BPEL Fault Management - Using Xpath in Fault Policy conditions

Hi all.
I have a requirement to use the xpath functions "contais" and "upper-case" inside a condition in a fault policy file. I've done some tests and didn't get successful results so far.
My first test using the policy file was the following:
<faultName xmlns:bpelx="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension"
     *<test>$fault.TechnicalFault/ebsv1:TechnicalFault/ebov1:message = 'TE-0001'</test>*
     <action ref="ora-human-intervention" />
In this first test I used a simple expression just to test the overall namespace declarations and xpath navigation. It worked as expected.
Second, I modified the test to use the "contais" function. I need to use this function because my message will eventually contain the value 'TE-0001' mixed with other string:
<faultName xmlns:bpelx="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension"
     *<test>contains($fault.TechnicalFault/ebsv1:TechnicalFault/ebov1:message, 'TE-0001')</test>*
     <action ref="ora-human-intervention" />
In this second test I allways get FALSE results, meaning that this expression may not be correct. I'm certain that this should be evaluated to TRUE as the test scenario is the same as the first test. Is there something missing?? I turned on debug level log in the domain but didn't find any hint about the fault management processing.
Besides the use of the contains function, it would be nice if I'm able use the function upper-case. Something like this:
<faultName xmlns:bpelx="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension"
     *<test>contains(xp20:upper-case($fault.TechnicalFault/ebsv1:TechnicalFault/ebov1:message), 'TE-0001')</test>*
     <action ref="ora-human-intervention" />
Any ideas???

Hi again.
Has anyone been able to use any kind of Xpath function inside a policy file? If so, could you please share the code fragment including the namespace declarations and the conditions?
Does anyone know if Fault Management Framework at least support the use of Xpath functions?

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    It's not available in ESB, you have to implement/extend that by your self. Off course in the next release everthing will be better :-)
    But, if you are able to use Oracle AIA (http://edelivery.oracle.com) You could use Oracle AIA Foundation, that has a fault 'hospital' implemented both for BPEL and ESB.

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    I am not clear on your objective, but in so far as BPEL SE Component of Open-ESB Project, running on JBI is concerned you can read more about Fault handling and other features of BPELSE here at http://wiki.open-esb.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=BPELSE. Also, you can find some working examples on this page http://wiki.open-esb.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=HowToDo
    - Malkit

  • BPEL Fault Management and Notification

    Hi peers - has anyone successfully implemented Email Notification as part of a Fault Management Framework approach to their BPEL projects - i.e implemented the necessary entries in a fault-policies.xml file to allow an email notification to be sent as part of standard procedure? I acknowledge the custom Java approach, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel if someone has done it already.
    Any help much appreciated.
    Dennis R

