Boolean showing false instead of true

I am monitering flag sensors on a rotary motor and I want a simple way to show which flag sensors are triggered continuously while the vi is running.
Attached is a pic of when the vi is running.  The Boolean (probe 81) is signaling false when it should be signaling true.  The data coming out of the DAQ vi is measuring the correct voltage (probe 80).  I would post this on the Multifunction DAQ page however I think it is a programming issue rather than a DAQ issue.
Any help on why this is happening?  Suggestions to fix this?
flagsensor.JPG ‏23 KB

Andrew Aji wrote:
I'm an idiot.
Thanks guys
That response made my day.   Andrew, your a good guy to be able to laugh at yourself.
- tbob
Inventor of the WORM Global

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    These statements show an unexpected behavior when a column is added to a table as 'BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE NOT NULL' and added afterward to the table's primary key column set:
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    you're right, this is a bug and indeed seems to caused by the way the DEFAULT boolean is stored in the page.
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    ROOT/LEAF 460  perm       entries : 1         [block 0]
         bottom  : 93         filevers: 14888     convvers: 83
                                                  writecnt: 1
      1: (pos 00081)
    00001      recLen      : 12                recKeyLen   : 4
    00005      recVarcolOff: 0                 recVarcolCnt: 0
          1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12
         81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92
    dec: 12  0  4  0  0  0  0  0 32 65  0  0
    hex: 0C 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 20 41 00 00
    chr:                             A
    And this is how it looks like after the explicit UPDATE:
    ROOT/LEAF 460  perm       entries : 1         [block 0]
         bottom  : 93         filevers: 14888     convvers: 84
                                                  writecnt: 2
      1: (pos 00081)
    00001      recLen      : 11                recKeyLen   : 3
    00005      recVarcolOff: 0                 recVarcolCnt: 0
          1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11
         81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91
    dec: 11  0  3  0  0  0  0  0 32 65  0
    hex: 0B 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 20 41 00
    chr:                             A
    Little difference but this leads to the problems during the foreign key validation.
    I'll inform the developers next week about this.
    As a workaround you'll have to explicitly update the columns for which you change the default setting.

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                            Matrix oMatrix_web = (Matrix)form.Items.Item("mtx1").Specific;
                            DBDataSource oDBDataSource = (DBDataSource)form.DataSources.DBDataSources.Item("@Table1");
                            DataTable oDataTable = null;
                            oDataTable = oCFLEvent.SelectedObjects;
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                                if (pVal.Row == oMatrix_web.RowCount)
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                                    oDBDataSource.SetValue("U_SitNam", oDBDataSource.Size - 1, null);
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                            oDBDataSource.SetValue("U_SitNam", pVal.Row - 1, System.Convert.ToString(oDataTable.GetValue("U_Name", 0)));
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            B1Connections.theAppl.SetStatusBarMessage(ex.Message, BoMessageTime.bmt_Medium, false);

    It's already a reported issue: Resize of grid controls
    A fix is due to be made in PL07 according to the note references in that thread:
    Also I think you got hit by a network issue and posted the thread twice

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    Have you tried basic troubleshooting steps an page 34, 132-133,etc of iphone manual?
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    page 132. "

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    Was this question serious?Probably, and also related to another thread by the same user:
    Just because I'm psychic, I knew this all already ;-)
    kind regards,

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    Hi Sam,
    Kindly  Check table T156SC entries there is a entry missing in the table.
    And if required so kindly Maintain the missing entries in table.
    If entries of movement type 101 are prefect then
    Goto Transaction  -- SE37 ,
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    Thanks & Regards
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    Thank you
    Chandu Ambati

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    Thanks again for your help.
    Chandu Ambati

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    Last login: Mon Nov  3 14:00:05 on ttys000
    Christinas-MacBook-Pro:Pictures christinagrierson$
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    Here is what worked for me:
      My usb hub, being usb2, was too fast. I moved the wire to a usb port directory on my pc. That is a usb1 port which is slow enough to run your snyc.

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    Can you give more info about your need as it is not clear which text you're referring to.

Maybe you are looking for