BootCamp partition question

I recently created a 32 gb partition using bootcamp but before I could insert the windows dvd my computer froze and a message came up saying that i needed to shut down my computer. I restarted it and now I have a 32 gb partition and need to know how to use that partition.(for windows)

Just put the DVD in, restart your Mac and hold the C button. This should load up your Installation CD. Or hold the ALT/Option key and it should load up into a boot selection.
Select your Bootcamp partition (Don't select any other partition).

Similar Messages

  • Question about Parallels using Bootcamp partition

    I was about to install XP on bootcamp but i would mainly be using parallels to run XP from the bootcamp partition. What i was wondering is that if i was to make any changes to xp like install a software and create a new folder through parallels, would it reflect on the actual bootcamp partition when i load into the actual XP partition using bootcamp? Basically, do the changes made to windows using parallels carry over to the bootcamp partition given you are using the bootcamp partition on parallels?

    Thanks a lot. While i am at it, if i use the bootcamp partition with Parallels, i cannot suspend the VM right?
    Parallels will behave the same, whether it has its own copy of Windows, or is using that on the Boot Camp partition.
    The only difference is backup. If you use Parallels with Windows in a disk image file (Preferably a sparse bundle), Windows can be backed up with Time Machine. If Windows is on its own partition, Time Machine can't handle it.