    If anyone's interested - here is our solution. We've commented out some BPEL specific context handling as there is a problem with it at the moment - but this is a start.
    package au.com.abcde.bpel;
    // import com.collaxa.cube.engine.fp.BPELFaultRecoveryContextImpl;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.Properties;
    import javax.mail.Message;
    import javax.mail.MessagingException;
    import javax.mail.Session;
    import javax.mail.Transport;
    import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
    import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
    import oracle.integration.platform.faultpolicy.IFaultRecoveryContext;
    import oracle.integration.platform.faultpolicy.IFaultRecoveryJavaClass;
    public class CustomFaultHandler implements IFaultRecoveryJavaClass {
    public void handleRetrySuccess(IFaultRecoveryContext iFaultRecoveryContext) {
    System.out.println("This is for retry success");
    public String handleFault(IFaultRecoveryContext iFaultRecoveryContext) {
    Map faultProperties = iFaultRecoveryContext.getProperties();
    Properties properties = new Properties();
    Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(properties, null);
    try {
    // BPELFaultRecoveryContextImpl bpelCtx =
    // (BPELFaultRecoveryContextImpl)iFaultRecoveryContext;
    Message message = new MimeMessage(session);
    message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(((List)faultProperties.get("from")).iterator().next().toString()));
    new InternetAddress(((List)faultProperties.get("to")).iterator().next().toString()));
    message.setText("\n" +
    "A BPEL Process Instance has faulted.\n" +
    "Check the Instances tab in the SOA Composite console in order to resolve the problem.\n" +
    // "BPEL Composite/Instance: " + bpelCtx.getCompositeName() +
    // "/" + bpelCtx.getComponentInstanceId() + ".\n" +
    "Fault with Partner Link: " +
    iFaultRecoveryContext.getReferenceName() + ".\n" +
    "Composite Fault Policy: " +
    iFaultRecoveryContext.getPolicyId() + ".\n" +
    "This message was automatically generated, please do not reply to it.");
    } catch (MessagingException e) {
    return "OK";
    and our fault-policies.xml looks like
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <faultPolicies xmlns="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/faultpolicy">
    <faultPolicy version="2.0.1" id="StandardFaults"
    <!-- Fault if location port is not reachable-->
    <faultName xmlns:bpelx="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension"
    <action ref="ora-retry"/>
    <!-- Business faults here, if any-->
    <Action id="ora-retry">
    <retryFailureAction ref="java-fault-handler"/>
    <retrySuccessAction ref="ora-terminate"/>
    <Action id="ora-replay-scope">
    <Action id="ora-rethrow-fault">
    <Action id="java-fault-handler">
    <javaAction className="au.com.abcde.bpel.CustomFaultHandler"
    <returnValue value="OK" ref="ora-human-intervention"/>
    <Action id="ora-human-intervention">
    <Action id="ora-terminate">
    <propertySet name="properties">
    <property name="from">[email protected]</property>
    <property name="to">[email protected]</property>
    <property name="subject">BPEL Problem Notification</property>
    <property name="host">smtp.abcde.com.au</property>
    <property name="port">25</property>

  • Oracle Fault Management Framework - how to intercept first invocation

    I know the Oracle Fault Management Framework is only activated on faults that occur on invokes.
    Which is fine for all internal calls.
    However, is there any way to get the framework to be activated on the very first invoke?
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    However, if an external third party calls my process (say Process A) and an error occurs in process A that is NOT from an invoke, eg xpath error.
    The framework does NOT get activated.
    Any ideas how to get around this other than going into every BPEL and adding in a catchAll , log, throw fault?

    There should be no difference between managing internal and external calls using the fault handler.
    If we can just talk about process A as a BPEL process which utilizes the fault management.
    It should not matter where the services process A calls reside. The fault management system will only get calls as part of an error occurring on an invoke.
    I don't agree with your comment that the framework will get called if a fault occurs any where within the domain. e.g. If process A has an assign activity and fails because it can't convert a string into date. The fault management system will not be called. Therefore it is independent if the services process A calls are internal or external.
    What is your reasoning behind having a process that continues in the event of a fault when the first fault could cause subsequent faults.
    If no fault is manged either by the framework or a catch then the raw error will be returned back to the consumer. So you will be able to debug that initial fault. Does this not fulfill your uses case?

  • fault management to simplify our complex error hospital pattern

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    1. A loop around key components of each process which may fail and need retry (e.g. invokes, database operations)
    2. Within each error loop a fault handler, this catches faults as they are thrown and passes them onto another BPEL error handling process (with a nested fault handler in case this invoke fails which spits error out to a file), the error handler can reply with retry (loop around again) or cancel (exit loop), if no response is received an automated retry occurs
    3. An error service process which creates a human task for an error to be dealt with
    4. A web app which allows users to process the tasks created by the error service, user can inspect data, see fault detail and mainly just select to cancel or retry the failed operation (including multi select if for example hundreds of processes had hit the same error)
    This has been refined and is now operating nicely in production, but the development (items 1 and 2 above) and testing effort involved is high - frequently more than the actual business logic. In a 3GL this error handling would be simplified by having a nice reusable piece of code (proceudre or method call) that could go in the error handling loop, rather than putting a whole set of logic (invoke, pick, handling of faults in the error handling code, etc).
    I'm aware of the fault management framework in which does a subset of our functionality, we are now looking back at the error hospital we have created and wondering if we could simplify. The main stumbing block I see with the fault management framework is that we need to decide whether to do an automated retry after some interval or whether to await human action, we want to do both, await human activity but if they don't action it retry the operation. I'm thinking that we could achieve everything that we have got by a slight manipulation of the error management framework, as follows :
    A. Define faults such that all faults cause human intervention.
    B. Create a daemon process which scans for activities requiring human intervention and automatrically triggers a rety after a configurable period (so that things like database errors will get auto retried)
    C. Adapt our web app to look for and operate on activities outstanding rather than workflow tasks.
    i) To support B/C above is there a java api this daemon can use or is it a question of updating the rdbms
    ii) Am I underestimating what can be done with the java action fault policy ?
    iii) To make our existing approach easier, is there a way of doing an invoke and pick operation actually within an embedded java routine to minimise the amount of code we have in each error handling block
    Hope this makes sense, thanks in advance - there seem to be a lot of knowledgeable people out there in this forum.

