Bounce Handling

Hello Experts,
We are executing a recurring campaign which will pick date as an attribute and filter, that will trigger sending of emails about the Happenings of a particular quadrant to all the stake holders.we are worried about the bounces now.
How do we handle it? what are the various settings involved?
Any help Greately appreciated.
Muralidhar Prasad.C

Hi Muralidhar,
To Set Up Bounce Management, you will have to first create Policies and rules in the Rule Modeler.
**We create a rule where we say that if the Email contains the word bounce update the business partner address data.
The Rule Modeler can be set up using PCUI. There choose context BOUNCE MANAGEMENT, with policy Default. Create the rules as u wish to like if email body contains word bounce than update the business partner address.
Also refer note: Pre-requisites: 897730
Shalini Chauhan

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    OCS default install bounces back alot of mail as it rejects anything from a domain it cant do a reverse dns lookup on. This issue can be resolved with two patches
    these are 2863557 and 2864009(these patches are for core dumps but they do fix this issue). These need to be applied after all the other patches (patchset 1, webmail patches, and bundled patchsets). Let me know if you want further details of these.
    Hope this helps
    Thanks and Best Regards

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    The below code throws a exception
    javax.mail.MessagingException: Connect failed;
      nested exception is: Connection refused: connect
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String host = "";
        String from = "fromid";
        String to = "to id";
        try {
          // Get system properties
          Properties props = System.getProperties();    
          // Setup mail server
          //host = "";     
          props.put("mail.user", from);
          props.put("", host);
          props.put("", "pop3");
          props.put("mail.debug", "false");
          // Get session
          Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
          Store mailStore = session.getStore();
          Folder inbox = mailStore.getDefaultFolder();
          Message[] mails = inbox.getMessages(1,10);
          MimeMessage msg;
          for(int i=0; i<mails.length; i++){
            msg = (MimeMessage)mails;
    } catch(Exception e) {
    Edited by: Infiniti on Jul 10, 2008 1:24 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • How to repaint a JPanel in bouncing balls game?

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    The first class defines a BALL as a THREAD
    If anyone knows how to correct the code please to write....
    package fuck;
    class CollideBall extends Thread{
        int width, height;
        public static final int diameter=15;
        //coordinates and value of increment
        double x, y, xinc, yinc, coll_x, coll_y;
        boolean collide;
        Color color;
        Rectangle r;
        bold BouncingBalls balls; //A REFERENCE TO SECOND CLASS
        //the constructor
        public CollideBall(int w, int h, int x, int y, double xinc, double yinc, Color c, BouncingBalls balls) {
            r=new Rectangle(150,80,130,90);
        public double getCenterX() {return x+diameter/2;}
        public double getCenterY() {return y+diameter/2;}
        public void move() {
            if (collide) {
            //when the ball bumps against a boundary, it bounces off
            //bounce off the obstacle
        public void hit(CollideBall b) {
            if(!collide) {
        public void paint(Graphics gr) {
            Graphics g = gr;
            //the coordinates in fillOval have to be int, so we cast
            //explicitly from double to int
            g.dispose(); ////////
        ///// Here is the buggy code/////
        public void run() {
            while(true) {
                try {Thread.sleep(15);} catch (Exception e) { }
    public class BouncingBalls extends JFrame{
        public Graphics gBuffer;
        public BufferedImage buffer;
        private Obstacle o;
        private List<CollideBall> balls=new ArrayList();
        private static final int SPEED_MIN = 0;
        private static final int SPEED_MAX = 15;
        private static final int SPEED_INIT = 3;
        private static final int INIT_X = 30;
        private static final int INIT_Y = 30;
        private JSlider slider;
        private ChangeListener listener;
        private MouseListener mlistener;
        private int speedToSet = SPEED_INIT;
        public JPanel canvas;
        private JPanel p;
        public BouncingBalls() {
            setSize(800, 600);
            p = new JPanel();
            Container contentPane = getContentPane();
            final BouncingBalls xxxx=this;
            o=new Obstacle(150,80,130,90);
            buffer=new BufferedImage(getSize().width, getSize().height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
            //JPanel canvas start
            final JPanel canvas = new JPanel() {
                final int w=getSize().width-5;
                final int h=getSize().height-5;
                public void update(Graphics g)
                public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
                    //paint the obstacle rectangle
                    g.drawImage(buffer,0,0, null);
            };//JPanel canvas end
            addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
                public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
            addButton(p, "Start", new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
                    CollideBall b = new CollideBall(canvas.getSize().width,canvas.getSize().height
            contentPane.add(canvas, "Center");
            contentPane.add(p, "South");
        public void addButton(Container c, String title, ActionListener a) {
            JButton b = new JButton(title);
        public boolean collide(CollideBall b1, CollideBall b2) {
            double wx=b1.getCenterX()-b2.getCenterX();
            double wy=b1.getCenterY()-b2.getCenterY();
            //we calculate the distance between the centers two
            //colliding balls (theorem of Pythagoras)
            double distance=Math.sqrt(wx*wx+wy*wy);
                return true;
            return false;
        synchronized void repairCollisions(CollideBall a) {
            for (CollideBall x:balls) if (x!=a && collide(x,a)) {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            JFrame frame = new BouncingBalls();
    }  And when i press start button:
    Exception in thread "Thread-2" java.lang.NullPointerException
    Exception in thread "Thread-3" java.lang.NullPointerException
    Exception in thread "Thread-4" java.lang.NullPointerException
    and line 153 is: balls.canvas.repaint(); in Method run() in First class.
    Please help.

