Blazeds Http1.1 Problem

When I use Blazeds,it can't push data to my browser,but  it  can send to others.
logs like that:
[BlazeDS]Endpoint with id 'my-streaming-amf' cannot service the streaming request made with  HTTP 1.0. Only HTTP 1.1 is supported.
I use IE8,and settings like this:

Try using a Web proxy tool like Charles, to capture the request and response between the browser and the server and see what request headers are being sent to the server. From your initial post, it looks like the browser is sending across a HTTP/1.0 requests across to the server. Streaming channel requires a HTTP/1.1 protocol for communication.
PS. BTW, as per the attached image, I don't know what locale you are using, but certainly the English locale IE 8 browser Internet Options looks a lot different. I can't read what checkboxes have been selected in the dialog.

Similar Messages

  • Blazeds messaging header problem

    I have been using blazeds messaging for several weeks now it
    thought it was working fine. But somehow it's losing information
    Here is some of the code I've been using to create the
    var message:IMessage = new AsyncMessage();
    var arc:ArrayCollection = chartList.getChartList();
    trace(" send chartLIST len ", arc.length);
    message.headers["charts"] = arc;
    The trace shows that the charlist has 3 elements when sent.
    But in the java method which receives the code it comes up
    with a list of size zero:
    public Object invoke(Message message) {
    Map info = message.getHeaders();
    ArrayList chartList = (ArrayList)info.get("charts");
    System.out.println(" CHART LIST Size: "+chartList.size());
    // more code below to delete chart...
    The ArrayCollection to ArrayList works in other parts of the
    code. I have no idea why it's failing at this point and again this
    code was working before.

    Ok, so well no one responded...In case anyone in the future
    stumbles into this problem, I think I've found out the problem.
    Since I was deleting this info, I was sending the delete
    request to my java code (which read the array of ChartObjects and
    deleted each one using the name of the chart to delete it from the
    database) and then immediately afterwards, I was deleting the same
    data structures in my flex code.
    Apparently Flex doesn't copy the data and send it, but sends
    the actual data or a reference to it. So even though my lines to
    remove the data were after the database delete request, by the time
    the database deletion got executed in the system, the data had been
    erased by flex. It seems like Flex does not handle events in
    sequential order as it is written in the code. I've run into this
    in other places with messaging and flex. So I'll just have to
    rewrite the logic to take into account this behavior.

  • Trouble with BlazeDS after upgrade

    I am in the middle of developing an application with Blaze and upgraded my flex builder from 3.1 to 3.2 today. My flex client wont start any more .. I get an exception in here..
    / WSRP support
    // If we have an WSRP_ENCODED_CHANNEL in FlashVars,
    // use that instead of uri configured in the config file
    502 if (LoaderConfig.parameters.WSRP_ENCODED_CHANNEL != null)
    because LoaderConfig.parameters is null.
    I uninstalled and reinstalled the packages but I am still stuck.
    Any hints appreciated :)

    Alex .. thanks for your reply.
    I solved this problem (finally!) and am recording the issue in the hope it might save someone else some time in the future.
    I had actually updated everything to the latest version. So it wasnt a problem with mismatched versions between the sdk and blazeds. The problem is/was actually some change in behaviour in the blaze/sdk code itself.
    What I was doing...
    In my application I had some global variables as follows..
    var public manager:CommunicationManager = new CommunicationManager();
    The constructor of the communication manager looked like...
    var consumer:Consumer = null;
    function CommunicationManager() {
    consumer = new Consumer();
    consumer.destination = "foo";
    consumer.subtopic = "bar";
    The subscribe call is where things came unstuck as I described in the original post. Looking in more details into the code, you see that the LoadConfig fields have not initialized by the SystemManager at the stage that the constructor is called, and this causes the null pointer exception. (If you look in the SystemManager code LoadConfig is initialized directly after the call this ends up initiating the initialization of my application).
    My workaround was to recode the subscription setup into a method that is invoked later..
    function getModel():ArrayCollection {
    if(!init) {
    consumer = new Consumer();
    consumer.destination = "foo";
    consumer.subtopic = "bar";
    init = true;

  • Problem in Blazeds with Jboss Clustering ( Mod_JK with SSL )

