Black MacBook Avatar?

Hey... for us current and future BLACK MacBook owners, where is the Black MacBook Avatar? We paid an extra $150 for something!!!

We paid an extra $150 for something
I hate to tell you how much I paid for my original 17" aluminum PowerBook back in '03, and I'm still waiting for an AlBook avatar....

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    I have a 2008 black MacBook and acess UK tv through a puchased proxy. I want to purchase a Sony Bravia internet connected tv and stream the site through a tv - Sony tell me this won't work - that a latest model tv cannot capture content and sites from a MacBook - is this true???? Surely there is a solution? Any help or advice welcome.

    They are correct.  The only stream you can wireless connect the TV to a Mac is through an AppleTV, and that's purchased content on iTunes, and your own homemade content that is H.264 MPEG-4 that is 1800kbps.   Conversion of commercial video to that format is illegal, and hence how can not be stated on the forum.    Alternatively, as long as the TV is HDMI, you can wired connect it to your MacBook using the same advice here:

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    I also have a black macbook and I recently purchased a 42" Sony Bravia TV and I have a few questions...
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  • Quick review of my wife's new Black MacBook

    OK - so SWMBO chose Black last night at the Apple Store. Store upgraded the stock 512MB (2x 256MB sticks) with 2x 512MB sticks and ran memory test to ensure all was AOK - it was.
    This MacBook replaced her 14" iBook G3 700MHz with 30gig HD, DVD-ROM/CD-RW and 640MB memory running Mac OS X 10.4.6 with all latest Apple updates.
    First impressions during use and transferring wife's files from her old iBook.
    1. Startup was flawless and connected FW400 cable between MacBook and iBook and restarted iBook in Target mode and selected to have all of wife's home files transferred along with other network settings etc. Transfer completed without problems.
    2. As soon as startup completed I Restarted (re-booted) and selected Software update. Geeeesh - there was a lot of stuff that Apple hadn't installed on this stock machine. Downloaded and installed all this stuff without problems.
    3. Now I ran Monolingual to remove all languages except English. This freed up some 3.2 GB of HD space. This took around 30 mins and placed a great deal of stress on the CPUs and HD. CPU activity was well above 80% (using and Monolingual chewed up lots of physical RAM and started eventually to cause pageouts on the 1gig of physical RAM. The top left quadrant of the MacBook got very hot. The lower surface of the quadrant was extremely hot and would be bothersome had it been on my lap. The cooling fan could be heard during most of the time Monolingual was running. I believe the Monolingual also removed a large number of language files - as many as 287,000 as before running it I recall seeing 437,000 files and now only have 154,000 files (can't be absolutely sure about these numbers as I did not log them at the time). However, if this is true then not only do you get some 3.2 gig of HD space back a huge reduction in file count which helps with SpotLight indexing and anything else that has to scan the file system structure.
    4. Ran SuperDuper to backup the HD to and external FW400 LaCie 60gig pocket HD. Took about 30 mins. The first run at this caused SuperDuper to complain it could correct the internal HD's permissions. So I quit SuperDuper and launched Disk Utility and ran Repair permissions. This completed with errors and then launched SuperDuper a second time and it did not have problems with the HD permissions. I observed that SuperDuper (not a universal binary) ran far quicker on the MacBook than it did on the iBook - I would say around 2x faster. After SuperDuper cloned the MacBook's HD I then verified I could boot up from the external FW400 LaCie drive. This worked flawlessly.
    5. QT Pro didn't come across from wife's iBook so had to reset the QuickTime Pro registration key.
    6. The MacBook screen real estate is less than the 14" iBook. It really is the height of the MacBook's screen that causes this. The MacBook's screen is same width as the iBook but is about 1.5" less in height. Overall the MacBook feels, looks and is smaller than the 14" iBook. The MacBook's screen display is clearer and brighter than the iBook's. The MacBook's screen display is very vibrant and more colorful than the iBook for sure.
    7. Opening the MacBook screen/lid takes a bit of getting used to compared to the method needed for the iBook.
    8. Keys are flush with the MacBook's outer surface which means they do not contact the screen when screen closed. The iBook's keys aren't and stick up some and can over time mark the screen with finger tip grease etc.
    9. MacBook's trackpad is larger than the iBook's and very welcomed - as is the two-finger scrolling feature.
    10. Adding a pic for accounts was fun as the iSight feature is by default used to capture a mug shot of yourself if you so desire.
    11. Performance of MacBook compared to iBook 14" 700MHz is not very noticeable IMO when doing Safari and Mail type activities. Things do happen with more snappyness though. Yes - SuperDuper ran 2x faster but normal use of MacBook so far doesn't tell me it's 2x2000MHz/700MHz or some 5.7x faster wrt CPU clock rates. I'm sure the MacBook is faster at doing CPU intensive things but have not done any scientific performance testing to post results. I get the feeling that this MacBook is maybe 2x to 3x faster and more snappier than the iBook. The Disk Inventory X utility screams on this MacBook.
    12. MacBook is lighter, thinner and more easily handled than the 14" iBook. It will also fit into the iBook 14" Bootq bag I bought for wife last Christmas.
    13. My wife likes the MacBook very much after a morning of use. She maintains the Black MacBook is cool looking and more professional looking than the White and pleased she chose the Black.
    14. We are both very pleased with the Black MacBook purchase at this time.
    The 14" iBook is now to be handed down to daughter #1 as a birthday+Xmas present.