    The next blogs might be interesting for you. It addresses your questions.
    Kind regards,

  • Fault Management Framework

    Hi folks,
    I am studying the Fault Management Framework that comes with BPEL.
    It is a really nice feature: in a single place I can define a strategy for handling errors that occurs in the invoke activity of any BPEL process.
    I have a question about this: is there a similar tool or framework to handle in a single place errors that can occur in ANY activity of the BPEL process not only in the invoke activity.
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    If anybody has an idea feels free to explain it!


  • fault management framework and catchall problem

    Hi all,
    I have a BPEL process with a catchall exception block for the entire process (in the .bpel file). The errorhandling determines if action needs to be taken on a given exception and notify's tech support with an e-mail if action needs to be taken. This works fine.
    However, it would be nice if you could retry faulted instances if for instance a web service was temporarily down. Here the fault management framework comes to the rescue. I have created default policy and fault-binding files. I have set it up so that any error goes to human interaction. Apparently this worked. An instance pending manual recovery was created, and it could be retry'ed from the BPEL console.
    So here is my problem: The fault management framework apparently overwrites the catchall exception in the BPEL process, so that while a task for human interaction is created the error block is not excuted first - meaning that no e-mail notification is sent and no differentiating between exception occurs.
    If I remove the default policy and fault-binding files then the catchall is used again.
    This may be expected behaviour, but I assume that it is possible to use both a catch all block in the bpel code AND the generic fault management framework.
    Does anybody have any ideas?
    Your assistance will be much appreciated.

    Hi Aagaard,
    The BPEL Error Hospital that Oracle introduced with SOA Suite will prevent you from having to model the handling of Binding Faults or Runtime Faults in BPEL processes.
    Hope in the future we will also be able to specify policies for handling custom faults that may occur anywhere in the BPEL process, i.e. not only on invoke activities.
    This framework will gives us the opportunity to handle all the business and runtime faults for an “invoke” activity. With the framework we can define one policy for every bpel domain.
    In the bpel/domains/default/config/fault-policy-binding.xml , we can setup the policies we would use and which processes,partnerlinks,port types will be part of it.
    If there is already some fault-handling (catch) defined in the the bpel process, the framework will overrule this, and use a policy if possible.
    Hope that answers your question!
    Anirudh Pucha

  • SOA 11g Fault Management Framework Issue

    I am using soa
    I have a composite with bpel process. Bpel process invokes a external web service.
    I add fault-bindings.xml and fault policy to catch remote fault.
    When I turn off web service, bpel process has the remote fault but the fault didn't be caught by fault management framework.
    Here is my fault-policies.xml and fault-ibindings.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <faultPolicyBindings version="0.0.1"
    <!-- only applies for the bpel process -->
         <component faultPolicy="FusionMidFaults" >
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <faultPolicies xmlns="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/faultpolicy"
    <faultPolicy version="0.0.1" id="FusionMidFaults"
    <faultName xmlns:medns="http://schemas.oracle.com/mediator/faults"
    <action ref="MediatorJavaAction"/>
    <faultName xmlns:bpelx="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension"
    <action ref="BPELJavaAction"/>
    <faultName xmlns:bpelx="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension"
    <action ref="BPELJavaAction"/>
    <faultName xmlns:bpelx="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension"
    <action ref="BPELJavaAction"/>
    <!-- Generics -->
    <Action id="default-terminate">
    <Action id="default-replay-scope">
    <Action id="default-rethrow-fault">
    <Action id="default-human-intervention">
    <Action id="MediatorJavaAction">
    <javaAction className="MediatorJavaAction.myClass"
    <returnValue value="MANUAL" ref="default-human-intervention"/>
    <Action id="BPELJavaAction">
    <!-- this is user provided class-->
    <javaAction className="com.rubiconred.faultManagement.MyFaultPolicyJavaAction"
    <returnValue value="MANUAL" ref="default-human-intervention"/>

