Body onload.

HI all, first timer here..
Got a problem with <body onload="loadEvent()">
This works only when I remove the if statement found in loadEvent().
The if statement is to do some validation before enablin and disablin some form objects which is in her_my_future().
So basically it works without the if condition..
ANy clue:???
<jsp:useBean id="messageList" scope="session" class="" />
String temp_pc = (String)session.getAttribute("plan_code");
String abc = "asd";
<title>Individual Proposal - Rider</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/stylesheet.css">
<script language=Javascript src="/comprop/scripts/form_util.js">
function loadEvent(){
if(temp_pc == "WLW21"){

String temp_pc is defined within a set of scriptlet tags.
Therefore, it is a Java variable and is not available
to your JavaScript script. If you check you will see
that it is "undefined" in JavaScript.
You must define and assign a value to temp_pc in JavaScript.
You can add it to your existing script like this:
var temp_pc = <%= temp_pc %>
function loadEvent()
     if(temp_pc == "WLW21")

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    As you know in the HTML body attribute. You must specify the value of onload
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    Thank u in advance
    Best Regards

    Hi Chris
    Thank you for your help
    I tried with the next code but it doesn´t work.
    Do you know for what?
    Best Regards
    I paste the next code in the HTML Header :
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    Do you specify a MIME type to make Firefox use a specific plugin?
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    You need to register at the mozillaZine forum site in order to post at that forum.<br />

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    Because the portal page is a shared environment where several different portlets may all need to use the onload event handler, we cannot simply allow each portlet to register its own onload event handler.  Each would overwrite the other, and only the last portlet on the page would receive the benefit of using the onload event.
    To accommodate this, a client-side object called the PCC, short for Portlet Communication Component, exists to essentially &#034;multiplex&#034; a single onload event into multiple calls.  To take advantage of this functionality, you will need to register the function you want called with the PCC.
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    namespaceURN = a namespace for your event, or just pass in false if you want to use the default window namespace.
    eventName = the event you want to register your function with, 'onload' in your case.
    sFunction = the name of your function, or an object reference to your function.

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              Hi All,
              I am using weblogic workshop 8.1 and developing some jsps with rich netui custom
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              Can anybody help me in solving this problem?
              Thanks in advance.

    Hi ,
              I think, It will be helpfull to you.
              <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
              <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
              <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>
              <body class='gs-IframeContainer-Body' onload="psButtonSrcInit('<bean:write name='commentsAttachmentsForm' property='buttonName' filter='true' scope='request' />', '<bean:write name='commentsAttachmentsForm' property='currentColumn' filter='true' scope='request' />'), parent.lsResizePage('<bean:write name='commentsAttachmentsForm' property='currentTarget' filter='true' scope='request'/>'), gsBusyStateCheckStateChange()" scroll='no'>
              Go through the link as I given below,In that you will find more information on this.
              ----Anilkumar kari

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    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance,

    basically onload="javascript:probandoMensajes()" does call a method on the page root, using the browser URL (which I think is a detour that will never work sufficiently). If ever that works, then if using onload="javascript:document.probandoMensajes()".
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    please help me out. below is the code:
    public class TestApplet extends HttpServlet
         PrintWriter out = null;
         public void doPost (HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException , IOException
              String strAlert = "alert('The userid is already existing.Please select another one')";
              out.println("<title>Welcome To Online Stock Market</title>");
              out.println("<body onload ="+strAlert+">");
         public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)throws ServletException, IOException
              doPost(req, res);

    Instead of:
    out.println("<body onload ="+strAlert+">");
    Try this:
    out.println("<body onload =\""+strAlert+\"">");
    Add two \" around the alert call.

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    <afh:body onload="alert('Test');"> or <afh:body onload="Test();">
    in the second case i have a javascript function named Test.
    what is the problem?
    any help is appreciated.

    I found the reason.
    When adding alert("hello") to the onload property, then the following sorurce code is generated
    <afh:body onload='alert(\"hello\")'>
    Sometimes - and I cannot reproduce it consitently - it generates
    <afh:body onload='alert(\"hello)'>
    Which is invalid JavaScript

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    try this if you want to call a js function on body onload: I had found this solution from this news group some time back and it works great..
    change and add ur fn after initSkin();
    document.body.onload: initSkin();myFunction();
    in skin.js add this function which calls your actualJSFuction().
    function myFunction()
    // do nothing
    Remember this gets called on load of every page.. so the trick is to add a try catch.. so that if the function not found in some pages they will go to catch block..
    Copy the actualJSFunction() in what all pages you need to call on body onload..
    In my case i am calling the actualJSFunction between <script> tags inside the page and not on body onload..

