Blackberry playbook charger schematic

Hello! I broke my charger. Where can I find its electronic circuit  to repair it. Thanks!

i prefer teh magnetic charger so my USB port wont get abused
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    I need a Blackberry Playbook Charger , Please let me Know where can I find I am staying in Jeddah Saudi Arabia .
    Or I Need a Technical Team Guy who can come and check my Playbook .I tried with Axiom but there was no use they just give me a toll free no 80008147911.
    Thanks and regards 

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    Is there any chance it got wet? The symptom you describe sounds quite similar to what can happen in that case. If so, then:
    Run, don't walk, to this FAQ:
    Do everything it says, including waiting the maximum recommended time. Applying power to your BB between it getting wet and doing this process reduces the chances of success. Further, the only thing predictable about moisture intrusion into a BB (indeed, any electronic device) is that the results will be unpredictable. I've seen some come back up right away and be fine. I've seen others never work at all. I've seen still others run for a bit, and then die later. And every thing in between.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • Blackberry playbook charging?

    Hello guys my playbook does not seem to want to charge... When I plug it into the wall a red LED appears for about 15 seconds, then it goes off followed by a red battery icon with a white lightning bolt symbol in the middle of the screen for about 18 seconds, then that switches off and a yellowish green led fades in for about 3 seconds then goes back off and repeats the above process. I have left it like this for hours now, overnight. Still nothing.
    I have plugged it into the PC and the Blackberry software detects it and gives an error message saying Blackberry Desktop Software cannot communicate with the connected device, with 3 options retry, update and cancel if I press retry the playbook lights up 5 flashing yellow LEDS. Then the computer does not detect it. If I press update the playbook shows a solid green LED and starts to download and install the software, when it finishes it can't reboot because the LEDS flash yellow again and the computer is not detecting the playbook.
    Any help is much appreciated.

    I don't think many people, if any, know what causes this. I have two playbooks, which although obsolescent as far as support and OS are concerned, nevertherless have been drained of battery way beyond the warnings by my wife (hmm I think it went bong about an hour ago...) , flattened completely til they shut down, and they just charge up on the rapid desk stand and live to work another day. The important thing is to charge them straight away I think. If they are left days in that state they may well leach any remaining life away in their "black glowing screen" state. That seems to be when they need stack charging or a decent funeral.
    The rapid desk docking station charger is a good thing to try if you don't mind losing 20 bucks if it fails to fix it
    I just wish the darned things would die so I have an excuse to get an ipad. Nope, just keep on going.....

  • Blackberry Playbook won't charge no matter what charging device or method I use

    My Blackberry Playbook was charging fine and last night when I plugged it in it wouldn't charge at all.  I have tried using the Blackberry Playbook charger, my android phone charger, and the USB cable attached to my computer.  Nothing works.  The Playbook with turn on and boot up but then shuts off again.  Can someone help me?

    Yo MR, howzit;
    So, you got coconutbattery utility?, donation-ware: awesome. My MBP is like 49% of original battery capacity; 132 load cycles; sounds lame but I am surviving.
    Yeah, buying a battery ... Nothing like a new battery; which entails an expenditure. There were threads here last year about an AAPL credit for certain battery serial #s; search this forum. Else, keep trying: have you calibrated? The SMC reset; maybe try it again? Good luck; post back!
    Calibrating your computer's battery for best performance
    Resetting an Apple portable's System Management
    Controller (SMC)
    MacBook, MacBook Pro
    1. If the computer is on, turn it off.
    2. Disconnect the AC Adapter and remove the computer's battery.
    3. Press and hold down the power button for 5 seconds and then release the button.
    4. Reconnect the battery and AC Adapter.
    5. Press the Power button to restart the computer.

  • Blackberry Playbook Overheated but works fine, screen is dark from edges about 1 inch and the rest is a light color

    I woke up this morning and tried picking up my playbook but it was very hot and also still charging, then I took it off of charge and I let it cool down. The playbook turns on and functions fine, but the screen is dark from around the edges (about 1 inch)  and then light from the inner side. Also I never took my playbook into the sun or any other hot place and I think my factory blackberry playbook charger might be at fault. I didn't get any notification or any other type of hint from my playbook that it was hot or overheated. My playbook was turned off when it was charging and my bedroom was cool because of my A/C and ceiling fan. I don't understand how this happened and how can I make the screen go back to normal, It has been about 1 hour now and nothing has changed about the screen. 
    Go to Solution.