    Hi, I've the same issue. I created the fault-bindings.xml and fault-policies.xml in the same directory as composite.xml. I throw a fault in the BPEL process, but it does not get caught by the fault policy mechanism.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <faultPolicyBindings version="2.0.1"
    <composite faultPolicy="MyCompositeFaultPolicy"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <faultPolicies xmlns="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/faultpolicy"
    <faultPolicy version="2.0.1" id="MyCompositeFaultPolicy"
    <!-- This section describes fault conditions. Build more conditions with faultName, test and action -->
    <faultName xmlns:bpelx="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension"
    <action ref="ora-terminate"/>
    <faultName xmlns:bpelx="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension"
    <action ref="ora-terminate"/>
    <faultName xmlns:bpelx="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension"
    <action ref="ora-terminate"/>
    <faultName xmlns:bpelx="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension"
    <action ref="ora-terminate"/>
    <Action id="ora-retry">
    <retryFailureAction ref="ora-human-intervention"/>
    <!-- This is an action will bubble up the fault-->
    <Action id="ora-rethrow-fault">
    <Action id="ora-human-intervention">
    <!-- This action will cause the instance to terminate-->
    <Action id="ora-terminate">
    I tried restarting the managed server, but it did not help. If you have any suggestions, please supply them.

  • RT: 9512 modules fault when using hybrid mode

    Hello, I am having an issue with my cRIO hyrbid setup. I am currently using Labview 2010, cRIO 9074, x1 NI 9234, and x3 NI 9512.
    What you are trying to accomplish?
    -I have built two VIs. One that acquired data from an NI 9234. This vi is the one that uses the FPGA due to 51.2kHz sampling frequency needs. The other is to control the motion and encoder reading of three NI 9512s (scan mode). They both work fine separately (on the same FPGA bitfile), but when I copy and paste the VI for the NI 9234 into the VI for the x3 9512s and click run, the motors fault out.
    What steps are necessary to reproduce any problems?
    click run on the attached (prepared program_2VItesting.vi).
    What steps, if any, you have taken to solve any problems and the results of your attempts
    -I have confirmed that if i run the two VIs separately, they work fine. The very first time i combine the two VIs the 9512s work for a second (i.e. the motors move a little). Then it faults. I then used distribution manager to clear the fault and run it again (note: there is no fault code, i just clear the red light on the module by changing to configuration mode then active mode). Every time after the first time the motors do not move at all.
    - I have confirmed that i did correctly setup the hybrid mode based on this kB:
    I have attached the vi of the two VIs combined together(prepare program_2VITesting.vi). The top half is the copied and pasted FPGA program (as noted by the open VI reference) and the bottom is the scan mode (as noted by the timed loop). I also attached the seperate VIs (JustDAQ and prepared program) that can both function right now by justing pressing run.
    Am i just missing something simple here?
    Go to Solution.
    prepared program_2VITESTING.vi ‏1369 KB
    prepared program_ThisWORKS.vi ‏445 KB
    JustDAQ.vi ‏930 KB

    Hello Troy_B,
    Thanks for the post, here is a useful KB describing how to use Scan Engine and FPGA simultaneously. Please take a look at this documentation and make sure you have everything configured correctly for Hybrid Mode.
    Hybrid Mode has longer compile time because the compiler has to combine the RIO Scan Interface bitfile and the FPGA code into one bitfile.
    The number of DMA FIFO's available for FPGA code is reduced since the scan engine uses 2 DMA FIFO's.
    Here is an example of what your final project should look like with Mod1 in Scan Mode and Mod2 in FPGA Mode:
    Hope this helps!
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • LMS 4.2 Fault Manager Issue