    public RepaintManager manager;
    public BouncingBalls() {
            manager = new RepaintManager();
            manager.addDirtyRegion(canvas, 0, 0,canvas.getSize().width, canvas.getSize().height);
        public void run() {
            while(true) {
                try {Thread.sleep(15);} catch (Exception e) { }
                balls.manager.paintDirtyRegions(); //////// line 153
       but when push start:
    Exception in thread "Thread-2" java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
    at java.lang.Object.notifyAll(Native Method)
    Exception in thread "Thread-3" java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
    at java.lang.Object.notifyAll(Native Method)
    i'm newbie with Concurrency and i cant handle this exceptons.
    Is this the right way to do repaint?

  • Help with my Bouncing ball?

    Hey guys,
    I really have the basis of my program working and everything however i just had one question. My Animation works by using the Alarm which uses the take notice method. The takeNotice then calls a move method that updates my ball coordinates. I am having trouble slowing down the animation. My question is how could I slow down the animation for the viewer without altering the velocity. My set period is at 25 milliseconds that makes the ball animation very smooth however when I increase the milliseconds the animation becomes sloppy and choppy. Does anyone have any ideas of how I could fix this problem???
    Thanks guys
    The BingBong class which sets up my environment...
        This class defines and implements the demo itself.
         It also implements all the methods required to implement a "MouseListener".
    import java.awt.*;                                   
    import java.awt.event.*;               
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    public class BingBong extends Frame
                             implements     MouseListener, AlarmListener
    //     The instance variables
        private Abutton resetButton,        // My  Buttons
         private WindowClose myWindow =               //     A handle on the window
                                       new WindowClose();
         private int lastX, lastY;          //     To keep the mouse location
         private Alarm alarm;               //     We use an alarm to wake us up
         private Ball ball;                    // Creating my one ball
    //     Constructor
    //     ===========
    //     The constructor defines a new frame to accommodate the drawing window.
    //     It also sets the scene with the visualization of the element
    //     and the buttons to manipulate the value of the element.
         public BingBong()
              setTitle("Bing Bong");     //     We set the characteristics of our
              setLocation(50, 50);          //          drawing window
              setSize(420, 450);
              addWindowListener(myWindow);          //     To check on the window
              addMouseListener(this);                    //          and on the mouse
              int x = 53;      // Setting the start points for the button coordiates
              int y = 25;
              resetButton = new Abutton("Reset",, x, y);
              x += Abutton.BUTTON_WIDTH + 5;
              throwButton = new Abutton("Throw", Color.gray, x, y);
              x += Abutton.BUTTON_WIDTH + 5;
              slowButton = new Abutton("Slower", Color.yellow, x, y);
              x += Abutton.BUTTON_WIDTH + 5;
              fastButton = new Abutton("Faster",, x, y);
              alarm = new Alarm("Beep", this);     //     We "create" an alarm
              alarm.start();                              //          and we get it started
              alarm.setPeriod(25);                    // The alarm will go off every 35 milliseconds
         public void action()
              System.out.println("\nClick on one of the buttons!\n");
              repaint();   // When the program is launched we will notify the user to click via the console
    //     The next method checks where the mouse is been clicked.
    //     Each button is associated with its own action.
         private void check()
                   if (resetButton.isInside(lastX, lastY)) {
                        ball = null;  // If the reset button is hit the ball will go away
                   else if (throwButton.isInside(lastX, lastY)) {
                        double randomX = 380*Math.random();    // Creating a random starting spot for the ball
                        double randomY = 420*Math.random();
                        double randomSpeedX = (9*Math.random()) + 1; //Giving the ball a random speed
                        double randomSpeedY = (7*Math.random()) + 1; // By adding at the end I protect          
                                                                               // in case the random creates a zero
                        ball = new Ball(randomX, randomY, -randomSpeedX, -randomSpeedY);
                        // Calling the Ball constuctor to create a new ball
                   else if (slowButton.isInside(lastX, lastY)) {