         We are running our flex application in jboss clustering environment with the help of Apache mod_jk(Apache Web server as front end with mod_ssl enabled). We are using the SecureAMFChannel as we deploy the application in SSL. We use the RemoteObject for communicating with Java.
    The Application is running fine when we have only one node of JBoss. But once we add one more node to the cluster the application throws the following exception .
    Duplicate HTTP-based FlexSession error: A request for FlexClient 'FDCA49A7-9317-4D8A-881F-9248B1136E7A' arrived over a new FlexSession 'C9C563B8266A03C2207C00796CD7DFF1', but FlexClient is already associated with  FlexSession '8A328320F5C530D55E94568996A1B552', therefore it cannot be associated with the new session.
    As I am maintaing the session in the server, I need to use the JBoss cluster for session replication. I heard that flex clustering is not needed as we have mod_jk and it will do all the stuff for us.
    I checked with simple application without any session data also then too I faced the same problem.
    After the very first login, I can see 2 session created simultaneously and destroyed. I checked the application whether it calls twice before the session is created, but it is calling only once.
    Also when application connects with server2 and if I down the server2 my flex application throws the error that the server is not found, It is not detecting the other server.But it works once I refresh the browser.
    Application Environment Details
    JBoss 6
    Blaze Ds 4.5
    Apache Web server 2.2.21
    Mod_JK   1.2.32
    Mod_SSL 2.8.31
    Suresh T
    I enabled the sticky session in Mod_jk .
    It is working when the connection is not secure(http) in both apache web server and jboss web server ). But when the connection is https the above problem is happening .
    Message was edited by: suresh.thirumurugan

     Thanks for your info.
      It worked for me as well.
    On 6/26/08,
    Matthieu Labour <
    [email protected]> wrote:
    A new message was posted by Matthieu Labour in
    Configuration and Getting Started Discussion --
      Problem with configuring BlazeDS with JBOSS
    You might want to download the following tutorial
    it works on jboss
    View/reply at
    Problem with configuring BlazeDS with JBOSS
    Replies by email are OK.
    Use the
    unsubscribe form to cancel your email subscription.

  • Intermittent problem in Coldfusion 9, BlazeDS with Java Service class and CFCProxy