    Update to my item 4 as there were some typo errors in it (sorry about that).
    4. Ran SuperDuper to backup the HD to and external FW400 LaCie 60gig pocket HD. Took about 30 mins. The first run at this caused SuperDuper to complain it could not correct the internal HD's permissions. So I quit SuperDuper and launched Disk Utility and ran Repair permissions. This completed without errors and then launched SuperDuper a second time and it did not have problems with the HD permissions. I observed that SuperDuper (it's a universal binary) ran far quicker on the MacBook than it did on the iBook - I would say around 2x faster. After SuperDuper cloned the MacBook's HD I then verified I could boot up from the external FW400 LaCie drive. This worked flawlessly.

  • What are the typical temerature ranges for the black Macbooks?

    Hello everyone,
    Posting this as a one-year owner of one of the earlier black MacBooks (Macbook 2,1 - mid 2007 - 2GHz Core 2 Duo) just wondering what the typical temperature ranges are for at idle and under load for this line of machine?
    I have modified the device slightly, putting a 120GB solid state drive, toping it out with 3GB of RAM and have Lion installed on it. I use it for a mixture of general web browsing and work (which does include running a Windows XP virtual machine in Fusion 4 although again, nothing heavier than testing websites in IE/Chrome/Firefox/Safari) and have just become a bit aware of the temperatures.. At idle (nothing running at all) the system is at ~40C and under load about 70C-80C, with the fan running flat out to cool it down. Watching YouTube videos does also put it up at this temperature, but I understand that Flash and OSX do not play nicely. I have opened up the device and blown compressed air into and around the fan intakes to clean it out, and most (if not all) of the time it is on a flat surface with adequate ventalation.
    I'm really wandering whether these temperatures are typical for this range of MacBook, as from experience a laptop of this spec should not be getting this hot.. Also a question for anyone that would be kind enough to take a stab - would it be worth me replacing the thermal paste on the CPU/GPU with some Arctiv Silver? I'd be comfortable doing that if it would benefit my heat issues. I've had a Google about this and the results are a mixed bag..
    Thanks for anyone kind enough to take a look at this!