                        double currentSpeedX = ball.getSpeedX();  // Getting the current ball's speed
                        double currentSpeedY = ball.getSpeedY();
                        double newSpeedX = currentSpeedX - (currentSpeedX/4); // Taking 1/4 of the current speed and
                        double newSpeedY = currentSpeedY - (currentSpeedY/4); // and subtracting it from the current speed
                        ball.setSpeed(newSpeedX, newSpeedY); // Calling the set speed method
                   else if (fastButton.isInside(lastX, lastY)) {
                        double currentSpeedX = ball.getSpeedX(); // Getting the current ball's speed
                        double currentSpeedY = ball.getSpeedY();
                        double newSpeedX = (currentSpeedX/4) + currentSpeedX; // Taking 1/4 of the current speed and
                        double newSpeedY = (currentSpeedY/4) + currentSpeedY; // and adding it to the current speed
                        ball.setSpeed(newSpeedX, newSpeedY); // Calling the set speed method
                   else  {
                        System.out.println("What?"); // I did not understand the action
    //     In order to use an alarm, we need to provide a takeNotice method.
    //     It will be invoked each time the alarm goes off.
         public void takeNotice()
              if (ball != null){ // If the ball exists everytime the alarm goes off move the ball
              repaint();          //     Finally, we force a redrawing
    //     The only "graphical" method of the class is the paint method.
         public void paint(Graphics pane)
              if (throwButton != null)               //     When instantiated,
                   throwButton.paint(pane);          //     we display all the buttons
              if (slowButton != null)                    
              if (fastButton != null)
              if (resetButton != null)                    
              if (ball != null)                         // Drawing the ball
              pane.drawLine(10, 60, 10, 440);     // Using pixel coord. to draw the lines of our "box"
              pane.drawLine(10, 440, 410, 440);
              pane.drawLine(410, 440, 410, 60);
              pane.drawLine(10, 60, 70, 60);
              pane.drawLine(410, 60, 350, 60);
         public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event)
              check();                                   //     Handle the mouse click
         public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event)
              lastX = event.getX();                    //     Update the mouse location
              lastY = event.getY();
              flipWhenInside();                         //     Flip any button hit by the mouse
         public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent event)
         public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent event) {}
         public void mouseExited(MouseEvent event) {}
         private void flipWhenInside()
              if (resetButton.isInside(lastX, lastY))  // Flips the buttons to emulate
                   resetButton.flip();                  // a push down effect when clicked.
              else if (throwButton.isInside(lastX, lastY))
              else if (slowButton.isInside(lastX, lastY))
              else if (fastButton.isInside(lastX, lastY))
    }     // end BingBongMy Ball Class holds its own unique characteristics.....
         Programmer: Jason Martins
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Ball
         // My private variables:
         private double x = 0;    // The location of the ball.
         private double y = 0;  
         private Color color = Color.BLUE;
         private double speedX, speedY;  // The speed of my ball.
         private double gravity = 0.098; // The gravity effect (9.8 m per s).
         private double bounceFactor  = 0.97; // The bouncy ness of my ball.
         private final
                        DIAMETER = 21,      // The size of my ball.
                        LEFT_SIDE = 10,
                        RIGHT_SIDE = 410,
                        BOTTOM_BOX = 440;
         // The default constructor for the Ball.
         public Ball(){
         // The Ball constructor will create an
         // ball due its own unique x and y coordinate as well as its speed.
         public Ball(double x, double y, double speedX, double speedY){
              this.x = x;                    // When a new ball is created,
              this.y = y;                    // it will have 4 critical
              this.speedX = speedX;     // doubles. The x and y coordinate and its speed
              this.speedY = speedY;   // horizontally and vertically.
         //     Drawing a ball
         public void paint(Graphics pane)
              pane.fillOval((int) x, (int)y, (int) DIAMETER, (int) DIAMETER);
              // The fillOval method will start from the specfied x and y and draw a oval based on size and height.
         // Will set the color of the given ball, by the specific color passed.
         public void setColor(Color color){
              this.color = color;                    // Sets the color of the ball.
