Blazer Browser and Skydrive

Is there a way to access Skydrive (Microsoft cloud storage) photos from a Palm Centro?
Skydrive photos used to be accessible from a Palm Centro using Blazer and, but skydrive access seems to be broken recently. just returns a blank screen in the Blazer browser.
In Opera mini, it never connects.
Post relates to: Centro (Sprint)

If it previously was accessible but is no longer through some change implemented at's end, you would have to take it up with them.  TouchPad users are all to familiar with web sites (like this one) working properly on their device one day, only to get hosed with an "upgrade" on the site which breaks some of the functionality.
I am a volunteer, and not an HP employee.
Palm OS ∙ webOS ∙ Android

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    Pax et Bonum,
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    If it previously was accessible but is no longer through some change implemented at's end, you would have to take it up with them.  TouchPad users are all to familiar with web sites (like this one) working properly on their device one day, only to get hosed with an "upgrade" on the site which breaks some of the functionality.
    I am a volunteer, and not an HP employee.
    Palm OS ∙ webOS ∙ Android

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    anuxps ,
    Yammer already have Single Sign On with Office 365, but SharePoint Server for on-premise does not follow a 90-day release cycle and it won’t yet. Also we are looking for Yammer integration with on-premise
     soon. There are improvements coming.
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support,
    contact [email protected]
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Skydrive and skydrive pro now same email and not working

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    You'd better post the question to Office 365 forum. I've found the thread with the similar topic on that forum:
    You can try to re-establish the connection between your SkyDrive Pro to your local copy. Please note that this action will create a completely new set of synced file locally and may take time to load
    depending on the amount of files to be synced.
    1. Right click on the SkyDrive Pro icon from the taskbar > click
    Stop syncing a folder > select the folder you are currently syncing on (or choose all), then click Stop Syncing. 
    2. Open a web browser and navigate to the library you want to sync or go to your SkyDrive Pro tab from the blue menu, click the
    Sync icon on the upper right corner of the page to start syncing the file. Then check if your files started to sync in your locally.
    Hope this helps.
    Tony Chen
    TechNet Community Support

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    I'm amazed that each time these type of problems arise we get the same advice time-and-again to go through this exceedingly manual process of due-diligence checks-and-balances to figure out what it is that we have as ad-ons that supposedly now clash with changes that FF have made to the browser.
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    Sorry to go on a bit of a rant-and-rage B-U-T we are not getting these repeated problems withe other browsers which we are getting more and more frequently with FF.
    Never mind. I'll go through this rigmarole of checks yet AGAIN, no doubt then having to put up with the same sequence of threads from the likes of Morbus re the Plugin-container fiasco "Nothing to do with this [whatever we put forward it might be]. Try flash [or this or that or something else]. Uninstall it and reinstall it. Make sure it's up to date too.", like we're a bunch of morans who don't have the dummy sense to check these things out thoroughly before we go asking for help on the FF Forum.
    "Let's blame the add-ons that have nothing to do with FF" Nowt has changed on that front since 08/2010.
    Still, what can we really expect from a free browser? A browser that works?????
    I hate IE --- but at least it isn't failling over with hardware acceleration issues every few updates!!!!!

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    Nobody can help you without some exact system info and details on what photos exactly.

  • Adobe Muse: "Preview page in browser" and "preview site in browser" functions have stopped working.

    Working one day then not the next. Firefox just spins. The preview button works, as does the publish function.
    2.7Ghz i7 Macbook Pro with Retina Display
    Muse 2014.0.1
    Something else to add: When Firefox finally timed out it displayed the full url. Copying and pasting that into Safari and everything works. So it seems in someway this is a Firefox issue or a Muse -Firefox connection issue.
    So the new question is: how can I change the browser Muse chooses to use when I select these two functions?

    Adobe Muse will use OS default browser for preview the page/site in browser. So you can change the default browser and preview the site again.
    Also, try to troubleshoot Firefox, using their official documentation
    Firefox can't load websites but other browsers can | Firefox Help
    Do let me know if you have any question.

  • Browse and Edit Form - JSP

    Hi all,
    Using BC4J and BC4J JSP to generate Browse and Edit Form, e.g. EmpView_browse.jsp, and EmpView_Edit.jsp, I want to show only a few attributes in browse, and all fields in edit. If I change the "display" in control hint to hide, the attribute will not be displayed in both pages.
    Please help.
    Terry Luk

    try something like this :
    <jbo:ViewObject id="voBrowse" name='<%=dsParam%>' />
    <jbo:AttributeIterate id="df" datasource="<%=dsParam%>">
    <% if (df.getName() == "InvoiceNr") {
    <th class="clsTableHeader" title="<jbo:ShowHint hintname='TOOLTIP'></jbo:ShowHint>" ><jbo:ShowHint hintname="LABEL"></jbo:ShowHint></th>
    <% }%>
    <jbo:RowsetIterate datasource="<%=dsParam%>" changecurrentrow="false" userange="true">
    <jbo:AttributeIterate id="dfv" datasource="<%=dsParam%>">
    <% if (dfv.getName() == "InvoiceNr") {
    <td title="<jbo:ShowHint hintname='TOOLTIP'></jbo:ShowHint>" valign="top" > <jbo:RenderValue datasource="<%=dsParam%>"/> </td>
    <% } %>

  • Browse and Upload

    Hey guys,
    Im trying to create a browse and upload interface on my website but to no avail. Creating the buttons worked; but making them do what they are suppose to do doesnt. For example, i created a Browse and Upload button. The browse button would search for the file, but the upload button do nothing at all. How do i enable upload to work? Can it be done by html coding? Is it some settings that must be enabled on the server itself?