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    All I want to do is to change the background colour of a field (P5_GRPT) depending on the value of another field (P5_MIN_DAYS). I just want to get something basic that works then I can build on it and make it more elegant/generic, but at the moment the script below appears to have no effect whatsoever. Any help would be much appreciated. I have set the cursor focus attribute to “do not focus cursor” (Apex version
    Page header html:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    Function trafficlight()
    c = document.getElementById("P5_MIN_DAYS").value;
    case 1:
    $x("P5_GRPT").style.backgroundColor = "green";break;
    case 2:
    $x("P5_GRPT").style.backgroundColor = "yellow";break;
    $x("P5_GRPT").style.backgroundColor = "red";break;
    </script>Page html body:

    I'm new in apex 3.2 javasrcript and speak spanish
    i have function in html header
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function colorSal(pCol){
    var elms=document.getElementsByname(pCol);
    for (i=0; i< elms.length; i++){
    if (elms.value < 1500){
    elms[i].style.backgroundColor ='yellow';
    and on body header:
    onload="colorSal ('f07');"
    This should change color column seven of tabular form but it does not happen .
    the query in tabular form is
    from "#OWNER#"."EMP"
    thanks for your help

  • Problem with onload in jsp page

    Hi all,
    I had two jsp pages, a search and a results page. I need to enter some search criteria in the first page and based on that criteria i will be getting the results in the results jsp. Now, when i click the back button in the results page, i need to go to the search page and the values which i entered in the search page needs to be present there. But the problem is i had a javascript function which runs on loading of the search page. This function will set all the values in this search page to empty whenever we go to the search page. I am calling this javascript function as follows in my search jsp page.
    <body onload="setdefaultvalues('<%=name%>');">
    I am having the code for the back button in the results page as follows.
    <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE='Back' onClick="javascript:history.go(-1);resetvalue(name);" class="button">
    The problem i am facing is whenever i go to the search page by clicking on the back button, the values in the search page are getting empty because of the onload method. There is no way that i can remove this onload method as i require it for setting the values in the search page evrytime i get to that from other modules as it is the main page for my module. So, is there anyway that i can stop this function from executing when i come from the results page or is there any other way that i can store the values in the search page when going from the results page.

    i think you really should have the result page include your search page contents rather than having the user need to click back as you'll end up with all sorts of nightmares in caching & session object management to be honest. if the search page is complex use javascript to hide contents and let the users expand them when they want to re-search.
    however, if you feel you must i would suggest the following:
    in your result page:
    session.setAttribute("userQuery","true"); (you probably actually want to put a container object with the query information in here)
    in your search page you could have something like:
    <body <% session.getAttribute("userQuery")==null { %>onload="setdefaultvalues('<%=name%>');"<% } %>>
    <body onload="setdefaultvalues('<%=name%>',<%=session.getAttribute("userQuery")==null?"true":"false"%>);">
    function setdefaultvalues(name,run) { if ( !run ) return;....}
    you'll have to decide when to remove the object though cause once its set its there until the session expires or you remove it.
    hope that helps, good luck!

  • Onload event after all images are loaded in an updateContent area

    Hi Spry Folks!
    I load a template into a page with a lot of img tags inside
    it. Everything works fine.
    Spry.Utils.updateContent (...HTML wit lots of img tags...)
    But the loading takes a while so I would like to hide it
    until all the images are loaded. Now I need an event which fires
    after the loading bar in the browser is gone.
    The onPostLoad observer fires much to early, cause the code
    is long loaded bevore all the images
    Same with the window.onload event (...window.onload =
    showContent();...) fires much to early.
    The only thing which is working is placeing the function in
    the onload event of the body tag.
    <body onload="showContent();">
    But there I can't use it. And there is now body.onload
    handler as far as I know there is only the windows.onload handler
    and I thought always this is the same event than onload in the body
    Has anyone an idea? Is there a spry event I haven't found for
    exact this problem?
    Thanks for your help!

    U might want to look in to the SpryImageLoader.js that comes
    with the 1.6.1 download. It loads your images, and allows u put
    callbacks on them, and set priority of loading them.
    uses it to (expect don forgot to upload the
    SpryImageLoader.js thats why its not really working :P )
    But that will give the basic idea of how to use it.
    Spry.Utils.ImageLoader.(url, callback(needs to be a function
    or null), priority)

  • JSP + JScript + onLoad and return

    i have a return issue with a jsp as follows:
    one jsp:A calls another jsp: B and is loaded into Frame1.
    a click event in the jsp B in Frame1 calls another jsp C (with the target specified as Frame2) which does the following:
    jsp C
    function redirect(){
    <body onLoad="redirect()" >
    <% String Param1 = null; %>
    <% String Param2 = null; %>
    <% Param1 = request.getParameter("p1"); %>
    <% Param2 = request.getParameter("p2"); %>
    <% if(bookParam1 != null && bookParam2 != null){
    response.sendRedirect("/servlet/doSomething?p1=" + Param1 + "&p2=" + Param2);
    this jsp should onLoad load a jsp into Frame1 using the jscript function- then continue to action the java response.sendRedirect command which has a target of Frame2 as specified by jsp C.
    without the java code the jsp works
    with the java code the onLoad method seems to be ignored and the sendRedirect loads into Frame2.
    any ideas why or how i can get both to work? i tried addding the "return" keyword but to no avail.
    (using apache / tomcat)

    the reason may be that the java code is executed before javascript is called because JavaScript is executed on the Client while Java is executed on the server.

Maybe you are looking for

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