  • Success: moving bootcamp partition to an external drive

    Due to the relatively small, non-exchangable SSD on my Mac, I'd limited the bootcamp partition to 50GB when installing Windows. I needed to install new software in Windows, but was running out of space fast and didn't have the necessary space on the Windows side. I don't use Windows that often and for that reason, I wanted to move the Bootcamp partition to an external hard drive, freeing up space for the Mac side on the internal SSD. I'd read many conflicting reports on the web, some claiming they'd done it successfully, while others said it would be impossible, because Windows 7 wouldn't run from an external drive. I had a HDD in a USB 3 enclosure, and first tried to install Windows to this (using various guides on the web). I was very close to success with this USB 3 drive, but Windows would fail during start-up. Most reports claiming to have successfully been able to run Windows 7 from an external drive, had used Thunderbolt drives, so I decided to get myself a Lacie Rugged USB 3/Thunderbolt series Solid State Drive.
    Hardware used
    MacBook Pro 15" Retina Display (mid 2012), 2,3 GHz Intel Core i7, 8GB RAM, 250GB SSD
    Lacie Rugged USB 3/Thunderbolt series, 120GB Solid State Drive
    Software used
    Mac OS X Mavericks, 10.9.2
    Windows 7 Ultimate
    Plus several free downloads from the internet, see description below.
    Step 1: Get the Thunderbolt drive to work under your Bootcamp Windows 7 installation.
    This should be simple enough, but proved to be a little tricky. Here’s what I did (assumes you are running Mac OS X before you begin):
    1. Make sure your Thunderbolt drive is disconnected before proceeding.
    2. Restart your Mac and hold down the option key (alt key on some keyboards) during startup.
    3. Choose the Windows drive to start up Windows 7 on your Bootcamp partition.
    4. After log in to Windows 7, download the necessary driver software for your Thunderbolt drive (find it at the manufacturer’s homepage of your Thunderbolt drive - in my case
    5. If the downloaded driver installer is in a compressed format (like zip for example) be sure to decompress it before running the driver installer.
    6. Shut down your computer.
    7. Connect your Thunderbolt drive to your computer.
    8. Start up in Windows 7 (see items 2 & 3 above) and if it all went well, you should now be able to see your Thunderbolt drive under Start>Computer.
    Step 2: Format your Thunderbolt drive in NTFS-format.
    Still running Windows 7 with your Thunderbolt drive connected and visible to the system, it is now time to format your external Thunderbolt drive in NTFS-format. There are several ways of doing this. I used the procedure described here at
    Step 3: Follow the directions at to clean install Windows 7 onto your external Thunderbolt drive.
    As described at, this involves downloading Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK) and running command line tools. At step 9 in the described process at, at the point where the installer asks if the drive you are installing to is a USB hard disk, the correct input is Y for yes, even if your external drive is a Thunderbolt drive (and obviously not a USB hard disk).
    At step 10 in the described process at (Reboot your PC), remember to hold down the option (or alt) key at every restart in the installation process, so as not to start up in Mac OS X. Also, since your machine now has two Windows 7 installations, Windows Boot Manager will appear and ask you to “Choose an operating system to start” and there is a list of two Windows.
    I don’t know how to tell which one is on the external drive and which one is on the internal drive at this point, but I started with the top one on the list and this turned out to be the one I wanted (the newly installed one on the external drive). If you pick the wrong one (on the internal drive) at first, simply restart the computer and choose the other one. You know you got the right one when the installation process continues and asks for further input.
    After the Windows installation is complete (there will be at least one other restart required - remember to hold down the option (alt) key to start up in Windows, and choose the same Windows on the list in the Windows Boot Manager), you’ll be running a freshly installed, but crippled Windows 7, as you still haven’t installed the specific drivers for your hardware. But don’t worry, that will be fixed in the next step.
    Step 4: Clone your Bootcamp partition from your internal drive to the external Thunderbolt drive.
    In this step you will copy all the software, drivers, settings and other files from your Bootcamp partition on your internal drive to your external Thunderbolt drive. The easiest way to do that is to clone your Windows partition - and to that end you’ll need to download some free software: AOMEI Backupper Standard 2.0 fits the bill perfectly, as it will let you clone at the same time as resizing the partition to fit your external Thunderbolt drive (I went from a 50GB internal Bootcamp partition to a 120GB external Thunderbolt SSD).
    1. Download  AOMEI Backupper Standard 2.0 (I used the 17MB download for Windows 7), install it, and run it.
    2. In the left column choose “Clone” and in the right column choose “Partition Clone”. By choosing Partition Clone instead of Disk clone, you won’t ruin the newly created (but invisible) boot partition on the external Thunderbolt drive.
    3. Press Next and choose your internal Bootcamp partition as the Source Disk.
    4. Press Next again and choose your external Thunderbolt drive (your newly installed Windows 7) as the Destination Disk.
    5. Press Next again and you’ll get a warning that you will erase the contents of the destination partition and it asks if this is what you really want to do. Press Yes to this question.
    6. Next screen is an Operation Summery. Toward the bottom of the Operation Summery screen there are a few interesting options: Edit Size of Partition, Clone Sector by Sector and Align Partition to Optimize for SSD.
    7. If your destination partition is larger than your source destination like mine was, press Edit Size of Partition. This will take you to another screen, where you can drag to resize the partition. I dragged this all the way to the right to give Windows 7 the full size of my external Thunderbolt drive.
    8. Leave the checkbox Clone Sector by Sector unchecked.
    9. If your external Thunderbolt drive is an SSD, put a check in the checkbox entitled Align Partition to Optimize for SSD.
    10. Now press the Start Clone button.
    11. When the cloning process is done, exit AOMEI Backupper and restart your computer (holding down the option or alt key) to start up in your new clone of your old Windows 7 with all the same software, drivers, settings and files.
    Step 5: Enjoy running all your Windows 7 applications from your external Thunderbolt drive!
    Step 6: Here is where I need help/advice – can I remove the Bootcamp partition on my internal drive now?
    I am reluctant to entirely remove the Bootcamp partition from my internal drive, as I am unsure whether this will disable me from starting up in Windows. I would love to hear from anyone here with insight on the matter.

