Block material

Hi, I would like to know the way of block a material only for purchasing, inventory management, mrp and else, but not for be invoinced from SD. Its mean, the same material, bolcked for MM but not for SD task.
Thanks in advance for the help

Make the settings in the purchasing view of a  material master at plant level by activiating  the field plant specific material stauts.

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    Thanks in advanced,
    Zhou Zhen

    Dear Friend
    A sales order is created say order no 10000 and for material X say 10 units this order is delivered and PGIed and invoiced and the payment too has come
    That means the order 10000 is closed
    Case 1
    Now an user goes to VA02 t code and put this order no 10000 and changes the material X qty from 10 to 12 and opens up the whole order once again
    This can be controlled by using t code OVAH choosing message class the V4 message no 083 and change from warning to error
    But to avoid the user to add material Y to the existing order say 10000 then i think we have to go for user exit
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    But you can test it if it throws any warning message we can try to convert that error
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    1.KIndly go to the below path
    SPRO-IMG-Logistics generalmaterial mastersettings for key fields Dat relevant for Sales and distribution-Define sales stauses-select the disct status ,details and maintin  as "B" in Block for order then system will give error message at the time of sales order
    2.Better option is through material  exclusion onle

  • Want to block Material component in PO.

    Dear all,
    We set material status block for external procurement.And it working fine.It cannot allow to create Purchase Order with blocked material.
    But the problem is that system allow to create Subcontracting Purchase Order when we use this block material as a Component. 
    How we can stop it.
    Thanks & Regards
    Dipayan Bose

    I dont see any standard way of doing it as i dont see any setting which can block material for reservation creation ,
    Method suggested by Amrinda controls entry of component in BOM  so it might work if u r strictly going to use process via BOM.
    But as i have observed that is rarely the case.
    I would recommend you to ask ur technical consultant to identify  EXIT/BADI/Enhancement which cud check creation of such PO or creation of reservation via subcontracting order.
    Avinash Goswami