    If that title doesn't scare you, you might be able to help.
    I believe there is a bug in Coldfusion 9's version of CFCProxy.
    Tech Stack:
    Flex Application
    BlazeDS (stock with CF9)
    Java Service class (java-amf BlazeDS endpoint)
    Coldfusion business tier, invoked by the Java Service class using CFCProxy
    Tomcat 6 on Java 1.6
    Linux or Windows servers, both exhibit same behavior
    SQL Server database
    When Flex calls a Java service method through BlazeDS that invokes a Coldfusion CFC through CFCProxy, and the method called in the Coldfusion CFC includes a large query (10 fields, 1000+ records returned), we intermittently (1 out of ~5 times) receive the following exception:
        at coldfusion.runtime.NeoPageContext.popBody(
        at coldfusion.filter.SilentFilter.invoke(
        at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ReturnTypeFilter.invoke(
        at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ArgumentCollectionFilter.invoke(
        at coldfusion.filter.FunctionAccessFilter.invoke(
        at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.runFilterChain(
        at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke(
        at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxy.invoke(
        at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxy.invoke(
        at coldfusion.cfc.CFCProxyFilter.invoke(
        at coldfusion.filter.ApplicationFilter.invoke(
        at coldfusion.filter.ClientScopePersistenceFilter.invoke( 8)
        at coldfusion.filter.GlobalsFilter.invoke(
        at coldfusion.filter.DatasourceFilter.invoke(
        at coldfusion.cfc.CFCProxy.doInvoke(
        at coldfusion.cfc.CFCProxy.invoke(
        at com.lampo.mapping.service.MapToolWebService.makeCfcProxyCall(
        at com.lampo.mapping.service.MapToolWebService.getTerritoryList(
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        at flex.messaging.MessageBroker.routeMessageToService(
        at flex.messaging.endpoints.AbstractEndpoint.serviceMessage(
        at flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.MessageBrokerFilter.invoke(
        at flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.LegacyFilter.invoke(
        at flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.SessionFilter.invoke(
        at flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.BatchProcessFilter.invoke(
        at flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.SerializationFilter.invoke(
        at flex.messaging.endpoints.BaseHTTPEndpoint.service(
        at flex.messaging.MessageBrokerServlet.service(
        at coldfusion.flex.ColdfusionMessageBrokerServlet.service(ColdfusionMessageBrokerServlet.jav a:114)
        at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
        at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet.service(
        at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.j ava:290)
        at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
        at coldfusion.filter.FlashRequestControlFilter.doFilter(
        at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapFilter.doFilter(
        at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.j ava:235)
        at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
        at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
        at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
        at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
        at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
        at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
        at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(
        at org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler.invoke(
        at org.apache.jk.common.HandlerRequest.invoke(
        at org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket.invoke(
        at org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket.processConnection(
        at org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket$SocketConnection.runIt(
        at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$
    Attempts to diagnose:
    These things remove the problem:
    CF8 works perfectly with the identical code, never fails.
    Calling the same Coldfusion CFC method with the large query (10 fields, 1000+ records returned) from another CFC 100+ times never fails.
    Using a Coldfusion service class (a "my-cfamf" BlazeDS endpoint) never fails. However, we need to use a Java service class because we are using ~40 Java value objects (VOs) that correspond to ~40 auto-generated Actionscript VOs. BlazeDS won't correctly deserialize the Actionscript VOs into the Java VOs with a Coldfusion service class.
    If I replace the large query with a Sleep(5000) instead, it never fails.
    These things don't remove the problem:
    Using the latest Microsoft JDBC driver doesn't help.
    Even if the Coldfusion method returns an empty resultset (i.e., just calls the query and doesn't do any other work or return anything), the call still fails intermittently.
    If the Coldfusion CFC with the method in question is instantiated and stored in SERVER scope as a singleton across multiple requests with CFCProxy, doesn't help.
    Different large (1000+ record queries) all fail in the same way.
    Caching the query doesn't help
    Changes in the datasource configuration doesn't help
    Using the older version of BlazeDS doesn't help
    With all of these tests, I believe it comes down to a problem in the combination between CFCProxy and large queries. There may be more to it, but that is what we've narrowed it down to.
    Any insight would be very welcome.

    Hi Frank
    The page is ADF bound, I've added the page source and the adfc-config source below :
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
      < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
        <af:document id="d1">
          <af:form id="f1">
            <af:commandButton text="commandButton 1" id="cb1"
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
    <adfc-config xmlns="" version="1.2">
      <view id="view1">
      <managed-bean id="__4">
        <managed-bean-name id="__3">test</managed-bean-name>
        <managed-bean-class id="__2"></managed-bean-class>
        <managed-bean-scope id="__1">request</managed-bean-scope>
    </adfc-config>It seems to be the same sort of problem as in Re: Error in ADF Web Service Connection

  • Problem in RPC call (flex,blazeds,spring,H2,tomcat,eclipse)

