TN_012_EDI_OutBound_Batching.pdf file, but I am getting very generic null pointer errors in B2B.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you.
    Nick Graves

    Hello All.
    I am desperate for some help with batching. I cannot get the count/ID based batching to work or the time interval batching to work. I recveive the following error message with batch ID based batching:
    Error -: AIP-50014: General Error: java.lang.NullPointerException
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.handleMessageEvent(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.processEvents(
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.mime.MimePackaging.pack(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request.outgoingBatchRequest(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(
         ... 5 more
    Time interval batching produces this error:
    Error Brief :
    Duplicate transaction node GUID encountered.{br}{br}This error was detected at:{br}{tab}Segment Count: (N/A){br}{tab}Composite Position: 0{br}{tab}Sub-Element Position: (N/A){br}{tab}Characters: 0 through 0
    Duplicate transaction node GUID encountered.{br}{br}This error was detected at:{br}{tab}Segment Count: (N/A){br}{tab}Composite Position: 0{br}{tab}Sub-Element Position: (N/A){br}{tab}Characters: 0 through 0

  • B2B 11G Outbound EDI Envelope Override

    Hi all
    I'm working with B2B 11G and I'm trying to override the ISA and GS SenderID's for an outbound document through the internal properties. This functionality does not seem to work as it did in 10G. The default envelope is getting generated regardless if the internal properties envelope is there or not. I tried removing the identification ids from the agreement and it would just generate blank sender and receive ids in the edi file. I need to be able to upgrade a 10g solution which does this kind of enveloping.
    Is there a configuration option or setup I am missing to enable this functionality? Or is there another way for dynamically enveloping the outbound document?
    Sample EDIXML I am using
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
    <Transaction-855 xmlns:ns0="urn:oracle:integration:b2b:5953977F5B36478BA36533EE7E71C144" Standard="X12" Version="V4010" GUID="{12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012}" xmlns="urn:oracle:integration:b2b:5953977F5B36478BA36533EE7E71C144">
    <ns0:Data-Structure Name="Interchange">
    <ns0:Property Name="InterchangeSenderID">NewId</ns0:Property>
    <ns0:Data-Structure Name="Group">
    <ns0:Property Name="GroupSenderID">NewId1</ns0:Property>
    <ns0:Data-Structure Name="Transaction">
    <ns0:Property Name="TransactionID">855</ns0:Property>
    <ns0:Segment-ST> ...

    You need to mention them as the lookup properties as well. Here is an example
    <Internal-Properties><Data-Structure Name="Interchange"><Lookup Name="InterchangeSenderID">NewId </Lookup><Property Name="InterchangeSenderID">NewId </Property><Data-Structure Name="Group"><Lookup Name="GroupSenderID">NewId1 </Lookup><Property Name="GroupSenderID">NewId1 </Property><Data-Structure Name="Transaction"><Property Name="TransactionID">850</Property></Data-Structure></Data-Structure></Data-Structure></Internal-Properties>

  • Outbound EDI IDOCs for G/L document posting

    Hi All,
    I'm trying to generate outbound IDOCs from G/L documents (FB70, FB75 transactions).
    Of course INVOIC IDOC type does not work for this.
    Does anybody know which is the IDOC type for G/L documents?
    Really appreciated any help.
    Thanks and regards!
    Beatriz Balones
    SD and MM Senior Consultant

    it means you can use this document type only if you post the document by B.I (It's special usage).
    This characterist is setted in customizing (trx OBA7).
    You should choose another document type or change that configuration if you think it's wrong.
    In my system the flag "Batch Input Only" for SA is space.
    Message was edited by: max bianchi
    Message was edited by: max bianchi

  • BizTalk HIPAA EDI multi-input map doesn't generate node

    I have a BizTalk HIPAA solution that needs to merge an 837 claim schema with some data from our system. We're doing this with a map that has two input schemas, as shown here:
    (I've greatly simplified the schemas for testing purposes). 
    In the first input message, if IsRepriced = 1, I want to use our values for HCP_01, HCP_02, and HCP_03. If it's 0, use the values in the second message (the original 837 claim). The functoids shown work fine as long as the original 837 claim actually contains
    the HCP node (segment), but if it's not there I'm unable to generate one from our data.
    Replacing these with a scripting functoid using some if-then-else C# code has the same effect.
    So, is there a way to do this using functoids, or do I need to resort to XSLT? Unfortunately I know next to nothing about XSLT, so that's going to be difficult...

    I really, really hope someone else has a super-secret technique to solve this but....
    I frequently hit a brick wall with with the if missing-else paradign in a Map.  Sometimes Looping Functioids do the trick, sometimes not.  Sometimes a carefully placed Logical Existence -> Not works, sometimes no.
    It's mostly because if one of the source Records is minOccurs=0, the Mapper will wrap everything in a for-each.  Since the Element doesn't exist, the code never gets executed.
    I'd say >50%, I resort to inline Xslt because at some point, it becomes cleaner than a page of mostly duplicate Functoid groups.
    However, I'd bet the Xslt won't turn out as difficult a proposition as you think.  The Mapper can do most of the work for you.  You can build the bulk of the Map using Functoids, then just copy the resulting Xslt.  You will have to modify
    for some things, like namespaces.

  • Cancel Outbound EDI to sent further

    Every morning we send outbound Idocs to partners.
    Before sending the idoc, we review it briefly using a custom report.
    Current requirement is to modify the report so that user can cancel the idoc to send futher, in case they find any problem in data.
    I would like to know if there is any FM or a standard report available so that I can mark that Idoc not to be send further.

    Here is the procedure to create custom IDOC status
    1. Use maintenance view VEDI_STATS to create new entry for IDOC status from transaction SM30. Save the entry in Workbench request. (You won't be able to see your status in WE47 yet)
    2. Using transaction SE11 enter new record to table STACUST. Follow menu path Utilities->Table Content->Create Entries. You need to assign status group to your new custom status here. To see all status groups use transaction WELI.
    3. In step 2, sap might not ask for customizing request. In that case you need to save your new IDOC status from SE11 manually.
    4. Ok now you can see new IDOC status in WE47.
    Even though you categorizes IDOC status as Inbound or Outbound in Step 1 (VEDI_STATS), in BD87 it is hard-coded to treat IDOC as outbound only if it is less than 50.

  • Problem with Outbound EDI messages for shipping

    Hi Experts,
    we automatically generate the output SHAD (for shipment notification SHPADV) into the SD-transport.
    We are facing the problem that sometimes the output works (green) and sometimes not (yellow).
    When not, the status of the SHAD output is yellow and we can't find it into the VT70.
    Any idea ?
    PS: the SD-Transport has been generated into a Z-Programm and Batch Input.
    With Regards,

    This could be the problem of confilting namespace or combinations.
    in receive action just check that right message interface is configured at Inbound side.
    just check any place void ?
    1)just check the name as case sensitive.
    2)Just check is there interface belongs to right software component.
    3)Just check mapping assigned to the right combination or not.
    its better to cross check all the component are assigned to right place or not.
    ****if helpful then rewards points
    Sumit Gupta

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