    Okay well in lieu of any answers since I posted this (I am aware it was only a short while ago) but at the rate posts get buried on here, I wanted to post my own findings.
    Various posts across the we show that the white series of these MacBooks operate at around 50C-55C at idle and under load reach up to 80C. Apple says that it should shutdown at ~90C - the highest I have ever seen my MacBook get is 87C, so temperature wise:
    Idle: 50-55C
    Under load: 70C-80C
    Thermal Shutdown: 90C
    With the fans being noisy when under load, apparently there are two main "families" of the black MacBook. The earlier models (of which my one is) run at the above temperatures with a fan speed of ~6800RPM being fully open and ~1200RPM being idle. The Santa Rosa MacBooks however being a later model have a much more efficient - albeit more noisy - fan module. I daresay the Santa Rosa black MacBooks are more common being the newer model.
    So my findings - my temperatures of reaching 70C-80C are normal for the work I do. The fan speed being up to 6800RPM is fine - and the noise is just a trait of this line of MacBook sadly.

  • Dead Hard Drive on Black MacBook

    Can any one give any pointers as to how to replace a dead hard drive in a (approximately) two year old Black MacBook? Service guy trying to charge me £250+ to do it.
    Any help would be most appreciated.

    It's super easy.
    Go here and buy this HHD (I have bought 3 of them for my Mac laptops)
    Go here for simple instruction on installing it.
    One thing to remember is to re-format the HHD once installed using your install Disk #1. Reformat using GUID. Very simple to do. Can be installed in less than 10 minutes with the right tools (highly recommend buying the from OWC), and another few hours to reinstall everything.
    Right tools from here.
    Message was edited by: D/FW

  • How I copied all my Outlook Express data to my new Black MacBook

    Hi there!
    I just made the jump to the "Apple side" buying a shiny new Black Macbook, and having already got a lot of usefull information from this forum, I just wanted to give my little contribution...
    Here follows how I managed to copy ALL my Microsoft Outlook Express messages, settings and accounts from my "old" PC to my new MacBook:
    I just installed Mozilla Thunderbird on my PC and let the automated "import" function transfer all my data from Outlook Express; then I installed Thunderbird to the MacBook too (skipping all the setup procedures that start at the first run of the program).
    Then, on the "PC side", I located the folder where all the Thunderbird profile data is stored: it is something like "xxxxxxxx.default" (in my case "voakmfhs.default") and is stored in "C:\Documents and Settings\Windows_User\Application Data\Thunderbird\Profiles"
    So it was just a matter of copying all the "xxxxxxxx.default" folder from the PC to the Mac (on the "Mac side" just search for the "Thunderbird" folder and then open the "Profiles" subfolder where you have to copy all the stuff)
    The last step is to edit the Thunderbird "profiles.ini" file on the Mac, replacing the name of default folder that was assigned during the installation (which you can safely delete), with the name of the one copied from the PC...
    For any further question, feel free to ask
    Hope this is of some help!
    Ciao for now

    Transferring from old to new

  • Black MacBook hard drive and RAM upgrade

    I am looking to upgrade my black MacBook- 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo.
    I would like to increase the RAM - (currently have 1 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM) and would like to put in a new hard drive -( currently have 150 GB) I am wondering what hardware to get.
    I think I would like to increase the RAM to 4GB and the HD to 500 GB. anyone have strong opinions on increased memory and/or hard drive? There seems to be enough info out there on the actual upgrade process, but am not sure what to actually buy for this upgrade.

    I like dealing with [*Other World Computing*|> for all of my Mac upgrading needs. Their products are tested and guaranteed for all of the Mac models including yours. They also have excellent instructional videos. Check them out at the link provided. -GDF

  • Shall i put a 7200rpm hard drive into my black macbook for logic pro?