    Step 6: Here is where I need help/advice – can I remove the Bootcamp partition on my internal drive now?
    To answer my own question in Step 6 above, no, or at least I haven't found a way yet...
    Here's what I've done so far:
    Used the Bootcamp Assistant to remove the bootcamp partition on my internal drive.
    Booted the system with the option (alt) key pressed down and now there was NO Windows drive to choose.
    Therefore I used the Bootcamp Assistant to install Windows back onto my internal drive (including installing Bootcamp drivers in the Windows environment). This time I chose the minimum partition of 20GB for the Windows installation on the internal drive.
    Booted into the new Windows on the internal drive and installed the drivers for my Thunderbolt drive.
    Restarted with the option (alt) key pressed down, chose the Windows drive, but Windows Boot Manager still didn't pop up to allow me to choose the Windows installation on the external Thunderbolt drive.
    Booted from the Windows DVD and chose Repair.
    Restarted with the option (alt) key pressed down, chose the Windows drive, and now Windows Boot Manager finally popped up, which allowed me to choose the Windows installation on the external Thunderbolt drive again, phew!
    So, I can run Windows 7 from the external Thunderbolt drive, but I have to use 20GB of my internal drive for a Windows installation I'll never use. Not the best solution, but at least I've saved 30GB of space compared to my previous Bootcamp partition - and I now have enough space to install the Windows 7 software I need on the external Thunderbolt drive...

  • Can I install Windows 8.1 as Bootcamp partition from OSX Mountain Lion using a USB stick?

    I have the following:
    Bootable USB stick with Windows 8.1 - 64 bit
    MacBook Pro with Mountain Lion 10.8.5 - it's probably 3-4 years old.
    The Bootcamp partition currently has Windows 7 installed.
    I want to know whether I can install Windows 8.1 from a USB stick into a Bootcamp partition. Apple's article on the topic refers to Bootcamp 5.1, but my OSX install has Bootcamp 5.0 - I am assuming 5.1 comes with the Mavericks version.  I don't want to upgrade to Mavericks because I am running out of space as it is on the OSX partition.
    Thus my question. So can I?

    Your laptop has a DVD drive, right? If so you need to burn your ISO to a disc, will not work off USB

  • Upgrading MacBook Pro Hard Drive - cannot get Bootcamp partition to work

    The other day, I decided to replace my 320 GB hard drive with a 1 TB hard drive/SSD hybrid. I did a little bit of research about cloning the drive before that, and it seemed pretty straight forward to clone the OS X partition, but I wasn't really sure about cloning my Windows partition. Originally, my 320 GB hard drive had 2 partitions: 220 GB for OS X Mavericks, and 100 GB for Windows 8.1.
    I bought the new drive with an external enclosure and plugged it in. The first thing I did was open Disk Utility and partitioned the new hard drive (750 GB HFS+, 250 GB NTFS). I figured I would need to partition it first and clone each partition separately. I used Carbon Copy Cloner to clone the OS X partition, and it worked with no problem (I immediately could restart my computer and boot with the partition on the new drive, while it was still plugged in by USB).
    Next, I tried using CCC to clone the Windows partition the same way (I realize now that CCC cannot do this). 7 hours later, the cloning was complete, but there was an error that a couple files couldn't be copied. I tried copying them manually but it didn't work. I wasn't sure if the Windows partition would work, so to find out, I switched the hard drives and put the old 320 GB one in the external enclosure. I booted my computer and it booted the new OS X partition with no problem. It also mounted the Windows partition that I cloned with CCC, and I can access all of the files in it. However, when I restarted and held down "option", it would not let me boot the Windows partition.
    After some googling, I realized CCC is not able to clone a bootcamp partition and make it bootable, so I opened disk utility and deleted the Windows partition (using the minus button), then recreated it (using the plus button). I downloaded Winclone (paid $30), which supposedly can clone a bootcamp partition. I opened Winclone and it seemed pretty simple: you just choose the source partition on the left, and the target on the right. I plugged in the USB enclosure with my old hard drive, and in the Winclone menu the original Windows partition popped up. I chose that as my source, and chose to copy it to the new NTFS partition on the new drive that I created. I left it on overnight, and when I woke up it said it was completed.
    I now had two drives mounted: my NTFS partition that I created, and a new one that said "EFI". I have no idea what EFI is. My NTFS partition looks like it has all of the files from my original Windows partition on it; however, when I restart it does not allow me to boot with it, although I now have the option to boot EFI. When I select EFI, I am given the Windows 8.1 start up screen (with the blue Windows logo), but then an error message pops up saying something like there is an issue and it needs to restart (it restarted before I could read the whole thing).
    When I boot in OS X, I only have the NTFS partition (with all my Windows files) mounted, and no EFI. When I restart, I can still boot EFI, but I always get the same message and then it restarts.
    Is there any way I can fix my Windows partition so that it works the same way it did on my old drive? What is EFI? Can I delete it? How can I make the NTFS partition, which seems to have all of my files, bootable? I only want 2 partitions: one for OS X, and one for Windows. Also, can I do all of this without having to reinstall either of the operating systems?