         // Returns the x coordinate the ball is current at.
         public double getX(){
              return x;
         // Returns the y coordinate the ball is current at.
         public double getY(){
              return y;
         // Returns the horizontal velocity of the ball.
         public double getSpeedX(){
              return speedX;
         // Returns the vertical velocity of the ball.
         public double getSpeedY(){
              return speedY;
         // Sets the speed of the ball by the horizontal and vertical velocity passed.
         public void setSpeed(double newSpeedX, double newSpeedY){
              speedX = newSpeedX;
              speedY = newSpeedY;
         // Will move the ball inside the frame depending on numerous factors.
         public void move(){
              x += speedX; // Add horizontal speed to the x location and update the location.
              y += speedY; // Add vertical speed to the y location and update the location.
              speedY += gravity; // Add gravity to the vertical speed and update the vertical speed.
              if(x <= LEFT_SIDE){ // If my x coordinate is equal to the boundry on the left.
                   x = LEFT_SIDE;  // The ball bounces reversing the horizontal velocity.
                   speedX = -speedX; 
              if(x + DIAMETER >= RIGHT_SIDE){ // If my x coordinate is equal to the boundry on the right.
                   x = RIGHT_SIDE - DIAMETER; // The ball bounces reversing the horizontal velocity.
                   speedX = -speedX;
              /*if(y <= 60 && x <= 70){
                   y = 60;
                   x = 70;
                   speedY = -speedY;
              if(y <= 60 && x >= 350){
                   y = 60;
                   x = 350 - DIAMETER;
                   speedY = -speedY;
              if(y + DIAMETER >= BOTTOM_BOX){  // If my y coordinate is equal to the boundry on the bottom.
                   y = BOTTOM_BOX - DIAMETER;   // The ball bounces reversing the vertical velocity times
                   speedY = -speedY *  bounceFactor; // the bouncyness of the ball.
    }My Alarm Class.... given to us by our professor
                                                 A l a r m
         This class defines a basic timer, which "beeps" after a resetable delay.
         On each "beep," the alarm will notify the object registered when the timer
              is instantiated..
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.applet.Applet;
    public class Alarm
                        extends Thread
         private AlarmListener whoWantsToKnow;     //     The object to notify
                                                           //          in case of emergency
         private int delay = 0;                         //     The first beep will occur
                                                           //          without any delay
    //     C o n s t r u c t o r s
         public Alarm()
              super("Alarm");                              //     With the default constructor,
              whoWantsToKnow = null;                    //          nobody will be notified
         public Alarm(AlarmListener someBody)
              super("Alarm");                              //     In general,  we expect to know who
              whoWantsToKnow = someBody;               //          (i.e., which object) to notify
         public Alarm(String name, AlarmListener someBody)
              super(name);                              //     We can also give a name to the alarm
              whoWantsToKnow = someBody;
    //     The setPeriod method will set or reset the period by which beeps will occur.
    //     Note that the new period will be used after reception of the following beep.
         public void setPeriod(int someDelay)
         {                                                  //     Note:  The period should be expressed
              delay = someDelay;                         //                    in milliseconds
    //     The setPeriodicBeep method will keep on notifying the "object in charge"
    //          at set time intervals.
    //     Note that the time interval can be changed at any time through setPeriod.
         private void setPeriodicBeep(int someDelay)
              delay = someDelay;
              try {
                   while (true){                              //     For as long as we have energy,
                        Thread.sleep(delay);               //          first we wait
                        if (whoWantsToKnow != null)          //          then we notify the
                             whoWantsToKnow.takeNotice();//          responsible party
                   }                                             //          (if anybody wants to hear)
              catch(InterruptedException e) {
                   System.err.println("Oh, oh ... " + e.getMessage());
    //     The alarm is a Thread, and the run method gets the thread started, and running.
         public void run()
              System.out.println("The alarm is now running.");
    }     //     end of class AlarmThanks guys again