    Hi All,
    We are seeing many Unidentified traps on the DFM for multiple devices. 
    274.              008ZETI      Active          InformAlarm                   Mumbai_6509-1          Mumbai_6509-1: Unidentified Trap Generic Trap:6 Specific Trap:1 EnterpriseOid:.       04-Feb-2015 01:59:28                    NA
    275.              008ZETG    Cleared      InformAlarm                   Mumbai_6509-1          Mumbai_6509-1: Unidentified Trap Generic Trap:6 Specific Trap:1 EnterpriseOid:.       04-Feb-2015 01:59:03                    NA
    276.              008ZETA     Active          InformAlarm                   Mumbai_6509-1          Mumbai_6509-1: Unidentified Trap Generic Trap:6 Specific Trap:2 EnterpriseOid:.            04-Feb-2015 01:58:22                    NA
    274.              008ZETI      Active          InformAlarm                   Mumbai_6509-1          Mumbai_6509-1: Unidentified Trap Generic Trap:6 Specific Trap:1 EnterpriseOid:.       04-Feb-2015 01:59:28                    NA
    275.              008ZETG    Cleared      InformAlarm                   Mumbai_6509-1          Mumbai_6509-1: Unidentified Trap Generic Trap:6 Specific Trap:1 EnterpriseOid:.       04-Feb-2015 01:59:03                    NA
    276.              008ZETA     Active          InformAlarm                   Mumbai_6509-1          Mumbai_6509-1: Unidentified Trap Generic Trap:6 Specific Trap:2 EnterpriseOid:.            04-Feb-2015 01:58:22                    NA

    The unidentified trap message in fault manager is expected when LMS receives a trap that is not in the list of traps that the fault manager is capable of processing.
    Here are the traps that fault manager can process:
    The SNMP traps are only processed by the fault manager and as per the document above the ones that will be identified are pre-defined and the list cannot be modified.
    Clearing an Unidentified Trap
    You can manually clear Unidentified Traps from LMS. To do this:
    Step 1 Select the Unidentified Trap and click Clear.
    A message appears prompting you to confirm the clearing.
    Step 2 Enter your user ID.
    This will be used as a reference to identify who cleared the Unidentified Trap.
    Step 3 Click OK to confirm.
    The Unidentified trap is cleared.
    To retain the trap click Cancel.
    - Ashok
    Please rate the post or mark as correct answer as it will help others looking for similar information

  • LMS 4.2.2 Fault manager does not resolve hostname for some devices

    This is Cisco Prime LMS 4.2.2 on Windows 2008 R2
    As far as I understand it Fault Manager need to be able to do reverse lookup for ip adresses to show the correct name in the "device name" column. I have double and tripple checked and all devices that only is shown as an ip address do have a reverse in the dns used by the LMS server.
    The device is correctly registered and inventory have been run. If I hold the mouse pointer over the crosshair on the row of the offending device all info is shown including correct device name and fqdn.
    The server is upgraded from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2 and we have the same problem before the upgrade.

    The problem may occur if the lookup was not possible when the device was added to fault management. 
    Faultmanager, unlike the rest of LMS, does not update the display name.
    If the resolver.pl in /opt/CSCOpx/bin is able to get the device name, then resolution is fine.
    The only workarrounds are to the delete the device from LMS and re-add it, or use cli tools on the server to remove and re-add the device from the DFM repository.

  • Order Quote Management using Worklist application

    I am trying to assess the best option to implement a Order Quote Management Use Case.
    Use Case:
    1. User creates a list of items and create an order
    2. User selects 3 (or more) Suppliers and submit the order for a quotation
    3. In parallel the Suppliers receive a notification (by email) and access to the Supplier portal.
    4. Each single Supplier can see the order and add the prices / mark items can not deliver.
    5. Each Supplier re-submits the order to the original user.
    6. User can check all the Suppliers' quotes and select the best one.
    I was thinking to use the Worklist applications and Human Task BPEL to perform it.
    This is what I was thinking:
    a. Extend the Worklist application with a customize a webpage where the user can create a items list for quotation.
    b. When the user submit the order for quotation the page will call a ASYNC BPEL (called OrderQuotation).
    c. The BPEL OrderQuotation process will use Human Task BPEL to start a Human Task in parallel with the Suppliers (Supplier will receive a notification by mail using the notification function as well)
    d. We will expose the Worklist application (using Oracle Portal) to the Supplier
    e. Supplier will login in the Worklist application and claim the task
    f. Supplier will modify the order for quotation with price information and will submit back to the supplier the order now quoted.
    g. User will login in Worklist application and he will see a customized page where all the orders are quoted and compared for each supplier.
    Please, let me know:
    1. if this approach can be achieved using the standard functionalities of Worklist application / Human Task interaction in BPEL.
    2. If yes, which Human Task interaction parametrization I should use
    3. If no, let me know what I have to extend in the worklist to achieve it
    4. Or alternative another possible way to achieve it.