    Hmm, that's a good question!
    I headed over to the twocanoes website (the folks that make Winclone) and their guide mentions something about running Sysprep before you create the Windows image. If you skipped that step, that may be why you're having issues nclone/
    Step 24 in that guide also mentions copying a Boot file - were you able to/did you do that?
    You may have better luck over in the Bootcamp forum, which is here.

  • How can I restore Windows 7 to Bootcamp partition - not reformat the entire hard drive?

    Hello Apple (Mac) Community,
    I originally posted this question over on, but no help was forthcoming. Hope someone can help me with a problem that's (almost) making me nuts! I teach graphics to college students. In brief: I run Windows 7 Pro 64 on a Mac Pro tower, along with Snow Leopard (OSX). Windows is loaded on one partition of a 1TB drive. The other partition is a Mac backup. The Mac OS is on a different drive. Everything was going swimmingly with both OS, until recently. Unfortunately, the drive with Windows showed problems and I determined that the HD was either toast or needed a total reformat. My Mac data was all backed-up. Now I wanted to backup Windows so I can easily get back to the relatively happy point of my Windows 7 experience (drivers loaded, dual monitors all working, etc.). I did some online searching and the recommendation was to create a "system image" of the existing Windows 7 install by attaching an external drive, formatting that to NTFS and selecting "backup to image" in Windows. I did that and also took the opportunity to "create a backup disc" on a DVD. (Windows recommended). Next I rebooted back to Mac OS and completely reformatted the problem 1TB disc to a single partition, zero all data, just to see if it would actually reformat. It all worked! So far, so good. Next I used Bootcamp to create two partitions, one for Windows. I then restarted using the Win7 Pro (64) install disc, reformatted the Bootcamp disk to NTFS (as required) and installed Windows 7. After all that is completed and all working, I next try to use the restore from image function while booted in Windows. I'm instructed to restart from the Win install disc, which I do. Here's where things get difficult. When I try to choose restore from image, at that point the installer asks which drives to I want to exclude... but does not show partitions, only full HDs. I do not want to reformat the entire 1TB drive. I only want Windows on the 120gb Bootcamp partition (which is already formatted for Windows BTW). I spent a lot of time online reading through articles with users having the same frustration.
    So here (at long last) is my question: How can I either restore Windows just to a Bootcamp partition... using "Windows System Image" or if that can't be done... can I somehow import all of the settings, etc. from the "image" (image is on external HD) into a fresh Win 7 install? So far the "backup disc" also seems useless. I can't even boot to Windows from it. BTW Apple folks: the only response on the MS side was that some "expert" simply posted links on how to install Windows and restore... not helpful with my particular problem of restoring to a partition.
    Any help would be appreciated! Hopefully some help that even a Mac user / new Windows user could understand would be better! Thanks!

    WinClone 3 is OS X and saves Windows image it makes for restore - that should work but you will have to try and you would need to make a new image unless it also works with a native Windows system restore image. It is now supported and has come a long way.
    Paragon Clone OS works and does disk-to-disk clone just like CCC you end up with two bootable drives. But does not work with your setup. It would let you clone and move your Windows install to an SSD or another disk drive though and be bootable.
    During its clone process it checks for errors which is very helpful and lets you know - something CCC and others should adopt more of.
    I wish for our/my sake you had re-read and rewritten the long 'story' and broken it into a brief list of facts we needed.
    OS X
    Backup (though external is much safer) and you want bootable OS X clones as well as TimeMachine
    There are a number of things to do like chkdsk and others as well as Windows DVD to do automatic system repairs and find out why.
    AppleHFS - the abilty to mount and read HFS volumes can be notorious.
    I would rearrange and redo your storage setup and how you use the 4-5 internal hard drive bays.