    One slightly confusing thing is that what you are calling speedX and speedY are not, in fact, the speed of your ball in the X and Y directions. They are the location-change-in-pixels-per-frame values.
    The "best" refresh rate has more to do with
    (1) the responsiveness of your application: how often it can redraw the screen. This sets an upper limit on the refresh rate. If you try a refresh rate that is too high (ie a delay that is too small) your application won't be able to keep up.
    (2) how sensitive the user is to detecting "jerkiness". This sets a lower limit on the refresh rate. If you try a refresh rate that is too low (a delay value that is too big) then the user will at some point complain that the animation is "choppy".
    It's a matter of trial and error, but I would start at 20 frames per decond (delay == 50) and see what happens. (The code I posted did that - I haven't run it.) If it appears choppy you can print the time inside your paint() method. This will let you check that you really are repainting every 50ms. If not, then you have exceeded the limit mentioned in (1). That is, your application can't "keep up" and you will need to improve the effeciency of paint().
    Say my velocity was 5, if i set my period too 1000 * 5 / (my preferred delay say 50) == 100I'm not completely sure I understand this - if your delay is 50, then the refresh rate must be 1000/50=20 frames per second. You can't change that. If you wanted the ball to move at 5 pixels per second (in the X direction) and your delay was 50 (ie 20fps) then you would find the appropriate speedX value by solving the equation:
    5 = 1000 * speedX / 50
    speedX = 0.25(Note: 5 pixels per second is not very fast)

