Bound autosuggest only displays selective results?

I've been stumped by this issue and hope someone here can point me in the right direction:
I have a autosuggest field that is bound to a component. When I call the component directly, it works as intended... when I try and use the component through the binding, it doesn't give me the same results.
Here's the autosuggest code:
<cfform name="teamsform">
Search for a team: <br>
Use team name, team id or any part of a team member's name.<br>
<cfinput autosuggest="cfc:/ofcomponents.teams.getteams({cfautosuggestvalue})" autosuggestminlength="2" type="text" name="userSearchTerm" size="50" typeahead="yes"><br>
<input type="submit" value="Go">
Here's the CFC:
    <cffunction name="getTeams" access="remote" returntype="string">
            <cfargument name="usersearchterm" required="yes" type="string">
                <cfquery name="getTeams" datasource="#REQUEST.dsn#">
                SELECT t.team_name as name
                FROM of_users u left outer join of_teams t on u.of_user_id = t.user_id
                WHERE 0 = 0
                <cfif arguments.usersearchterm neq "">
                and (t.team_name like '%#arguments.usersearchterm#%'
                or t.team_id like  '%#arguments.usersearchterm#%')
                and u.user_type_id in (select user_type_id from of_user_types where user_type_description = 'team')
                SELECT t.team_name as name
                FROM of_users u, of_teams t, of_team_participants tp
                WHERE u.of_user_id = tp.participant_id and t.of_team_id = tp.team_id
                <cfif arguments.usersearchterm neq "">
                and u.first_name like  '%#arguments.usersearchterm#%'
                or u.last_name like  '%#arguments.usersearchterm#%'
                and u.user_type_id = (select user_type_id from of_user_types where user_type_description = 'participant')
                   <!---  <cfdump var="#getteams#">
                    <cfabort> --->
<cfset returnlist = valuelist(>
    <cfreturn returnlist>
As mentioned, when I call the component directly, like this:
<cfinvoke component="/ofComponents.teams" method="getTeams" returnvariable="varret">
   <cfinvokeargument name="usersearchterm" value="Logan">
   <cfdump var="#varret#">
It gives me the correct results (i.e. the Team name)
When I type the same term in the text field, I get no results. When I type in a team name, I only get a result when the team name starts with the search term I am typing. Any other search returns no results.
Can anyone see if I am doing something wrong or is there something else going on that I am not aware of?

When I type the same term in the text field, I get no results. When I type in a team name, I only get a result when the team name starts with the search term I am typing. Any other search returns no results.
That's pretty much what I expect to happen with autosuggest. You've set autosuggestminlength to 2, so Coldfusion will respond only after you type the second character. It will then show you  elements from the list -- if there are any -- whose first 2 characters match what you typed. If you want instant matching you should set autosuggestminlength to 1.

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    <br />
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    Hi Cathy,
    please back up your current page and replace the following line:
    $query_getimages = "SELECT * FROM image_img";
    with this code block:
    if (empty($_POST['color']) && empty($_POST['season'])) {
    $query_getimages = "SELECT * FROM image_img";
    else {
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    That should work -- does it ??
    Please note that such a manual modification of a Dreamweaver recordset might have a drawback :: DW will no longer display it in the Server Behaviours tab later on, and if you would try to add additional e.g. "Dynamic Text" instances based on this recordset, DW will also refuse to do that, as it can´t recognize it any longer. That said, such modifications should always be applied when a page can be considered "feature complete"
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    Adobe Community Expert, Dreamweaver

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    Hello twdockery,
    Thanks for contacting Mozilla Support. I think what Chandan_Baba was trying to say is our browser only displays the results that Google gives us. There are no settings in the browser that would limit the amount of search results that you can see.
    I would recommend posting your question to google's support. They have a page [ here] to report issues with Image searches.