    Hi, I've problem displaying value from backend onto the flex UI. I'm using Flex,BlazeDS, Spring, H2 in my applicaiton (testdrive app).  
    I've basically added another flex project to the testdrive app i downloaded. everything is working fine except the intended rpc invoke. 
    pls find the code snippets for the related change below :  
    1. FlexHelloWorld.mxml 
    private function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void 
    //used for debugging - shows details about result 
    //returned by the Java class method"success... in flex"); ObjectUtil.toString(event.result) ); 
    <mx:RemoteObject id="ro" destination="helloServiceDestination" result="resultHandler(event)" fault="faultHandler(event)"/> 
    <mx:Panel x="25" y="10" width="653" height="407" layout="vertical" title="Test Flex 3 Using Java" borderColor="#008040" fontFamily="Arial" fontWeight="bold" fontSize="13"> 
    <mx:Text text="Click The Button To Test Getting Data Into Flex From A Java Class" fontWeight="bold" width="250"/> 
      <mx:Button label="Get Hello World Mesg From Java!" click="ro.getHelloWorld()"/> 
    2. remoting-config.xml in flex 
    <destination id="helloServiceDestination" channels="my-amf"> 
    3. flex-servlet.xml in spring 
    <flex:remoting-destination ref="helloServiceDestination" /> 
    4. app-config.xml in spring 
    <bean id="helloServiceDestination" class="org.springframework.flex.samples.example.HelloWorld">   
    package org.springframework.flex.samples.example; 
      * TODO Document HelloWorld 
      * <p /> 
      * @author Vinod.Jayakumar 
    public class HelloWorld { 
    public String getHelloWorld(){ 
         return "HelloFromJava"; 
    expected result : http://localhost:1977/testdrive/FlexHelloWorld.html on click of button in the screen a alert message "HelloFromJava" should be shown but i get the following error message :  
       content = (null) 
       errorID = 0 
       faultCode = "InvokeFailed" 
       faultDetail = "Couldn't establish a connection to 'helloServiceDestination'" 
       faultString = "[MessagingError message='Destination 'helloServiceDestination' either does not exist or the destination has no channels defined (and the application does not define any default channels.)']" 
       message = "faultCode:InvokeFailed faultString:'[MessagingError message='Destination 'helloServiceDestination' either does not exist or the destination has no channels defined (and the application does not define any default channels.)']' faultDetail:'Couldn't establish a connection to 'helloServiceDestination''" 
       name = "Error" 
       rootCause = (null) 
    Request you all to provide your valuable inputs. I know there's really something silly which has gone wrong

    Hi jvk180:
    Firstly, you should either need to define the destination in remoting-config.xml or in app-context.xml, but and in both places.
    Secondly, the error indicates that it is missing the channel information.
    Option 1:
    Assuming your bean "helloServiceDestination" uses other Spring beans, then:
    1. The right place to declare the destinations is in app-context.xml.
    2. In that case, you need to also define the channels that the destination will be exposed over. See documentation for how to do that.
    3. In your remote object declaration, you need to pass the channel set that gets used as well.
    <mx:ChannelSet id="cs">
       <mx:AMFChannel url="http://<yourServerName>:<yourServerPort>:/<yourContextRoot>/messagebroker/amf"/>
    <mx:RemoteObject id="ro" destination="helloServiceDestination" channelset="{cs}" result="resultHandler(event)" fault="faultHandler(event)"/>
    Option 2:
    If you declare your destination, in remoting-config.xml, then you need to compile your swf with services-config.xml. Refer to documentation for how to do that.
    Hope that helps.

  • Problem integrating BlazeDS into CF8 (StreamingAMFChannel not found)

    Hi everyone,<br /><br />Ive been trying for days now to integrate BlazeDS into one of my Coldfusion 8 multi-server instances, and I get the following error in Flex Builder 3: Channel definition, mx.messaging.channels.StreamingAMFChannel, can not be found.<br /><br />Sorry for the dreadful amount of information that's coming, I just want to be sure I didnt do anything wrong here.<br /><br />My goal is to use the tutorial-chat application proposed by Adobe here: but obviously without Tomcat.<br /><br />Ive got integrated LiveCycle Data Services ES, so I followed the corresponding instructions of the Installation Guide (<br /><br />I edited "web.xml" as asked Then, I followed the optional steps (#8 to 12) to avoid overwriting my current XML files.<br /><br />I restarted my CF8 instance, and then created a new Flex project in Flex Builder 3.<br /><br />b -       Project name = <br />tutorial-chat<br /><br />b -       Folder = <br />\\london\nath\tutorial-chat<br /><br />b -       Application type = <br />Web application<br /><br />b -       Application server type = <br />J2EE<br /><br />-       Use remote object access service, LiveCycle Data Services.<br /><br />b -       Server location = <br />\\london\cfservers\nath\cfusion.ear\cfusion.war\<br /><br />b -       Root URL = <br />http://london:8303/ (which points to my folder \\london\nath)<br /><br />b -       Context root = <br />/tutorial-chat<br /><br />b -       Output folder = <br />bin-debug<br /><br />According to the XML files in the blazeDS samples folder, I added these lines to messaging-config.xml:<br /><br /><default-channels><br />        <channel ref="<br />b my-streaming-amf<br />"/><br /><channel ref="<br />b my-polling-amf<br />"/><br /></default-channels><br /><destination id="tutorial-chat"/><br /><br />And these in services-config.xml:<br /><br /><channel-definition id="<br />b my-streaming-amf<br />" class="mx.messaging.channels.StreamingAMFChannel"><br />]<endpoint url="http://{}:{server.port}/{context.root}/messagebroker/streamingamf" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.StreamingAMFEndpoint"/><br /></channel-definition><br /><br /><channel-definition id="<br />b my-polling-amf<br />" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel"><br />]<endpoint url="http://{}:{server.port}/{context.root}/messagebroker/amfpolling" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/><br />]<properties><br />]]<polling-enabled>true</polling-enabled><br />]]<polling-interval-seconds>4</polling-interval-seconds><br />]</properties><br /></channel-definition><br /><br />I restarted my CF8 instance and rebuilt the workspace in Flex.<br /><br />And I get in the Problems panel:<br /><br />b Channel definition, mx.messaging.channels.StreamingAMFChannel, can not be found.<br /><br />Has anyone come across the same issue? And hopefully, come up with a solution? :)<br /><br />Thanks for taking the time to read me.<br /><br />Nath