  • Bounce Management in SAP CRM 2007

    Hi Experts,
    we have SAP CRM 2007 and I have a few questions about Bounce Management.
    It is a very simple scenario, so it´s fine if only hard bounces for incoming EMails are handled.
    1) Do you need ERMS for that simple form of Bounce Mgt?
    2) Is the Usage of Inetraction Center required? (We do not want to)
    3) Is it possible/recommended to create Activities out of incoming bounces?
    4) Can you segment on Bounces, not only within the Campaign Automation?
    5) What ist the effort/set up to use Bounce Mgt in that simple scenario about?
    Thanks a lot

    Yes, I was mentioning SAP Note 897730. The major pre-requisite mentioned there is Event linkage settings through SWETYPV transaction and in your case you just need to do the Rule Modeler settings. If you are using DEFAULT policy you do not need to do anything in Service Manager Profile.
    The note pre-requisites mentioned are
    The required services and service manager profiles for using the E-Mail Response Management System (ERMS) are defined: All entries necessary for bounce management are delivered in the default Customizing. As I mentioned before Service Manager Profile: Bounce is already defined and you are going to use that profile. The required service in your case would be "Bounce Data Update" or one of the 5 standard service mentioned in this note. These are already defined and taken care of in standard configurations. Therefore, you do not need to do anything over there.
    Please do the above two settings and if you have any issues please come back to me. I am sure you won't have any issues with the requirements that you mentioned. I just took one hour to set up hard bounce scenario. Only if you are planning to use services that are not standard it becomes slightly tricky. In our case major issue was that there was an error in the standard workflow. I did not know much about Workflow bindings etc. before, but then I had to dig deep into this and it gave me an opportunity to learn workflows. This was the good thing that came out of all this.
    Please note you will have to do the Event Linkage settings in SWETYPV transaction.
    Edited by: Deepak Ahuja on Jun 5, 2008 9:15 AM

  • Unregister Event Handler OIM 11g

    I have created a event handler and registered the same within OIM 11g. it gets executed as expected after create user (post process). next i changed some of the code within my custom event handler. and registered the plugin after i unregistered the old one. unfortunately i still see the old output in my logs
    i have purged the metadata chache, i have bounced the OIM but no luck..
    Are there any steps / checks i need to follow after i unregister the event handler.. and also plz confirm whether we need to follow all the steps of registration of event handler every time we make changes to the event handler class. uhhh.. its really time consuming when

    Please make sure you are shipping updated JAR files in and re-register.
    Follow below steps to re-register plugin,
    1.     Unregister plugin using below command
    ant -f pluginregistration.xml unregister
    2.     Prepare with updated JAR file.
    3.     register plugin using below command
    ant -f pluginregistration.xml register
    You do not need to restart OIM server after re-register and need not to import eventhandler.xml unless you change version of plugin.
    Also you can verify registered plugin details in plugin table with following query (Run on OIM DB),
    select * from plugins;

  • Bounced files do NOT appear in finder immediately

    I'm posting this in the Logic forum, because I believe it is an issue only happening with Logic and the Finder in 10.5.4.
    When I bounce files from Logic7 or Logic8, and then switch to the "Bounces" folder in the finder window that I usually have open in the background, the file that I just bounced does not appear there. The only way to get it to appear is to manually browse to another folder and then back to the "Bounces" folder so that the finder refreshes that folder's contents.
    This was not a problem until I upgraded to 10.5.4 and Logic8. I was previously on 10.4.9 and Logic 7.2.
    Other apps seem to be able to save documents and files to a folder, and they immediately appear in the finder window. What gives? Anyone else noticing this behavior?
    This is giving me a headache and carpal tunnel pain. It's a 2 for 1 special!

    But I've seen it with FCP, Compressor, Snapz Pro video capture and other software as well, that I can't bring to mind at the moment.
    Ok - so if it's quite common, then indeed it could be a common implementation of file writing that's not quite working right (due to changes in the OS perhaps) or is particular system routines themselves that have this issue. Makes sense.
    What I am pretty sure about is that I've seen it more often with software that takes a while to stream its data to the file (which might imply that there is a bug in the file close routine or that the app still have the file handle open when it ought to close it) and that might imply it a problem in the Pro Apps support routines (if they handle streaming to files, which I doubt) or some aspect of file management which, guessing that these things are all done through OS file management objects, would imply incorrect use of the object or a bug in the object itself.
    Yes, agreed. A much more eloquently written version of my above paragraph
    I've certainly seen it elsewhere so it's wider than Logic.
    I'm not up on the OSX reporting things - are there OSX feedback places where you can report OS bugs? There's always the ADC bug tracker I guess...

  • Problem reading custom property file from custom event handler.