    hi, i bought high spec black macbook refurbished which came with a 5400rpm drive inside it.
    Im using logic pro, and its been running fine with small projects, but when i have a medium sized project using several vst instruments and exs24s using many audio samples, all of which are running off the internal.... i get error messages, system overload messages...and i am unable to bounce to audio file (in logic pro)
    im thinking its the slow hard drive which is causing the main problems.
    I have 2gb ram. It also takes sometimes over 5 mins to open this logic file. And then some!
    Or is this poor performance par for the course, if using just ONE internal drive, for both system files and audio storage....... ?
    Are there possible probs which may arise from taking out the 5400 drive and fitting a faster 7200 drive in to my macbook? I hear it will heat up could this mess with other macbook componets?? the excess heat...... or are macbooks bulit to handle 7200rpm drives too??? dont remember is 7200 was an optional upgrade with my model or not......
    2.4ghz intelcore2duo.
    Anybody fitted a 7200 drive into their macbooks???? all running ok??
    Would i simply put the new hard drive in..... and then boot up from boot dvds and my time machine have a full up to date system, all apps and file intact as they are now???? Im worried it will get messy and problems...... my current drive is packed to rafters with apps and files and work i have done......i dont want to lose a thing.....would it be a simple easy fool proof transition to faster hard drive????
    And could i still use the current hard drive? With an enclosure??
    Ive heard people have ripped out the opticla dvd drive and fitted ANOTHER hard drive into their macbooks, so the laptop housing two hard drives..... that sounds good...but crazy..... maybe later ill do i hardly use the cd/dvd drive...... and you can always hook it up with wire if need be......
    any tips or advice....would be most kind and helpful.

    I used Carbon Copy Cloner- do not use Time Machine for this- to make a bootable clone of the drive inside my Macbook Pro, and then installed the new, faster drive. I then booted from the cloned drive, and cloned that back into the fresh internal drive. That being said:
    1) I only did this since I bought the laptop used, and didn't get the install OS discs. I would have started fresh and installed everything myself, but then again, it wasn't my laptop, and I didn't care about what was on it. You might.
    2) You need to clone to an external Firewire drive if you want to make a bootable clone. Do not use USB. Do not use Time Machine, as its backups are not able to be booted from.
    3) The whole replace the internal DVD drive with another sounds pretty iffy to me. Just use the Firewire drive you'll now be having at you disposal for a variety of things, including possibly recording to. I can advise once I know what your interface is, if any, and if you've got a Macbook or a Macbook Pro- I forgot to look.
    You will get much better results with a 7200 RPM drive, by the way. You can certainly use the old drive in some sort of enclosure, although it's still a slow drive and all, so I wouldn't really invest much into it. Maybe put it in a USB enclosure and use it for backups, or for transporting material, or for cracking walnuts, maybe, if you have a walnut tree.
    Even in this fancy computer age, there is still nothing better than a freshly roasted walnut or pecan. Good luck, L

  • How to get OS X LION to clean install on late 2007 Black MacBOOK 1.3?

    I recently bought a late 2007 Black MacBOOK 1.3.
    Wanting to clean install LION, I formated the HDD and cleaned up the recovery partition by fusioning the two partitions!
    I had to install LION with the use of a friends account.
    This doesn't suit me because if I need something i'm depending of that friend.
    Since LION is gone from the APP STORE (at least i'm not able to find it) i'd like to know how can I get it in a legal way to be able, if needed, to do a fresh install of Lion?
    Thanks in advance

    Apple Phone Sales 1-800-692-7753

  • My Black Macbook froze using Safari.  I forced quit and restarted.  Before the chimes there was a single buzz, from below the keyboard.  What's that all about?

    My Black Macbook froze using Safari.  I forced quit and restarted.  Before the chime, there was a single buzz, from below the keyboard.  What's that all about?
    Might be RAM related if the above tip describes what happened.
    If not, and your data is not backed up, and it won't startup, read this tip:

  • How to install the lion if had an intel duo, it will be work? (black macbook only)

    hello there
    i need any help, i just want to know how to do with black macbook. so, i bought someone who owner with this black macbook from online. i received the macbook from the delivered and my boyfriend sets the upgrade for the lion osx for this black laptop. it says, this laptop had an intel duo. what i do to install the lion osx for intel duo other way? if cant, should i will replace the intel duo 2 for the lion osx? or should i go to see the apple store?

    thank you for answers and i went to the apple store yesterday. i talked with person about that macbook and they told me i cant upgrade the lion osx because of intel duo core without the number 2 with processor thats why. they suggest me that i need go to mac talk, inc and they could replace the new intel duo core 2 processor.