    Hi Mete,
    rpc.swc is appearing under my Server SDK library path.
    But I have no idea how to check if it is out of date... Both Flex and BlazeDS are kind of new to me.
    I tried replacing it (+ the locale) by the ones from the flex SDK included in BlazeDS turnkey, but no luck: Flex Builder returns a "unable to load" error.
    EDIT: out of curiosity, I tried removing the streamingAMF channel definition, so that the polling channel is used.
    No error in Flex Builder, but when I try sending a message in the chat application, I get "Channel.Connect.Failed error NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Failed: url: 'http://london:8303/tutorial-chat/messagebroker/amfpolling'".
    (and in my browser I get a 404 error with this URL)

  • Problem with EJB3 - BlazeDS on Glassfish

    Hi, I'm new in BlazeDS. I have a problem with Flex application using BlazeDS on Glassfish. I want to call sayHello method from EJB 3 (stateful or stateless) from Flex but I can't correctly configure BlazeDS. I search in internet from two weeks for examples, but most of them is for JBoss. Can somebody show me full config for BlazeDS, Flex application (and Glassfish if it's needed).
    I should be grateful for any help.

    Lucasz, did you find out how to configure BlazeDS on GlassFish ?
    I'm having trouble also. We need to run on glassfish/netbeans/toplink, which is not quite common in the doc's/web. Even granite is very eclipse/jboss/hibernate oriented.
    I just need some good EJB3Factory available, or an example, and a way to match JNDI calls from glassfish to my blazeDS destinations.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.
    el sebastian
    upside down, from south america.

  • BlazeDS country specific connection Problems

    Hello everybody,
    we have a Flash Webshop Application with BlazeDS Service, which works fine in Germany and many countries and even in China over a Akamai Cloud.
    But a strange issue we have connection problems from Finland, UK and AT - sometimes also from Italy and  hapens sporadically in certain times, where the connection is slow and the Application show connection timeout problems. We have also IBM provider logs with timeouts after 8 second ( ERR_NETWORK_RESET ) and other messages about 502 Gateway timeout.
    We have done also some analysis at Akamai and there we get connection timeouts from Server.
    What in the world could be the Problem with this countries / country routings ?
    Some Experts have checked the Problem and never find what it could be.
    Here some Datails of our architecture.
    We have an LoadBalancer with 6 Server behind and some times about 1000 Users per Server. I know the blazeDS support 100 concurrent connections.
    We use at the Moment BlazeDS 3.1 ( maybe i don't remember info or 3.2 ) and will updated at next to BlazeDS 4.0.1.xx and enabled Logging.
    Where we can start to search: maybe we have reached the maximum of connections ? But only from Finland ?
    On Client Side:
    We have used a default RemoteObject with default 3 Seconds polling enabled with a single AMF channel.
    We use Flex SDK 3.6
    I don't know may be here we have some wrong configurations - but this would not explain the problems with this countries.
    Thanks and best Regards

    We use Tomcat 5.5.16 at Server side and tested the problematical user with the url without Loadbalancer, but still the same problem.

