BPEL 11g

Please tell me the link for OracleBAM and enterprise manger 11g download.Is it comes with BPEL or it is independent or it supports integration for SOA
Edited by: rider on May 16, 2011 5:31 AM

i am on the same link
I accept the aggrement but it is not started downloading as usual

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    BPEL 11G,
    1|10005|857896|BR |0000 |6544|kantro|54635
    1|10255|km|5653|RJ |00000|5557544|13-08-1998
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    You have a header parameter in the file datastore. You can provide any number to skip rows from top of the file. For footer you can create a filter in staging area.
    Filter coould be something like this.
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    Azevedo, Artur.

    You need to ensure that your process is working in a single transaction.
    You are correctly using the XA datasource.
    Next you need to ensure that you do not have a dehydration point in the process and if there is a call to another BPEL process they are in a same transaction.

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    Thanks & Regards

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    Thanks in advance.


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    We can achive this by embedding html tag break '&lt br &gt', something like below.
    string('Please click on the URL below to login and open your invoice Worklist.&lt br &gt
    &lt br &gt
    &lta href="http://localhost:8001/integration/worklistapp"> Invoice Worklist &lt/a&lt &lt br &lt
    &lt br &gt
    Edited by: RaviOrnext on Aug 16, 2012 4:24 AM

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    Not sure it is available yet as I have not seen any doc for 11g.
    here is the 10g instructions which may provide some pointers.

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    Hi All,
    got the solution.
    Its working...

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    I am using
    email client as----->Thunderbird
    email server as---->James 2.2.3
    SOA suite 11g

    I just made a quick test, and there is not reply to the sender, if the receiver mailbox was wrong.
    The only way to know if there was an error, is at the log file, or at the EM level, monitoring the Emails Server/Driver.
    I know that those are not options for u, but at least I am not seeing any way to capture that error.

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    thanks for the help in advance.

    U can use the Coherence API within a Spring bean.
    Take a look at this https://blogs.oracle.com/jaylee/entry/accessing_coherence_cluster_using_spring
    That's one way to do it.

  • Invoke ODI Scenario (11g) in BPEL (11g)

    Hello -
    I'm developing a BPEL process to load data from SQL Server to Oracle database using ODI . And after that I'm doing more orchestration in the BPEL process. I'm using
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    2) Oracle SOA Suite 11g (Web Logic Server)
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    Please help me the STEPS I need to
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    Detailed steps are greatly appreciated

    I hope you have found your answer but if not here are some pointers when working in the 11g ODI version. As far as I understand all generated scenarios will be exposed as a web service. ODI provides a small set of service methods available via the agent to invoke those services:
    To get the WSDL for ODI, simply point your browser or partner descriptor to a running ODI agent: http://agentHost:port/oraclediagent/OdiInvoke?wsdl
    For me running on my local host I can access both the Stand Alone or JEE agents on thier running ports:
    Stand Alone running on 8886: http://localhost:8886/oraclediagent/OdiInvoke?wsdl
    JEE running on 19001 deployed to WLS: http://localhost:19001/oraclediagent/OdiInvoke?wsdl
    As you can see there is no difference between the two agents and they both return with the same list of operations:
    <wsdl:binding name="InvokeRequestSOAP11Binding" type="odi:requestPortType">
    <soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" />
    *<wsdl:operation name="invokeStartScen">*
    <soap:operation soapAction="xmlns.oracle.com/odi/OdiInvoke/invokeStartScen" />
    <soap:body use="literal" />
    <soap:body use="literal" />
    *<wsdl:operation name="getSessionStatus">*
    <soap:operation soapAction="xmlns.oracle.com/odi/OdiInvoke/getSessionStatus" />
    <soap:body use="literal" />
    <soap:body use="literal" />
    *<wsdl:operation name="getVersion">*
    <soap:operation soapAction="xmlns.oracle.com/odi/OdiInvoke/getVersion" />
    <soap:body use="literal" />
    <soap:body use="literal" />
    *<wsdl:operation name="invokeRestartSess">*
    <soap:operation soapAction="xmlns.oracle.com/odi/OdiInvoke/invokeRestartSess" />
    <soap:body use="literal" />
    <soap:body use="literal" />
    Once you have this then you can invoke the different methods from what ever tool you are using and here are some samples:
    Getting the Version -- No Parameters are Required
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:odi="xmlns.oracle.com/odi/OdiInvoke/">
    Invoking a Scenario -- Scenario: LD_ODI_CERTS Scenario Version: 5 Context: GLOBAL
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:odi="xmlns.oracle.com/odi/OdiInvoke/">
    <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->
    <!--You may enter the following 3 items in any order-->
    This is covered in section 14 of the Developers Guide for ODI ([Working with Web Services in Oracle Data Integrator|http://fmwdocs.us.oracle.com/doclibs/fmw/E14571_01/integrate.1111/e12643/web_services.htm#CJAJEBEJ]) and further expanded in section 19.7 ([Running Integration Processes|http://fmwdocs.us.oracle.com/doclibs/fmw/E14571_01/integrate.1111/e12643/running_executions.htm#BABDHJJF]).
    If you need additional asistance with the creation of the scenario, well that is another question ;)
    Edited by: Sydney on Oct 20, 2010 11:45 AM