    I don't think I quite understand what you are trying to do? You created a browse function, do you mean search function so you can search for something on your website? Also is the upload function so people can upload content to your server?
    To get the upload function to work you will need a lot more than just simple html. Html is not a programming language it is a markup language that just tells the browse what to show. You would need PHP or JS to get an upload function to work with your server.
    I bet there are a ton of tutorials on youtube. Try searching for 'how to create an upload function on my website'.
    This is beyond what Muse can do. I hope I understood what you were asking. If not please give me more details.

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    Hi Friends,
    How to enable users to browse and select a file from their local machine in a D2K forms (6i) and upload to the database unix directory

    Hi Friends,
    my exact requirement -
    I have a form with 2 buttons -
    First Button -
    I have to create a external table,the file that is associated with external table is browsed in the form through button,after the file is browsed ,the same file has to be placed in unix directory.
    Second button -
    This button is to execute a packaged procedure which will be using the data from the file associated with the external table that we placed in the unix directory ( which i explained under button1)

  • Browse and Open  an Image from a phone,  save too

    can anyone tell me how to browse and open an image from the phone and then save that image with different name?

    you only have access to file fia the File Connection API, otherwise you can just read it from your jar, not writ or change the name.

  • I did a refresh on my Fire fox browser and now I can't print anything. Help!

    Browser was hanging up and issuing a not responding message. this would last for a good period of time. then all of a sudden it would load my home page of Yahoo.
    Did a refresh of the browser and it solved the slowness of the page loading, but when I went to print a page everything would work until i actually clicked on the print button and a box came up telling me firefox had crashed and would send out a report. This happened after the browser refresh. Did something get removed so the browser doesn't recognize the printer? How do I solve this problem?

    hello, could you provide your latest few submitted crash reports? please enter '''about:crashes''' into the location bar, copy the latest few report ids from there starting with '''bp-''' & paste them here into a forum reply. this will give us a better understanding what may be triggering those crashes.

  • I've installed the Adobe Reader Plug In. Yet every time I click to see a PDF, it opens another browser and it is blank. The Browser reads about:blank. How can I fix this so that PDF's open in the browser?

    I've installed the Adobe Reader Plug In. Yet every time I click to see a PDF, it opens another browser and it is blank. The Browser reads about:blank. How can I fix this so that PDF's open in the browser?

    Check your settings in Options > Applications:
    Also see:
    '''If this reply solves your problem, please click "Solved It" next to this reply when <u>signed-in</u> to the forum.'''
    Not related to your question, but...
    You need to update some plug-ins:
    *Plug-in check:
    *Shockwave Flash (Adobe Flash or Flash): [ Updating Flash in Firefox]

  • I used to be able to close the browser and still have the download box open and still download stuff but now I can't...what happened???!!!

    I was in the process of downloading something tonight and decided to close my browser. Unfortunately, the download window also closed and that meant my download was gone and I would have to start over again.
    I went back and started the download again and the download box showed the file picked up where it left off but when I closed the browser the same thing happened again; the download box closed when I closed the browser.
    The reason I close the browser is because my downloads download faster when the browser is closed and now that option is closed to me.
    Is this a new feature if so I don't like it as a matter of fact I would say I'm very pissed off with this new development. Please go back to fixing it so I can close the browser and still download.

    Hi cor-el:
    Thanks for responding to my post.
    I went to about:config like you suggest and changed the the thing you said. There is no improvement. Instead of my browser and the download box closing when I click on exit button/link now a box pops up with the message "If you exit now, 1 download will be canceled. Are you sure you want to exit?
    I don't need a box to warn me that if I exit that the downloads manager would close as well...I already know that and that's the problem. I want a way to stop the download manager box from closing when I exit the browser like it used to.
    Thanks anyway.

  • Unable to open PWA in browser and MSP on application server in project server 2007. ERROR: Sending the Soap message failed or no recognizable response was received.

    Hi All,
    I am using project server 2007 and WSS 3.0. 
    I have been facing a strange issue for couple of days. I am unable to open PWA in browser and MS Project Pro on application server.
    Everything is correct whether it is URL or MS Project profile account on MSP.  This is strange because i can open same PWA/MSP from other computers (Database server / Client PCs) but not locally on server.
    When i try to connect to MSP on App server, i get the following errors in event viewer.
    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: MSSOAP
    Event ID: 16
    User: N/A
    Computer: APP-Server-Name
    Soap error: Connection time out..
    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: MSSOAP
    Event Category: Client 
    Event ID: 16
    User: N/A
    Computer: APP-Server-Name
    Soap error: An unanticipated error occurred during the processing of this request..
    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: MSSOAP
    Event Category: Client 
    Event ID: 16
    User: N/A
    Computer: APP-Server-Name
    Description: Soap error: Sending the Soap message failed or no recognizable response was received.
    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: MSSOAP
    Event Category: Client 
    Event ID: 16
    User: N/A
    Computer: APP-Server-Name
    Soap error: Unspecified client error..
    One more issue i am facing and i guess that is related to above issue. The Issue is, when i am creating a new project, It's workspace gets created but doesn't get linked to the project and i can't link it manually because it already exists for the project.

    Hi Paul ,
    Thanks for reply. The project server URL was already added to the Trusted
    Sites/Local Intranet areas in IE. 

Maybe you are looking for