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    from transcript_documents
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    I used the Using Oracle Application Express to Build
    Oracle Text Web Applications An Oracle White Paper documentation to create this button. The instructions to create the button is below.
    To create a button to submit the search:
    1. Under Buttons, click the create icon ().
    2. For Region, select Search Terms(s).
    3. For Task, select Create a button displayed among this region’s items.
    4. For Button Name, enter P1_FIND.
    5. For Label, enter Find.
    6. For Button Style, select HTML Button.
    Run your page using the run page icon () and your development username and password. Your page should look similar to the following figure.
    This was the instructions to create the query region:
    To create a query region:
    1. Navigate back to the Page Definition for the Search page. You can do this by using the edit links at the bottom of the running page, Edit Page 1.
    2. Under Regions, click the create icon ().
    3. For Region Type, select Report.
    4. For Report Implementation, select SQL Report.
    5. For Title, enter Results.
    Using Oracle Application Express to Build Oracle Text Web Applications Page 9
    6. Enter the following SQL query:
    select score(1) relevance, doc_title, doc_url
    from htmldb_documentation
    where CONTAINS (doc_url, :P1_SEARCH, 1) > 0
    order by 1 desc
    7. For Display Conditions, for Condition Type, select Value of Item in Expression 1 is NOT NULL.
    8. For Expression 1, enter P1_SEARCH.
    This condition specifies to only display the Results region if a term is entered as a search criterion.
    Run the page and enter a search criterion for Term(s). Your results should look similar to the following figure.
    Figure 2.0
    The only thing I added to the query above is a dbms_doc.getlength statement to be able to open a link to the document.
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    Hey Adam,
    Thanks for taking the time to take a look. I'm a bit surprised that you are getting the correct result there? I tested in IE8 and FF3 as well.
    As you type in a title, say, "To all the girls I've loved before" as you type the "T" I'm expecting the autosuggest to start suggesting my top 20 of titles beginning with "T" but, what I see is the little ajax loading spinner and then nothing until after I type in the next 2 characters when all of a sudden, I get the autosuggest. Having got the autosuggest displayed once, when I start deleting characters, I tend to get the expected behaviour as I go back one character at a time. Please note that no matter how slow I go, I still get these symptoms???
    Anyway here's my code for the form:
    <div class="search_element">
        <label for="disc">Disc</label><br />
        <cfinput style="width:60px;height:16px;" name="disc" value="" autosuggest="{cfautosuggestvalue})" autosuggestminlength="1" maxresultsdisplayed="20">
      <div class="search_element">
        <label for="disc">Title</label><br />
        <cfinput style="width:130px;height:16px;" name="title" value="" autosuggest="{cfautosuggestvalue})" autosuggestminlength="1" maxresultsdisplayed="20"></cfinput>
      <div class="search_element">
        <label for="disc">Artist</label><br />
        <cfinput style="width:130px;height:16px;" name="artist" value="" autosuggest="{cfautosuggestvalue})" autosuggestminlength="1" maxresultsdisplayed="20"></cfinput>
    And here's the CFC:
    <cfcomponent output="true">
            <cffunction name="find_disc" access="remote" returntype="string">
              <cfargument name="search" type="any" required="false" default="">
              <!--- Query discs --->
              <cfquery name="results" datasource="#dsn#" maxrows="20" >
                 select   distinct     discs.disc
                  from        discs
                  where        disc like ''
                  order by    disc
             <!--- And return it as a List --->
              <cfreturn  valueList(results.disc) >
            <cffunction name="find_title" access="remote" returntype="string">
                <cfargument name="search" type="any" required="false" default="">
              <!--- Query discs --->
              <cfquery name="results" datasource="#dsn#" maxrows="20" >
                 select   distinct     discs.title
                  from        discs
                  where        title like ''
                  order by    title
             <!--- And return it as a List --->
              <cfreturn  valueList(results.title) >
            <!--- Lookup used for auto suggest --->
            <cffunction name="find_artist" access="remote" returntype="string">
              <cfargument name="search" type="any" required="false" default="">
              <!--- Query discs --->
              <cfquery name="results" datasource="#dsn#" maxrows="20" >
                 select   distinct     discs.artist
                  from        discs
                  where       artist like ''
                  order by    artist
             <!--- And return it as a List --->
              <cfreturn  valueList(results.artist) >

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    thanks in advance.

    Hi Remya,
    Are you talking about dynamic programming in ABAP ?
    If yes, there are concepts like RTTS which facilitates it.
    Yes, the select query also supports dynamic selection of fields. ( Please care about ( ) in dynamic sql ).
    Do more research on Field Symbols and statements like ASSIGN COMPONENT OF.

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    adding a filter" shows for other users. This makes no sense -
    there ARE filters on this view. I'd rather not increase the throttle limit.
    Anthony Kelly

    Hi Ajk,
    Check that the list is not scoped by an audience; but, I'm afraid that either way admin, (e.g. non Farm admin or site collection admin)
    I'd recommend exporting to excel, create two new spreadsheets and then import as custom lists.
    Best of luck and cheers,

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    Just clarifying:
    Pages '09 has bad support for Hebrew, Arabic etc but will accept pasted text.
    Pages 5 has much better support but with bugs.
    If you have columns they are in the wrong order ie Text starts in the left column and ends in the right column.
    If you type English into Hebrew text it tends to fall in the wrong position eg instead of to the left of Hebrew punctuation it goes to the right.
    As Tom recommends the only real solution on the Mac is Mellel.
    btw Tell Apple, they are amazingly slow to fix this running sore which has been broken since RtoL was supposedly introduced in OSX 10.2.3 over a decade ago.