  • BPEL 11g Transform Activity

    We are developing EDI 850 Transaction using SOA 11g Environment. We are successfully able to complete the B2B 11g Trading partner setups and able to successfully puch EDI XML to IP_IN_QUEUE.
    We developed a 850 EDI BPEL mappings using BPEL 11g (Build JDEVADF_11. We received the payload from IP_IN_QUEUE using B2B adapter successfully. After receiving this payload we are trying to map source elements to target schema. For testing we have mapped couple of elements from source to target.
    But, Transform activity is not performing the mappings which we mapped and its coming null at run time.
    We are not able to find the reason. Could some body let us know what could be issue?

    Thanks for your reply.
    We tried by assigning the static text, this text successfully comes at run time.
    We have only issue when mapping from source to target. None of the values are getting mapped to target from source.
    - Ravi

  • Oracle bpel 11g email polling ?

    could oracle bpel 11g support email polling(checking inbox of an email account for a defined period time) ?
    try to google and find some tutorial to enable email polling in bpel 10g.
    but try to implement it and can't find folder BPEL in <SOA_HOME>
    now i can utilize email polling from fusion middleware Oracle Service Bus. but it would be more suitable if i can do the polling from my bpel instance.
    if someone has experience in this, pls share and will be very appreciated it.

    using the tutorial from amis.nl, how can i get the sender, subject (email header) from the email that i'm polling ? with an empty body message email.
    i'm facing issue the xml that ums adapter poll and send to the bpel process is only the message body part. can not get the header part.

  • How to encrypt payload in BPEL 11g,Specific Fileds.

    How to encrypt payload in BPEL 11g,Specific Fileds.

    By adding a wsm policy to the service and encrypt parts of the payload?

  • Tracking email failure in BPEL 11g

    Hi All,
    I am working with email activity in Oracle BPEL 11g and its working fine.But i want to handle the failure of emails. Like whenever i send an email to a wrong email-id then it must bounce back to the From email-id with same subject line as specified prefixing with "Undelivered" word. Please help me if anyone has worked on the same issues.
    Thanks in Advance
    Irfan Shaikh

    I dont think u have any out of the box feature for this....try configuring the watch logs at the server level, Have a luk at the below link:

  • Secured Web service performance problem in BPEL 11g

    When calling Secured web service from BPEL 11g, performance issue is coming.
    Actually when we test a Secured web service using SOAP UI, Average response time is 2-3 secs.
    Where when we are calling from BPEL, average response time is 18-22 secs.
    1) Go to composite
    Right click on the external reference service and select “Configure WS policies”
    Under the security tab, click add button and select “oracle/ wss_username_token_client_policy
    2) Now Open the property Inspector window and click the add button under “Binding properties” tab.
    3) Include the “oracle.webservices.auth.username-->UserName
    4) Include the “oracle.webservices.auth.password”-->Password
    Please let me know if i am doing anything wrong.
    Do you have any idea for fix this issue?
    Thank you.

    there shouldn't much difference in the time for the response ..., also when you are calling the secured web service from another BPEL, make sure you don't consider the time of the calling process ( i mean that BPEL ). you just try calling the secured web service from the EM console if it is a SOA composite. do you see any messages in the log files ? the procedure you followed is correct only, confirm here., i have posted a similar solution long back..
    Re: Creating a partnerlink  from a secure webservice

Maybe you are looking for

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    It won't give me the option to delete.


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