Boiler plate text dsiappearing

I'm working on a project involving conversion of forms4.5 xter to forms6i xter (using forms and i'm experiencing this weird and peculiar situation where by when i use the developer to compile my form all seems to be ok and on the other hand when i use command prompt half of my boiler plate text disappear when the form is put into enter-query mode. The form is running on unix platform. Has anybody experience this or have an answer to this problem? Urgent please.

Are you saying that sometimes there is no space for these boilerplate items so they wrap to the following page?
If this is the case then you could try setting page protect on the frame so that reports will try and keep all the objects together. If there's still no space then Reports should still put the boilerplate on the following page (it needs to put it somewhere).
Hope this helps,

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    You first set the confine mode Off, then just drag those bilerplate taxts out of the repeating frame. And, eventually arrange the fields in that frame resize that repeating frame.

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    Hi Nicholas,
    you cannot programmaticaly change the position of the BPlate but you can use two of them. Therefore for one condition you'll have the format trigger of the first one return true and for the second one return false, and vice versa for a different condition.

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    Revision: 15100
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-03-29 07:05:01 -0700 (Mon, 29 Mar 2010)
    Log Message:
    Factoring out player boiler plate code to ChromeApplication class.
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    Author:   [email protected]
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    Maybe you check the NLS_LANGUAGE-settings on the client where you "edit" the reports-definition.

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    Hi Howard,
    I guess you are referring to this post:
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    First make sure that you place the boilerplate exactly where you had (or currently have) the summary column, ie, in the SAME frame or repeating frame.
    Second, open the property inspector for your summary column. Find the properties "Print Object On" and "Base Printing on", and make sure that both of these are the same for your boilerpate as for your summary column.

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    JJMack wrote:
    Best practices: Usage
    That's suspiciously like 'Boiler Plate Text'.  Did you have to pay Station royalties? ;-)  Actually, it is rather better than the version Ramon wheels out.  I think I'll grab the link for my big page of ready forum responses. :-)
    Possible reasons a window would change size
    Ctrl or Alt Spacebar and left click drag (standard zoom feature)
    or my best guess, he has Zoom with mouse wheel check in General preferences.  This operates completely by itself, (no other key needed) so would be very easy to make happen unintentionally.

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              on perform mail action with messages theMessages for rule theRule
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                                  repeat with thisMessage in theMessages
                                            set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
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                                                      set content to "Test message"
                                            end tell
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                        end tell
              end perform mail action with messages
    end using terms from

    It is possible to create a new mail message using Applescript, and to send the message, or to bring up the new message window for further editing before sending. If, however, you start with the new message window (or a reply window, effectively the same thing) I don't think it is possible to have Applescript manipulate the new message, as there is no reference to it.
    Unless your "boiler plate" text is very long, I would suggest looking at TextExpander. I strted using it back when it was freeware, but it has since gone commercial, for around $30, I think. It is a keystroke monitor, and when it sees keystroke sequences which you define it automatically replaces them with (or appends to them - your choice) predefined text. I don't know how long the replacement text can be - I only use short sequences - but you can have any number of sequences. So for example I type a.k.z (dots inserted to stop it working!) and it replaces it with my initials and the html link to my elephant icon. If you go for it I would recommend giving all your sequences the same pattern - mine are all two characters followed by z, so that ordinary words don't get accidentally substituted.

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    Take an example fo the table EMP. I need to create a report whose parameters are the table column names. so depending on the parameter(which is the column name) the report o/p changes.
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    we have to use format trigger for this, but i am not sure what code should we write in the format trigger of the boiler plate text of the column heading , such that it changes in accordance with the input which is nothing but column name.
    for ex: If i choose EMPNO as the parameter then my column heading should become Employee Number and so on.......
    your comments are welcomed

    you can use a formula column of datatype character and of any width needed instead of a boilerplate text for the heading name.
    In the formula column you can write code like below
    return('Employee Number');
    END IF;
    where P_COLUMN_NAME the name of the column selected dynamically(i.e. the parameter).

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    I need help. how to insert special character like 'Superscript or Subscript ' from oracle form builder 10g. I had try in Oracle form builder 6i with press ALT+ASCII code in the text item and it work, but in the oracle form builder 10g this method doesn't work... would you like to help me...somebody please...
    Best Regard,
    Dedy P.T.

    What do you mean by insert ... from Forms Builder? Do you mean you want to add it as text in a string of pl/sql code or as part of boiler plate text (label) or a value on the Property Palette?
    For special characters you would need set NLS_LANG to something that would support the characters you want to use. For the Builder to see the change, you would need to set NLS_LANG to something like:
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    The recovery partition on the MacBook Pro it's copying onto the jump drive is still a Lion recovery partition, despite having upgraded to Mavericks, and it really is in fact creating a Lion recovery disk.
    The Recovery Disk Assistant has outdated graphics and boiler-plate text, so despite what it says, it really is creating a Mavericks recovery disk.
    Anybody know which is the case?

    Hmmm...  Looks like it may not ultimately matter, because when I boot the Mac Pro with the option key down, it doesn't seem to see the USB drive anyway...
    Nevertheless, if any of you know the answer, I'd be interested to know, just in case it comes in handy elsewhere.

  • HELP ! Conditional Print

    I need to produce a printed master/details report, which will contain boiler plate text in cases
    where the number of detailed records retrieved will be less than one page e.g. if a normal page should
    contain 5 detailed records and only 3 records were retrieved from the DB, a boiler plate text should be
    printed for these two records. If you can send sample from the scott/tiger schema it will be great !
    Please send a copy of your response to :
    [email protected]

    I need to produce a printed master/details report, which will contain boiler plate text in cases
    where the number of detailed records retrieved will be less than one page e.g. if a normal page should
    contain 5 detailed records and only 3 records were retrieved from the DB, a boiler plate text should be
    printed for these two records. If you can send sample from the scott/tiger schema it will be great !
    Please send a copy of your response to :
    [email protected]

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    I want to change the boiler plate text based on the record number. For the first record I want to display one boiler text,second record another one.
    For example, I have the records like this
    Deptno Empno
    10 111
    20 3333
    I want display for first record as empno1, for second record as empno2 and so on...., It has to reset for each department.
    How can I implement this?
    Can you please help me?

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