  • Is it possible to connect my 2008 black macbook, to my new 2014 macbook pro retina display screen to make a dual monitor. If this is possible what cables would I need to buy?

    Is it possible to connect my 2008 black macbook, to my new 2014 macbook pro retina display screen to make a dual monitor. If this is possible what cables would I need to buy?

    You can try using Screen Sharing in the Sharing preferences. Or try a third-party utility such as ScreenRecycler.

  • An affair with a black MacBook...

    Got my 2nd MacBook earlier today and having used it for the last 7 hours, here's some of my thoughts about it...
    I checked it out at the store for a few minutes, never really spent much time as I was set on the white MacBook but when I took it out of the gray cloth-like covering I quickly changed my mind, the black finish was really nice!
    Fit and finish was the same as my white MacBook which is great, no complaints whatsoever. Screen checks out fine, no dead or stuck pixel that I can see.
    I run /dev/null for about 25 minutes to see what temp it will go up to and it's nice to report that CoreDuoTemp shows that the temp went all the way up to 84 and the fan blasted full speed which brought down the temp to 77 then hovered at 80-81.
    I listened carefully to the "moo" sound from 66-70 degrees (tried it like 5 times) and no "moo" whatsoever.
    No whine either and the temp is basically same as my white MacBook. Idle's at around 48-50 degrees, with the Antec Laptop Cooler, it even goes further down 4-5 degrees.
    Now, the only thing I have done so far is WIPE the system and re-installed the OS from scratch (don't ask, it's just how I am). If anyone who are having "moo" and "whining" issue would like to voluteer to see if they re-install the OS from scratch if it makes any difference? Same with the heat issue too.
    I love everything about the black MacBook as with my white one but the black one is just sexy!!! though the love affair started fading away towards the end of the night as I quickly noticed finger prints all over where as my white one doesn't show any at all and I haven't even wiped it down since purchasing it Tuesday last week from the Apple store.
    ps. I setup another Ichat account so I can test video conference with my self with both laptops... that was more fun than Photobooth!!!
    Side by side pic
    "I'm too sexy for you!!!"
    Oily prints showing up on the trackpad.. yipes!
    Macbook 2.0 ghz with 2GB Ram   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   PowerEdge Server, IBM T43 Laptop/Dell 2405FP

    When the MacBooks first came out I immediately went to my Apple Store to check em' out. They only had a white one on display and I thought that was awesome! After playing with it a bit, I knew I had to have one but waited.
    Today...I had a chance to go back and they had a BLACK MACBOOK next to the white one. So I messed around on the black one awhile and even asked an Apple Rep to pop in a DVD MOVIE.
    WELL.....I started pulling my hair out trying to decide because...against all odds...I really got attached to the black MacBook but I also remember reading this thread before I went and realized I really wanted both. But like others, I can't afford 2 of them. I played around a gentleman checking out the white one next to me had no idea how OSX worked and I helped him out showing him things. A few minutes later he told...."Well I don't need one but I want one."
    Next thing I know he tells the Rep to get him a WHITE MACBOOK! I will be buying one next week but I've decided that I DO like the BLACK MATTE MACBOOK!
    The smudges and fingerprints were not near as bad as many people claim them to be. I'M SO GLAD I HAVE AN APPLE STORE NEARBY!

  • What kind of firewire do I need for a Black MacBook?

    I am trying to hook my Canon 3CCd Digital Video Camcorder to my Black MacBook, and I want to make sure that I get the correct Firewire cable.  What is the name and kind of cable that I need?

    Your MacBook uses 'FireWire 400'.....what the camera needs I do not know....

Maybe you are looking for