Bluetooth disappeared after security update

I got a software update request. There were two items, one was a security update and I forgot what the other was. The iMac restarted but when it came back on it would not recognize the wireless might mouse. I plugged in a usb mouse and went to system prefs under bluetooth. Its said not bluetooth installed on this computer. Did the update screw up my iMac?
I should add that I'm suspicious that my iMac is starting to have other problems. The usb ports less dependable. sometimes it does not recognized the keyboard and I have to unlplug and replug it to get it to work.
Any suggestions anyone?

Same thing happened to me. Tried trashing preference and resetting PRAM to no avail.
Tried Bluetooth File and came back with message "In order to use this application, you must must have Bluetooth module. Please verify that your Bluetooth hardware is properly attached to the computer." Obviously, the hardware is attached, because it's built into my MacBook 13.3" Aluminum and had been functioning prior to the most recent security, Apple remote desktop, and iPhoto updates.
I use Bluetooth primarily for a wireless mouse and can live without it for a while, but I'm a bit perturbed that this happened so closely to the release of a "major" OS update. Guess I will cancel my order for Snow Leopard until the bugs are worked out.

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    Path: /Applications/Utilities/
    Parent: WindowServer [114]
    Version: 2.1.9 (104)
    Build Version: 36
    Project Name: Installer
    Source Version: 1040000
    PID: 603
    Thread: Unknown
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    Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/WebKit
    Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/WebCore.frame work/Versions/A/WebCore
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    Maybe it is a security update thing! I have had similar troubles with my CS2 and other simple apps like TextEdit not opening, just doing that single bounce... I have tried EVERYTHING and now, after reinstalling my entire system, have lost access to my own user profile.
    I'm assuming you have tried starting up with your original system install disk in the computer, while you turn it on, hold the option key, it will allow you to run another hardware check, as well as to do an archive install if it comes down to that.
    good luck, please let me know if you find out something else that might be causing the problems... i've noticed that alot of mac threads have similar probs listed.

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    Shailendra Gupta
    <edited by host>

    You are not addressing Apple, but a community of unpaid volunteers. So ASAP won't cut it. Also, you should refrain from posting personal information (like your email address) in the body of your comments, as this is part of the community usage guidelines.
    Have you reinstalled the latest Boot Camp Windows 7 drivers, just in case Microsoft overwrote some of them during the Windows 7 security update?
    If you want to communicate issues with Apple about Boot Camp and OS X, click on the link. Just don't hold your breath on receiving a response.

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    Mail keeps crashing
    mail 2.0.5 CRASHES ON OPEN after Security Update 2005-009(Tiger Client)
    Mail crashes immediately after opening--why?
    Mail Crashes CONSTANTLY!
    Mail quits when launching
    Mail crashes at open
    Mail crashes when downloading new mail.

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    There are several threads popping up over in the Mac OS X v10.6 section of ASC about the Security Update.
    Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard: Mac OS & System Software: Apple Support Communities
    It seems that the update has killed printing and other functions for some PowerPC Applications.
    Start with > after Security update 2012-001 cannot...: Apple Support Communities

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    Click this link for an Installer that will revert the files necessary for some Rosetta apps to run after the Security Update. This is a band-aid and is only recommended in emergency situations. Apple is currently working on a fix, but until that happens, we are stuck with reverse-engineering their update. I hope this helps those in distress from this update.

    Backup files off the computer (not TimeMachine) and disconnect.
    If you have TM, or a option key bootable clone use that to erase and restore from.
    If not, c boot off the 10.6 disk, use Disk Utility to >Repair Disk and Permissions,  (do not format or erase!!) and simply re--install 10.6 from the disk. Note: Does not touch your files and most programs, but backup your files regardless.
    Note: If Disk Repair gives a error that is not repaired, then you have to consider erasing the drive (with Zeros) and try reinstalling 10.6 fresh or replacing the drive.
    Reboot and log in, update to 10.6.8, it should not include the security update at this time (second pass it might show) because it was just released and they might need to pull it. (they need to pull it)
    When you reboot, make sure to reinstall any programs that installed kext files into OS X, you'll know, they won't work.
    If you get gray screen, hold the shift key and update your installed software so it's compatible with 10.6.8.
    Learn how to clone here
    TM help here
    Learn how to make copies of your 10.6 disks here
    Learn how to make a bootable SL USB
    Learn which programs ARE NOT compatible with Lion
    Long live the Snow Leopard.

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    Disappeared from where? Your iPhoto Window? Or the Pictures Folder?

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    After security update 2011-005, I colud not get my second display working. I tried safe boot, didn't help, tried different resolutions didn't help. Reboot did not help either.
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    Don't remove any screws to do an SMC reset:
    Resetting the SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own
    Note: Portable computers that have a battery you should not remove on your own include MacBook Pro (Early 2009) and later, all models of MacBook Air, and MacBook (Late 2009).
    Shut down the computer.
    Plug in the MagSafe power adapter to a power source, connecting it to the Mac if its not already connected.
    On the built-in keyboard, press the (left side) Shift-Control-Option keys and the power button at the same time.
    Release all the keys and the power button at the same time.
    Press the power button to turn on the computer. 
    Note: The LED on the MagSafe power adapter may change states or temporarily turn off when you reset the SMC.

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    The iTunes app cannot disappear ... it may be on a different screen.
    Regardless, you can force it to your home screen by doing:
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    usb hard drive not loading after security update
    I can't seem to find any other posts about this problem.
    I have three external hard rives connect by a USB hub to my iMac.
    Problem is that if I turn on the hard drive(s) AFTER start up I get a message that the drive either was not recognized by the OS or that it was ejected unexpectedly. 
    I get the same issue but not all the time if I turn them on before I boot the iMac.
    I used the disk drive utility to "repair" the drives but they always come back as "probably ok". 
    If I restart the iMac with the drives connected (on), it seems to work but not all the time.
    A bit annoying as I am wondering if the drives are OK or not.
    I don't always need the drives as they are for backing up images from my camera using Apreture.
    This all began after i did the latest security update.
    is the update to blame?

    Yes, you can still use those instructions to reset the PRAM.
    You said that you booted to your install disk and that your primary drive did not show up at the Select a Destination screen? That usually means that the computer is either not recognizing your partition, or it's not recognizing the hard drive itself.
    Start with this article and follow all the steps even if you already tried them. I suspect that you'll get to step 4 and you'll end up having to call Applecare. If you haven't done those steps, they're most likely going to make you do them anyway, so you might as well get them done before the call.

Maybe you are looking for

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