  • BAPI/Function module TO block material which is mentioned in sales order

    Hi All
    Is there any BAPI to block material which is mationed in sales order....
    I am using BAPI_MATERIAL_AVAILABILITY to check material availibility
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    The normal SAP ATP done in the sales orders use the figure ''committed qty'' meaning that if the ATP has been done and confirmed, that quantity will not appear in the next sales order as available.
    So if You're using the normal BAPI to create the sales order, the normal ATP function will be called in the processing.
    Nevertheless another solution to this issue is to have the MTO (Make-to-order) solution where the requirements are ''attached'' to one sales order/line this the problem of the stock being taken to another customer disappears.
    To do this you'll have to configure the following :
    - Go to SPRO and go to Sales and distribution -> Basic functions -> Availability check and transfer of requirements -> Determination of requirements using transaction - Here insert the entry with your sales order type - MRP type (from material master - you might want to consider create one only for this solution) and you should use one of the following:
      - KEL      Make-to-order, mat. variants
      - KELV     Make-to-ord.variant + consump
      - KP       Make-to-order with project 
    and choose the origin of your requirement - 1 - Item category + MRP Type
    - Than configure the association of the requirement type above to the requirement class (normally is the same code) transaction *OVZH*
    - Than configure the requirement class (this is what will tell the system the MTO) transaction *OVZG* - On the screen in the field Special stock - E - Sales order stock and please ask for help from an FI consultant because the area of *Account assignment is very important to be well configured*
    About the BAPI you're using - Its correct - That's the normal BAPI to be used, taking only into consideration the product allocation issue - MARA-KOSCH
    Explaining a little the BAPI you're using :
    The program should check if the selected material is allocated or non-allocated.
    This information is stored in a field MARA-KOSCH.
    We should check this field and if the field is not empty then material is allocated, otherwise is not:
           select kosch into l_kosch
            from mara
           where matnr = <VBAP-MATNR>. " Selected material
            if subrc = 0.
               if l_kosch is initial.
                  +" Perform calculation for non-allocated materials+
                  +" Perform calculation for allocated materials+
         " Material not found, skip it ...
    For allocated materials it will be checked allocation for the netting market of that Order.
    The calculation rules for allocated and non-allocated materials are different.
    For Non-allocated materials
    BAPI 'BAPI_MATERIAL_AVAILABILITY' should be used for getting the ATP quantity.
    Bapi should be called as follows --
    data: lfl_bapiwmdvs type bapiwmdvs,
    lit_bapiwmdvs type standard table of bapiwmdvs,
    lfl_bapiwmdve type bapiwmdve,
    lit_bapiwmdve type standard table of bapiwmdve,
    l_dialogflag type bapicm61v-diafl.
    plant = <VBAP-WERKS>
    material = <VBAP-MATNR>
    unit = <VBAP- VRKME>
    check_rule = 'A'
    +* STGE_LOC =+
    +* BATCH =+
    +* CUSTOMER =+
    +* ENDLEADTME =+
    +* av_qty_plt =+
    DIALOGFLAG = l_dialog
    +* RETURN =+
    wmdvsx = lit_bapiwmdvs
    wmdvex = lit_bapiwmdve.
    Please note that table lit_bapiwmdvs is the input table and to this following input should be passed -
    lfl_bapiwmdvs-req_date = sy-datum. "Current date
    lfl_bapiwmdvs- REQ_QTY = <Unconfirmed Quantity> in Sales Order Unit
    append lfl_bapiwmdvs to lit_bapiwmdvs.
    The return value l_dailog will be --
    ' ' --- Quantity can be Delivered -- Item to be displayed in the Report!
    'X' --- Complete quantity cannot be delivered -- ATP failed, Item not to be displayed.
    'N' --- Material not relevant for ATP --- Item not to be displayed in the Report.
    For Allocated materials
    For the allocated Materials, we have to first do the ATP check in same fashion as for Non-allocated Materials and then in addition to this ATP check, we have to also check for Allocation from SIS table S941.
    If ATP check fails, straight away the Item should be ignored from Output display.
    If ATP check passes, we further check allocation as follows --
    Valid entry should select from S941 as -
    data: l_period like s941-spbup,
    lfl_s941 type t_s941.
    data: l_bukrs type tvko-bukrs,
    l_periv type t001-periv.
    * Select company code
    select single bukrs into l_bukrs
    from tvko
    where vkorg = <VBAK-VKORG>.
    * Select fiscal year variant
    select single periv into l_periv
    from t001
    where bukrs = l_bukrs.
    * Get Period
    I_DATE = sy-datum
    I_PERIV = l_periv
    E_BUPER = l_buper
    E_GJAHR = l_gjahr
    T009_NOTFOUND = 2
    T009B_NOTFOUND = 3
    OTHERS = 4
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    * Ignore entry and skip further processing
    concatenate l_gjahr l_buper+1(2) into l_period.
    select single kcqty aemenge from s941
    into corresponding fields of lfl_s941
    where SPBUP = l_period
    and zzcnetmark = <VBAK-ZZCNETMARK>
    and VRSIO EQ '000'.
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    *Ignore entry and skip further processing
    Remaining Allocation = difference between product allocation quantity and incoming order quantity
    i.e. (S941-KCQTY - S941-AEMENGE). Now we have to compare this qty with the Unconfirmed qty.
    Ensure same Material UOM for quantity comparison as follows --
    i_matnr = <VBAP-MATNR>
    i_in_me = <VBAP-VRKME>
    i_out_me = <S941-BASME>
    i_menge = <Unconfirmed qty in Sales UOM>
    e_menge = l_menge
    error_in_application = 1
    error = 2
    OTHERS = 3.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    * Ignore entry and skip further processing
    *If both Units are same no need for conversion
    l_menge = <Unconfirmed qty in Sales UOM>
    Then, compare if Remaining Allocation > = l_menge i.e. Unconfirmed quantity converted to S941-BASME unit, then there is enough allocation for this Material for the Unconfirmed quantity and should be displayed in the report.
    Else, the Item should be ignored.

  • Block material at material type(HIBE) level for movement type "261" & "261"

    Block material at material type(HIBE) level for movement type "261" & "261".
    Requirement: This material type should not issued to the PM orders using above mvt types.
    Venkatesan Anandan

    As per standard it is not possible. go for ABAP development

  • How to block material issue to work order

    Dear Expert,
    How do block material issue to work order when the item have been flag for deletion in MM module and have also been block for procurement and inventory in mm module.
    Please help

    Thank you for the prompt reply, what you mean by the Standard SAP? can you provide the reference link? I am facing the problem that the item material have been flag for deletion and been block for procurement and inventory in MM module material master data however it still able to material issue to work order. Any ideal how to block the material issue to work order when the material item have been flag for deletion and block for movement in MM material.
    Please help.

  • Block material for sales order entry in specific plants

    Hi Experts,
    I wanted to know if there is a simple way to block material from being ordered in a specific plant other than maintaining exclusions. My situation is one sales org, two plants (A & B). Order entry should be blocked at plant A and not B.
    I tried using the material Cross-distribution-chain material status on Sales org 1, but this blocks across all plants.
    I also tried Plant-Specific Material Status on purchasing view, this blocks the material only if it is being procured (non stock). This does not work for materials that does not require procurement. Setting the material to deletion status in MM06 at the plant level will only give a warning.
    Any ideas or suggestions on how to handle this?