    My Playbook is fine now, the screen is normal again and the charger was at fault, but charge your BB playbook when itis turned on because my playbook was off and overheated and this was overnight. Also I resolved the screen problem by leaving it in a cool room in my home, and the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) crystals were probably just very hot and they had to cool down also the battery life is still the same . But the BB playbook is fine and works fast, also I still have all my files and every function work perfectly. I wrote this from the BB playbook.

  • Bought app in order to sync itunes with a blackberry playbook.  Now Itunes will open on my computer but when i plug  my ipods in to charge or sync, itunes is not showing that they are plugged in. Cant charge or anything!

    Obviously not too smart with all this technology.  I puchased a Blackberry Playbook Tablet and wanted to sync my itunes music, so following directions on the Playbook, I downloaded this app - Daniel Bingham Itunes sync - and when I went to my pc, I pulled it up, plugged in my Playbook and it did sync all my music from my Itunes library to the Playbook.  However, now when I plug an ipod in my pc to charge or sync more music, my pc is not showing it recognizes any of my ipods being plugged in.  It makes no mention of any of my ipods being connected!  I also keep getting this "Found New Hardware Wizard" box that keeps popping up everytime I plug an ipod in - it originally showed up when I had Playbook plugged in to download all its info (I think) but it never completes, saying not compatible - so I click cancel. I have since clicked on remove New found hardware but it still pops up. Why does it continue to show with every Ipod now?  Any idea on what I can do to repair this situation?  Please help!

    You performed all of the steps outlined in this link?
    You uninstalled and reinstalled iTunes?

  • Forum Mods, Please make this a sticky: BlackBerry PlayBook battery power charge, discharge characteristics, and guidance on extending battery life