  • Reinstalling Mountain Lion with a Bootcamp partition present

    My OSX10.8 partition has failed, not even allowing the Recovery function to reinstall Mountain Lion, or to restore from my Time Machine. So I assume I will need to reformat the drive using Disk Utility, then reinstall the OSX. BUT - I have an old Bootcamp partition running Windows XP. I need the partition for running some older software. Question: Can I erase the OSX partition, reinstall Mountain Lion and leave the Bootcamp untouched? Will the new OSX10.8 install see the previous Bootcamp drive?

    Assuming your drive hasn't failed:
    Install or Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion from Scratch
    Be sure you backup your files to an external drive or second internal drive because the following procedure will remove everything from the hard drive.
    Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    Erase the hard drive:
      1. Select Disk Utility from the main menu and click on the Continue button.
      2. After DU loads select your startup volume (usually Macintosh HD) from the
          left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
      3. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Optionally, click on
            the Security button and set the Zero Data option to one-pass. Click on
          the Erase button and wait until the process has completed.
      4. Quit DU and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion: Select Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion and click on the Install button.
    Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet if possible
                because it is three times faster than wireless.

  • I guess I didn't explaine that I have a healthy operating Windows 8 Boot camp partition on my hard drive. When I upgraded to Mavericks I am no long able to access the bootcamp partition from the disk icon in system preferences; the Windows 8 works fine.

    On both Mini Mac and iMac 27" I am no longer able to utalize the Startup Disk icon in System Preferences; the Windows 8 on Bootcamp partition works fine if I close the Mavericks OX and select the Windows partition at bootup from the hard drive. My question is why don't the icon in System Prederences work anymore since I upgraded to Mavericks. Also, Users & Groups, Printers & Scanners icons no longer work either.

    On both Mini Mac and iMac 27" I am no longer able to utalize the Startup Disk icon in System Preferences; the Windows 8 on Bootcamp partition works fine if I close the Mavericks OX and select the Windows partition at bootup from the hard drive. My question is why don't the icon in System Prederences work anymore since I upgraded to Mavericks. Also, Users & Groups, Printers & Scanners icons no longer work either.

  • How can I fix my bootcamp partition?

    Hi there,
    I'm a relative noob when it comes to OSX so please be gentle with me.
    I'm running an early 2011 Macbook Pro which initially had OSX Maverick with a Windows 7 Bootcamp partition. All was working perfectly and seamlessly until I enthusiastically decided to upgrade to OSX Yosemite which resulted in my Bootcamp partition disappearing. In my haste to try and fix this I looked through the apple support community questions and used fdisk to try and fix the issue.
    It initially worked and I now could see the Windows option on the boot menu but when actually trying to boot into Windows it ended up saying "Missing Operating System"
    I then tried to boot into Windows recovery using my Win7 CD in an attempt to repair the boot sector or whatever to no avail. I also started to try and repair the windows installation by installing it again and that crashed while I was working on it so now I have an "Unknown" area on my hard drive.
    Then I installed rEFIT and partition inspector to try and fix it and this it the output:
    *** Report for internal hard disk ***
    Current GPT partition table:
    #      Start LBA      End LBA  Type
    1                  40       409639  EFI System (FAT)
    2             409640    490273855  Unknown
    3      490273856    491543399  Mac OS X Boot
    4      563173376    625141759  Basic Data
    Current MBR partition table:
    # A    Start LBA      End LBA  Type
    1              1       409639  ee  EFI Protective
    2         409640    490273855  ac  Apple RAID
    3      490273856    491543399  ab  Mac OS X Boot
    4 *    563173376    625141759  07  NTFS/HPFS
    MBR contents:
    Boot Code: Unknown, but bootable
    Have I well and truely ruined my bootcamp and have to start from scratch? It's not the end of the world since I backed up most of my important documents and pictures etc but it took me a long time to install all the software that I require for work on my Windows partition.
    Any help or advice would be appreciated and again, please be gentle, I am a noob.
    Thanks in advance!!