      Thank you. But I don't want to entirely cut off the plant from the sales org. I just don't want to be able to create sales order for a few materials in a specific plant. Ex. Material A should not be allowed on sales orders in plant X but should be allowed in plant Y, both are assigned to the same sales org 1000.
    I did some research and found there is no standard way to handle this in SAP, so I decided to go with a user exit MV45AFZZ. By checking against plant specific status (MARC-MMSTA) and if the value is 'XX' then issue an error message.

  • Solution needed for Blocked material problem

    Hi Guys,
    Scenario  :   There are two plants in a Location(Plant A & B) and a Customer.Now the Material is blocked  so that after the sales order the material will not be allowed to move from Plant A to B as well as the
    material will not be moved to the customer end.
    Solution needed :  I need to move the blocked material from Plant A to Plant B,But the material shouldn't be transferred  to  the customer end.
    How should I proceed for this problem?

    Theres a functionality in the material master...MRP view were u cld deifne theplant spcfc material status were u cld define the status and even u cld fnd it in Sales organisation data were u cld block for the particular functionality...
    PLS check that and define as per u r reqmnt.. and try
    Hope this helps u out
    Edited by: Sravanthi683 on Jun 22, 2009 1:45 PM

  • Needs to Block Material from being paicked in Costing run, wronly extended

    Please provide different way to Block material that was wronly extended to other plants.
    We nned to block them from being picked in costing run.
    Different inputs are welcome

    I think you can do that in MM06. Specify Material and plant and mark and delte the  material.
    Let me know if it works !

  • Block material for sales order

    Dear All,
    there is any transaction code to release the block material(for sales order) with refernce to specific plant.
    i can do in CO06 but we can delete one by one.
    but i want to delete all blocked material form 2008 to till date.

    Actually i have created a numbers of order since 2006 to till date but delivery is still pending.
    because of this material is blocked for specific order and i can not create order for particular material because its block,
    i have around 100 orders.
    i know that we can do through CO06.but i don't want to do one by one.

  • Block material only for po

    hi , i need to block the material only for po , but if we block the material then we cant raise PR. please help i cant find the solution any where. cos PR shud be raised for this blocked material.

    thanks guys for your replies.
    @ganapathy and njs: i did as u ve asked , but i m not able to generate PR for the material after checking block indicator.well i will be doing some more r&D may be i am going wrong somewhere.
    @vengata : using X plant material in basic data, blocks material from purchasing prs can not be generated . i know  but    thts wht requirement is "to block the material for purchase order while allowing the pr to be raised".

  • How to block material code

    hello all ,
    i want to know about how to block or delete material code .

    Am adding up..
    You can set the material status by using  this path
    IMG Path: Logistics General -> Material Master -> Settings for Key Fields -> Define Material Statuses.
    Please refer the below link...
    block material code

  • Block material of sloc with HU management

    Hi experts,
    How to block material in sloc with HU management. I found I can't use MB1B 344 to do it. I check SAP help and found standard sap provide me tcode VLMOVE to do it, but I see in mateiral process there is no 344 mvt can't find.
    Who can explain me detail about block material from unrestricted to block status with HU sloc.

    Hi Santosh,
    I don't need do GR for special stock, why use 103,105 mvt. Please explain in detail, thanks.
    Stock is in shipping sloc for finished goods.
    Edited by: wlmworld on Dec 30, 2008 8:24 AM

  • Sales Of blocked material

    A material is blocked for sales in the company.Now company wants to bill that blocked material to a customer but in the specific sales area. We can not unblock that material because if we unblock that material then this material can be billed from other sales areas also which we do not want.
    Is there any standard way around for this problem or we have to do some z development in the sales order program.
    Please advice
    Varun Agarwal

    You can go as per Mr.Lakshmipathi said,here is the smiler link.
    Or Go to T.code SE38 include FV45PF0M_MAEPV_SELECT
                VBAP_WERKS_LOE = VBAP-WERKS.
                DA_SUBRC = SY-SUBRC. " Message-Befehl ändert sy-subrc auf 0
                MESSAGE I406 WITH US_MATNR.
                SY-SUBRC = DA_SUBRC.
    here message I406 need to be change as E406 for throwing error instead of information,take the help of ABAPer.

  • Block material description in MM02|

    Is there any settings to block users permissions for modify material master description in MM02?
    Jorge G

       Transaction variant will be a good option for you. Go to SHD0 transaction and create a new transaction variant for MM02. Maintain the material description field as "output only" and save the variant.
        Please note that you have to maintain the variant with material description as output only for all the material master views.
       You can assign the variant to all required users, who doesnt want to change the material description, then create a variant group and assign accordingly.
    Refer the doc:…

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