    BlackBerry PlayBook battery power charge, discharge characteristics, and guidance on extending battery life
    The BlackBerry PlayBook may come to a power state where it is unable to power on; a Yellow LED may flash in a sequence of 5 flashes, the BlackBerry PlayBook may boot up to the BlackBerry PlayBook Logo and then power off, may not power on at all.
    Discharge behavior under normal use:
    Under normal active use, a battery drained to 10% will cause the device to prompt the BlackBerry PlayBook user (notification and audible beep)
    Without connecting a charger the device will automatically shut down at 3.53V (0%)
    Pressing the power button may allow successful boot, but it will turn off again very quickly
    Discharge behavior under no use:
    A device left unused but in ‘Stand By’ will warn the BlackBerry PlayBook user at 10% (notification and audible beep)
    The warning may not be noticed and the device will go back to ‘Stand By’
    Letting the device drain in standby mode drains the battery slower, but more completely
    Device will still shut off at 3.53V (0%), but it less likely to successfully boot afterwards
    Discharge behavior under 3.53V (0%):
    If the device is left to shutoff, the battery will continue to drain below 3.53V due to quiescent current draw from the motherboard and the battery fuel gauge
    With the battery between 2.7V-3.53V, pressing the power button causes the LED to flash a pattern (1 solid red light followed by 5 yellow blinks)  to indicate low battery (PlayBook Tablet OS version 1.0.5, and above)
    Below 2.7V there is no activity, or LED pattern displayed
    Charge Behaviour:
    The provided charger should be used to charge the device. The optional 12 volt rapid charger is may reduce charging times
    to approximately 3 to 4 hrs. Standard Blackberry smartphone chargers, other AC adapter USB chargers, or computer USB ports
    are not recommended for the sole purpose of charging the PlayBook as with these methods it may take more that 12 hours to
    charge the BlackBerry Playbook.
    If the battery voltage is below 3.53V(0%) then the charging behaviour is dependent on the software version.  The charging code will limit the charging current to under 400 milliamps, during which time, it may take an hour to reach 3.53 Volts. Once the battery voltage rises past 3.53 volts, then "high-rate" charging will start. If, after charging the Tablet for 4 to 6 hours still does not result in LED activity, attempt to force power on the BlackBerry Playbook by pressing and holding only the Power Button for only 20 seconds.
    Prior to BlackBerry Tablet OS 1.0.5:
    A BlackBerry PlayBook will never charge while powered off in BlackBerry Tablet OS versions prior to 1.0.5.
    The device will show a red light when the charger is connected and then nothing more
    Repeated connection of the charger can recover the device in some instances. 
    Once the battery voltage rises above 3.53V the system will boot and the UI will show charging
    Starting in BlackBerry Tablet OS 1.0.5:
    The device will show a solid red LED, followed by a solid yellow LED as the device boots into charging mode.  This is followed by a yellow pulsating LED indicating charging in progress.
    The time span between the red and yellow lights can be as long as 45 seconds as the device boots into charging mode. 
    Once the yellow LED illuminates, the device can be started, but it is advisable to let it charge for at least 3.5 hours to achieve a sufficient charge.
    The device will show a solid green LED once the device is fully charged.
    Starting in BlackBerry Tablet OS 2.0.1:
    Once the yellow LED begins pulsating indicating charging mode, if the BlackBerry PlayBook is disconnected from the charger, the following graphic will be displayed on the screen, indicating charging is not complete, and to reconnect the power source. The graphic will be displayed for 20 seconds before the BlackBerry® PlayBook powers off if the power source is not reconnected. The same graphic will also be displayed if the BlackBerry PlayBook is turned on and there is not sufficient power to perform the boot process.
    If the BlackBerry PlayBook is plugged into a power source, and the power button is pressed to power on the device, the following graphic will be displayed if there is not sufficient power to perform the boot process. If this occurs, the BlackBerry PlayBook should be left plugged in to gain enough charge to boot.
    Additional Information
    Turning off the BlackBerry PlayBook and using standby mode.
    Checking the battery power levelOn the status bar, tap the battery icon. When the battery power level is low, the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet will display a notification.
    Enter standby modePress the Power button on the top of the BlackBerry PlayBook..
    Exit standby modeSwipe down from the top frame to the bottom frame
    Turn off the BlackBerry PlayBookPress and hold the Power button. Tap Shut Down.
    To extend the BlackBerry PlayBook battery life, charge it regularly, close unused applications and keep the BlackBerry Playbook out of the sun and other hot places. The following may also be used to extend battery life:
    Dim the screenOn the status bar, tap the Options icon (a gear), select the Screen tab and change the Brightness setting
    Turn off the screen automaticallyOn the status bar, tap the Options icon, select the Screen tab and change the Backlight Time-out field
    Enter standby mode automaticallyOn the status bar, tap the Options icon, select the Screen tab and change the Standby Time-out field
    Turn off Wi-Fi when not in useOn the status bar, tap the Wireless icon and set the Wi-Fi switch to Off
    Turn off Bluetooth connectivity when not in use
    On the status bar, tap the Bluetooth icon and set the Bluetooth switch to Off
    Pause apps when you show the home screen or switch between apps  On the status bar, tap the Options icon, select the General tab and set the Application Behavior switch to Paused
    With the upgrade to PlayBook OS the following message may be displayed when connecting the Playbook to a PC using the micro-USB cable:
    Unable to charge battery with connected source
    This message is displayed because the voltage provided is insufficient for charging. The USB voltage is limited to 384mA even if the maximum tolerance is 500mA. The voltage is limited to 384mA by design to avoid violating the USB specification which states USB devices cannot draw more than 500mA from the USB port.

    TroyTempest wrote:
    I guess it's not what you know but whom you know. 
    Yup! Glad you're here though. I appreciate your contributions in the forums myself.

  • My BlackBerry PlayBook won't charge when connected to the computer via the micro-USB to USB cable

    Can anybody help me? I don't know why but lately, when I try to plug my BlackBerry PlayBook into my Windows 7 laptop using the micro-USB to USB cable, it connects to my computer without any problems but it won't charge. Instead, I get a notification in the top left corner saying "Unable to charge battery with connected sorce". I have four USB ports and I'm positive that they work just fine because I plugged in some of the USBs I own into each of those four ports and they recognized the USBs without any issues. Does anybody know how I can resolve this issue? Thanks.