  • [newbie] problem to start blazeds

    i had download blazeds 5 minutes ago.
    i want to start the server and try this : (mac os x terminal)
    "cd" in the bin directory
    "./ run" to start the server
    but I get this error:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Folder/tomcat/conf/logging/properties
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
    at Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
    how can I solve this problem??
    greetz from berlin / germany

    <span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Geneva; font-size: 11px; ">hi, <br><br><i>had download blazeds 5 minutes ago.</i> <br><br><i>want to start the server and try this : (mac os x terminal)</i> <br><br>"cd" in the bin directory <br><br>"./ run" to start the server <br><br>but I get this error: <br><br>Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Folder/tomcat/conf/logging/properties <br>Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: <br>at$ <br>at Method) <br>at <br>at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( <br>at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass( <br>at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( <br>at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal( <br><br>how can I solve this problem?? <br><br>greetz from berlin / germany</span><rte_text></rte_text><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Geneva; font-size: 8pt; "><br></span></div><br /><hr />Über den Eingang von Hotmail Nachrichten per SMS informiert werden? <a href='' target='_new'>Klicke hier!</a>

  • Problems with startdb.bat on BlazeDS

    Hi guys,
    I've been trying to initialize the sample app from BlazeDS but I guess I'm doing something wrong here. I go to BlazeDS folder (using prompt command), getting into the
    ..\blazeds\sampledb\dir and execute the startdb.bat
    when I try to run in my browser the url http://localhost:8400/samples I get the following error: Firefox could not establish a connection with server localhost:8400
    After reading a tutorial I deployed the war contained on BlazeDS folder into my JBoss and when I execute the url http://localhost:8080/samples I get the samples page normally.
    Does someone know what I can doing wrong?
    any help would be very appreciated.

    Hi guys,
    After some days researching I figured out that I must start the BlazeDS internal WebServer to get this URL working, I know, it is a very newbie issue, but I took some days to get that right
    So, if anyone has or had a similar problem try to start the Tomcat inside the BlazeDS folder using the prompt command, it should make the url (http://localhost:8400/) work.

  • Experts Help!! Fiendish BlazeDS / Single Sign-on (NTLM) problem

    I've been tearing my hair out for a month with this problem - any help would be most gratefully appreciated!
    I need to get a flex app working with single-signon on the windows platform.
    I want to grab the windows username and domain from the browser without having users enter by hand.
    I will then authenticate against my own repository tables accessed via remote objects (blazeds + spring flex + spring + hibernate)
    I have a servlet that uses NTLM authentication challenge response. The servlet works on its own returning usename and domain.
    See below for servlet code
    HOWEVER - no matter how i call the servlet from flex it seems to totally screw up blazeds. No further remote object calls are possible.
    The same remote call works before but not after the servlet has been called. Its driving me insane!!!
    I suspect the problem is related to how the single initial call to the servlet from Flex results in a further two executions of the servlet.
    I assume Internet Explorer is initiating further calls.
    I've tried calling it in the following ways...
    - HTTPServce with URL
    - HTTPServive with blaze destination
    - From within actionscript
    - From MXML
    - From a flex module
    - from the javascript wrapper using XMLHttpRequest and flashvars
    - With one trouser leg rolled up and my finger in my ear
    Every single time it stops any further remote object calls from working they get as far as
    [BlazeDS][DEBUG] FlexSession created with id 'ADF15BED993AD562EEA9249EE6B33CED' for an Http-based client connection.
    [BlazeDS][DEBUG] Deserializing AMF/HTTP request
    but know further.
    Clever people please help - before i blow my brains out!! ;-)
    Thanks in advance

    I have the same problem.
    1) Open page with a swf using BlazeDS for remoting. Works fine
    2) Go to other page doing NTLM authentication. Works fine.
    3) Go back to the first page, BlazeDS remoting does not work anymore.
    Did you find a solution?

  • Problem Flash Builder and Blazeds

    I'm trying to create a project in flash builder 4.
    I created it and set up this site as
    I am still in doubt of how to do that with Blazeds connect with my J2EE application. 
    When I click "Connect to Data / Service" in the Data / Services window. Does not present anything. 
    Could you please tell me or have a tutorial of how to create since the beginning and configure J2EE application with blazeds. 

    Thanks for your feedback
    The steps to set-up a Flex-BlazeDS project and to connect to your destination is available in l-between-flex-and-java/.
    Kindly revert back if you face any further issues.