    You have screwed up the original bootloader that enabled you to boot each OS properly. At best you can open Boot Camp Assistant and see if it will remove the partition, but my guess it will not. Hence, you must re-partition the drive back to one partition, OS X, then make a new Boot Camp partition. Alternatively, you can try using Camptune X for Mac | MacUpdate to manipulate, etc. the partition and restore the drive non-destructively.

  • How do I ensure bootcamp partition works after upgrading snow leopard to mountain lion

    I am very apprehensive about upgrading to Mountain Lion due to performance concerns and the debacle with the new Auto Save feature which seems like a very poor and confusing solution to a problem that didn't really exist. I am only considering the upgrade, so that I can get the latest version of Xcode - 4.3; for some reason, 4.2 for SL is no longer available and my current 4.0 version is no longer supported, so I feel forced to upgrade to ML. Also, I have a bootcamp partition that I need to be able to use without issues after having upgraded to ML. So the essence of my question is this: what steps do I need to take prior to upgrading to ML to ensure that my Bootcamp partition is left intact and bootable. I have already created a compressed backup disk image and stored on a separate external hard disk for precautionary reasons. Is there anything else I should know beore going ahead with the upgrade?

    Auto Save is actually a very useful feature. If you are typing a paper in Pages and you haven't saved in a long time, and then your battery dies suddenly, your paper is saved. Before Auto Save, you would have lost all your progress.
    Your BootCamp partition will not even be touched during the install of Mountain Lion. As long as you make sure to select your Mac OS partition during setup, nothing will happen to your Windows side and everything will still work fine.

  • Can I resize my existing Bootcamp partition (leaving XP Pro behind) while doing a clean Win 7 install?

    I currently have a Bootcamp partition (30 Gb or so) running XP pro.  I want to switch to Win 7, which I understand requires a clean install since there is no upgrade path from XP directly to Win7.  While doing so I want to increase the size of my BC partition.  (I'm offloading iTunes and iPhoto to external drives and freeing up 60+ Gb so I can make a bigger partition)
    Do I just run Bootcamp Assistant and do the deed as if I were starting from scratch, but specify a larger partition?
    The full scenario is that I have an HP laptop running Win7, and XP pro in Bootcamp.  I want to swap them.  Any advice on the process?  Activate/Deactivate/Reactivate dance.  I realize this is a Windows question, but someone may have done this before.
    Thanks for any help. 

    contrary to kappy, you can buy and use CampTune to resize.
    you can't use a HP install on Mac.
    you need a retail Win7 to activate on a different motherboard.
    Start from scratch. Anything else is likely to have problems.

  • Will formatting my hard drive remove my bootcamp partition? Also, downgrading...?

    I have 2 partitions, one for Mavericks and one for Windows 8. I would like to do a clean install of Mavericks. I have already redownloaded Mavericks and I'm about to put it on a USB so I can boot from it and reinstall the operating system. I read somewhere that to format your hard drive and do a clean install, you have to boot into the USB and then you'll have an option to format your hard drive from there. I'm not sure if that's correct so that's another thing I would like to inquire about.
    Another thing I would like to know about, although not relevant to my previous questions, is this: Is it possible to get a free download of Mountain Lion (legally, of course)? I would much rather do a clean install of Mountain Lion than Mavericks, but I've searched google and there seems to be no way to get it for free. However, I did read that it's possible to get it free within 30 days of purchasing your Mac but that 30 days have long passed for me.
    So my 3 questions are the following:
    1) Will formatting my hard drive remove my already existing bootcamp partition? (If it does, I don't mind but I would still like to know)
    2) How exactly do I format my hard drive?
    3) Is it possible to get Mountain Lion for free so I can downgrade?
    Thanks to anyone who helps!