    The notification is by design and was added to clarify that USB charging is not to be relied upon as a main method of charging. Instead RIM's good intention has caused confusion.
    USB (by design) can not provide the amount of power the device needs while it's being used. Technically, it is still trickle charging but the screen has to be off (and I'd turn off Wi-Fi too) since they are high power draining items.  I have verified that the PlayBook does indeed still charge but it takes much, much longer than plugging it into a wall charger or rapid charger. In a crunch it will work but the computer has to be on the entire time. A full charge would take many hours.

  • Blackberry Playbook not charging -have two exactly the same and both not connecting to!!

    Bought my two children a playbook each last Christmas. They were fine for the first six months but have had problem after problem with charging and battery life ever since. It has now come to the point that the playbooks haven't been used for the past few months and are sat on the computer desk, unused!! The chargers do not connect-they're plugged in, but the connection doesn't get through. I have also bough numerous other compatible chargers but have had the same problem with them so we now know it is the playbook rather than the charger.
    Has anyone else had this problem? HELP!! We don't want to waste the money we spent on two Playbooks only a year ago-I don't think six months use is acceptable from a piece of technology such as this.

    Hello mljackson680,
    Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums.
    If you're receiving the flashing green LED light, it sounds like the BlackBerry PlayBook battery is completely drained.  I suggest plugged the BlackBerry PlayBook into the wall charger for several hours to get a charge again.
    Let me know if the issue still persists after charging it after several hours.
    VIA | ViciousFerret
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  • Blackberry playbook glitches

    Here in this video, I recorded what's wrong with the playbook:
    Basically, over a year the playbook been glitching up, doing random things, such as opening/closing windows and typing random things.  My 1 year warranty with the manufacture is over at the start of the incidence which is why I didn't bother trying to fix it.  I tried to reformat about 10 times now, but no luck.  
    This is the first time with this issues.  I sent the playbook back twice now.  The first time was because of some battery issues/charger issue where it ran out of battery and won't charge up.  The second time it was because they fix the charging problem/battery but the playbook they sent back wasn't put together properly where the volume buttons were out of place.
    If anyone have a solution to this, it would be great.  Thanks

    it can be from a faulty charger with a dirty output AC on the DC out or pulses
    my wifes used a LG charger that looked similar to the playbook charger and the odd random stuff happen on the screen too
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  • Problems with Blackberry Premium Charger

    I have an issue and i'm not sure if it's my charger.
    When I connect my premium charger (that came with my Playbook), sometimes it does not charge my Playbook.  I have to reset the playbook for it to start charging.  
    It will NOT charge my Bold 9930 anymore.  It used to, but now it says the charger will not recharge my blackberry battery.  
    I'm running all the up to date OSs, do i have a bad charger???

    My PlayBook charger works flawless with my Torches, 9700, 8520, HS 500, HS 700, VM 605.
    If its wonky with two of them, might be the charger.
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  • Playbook charging problem help needed

    I am having the same sort of charging issue. (I will start with the most recent)
    I charge the PB on the stand charger and the wall plugin and get the charging bolt, but after 8 hrs. or more the battery icon shows 0%.
    Knowing this, I can remove the PB from the charger and the PB is usable except for some apps wont load, and crash to home screen.
    As of now the battery shows 0% after charging all night (11 hrs.) it's been on and running now for 5hrs without a charge and the battery showing 0%!
    I know from past experience, explained below, that if I try to restart I get the 5 flashing lights and have to plug the PB back in for a minute or two to get it to turn on again, it won't turn on unless it is plugged in.
    Additional background....
    - Charging irregularities started after os2 upgrade.
    - I did a security wipe and Os reinstall twice. The first reinstall attempt didn’t let me get passed the "waiting for PB to reach 20% before continuing" stage so I unplugged and thought I would try again when I got home, as I was at a hotel. When home I put PB on charger and magically the download started. Charge got up to like 57% and didn’t move after completing install, restarted and it was at 0% again. Put it on the stand and it turned itself back on like it’s supposed to do.
    - second security wipe reinstall went a bit better but it wouldn’t go past the terms of agreement - select country page unless I did a restart 2 or 3 times to keep it moving (done while plugged in wall charger or on the stand charger)
    - PB sometimes would charge but then would "stall" and remain at the 47% or 80% with no change in power display and again wouldn’t restart unless plugged in. And when restarted when plugged in after very long charge and display showing a charge of like 77%, would come back on with a low charge 10% or 33% etc. very erratic!
    - Most recently Friday May 4...i thought problem was solved! Charging looked normal. Charging gradually when up to 100%. Used playbook battery showed normal discharge for 3 - 4 hr. off and on use off charger; down to 70 - 80%. Put back on charger for a while and charge would come back up. Put it on charger over night after a day of use and back up to 100% (something that had not happened in quite some time)
    But then Sunday, the charging mystery returned with the battery display "stalling" at 57% with no change after normal use and charging for a few hours, I did a restart and again got 0% battery. Even after the above 11 hour charge it's still at 0% for 6 hours unplugged and powered on!!!!  WTF??
    Go to Solution.