  • Facing problem with FB 4 beta 2 and blazeDS

    i started create a simple flash builder project with blazeDS, but after i tried many times
    also can't communicated with java beans, even how i tried also can't get through it,
    i always get the alert message about "send failed", what's going on with my sourcecode?

    With FB 4 beta 2 you need BlazeDS Beta 1 which you can get here:

  • Problems on installing BlazeDS on GoDaddy's shared Linux web hosting server

    GoDaddy's shared Linux hosting supports Tomcat (V 5.0.27 on JVM 1.5.0_22).
    I installed BlazeDS v3.2.0.3978 on the same Tomcat (5.0.27) with the same JVM (1.5.0_22) in my Laptop and it works fine. I created a
    simple Java testing class and put it in BlazeDS war file. I deployed the BlazeDS war file in the local Tomcat. I created a testing MXML file with the RemoteObject to access the Java class using localhost as the URL. Everything works fine.
    Now I deployed the same BlazeDS war file with a different WEB-INF/Flex/services-conf.xml (differnet host name) in the Tomcat in GoDaddy
    and using the same MXML file with the services-config.xml pointing to the URL hosted by GoDaddy. I got a long error message.
    It was too long and out of the screen and I can only see the middle part of it as following:
    initialDestinationId = (null)
              messageAgents = (Array)#9
                [0] (mx.rpc::AsyncRequest)#10
                  authenticated = false
                  autoConnect = true
                  channelSet = (mx.messaging::ChannelSet)#6
                  clientId = (null)
                  connected = false
                  defaultHeaders = (null)
                  destination = "blazeds-tester"
                  id = "FA03C06F-D7F6-2CED-58F9-975C1FCE94A4"
                  reconnectAttempts = 0
                  reconnectInterval = 0
                  requestTimeout = -1
                  subtopic = ""
          connected = false
          connectTimeout = -1
          enableSmallMessages = true
          endpoint = ""
          failoverURIs = (Array)#11
          id = "my-amf"
          mpiEnabled = false
          netConnection = (
            client = (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#4
            connected = false
            objectEncoding = 3
            proxyType = "none"
            uri = ""
          piggybackingEnabled = false
          polling = false
          pollingEnabled = true
          pollingInterval = 3000
          protocol = "http"
          reconnecting = false
          recordMessageSizes = false
          recordMessageTimes = false
          requestTimeout = -1
          uri = "
    It seems that the BlazeDS was not running in Tomcat at GoDaddy because I got a similar error when I shutted down the local Tomcat running
    in my laptop and have the MXML file to call the localhost Tomcat's BlazeDS:
              initialDestinationId = (null)
              messageAgents = (Array)#9
                [0] (mx.rpc::AsyncRequest)#10
                  authenticated = false
                  autoConnect = true
                  channelSet = (mx.messaging::ChannelSet)#6
                  clientId = (null)
                  connected = false
                  defaultHeaders = (null)
                  destination = "blazeds-tester"
                  id = "CE8C6CE6-5448-C6A2-2E04-9768F9E6C04C"
                  reconnectAttempts = 0
                  reconnectInterval = 0
                  requestTimeout = -1
                  subtopic = ""
          connected = false
          connectTimeout = -1
          enableSmallMessages = true
          endpoint = "http://localhost:8080/blazeds/messagebroker/amf"
          failoverURIs = (Array)#11
          id = "my-amf"
          mpiEnabled = false
          netConnection = (
            client = (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#4
            connected = false
            objectEncoding = 3
            proxyType = "none"
            uri = "http://localhost:8080/blazeds/messagebroker/amf"
          piggybackingEnabled = false
          polling = false
          pollingEnabled = true
          pollingInterval = 3000
          protocol = "http"
          reconnecting = false
    Any suggestions? Has anyone successfully deployed and run BlazeDS in the Tomcat in GoDaddy's shared Linux web server?

    Do you get any error messages on the Tomcat logs when the app is started?
    Johnking08 wrote:
     I created a simple Java testing class and put it in BlazeDS war file.
    What do you mean by this? Have you deployed the blazeds.war and your own war file to the server or did you somehow put your code inside the blazeds.war?

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