    My custom event handler needs some bits of information that I have set up in a property file. However, when the event handler runs it throws a FileNotFound exception - actually its because permission was denied.
    I have added the code System.getProperty("") to find out the actual user that the event handler is running as. It reports that "oracle" is the user.
    That's great. However, the permissions on the file will allow oracle to read/write the file. If I log onto the server where OCDB runs (as oracle), I can vi the file.
    The file is owned by another user, but the "oracle" is a member of the group that has read/write (we're running on a unix box). The file is not 777.
    The event handler is actually calling a static utility method that returns the Properties. This utility is used elsewhere in other custom apps in conjunction with OCDB (on the same server). It works there, so the utility is functioning correctly.
    Is there something going on that I'm missing? Like somehow the event handler is acually runn as somebody else?
    Here is the node log.
    2007/07/17 12:52:16 [oracle.ifs] [37] 434364 system FINE: Error /opt/csc/sfi/configuration/ (Permission
    denied) Additional INFO: /opt/csc/sfi/configuration/ (Permission denied)
    Thanks in advance for the help.

    Sorry to have wasted your time. It was a server reboot issue. The ocdb server hasn't been restarted since early July. We added the users and groups late last week. Although we tested on line, the server wasn't quite up to speed with the new changes.
    We bounced the server and all is well.

  • Error handle request; Root exception is: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError

    Hello Guys,
    I am running EBS 11i, rdbms 10g on OEL4. After applying a bunch of patches to resolve some IE issues I ran into an error:
    "FRM-41072: Cannot create group ACTION_REC_GROUP" when trying to cancel a PO.
    An SR directed me to apply patch 8286920 which indeed fixed the FRM-41072 error. After this patch "Logon to Oracle Applications Manager" is not possible as the page gives me :
    Error handle request; Root exception is: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;)Ljava/lang/String;
    MOS thinks that patch 8286920 didn't break OAM but I don't think so since this is only happening on my DEV and TEST systems on which I have applied the patch. PROD, wihtout the patch, is accessible through OAM just as usual?
    Any thouths?
    Thank you

    Did you apply all patches mentioned in the following docs?
    FRM-41072 - Unable to Cancel Purchase Order or Purchase Order Line or Release [ID 947402.1]
    Change Tax Code in the Purchase Order Gets Error - Could not reserve record (2 tries) Keep trying [ID 956047.1]
    Autocreate Process Does Not Default Purchase Order Form As The Active Window After PO Is Created - Does Not Come To The Front [ID 1055623.1]
    Did you bounce all the services and see if you ca reproduce the issue?
    What about clearing the server cache files? -- How To Clear Caches (Apache/iAS, Cabo, Modplsql, Browser, Jinitiator, Java, Portal, WebADI) for E-Business Suite? [ID 742107.1]
    Can you find any errors in the database/apache log files? Any invalid objects?
    If you have verified all the above please update the SR with the error you have after applying that patch.

  • How do I bounce two mono split stereo files to one mp3?

    Might sound like a stupid question, but I have several problems:
    I bounced a waveburner-mix of my favorite songs as a split stereo file and inserted the two files in two logic mono audio tracks.
    First problem: Do I have to pan the left audio-track left and the right to the right or do I keep them centered?
    Second problem: The two tracks are louder than the original track. (no matter, if they are panned or centered. Shouldn´t the original have the same volume at my output-channel?
    Third problem: Is it possible to bounce more than 2 GB with Logic 8? The mix is very long and when I want to bounce it, logic tells me that it is too big. Can I bounce larger files with logic 9 under OS 10.6?

    Felix Bartelt wrote:
    Last question remaining: Can I bounce larger files under Logic 9 and OS 10.7. or does L9 also have the 2 GB restriction?
    No and no. The file size restriction is not Logics' restriction, it is a restriction of the file type itself. To be able to bounce longer and/or bigger files, use .caf.
    From the manual:
    +AIFF: The AIFF file format cannot handle audio file recordings larger than 2 GB:+
    ++For 16-bit, 44.1 kHz stereo files, this equals a recording time of about 3 hours and 15 minutes.+
    +For 24-bit, 96 kHz, 5.1 surround files, this equals a recording time of about 20 minutes.+
    +WAVE (BWF): The WAVE file format cannot handle audio file recordings larger than 4 GB:+
    +For 16-bit, 44.1 kHz stereo files, this equals a recording time of about 6 hours and 30 minutes.+
    +For 24-bit, 96 kHz, 5.1 surround files, this equals a recording time of about 40 minutes.+
    +CAF: If the size of your recording exceeds the above limits, choose the CAF (Apple Core Audio Format) file format, which can handle the following recording times:+
    +About 13 hours and 30 minutes at 44.1 kHz+
    +About 6 hours at 96 kHz+
    +About 3 hours at 192 kHz+
    +The bit depth and channel format—mono, stereo, or surround— *do not affect* the maximum recording size of CAF files.+