    You can enable wifi sharing to backup the playbooks contents.
    How to transfer files to and from the BlackBerry PlayBook
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  • Blackberry Playbook won't reboot

    Hi there,
    I wonder if you can help me. I have a problem with my playbook as it won't reboot. When I switch it on the red button coms up and all seems to be working fine. However after about 1 minute of rebooting, the playbook switches off. Can you please help.

    Hannahduggan9 wrote:
    My blackberry playbook won't turn on -_-
    This darn thing WON'T TURN ON! No lights come on or anything either.
    Connect to your known good wall outlet charger.
    Leave it connected for several hours.. even 24 hours.
    Every 4-5 hours WITH THE CHARGER STILL CONNECTED, press and hold down the power button for 20 seconds.
    If you see any LED red or yellow activity, that is good. LEAVE it to continue to charge.
    REPEAT this:  Every 4-5 hours WITH THE CHARGER STILL CONNECTED, press and hold down the power button for 20 seconds.
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  • How to Replace Playbook Charger?

    Dear Admin,
    I had brought Blackberry Playbook 16 Gb 3.5 months ago i.e. on 25 May 2012 from flipkart. From Past few days playbook charger won't work properly, I also tried to charge it via USB cable to connect it with my PC, it shows that your pc is connected with playbook but it won't charge the playbook. I am afraid to use another charger with same slot as mention in blackberry guidelines it cause serious issue for your playbook. 
    I had also call direct support no. 0008001007985 for further assistance. They said to register your playbook from​contact.jsp but when I entered the S/N it shows the following megs:
    "Unfortunately, your BlackBerry® PlayBook™ tablet does not qualify for Complimentary Support. You can, however, get assistance using incident based support from Research In Motion."
    In that case what are ways to replace my charger which I feel is malfunctioned. Or anyother way to charge my playbook. Playbook is still under 1 year warranty period.
    Should I go directly to Service center in Gurgoan or Delhi?
    Amit Pandey

    Did you let it completely discharge and then try to charge it? The PlayBook will not charge even on a working charger when completely discharged. You have to stack charge it to get it back. If the battery is too far discharged it may not come back at all.
    Some have had to disassemble the device in order to charge the battery enough for the charger to work. Some searching of the Internet and this forum will bring lots of threads on how to revive your Playbook.
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  • BlackBerry PlayBook wil not switch on

    I can't get my BlackBerry PlayBook to switch on properly. I read a message on the forum which is a few years old:"If you unplug the mains charger, re-insert the charger until the red light goes out for a approx 10-15 times, then when you hold the power on button for approx 15 seconds you get the dead battery symbol, leave the charger inserted, then you get a flashing green-ish LED light, after approx 1-2hrs, it will switch on!!" My PlayBook is coming on to the stage where the BlackBerry PlayBook words are on the screen as shown in the attached picture.  I am not getting a red light going out when I unplug the mains charger and re-inserting it. Please help.

    You need to follow these instructions to "debrick" your PlayBook:
    1. With the Desktop Software still open on your computer and the PlayBook powered off, connect the PlayBook to your computer once again. 
    2. You should see an error screen from Desktop Software popup with the options to Retry, Update, or Cancel.
    Very quickly choose the Update option. If not, press and hold the power button for 20 secs. 
    3. All information will on your PlayBook will be erased and a reload of the Software will commence to install on the PlayBook.
    4. Once this is complete your PlayBook will go back through the initial (as if new) setup wizard (entering the BlackBerryID, etc., and then you can perform a restore using Desktop Software to return your personal data from a previous backup. Applications which you downloaded from AppWorld won't restore, but they can be easily reinstalled using AppWorld > MyWorld section of AppWorld.
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