    Formatting a HDD will delete all user data on the drive.  Yes you can do it on an older MBP by connecting to it via USB, but do you really want to?  If the repair shop says the HDD is functional, there is no need to wipe it and reinstall the OSX.  The problem then is something else.
    It would be helpful if you indicated the EXACT model/year MBP that you have.

  • New user account - cann´t open bootcamp partition through vmware fusion

    Hi all!
    I installed on my new Imac Bootcamp first, than VMware using the bootcamp partition under my admin account ( all working fine ).
    After a few days I opened a new standard user account for my wife.
    I hoped that VMware Fusion will work under these new user too. I opened the VMware and the bootcamp partition was displayed. I klicked the execute button for using these partition under VMware but the rotating sun icon rotated and rotated and rotated .... nearly 30 minutes later I stopped the VMware.
    When I try it now to open VMware a message is displayed - translated from German - or words to that effect :
    " Package "users/nameofwife/Library/ApplicationSupport/VMWareFusion/VirtualMachines/BootC amp/%2Fdev%2Fdisc0/BootCamp partition.vmwarevm" is corrupted and cann´t open "
    My question : Is it possible that my wife gets access to VMware too ?
    Please help - thx

    Okay solution found found a solution finally... i followed the steps outlined in this article: . After i did this my windows bootcamp partition showed up again, but my osx and osx recovery disks became unbootable. Luckily I have an extra enternal harddrive with osx installed on, so ran disk utility and repaired the affected disk where osx had become unavailable. Then rebooted and all disks now shows up and work perfectly again.

  • Create an image of a Bootcamp partition

    I just purchases an iMac, and I have installed Windows 7 as a Bootcamp partition on it. In addition, I have installed a bunch of Windows software that I want on it. What I'd like to do now is create an "image" of this BootCamp partition that I could use, should I need to, in the future to restore from.
    Can this be done? If so, how?
    NOTE: In the PC world, I used Acronis to create images of my laptop.

    Was WINCLONE able to image the entire HDD - including OSX and bootcamp? Or is it just used to copy the Bootcamp partition and you are expected to recreate/reinstall OSX on the new HDD?
    I'd like to swap in an SSD and put everything back as it was (OSX + Windows 7 via Bootcamp.)
    It looks like this blog post may have answered my question:

  • HT3777 if i restore my macbook back to its factory settings with the grey install disk that came with my macbook, will this wipe out the bootcamp partition? (i don't want it to)

    i have asked this question a few times now, but i have not got the answer i was looking for:
    my macbook is currently on v10.6.8 (a snow leopard version)
    the factory settings of my macbook is v10.5.6 (a leopard version; i know that using the grey install disk that came with my macbook will restore my macbook back to this version)
    i know that by restoring my macbook to the factory settings, some apps will go (e.g. flash player 12, app store) and other apps will be downgraded (like itunes)
    but i am talking about BOOTCAMP. it isn't an app, it's a partition of my hard drive.
    my question is, will i still have the BOOTCAMP partition after i restore my macbook back to its factory settings? if so, will all the folders and files in BOOTCAMP still be there?

    Hello there, Timmayy24.
    The following Knowledge Base article provides the information you're looking for:
    Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard: How to Erase and Install
    Important: This procedure will completely erase your hard drive. If you have installed Microsoft Windows using Boot Camp, or have multiple partitions, this procedure will erase the partition you select.
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

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    Hi, We have published our server through ITS. Once users logged on they access through Webui. I would like to provide users the option for themselves to change their own password.Please suggest how to achieve this Regards D.Mukundan

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    Just installed Maverick and the Maps application does not show the map images (Standard, Hybrid, or Satellite) - see below.  Otherwise everything seems to be working in the sense if you create a drop pin it will show the address, etc.  Any ideas?

  • Stored Procedure is very slow

    I have a stored procedure that is very slow and would like more efficient SQL.  I want to get a selection of data put into a @SearchTbl that I send elsewhere for further manipulation.  I do these in two parts.  First, if the sending program sends a s