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    Amit Khatri

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    How do you display the result of a multi-level dynamic parameter that the user has selected on the cover sheet of the crystal report.
    Or Display the Start & Ending selection results from a dynamic parameter on the cover sheet of the crystal report.

    Replace the code with:
    stringvar selection;
    stringVar array arr1;
    numberVar i;
    redim preserve arr1[count({?ProductID})];
    for i := 1 to count({?ProductID}) step 1 do
    arr1<i> := {?ProductID};
    selection:= 'ProductID is : ' & chr(39) & join(arr1,",") & chr(39);
    This should hopefully fix the error, but I don't think it will solve your problem as it might keep assigning the same product id to each element of the array.
    Have you tried just join({?parameter},', ') as suggested by RG?
    Edited by: Sanjay Kodidine on Jul 1, 2009 10:22 AM

  • How can I display selected tags across multiple e-mail addresses?

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    Any assistance greatly appreciated as this is a very big problem for me.
    thanks, Ron75

    This solution does not appear to work across multiple e-mail addresses.
    Perhaps I should have said "work across multiple e-mail address at the same time. I get e-mail on specific topics via several email addresses and wish to view all the tagged emails regardless of which email account in which they reside.
    I could not get this solution to select more than one email account at a time.

  • Displaying the result of the TOP N query

    Hi all,
    we are facing a challenging task were we are going to build a query that gives the answer on the question:
    How many different materials (of the top sold) represent 80% of the total sales in quantity?
    The result should of the query should be very short:
                                                                                    2002           2003             2004
    Nr of materials 
    reps 80%          432            453               499
    The query is build on a CO-PA based cube, where each line corresponds to a billing item with material and quantity.
    By using a Top 80% condition on the quantity sold keyfigure we get out the top 80% materials sold:
    Year     Material     QTYSold        QTYSold-Ranked 
    2002     Mtr0323      10000             1
             Mtr0262      9000              2
             Mtr0243      8700              3
             Mtr0763      600               423
             Result       932000            423
    2003     Mtr0123      9700              1
             Mtr0332      9100              2
             Mtr0243      8700              3
            Mtr0763      543               453
             Result       912000            453
    We would like to supress the materials and only show the result row (or the raked position of the last material).
    The problem is that the 'Calculate Single Value As' properties of a formula (or keyfigure) only applies on Displayed Data values. All tests we have done so far with 'supression of zeros' & 'always hide' has messed up or counting / ranking functions.
    Is there any function in within formulas that have same functionality like Count,Rank etc?
    Is there any other way to supress materials and only show results?
    Any suggestions are welcome!

    Should be achievable using exception aggregation and pre-query.
    Create a query that gives the list of material that account for 80% of the sales using condition on the sales column.
    In the second query, using exception aggregation, count the number of materials that make up this set for the year. Create a new calculated key figure with the formula as qual to sales key figure. In the properties window, press the enhance button and select count of all values in the first drop down and material in the second drop down. Filter the query on material with a characteristic variable with processing as replacement path. In the variable point it to the first query. Drilldown for this will be year.
    This will give you number of materials for one year. If you want comparitive for three years, then three pre-queries and three variables with the calculated key figure restricted to a variable pointing to one years query.
    You can use pre-calculated value sets to improve the run for the result query.

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    Measurement[0] (ADC1):
    Data: 5000
    Status: Passed
    Measurement[1] (AD
    ADC1: Data: 5000 Status: Passed
    ADC2: ...

    What you can do, is use the Override Callbacks for Modify the Report that is Generated.
    Also you can also change the report sequence 'reportgen_txt.seq' to achieve the desired affect. If you go for modifying the report sequence then copy this to the User folder and then make your changes.
    In the Resources Library you can find simple examples were the report has been modified by either using the Override Callbacks or by modifying the actual sequence.
    One other item in the Report Options you will have to set the 'Select a Report Generator for Producing the Report Body' control to use the Sequence instead of the DLL.
    Hope this helps
    Ray Farmer
    Ray Farmer

  • Display No Results Found in APEX page

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    Any help is much appreciated.

    If I understand correctly, you'll want to add an exists condition to your second region (then IR correct?) that uses the basic same SQL with the criteria, but doesn't need to return all the rows (select 1 from ...). Then you'll want to add another HTML region (a 3rd region) with your friendly message in it and with the same SQL condition as before but with a "not exists" so that it's the opposite situation. Basically the regions will flip on or a off based on the results.

Maybe you are looking for