Bluetooth there a way to assign it to a specific computer?

Hi, I have a MacBook and my husband has a new iMac that came with a bluetooth mouse. We traded mice (I had a USB one) and most of the time, our mice work fine. However, if my laptop is off while my husband's iMac is on, the bluetooth mouse finds the iMac (half a room a way) and wants to be controlled by it instead! So then when I turn on my laptop, I have a hassle of trying to get the mouse to connect with my laptop again and sometimes I have to get my husband to turn his iMac off before I can get it to work again.
So I'm wondering if there is some way that we can 'tell' the bluetooth mouse to only connect with my laptop, not the iMac?

Hello a:
Try having your husband go to system preferences>bluetooth and uncheck discoverable and on.
I do not have a similar configuration, but that should avoid the iMac "finding" the mouse. Now, if he is using a Bluetooth keyboard, that will not work……. If that is the case, uncheck discoverable and see if that addresses the issue.

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    melissafromlenexa wrote:
    That is not the right device, it is the
    M-1200E Bluetooth GPS Logger
    I looked at the same sight for that and it does not say that.  This is the first time I have posted a question, you don't have to be mean about it.  I am trying to get this to work for a good cause. 
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    You can use numactl to lock any process to a NUMA node, but that only helps if your machine really is NUMA (AMD Opteron servers are, Itanium systems often are).
    You should be able to enumerate nodes using:
    numactl -H
    And lock the process to a node using for instance:
    numactl cpubind=$node_num membind=$node_num java MyClass
    It is hardware dependent how many CPUs and how much memory you have per node. A common number of CPUs is 1-4 sockets.
    Regards -- Henrik

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    As well as being a great backup tool Tune Tools has loads of other handy and useful utilities:
    Tune Tools for iPod (PC/Mac)
    Tune Tools for iPod: Easily perform back-ups, transfer songs, videos and podcasts, instantly recover lost songs and files, clean-up and sync your iPod library, detect and fix problems, back-up and restore media and view and edit song information with this robust software.
    System requirements:
    Windows® 2000/XP
    500MHz processor
    128MB RAM
    100MB free hard drive space
    CD-ROM drive
    Working USB 2.0 or FireWire connection to iPod®
    OS X (10.1.5) or higher
    G3 400MHz processor
    128MB RAM
    100MB free hard drive space
    CD-ROM drive
    16-bit color, 800x600 screen resolution
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    Katy288 wrote:
    It can't locate them, because they originated from a different computer.
    This makes no sense. It doens't matter where they originated from.
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    Bro Take it easy.
    Think you need to send a Image file named ("abc.gif")
    now develop a server using ServerSocket and connect it in local IP and any PORT
    For example i think ur server is connected in "localhost" and 9000 port.
    Now make ur server educated using some commands.
    For example:
    FileName: <File Name String>
    [Means new file is sending by connected client]
    FileSize: <File size long or int value>
    [ So that ur server can determind about the total length of sender file]
    [Now your client will send its image data, this command means your client software is sending data]
    2o3j4lk2j3ljslakdjf2l3j4 l23kjlk23k4j
    [Means file sending finished]
    [Means your client connection is closed]
    Now develop a client supporting this command.
    For example(Server):
    String getFileName=null;
    long getFileSize=0;
    public handleCommand(String getCmd) {
        if(getCmd.startsWith("FileName")) {
                String[] splitData=getCmd.split(":");
                this.getFileName=   splitData[1];
        } else if(getCmd.startsWith("FileSize")) {
                String[] splitData=getCmd.split(":");
        } else if(getCmd.startsWith("DataModeOpen")) {
               //data mode open so receive data
        } else if(getCmd.startsWith("DataModeClose")) {
              //close client socket
    }For client:
    DataInputStream dataIn=null;
    BufferedOutputStream bout=null;
    public sendFile(bytes[] getBytes) {
            //if ok found then do other or show error message
        if(sendCmd("FileName:"+getFileName)) {
            if(sendCmd("FileSize:"+getFileSize)) {
                if(sendCmd("DataModeOpen")) {
                } else {
            } else {
       } else {
    }i think it will help u

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