    I also face the issue to port Worklist in JSP or portal other than using adf.
    I am using SOA and using BPEL and Human workflow. I did a complete flow from JSP ->BPEL->Human worlist. Whenever i
    submit a form values in JSP, it hits BPEL and i am
    getting proper message list in Human worklist and wherein i can able to assign, escalate and delegate tasks.
    Now i need to customize the worklist in Weblogic Portal 10g or to JSP. My requirement now is to port the Worlist default skins to jsp or Portal.
    I also gone through SOA 11g developers guide and in worklist sections but no idea how to implement.
    If any body knows please advise.

  • Fault Policies using retry and java hadler

    I am using fault policies to handle a remote and binding faults.Whenever i get a fault i want to retry for 5 times and then call a java handler, which will insert the error into queue.
    I have written the fault policies and java handler.But the problem is for each retry it is going to Java handler and pushing the message to queue.
    Here is my Fault policies file.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <faultPolicies xmlns="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/faultpolicy"
    <faultPolicy version="2.0.1" id="FaultHandling-faultpolicy">
    <faultName xmlns:bpelx="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension"
    <action ref="ora-retry"/>
    <faultName xmlns:bpelx="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension"
    <action ref="ora-retry"/>
    <faultName xmlns:bpelx="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2003/03/business-process/"
    <action ref="ora-retry"/>
    <Action id="ora-terminate">
    <Action id="ora-replay-scope">
    <Action id="ora-retry">
    <retryFailureAction ref="ora-java"/>
    <Action id="ora-java">
    <javaAction className="faultpolicies.MyFaultHandler"
    <Action id="ora-rethrow-fault">
    <Action id="ora-human-intervention">
    Pls guide me what should be done..

    There is no point in retry on binding fault, rather you can raise it as exception and catch it in sepcific catch block or catch all will handle it.
    Ideally this particular instance will be faulted and if required you can customize to send a mail with fault string to developer or support person or dba
    This type of fault need human intervension to fix this code or it could be data issue.
    - It is considered good etiquette to reward answerers with points (as "helpful" - 5 pts - or "correct" - 10pts).

  • Fault management - ora-human-intervention - help

    I am playing with Fault management framework and everything went fine so far. However when I changed action to 'ora-huma-intervention' I am not seeing the desired output.
    My version -
    Here is my audit :
    [2009/05/07 15:13:58] [FAULT RECOVERY] Marked Invoke activity as "pending manual recovery".
    [2009/05/07 15:13:58] "{http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension}bindingFault" has been thrown.More...
    [2009/05/07 15:13:58] "BPELFault" has not been caught by a catch block.
    [2009/05/07 15:13:58] BPEL process instance "3320518" cancelled
    According to audit, invoke activity is marked to 'Pending manual recovery', but the last line shows process instance is cancelled. I believe instance must not be cancelled in this stage and it must appear under activities tab if this work correctly ...
    Not sure if the problem is related,I see the below error in opmn log about the missing table 'wi_fault'.
    The process domain was unable to update the fault entry for the activity "3320518-BpInv0-BpSeq0.3-2" from the datastore. The exception reported is: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    Please check that the machine hosting the datasource is physically connected to the network. Otherwise, check that the datasource connection parameters (user/password) is currently valid.
    sql statement: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wi_fault WHERE cikey = ? AND node_id = ? AND scope_id = ? AND count_id = ?
    Any guidance will be appreciated ...

    That SQL error ORA-00942: table or view does not exist is caused because you haven't install the SQL scripts after performing the upgrade.
    The scripts that need to be run can be found
    run the scripts that are relevant to your upgrade.
    If you are running olite the SQL prompt is found
    the fault management was introduced in and requires these database changes.
    Also make sure your JDev version is the same as SOA Suite version.

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