When access appears 20 lines, after to fill the 20 lines is set free more 20 lines.
It would like to know as I make to increase the line number using web excel in bps.
best regards!!!

Hi Thiago,
try to increase the number of lines using the ABAP report
Hope that helps!
Best regards,

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    <%= layout->get_width( ) %>
    <%= layout->get_height( ) %>
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    Hello Marc,
    We modified the JS3.htm too. just to have the possibility to use an autosave function. For instance if the planner doesn't do anything for 5 mins then save
    This have to be done that way because of the architecture of the Web Interface. I mean Switching between frames means having 2 autosave timer if the coding would have been in a Text component
    Best regards
    Message was edited by: Yannick Sigwalt
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    Hi Vitor,
    I am not sure, I don´t know URL possibilities that much.
    If there is already any parameter in the url showing a language, then just try to change it.
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    the simplier way to achieve yor result is to use FOx formula to calculate your results at runtime .
    You should create a formula function and add FOX code to it .
    Check this link for examples
    Hope it helps

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    Try this may be useful for you..
    In the Web interface when you double click the layout , you can see the window at the bottom saying your component name ,planning area etc..at the bottom most you can see the Width and height , there you can increase or decrease .
    before that make excel web component as 'True', then only you can increase or decrease ..

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    Error when processing your request
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    and some other Error infomation,
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    thanks all

    Hi Denny,
    Have a look at www.javascript.internet.com and do a search for "whatfile".....
    This should give you the javascript code whereyou can enter a file name (say an excel file name) and click a button to navigate to it.
    Although I have not tried exactly what you have asked, I have successfully used parts of this code to open specified files (excel files) on our local directory from a BPS planning web page.
    Obviously you will need to adapt the code to your specific evironment/situation...
    Good luck.

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    If anyone can help me it will be rewarded,
    Thanks a lot,

    I think the problem is in the last part of the code.
    <frameset framespacing=0 frameborder=0 border=0>
    <frame src="<%= l_url%>" name="x" framespacing=0 frameborder=0 border=0
    marginwidth=0 marginheight=0>
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    Thanks for any help.

    Hello David,
    on one hand you are saying only one user has the problem but on the other hand you write that it's not linked to the user ID?
    If the frontend settings are OK, then it might be a firewall issue. Some of them block ports or filter JavaScript.
    SAP NetWeaver RIG, US BI

  • Debug BPS web application interface

    DEar All,
    Would you please let me know how to active a debug in a BPS web applicatin interface.
    I heard that something could be done under transaction se80, but what ?
    Many thanks for your big help !

    Here are the steps for activating the debugging,
    The <b>B</b>usiness <b>S</b>erver <b>P</b>age name is same as the name of the web interface
    Goto SE80 on the left side dropdown select BSP application and give the name of the BSP = interface name.
    Click on utilities->settings select tab ABAP Editor. Within this there are 4 tabs select the last one named Debugging. Select the check box named Actv and key ur user name (it should default to it). Hit Ok.This step is little diff depending on the WAS version.
    Click the display icon on the left side this will display the componenets of BSP. In the tree open the node Pages with Flow logic. There will be a component called PM_PAGE.HTM double click on it. Click on a line that's executable (blue) and then click on the STOP button on the application toolbar.
    This should do the job. let me know if you need more information

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    1. To send Workflow notification to Managers 'Request for Approval' - This would be used by sales person
    2. Button for Manager to approve the Plan 'Manager Approval' - This would be used by the Manager
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    Would appreciate, if any one has faced similar requirement and how to do this.
    VJ Sudharsan

    Thanks Ananad and Srini for the suggestion. Actually I was working on the direction Anand Suggestion and make it working but I am not sure what I did is correct or not.
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    '<style> #Req_Approval_s </style>'
    and I added a new text component of type HTML and code
    it works. Is this the correct way of doing the enhancement. Or is there a different place where we can add JavaScript.
    Srini - I am using exit function, can you explain how we can I use BPS authorization to achieve this.

  • BPS Web Interface don't show multiple documents for each cell

    Hi gurus,
    I have an issue... we are trying use text documents from BPS on the WEB interface. Everything works fine, I can input text documents on each cell on the web, and from Query as well.
    I saved several other documents from the query for the very same cell, and I can see these other documents from BPS itself or from the Query by clicking on the title... but on BPS WEB interface, it shows only the last text document saved.
    Is there anything wrong on the configuration, or is it possible for the WEB interface to show the titles so that the user can choose which document he wants to open?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Luke,
    did you check whether the document attributes are generated for your Characteristics?
    AWB -> Documents -> Administration -> Generated Properties
    There is also a SAP Note 431126, which you might want to consult.

  • How to open a Query in BPS Web-Layout

    i am new to BPS. How can I open a Query in BPS Web-Layout so that I can enter plan data manually??
    Pls give me the procedure and not links to help.sap.com. Thanks.
    pls help,

    You can open bex query in BPS Web Layout, but you should update data via BPS layout.
    In BPS Bex query can be opened only for display as long as BPS doesn't allow input via query (only BI7+IP).
    In BPS Web Interface builder add subcomponent "text", set HTML=TRUE, goto property "text", press F4->edit long text and enter HTML tags IFRAME with URL of bex query.

  • How to hide cells in the sumation row in bps web layouts

    Hello xperts,
    I'm looking for a possibility to hide certain cells in the sumation row within a planing table (layout) over the webinterface builder.
    can anybody help me.
    I know there is a possibility to influence a table with the tableinterface for reporting tables.
    Is there any similar possibility in BPS- Web interface builder like a java script ?
    Please help !!!

    Hi Thomas,
    what exactly do you mean by "hide certain cells"? Do want to empty the contents of the cell or actually hide the cell? Hiding works for entire rows or entire tables, but hiding colums or even single cells is a bit more difficult (given, that when you hide one cell, the table loses its rectangular shape and the rows and columns don't match anymore ).
    I mangaged to change the appearance of certain objects with javascript. But that works only if you have an ID or NAME attribute in the HTML-source. Let's say you have a button and want to make it disappear.
    1. Create the button in the wi builder, name it button1.
    2. Create a text/html field, mark the html flag.
    3. Edit the long text of the field:
    That will make the button disappear. But I don't think that the display attribute will have any effect on a TD. You can try with style.InnerHTML or maybe set style.color to the background color. But in any case, the TD in the HTML code needs to have an ID or NAME. Otherwise it can't be referred. Maybe changing the bsp with SE80 helps?

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    We have allowed the users to control the width of the cells in Web Excel, while still retaining the lock on the sheet.  I was wondering if anyone has created something that retains the width of the cells after the user has pressed refresh or save?

    Hi Venky,
    Thanks for the response, but I don't 100% understand.  I'm not sure where I should be when looking for this OLAP cell properties parameter...
    Can you give a little more guidance.  It would be verry appreciated.

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