  • Cheque bounced

    In SAP Business one , how cheque bounced can be handled.
    I have received a payment from customer. And deposited in the bank.
    I have used Incomming payments window  for receving the payment  from customer against the invoice.
    Now i have used the depot screen and deposited the cheque in Bank.
    The cheque which i have deposited has been bounced. Please let me know how this can been handled in SAP B1.
    Suresh S

    Hi Suresh,
    I also had this problem and the way I mapped is like this,
    I have created two A/C's in the G/L, Check clearing A/C and Cash In-Transit. Whenever I receive a postdated check, I receive it on Account (I mean doctype Account in the Incoming Payment) and selects Check Clearing A/C as the credit A/C and enter the details for Check and pick the cash in-transit for check deposit. Now my receiveable is unaltered and I have a record for the postdated check as well. Now if your check is cleared you can simply recieve cash in the incoming payment from your customer so that your receiveable should be settled and in the deposit window clear the entry for check clearing and cash In-transit. On the other hand if the check is bounced, you simply have to reverse your check clearing and cash In-transit entry.

  • Logic 8 using only one CPU while bouncing

    Whenever I bounce a project, Logic 8 uses only one CPU. It also spikes this CPU completely, with the CPU meter going into the red area, which is why I am rather keen on persuading Logic to distribute the load.
    Any ideas?
    (I've given the support document with tips on how to balance multi-core performance a good read, but it doesn't seem to say anything on this particular subject, and following the advice in the document does nothing to change my CPU load.)

    Bouncing is a single core process. Just like rendering is in Final Cut Pro. This won't change until Leopard and Apple's ProApps get better at handling multiple cores.
    It's redlining because the processor core is working as fast as it can. Computer processors don't just randomly run slower, they use their resources for the tasks at hand. If it only used 50% of a core, the bounce would take twice as long to process.

  • Content type and SJSAS 8.1: how is it handled after all?

    I'm having a weird error while downloading certificate files from our SJSAS 8.1. For some files it sets the Content-Type, for others it does not. The GET request and its headers are always the same, but sometimes the response comes with a content type set, sometimes it sets the only the Accept-ranges header. Two examples follow:
    GET /repositorio/certificadosemitidos/SerasaACP_2002.gsc HTTP/1.1
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Server: Sun-Java-System/Application-Server
    Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 15:18:22 GMT
    Content-length: 1533
    Last-modified: Tue, 27 Apr 2004 18:49:46 GMT
    Etag: "5fd-408eab4a"
    Accept-ranges: bytes
    GET /repositorio/certificadosemitidos/78FC38A69B998586.gsc HTTP/1.1
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Server: Sun-Java-System/Application-Server
    Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 15:19:13 GMT
    Content-length: 1818
    Content-type: application/octet-stream
    X-powered-by: Servlet/2.4
    Etag: W/"1818-1143213520000"
    Last-modified: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 15:18:40 GMT
    Other thing is that the MIME types don't work. The app server ignores the types stated in the default-web.xml. Alright, but we need it to be at least deterministic when the file extensions are the same. The files I'm dealing with (these .gsc) are digital certificates in rfc printable format, but I don't think that should make a difference.
    Anyone gone through anything similar?
    Thanks a lot!

    As long as you're using SJSAS to serve your port 80 traffic, default-web.xml should definitely be setting your mime type handling for the server. The only other things that will set this are custom settings in the web.xml for your individual applications, or specific mime types set by servelets you may have running in your application.
    I've definitely set MIME types successfully just by editing default-web.xml and then bouncing the server.
    Hope that helps somehow.
    Church of Scientology

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