Branch located outside inside

We have a scenario of a client in india but have a branch in abroad.Can we maintain it in a single company.But the currency
of the branch will not be in INR.And the inventory of the branch will be in foreign currency.
If not possible , please suggest the alternative?
Edited by: Paul Finneran on Sep 25, 2008 12:59 PM

Hi Praveen,
If they have only one branch aboad, it is possible to be in one company. However, in case they developed another new branch in another currency in the future, it will be not doable.
You can assign defferent currencies for system and local currency.  In this way, one oversea branch can have their own report either in system or in local currency depending on setting.
There are still many restrictions to satisfy your client's expectation in this case.  You should tell them in advance.
Please keep in mind, the FC concept will only apply to BP, not your branch.
If you are looking for alternative, there is not too much you can do.  The simplest way will be setup 2 companies.

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    Hi Csaladen,
    Find My Friends may not be available in all countries, due to technical limitations or local law. If your friends are in such a country you would not be able to use this feature to locate them. See this article -
    iCloud: Troubleshooting Find My Friends
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Brett L 

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    Attached a sample diagram ...

    To initiate a connection from the outside to inside, firstly you would need a static NAT statement for your inside host.
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    If you want to NAT, then:
    static (inside,outside) x.x.x.x netmask
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    Hi Phil:
    Usually, the best practice is to set a floating static route to your Internet VPN tunnel interface with a higher administrative distance than the routing protocol you're using for your MPLS VPN. When the routing fails on your MPLS, the static route takes over and allows your VPN to operate until the MPLS route returns.

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    Yes, but possibly limited to coverage of Skyhook database..
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    Best of luck.

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    Please give us some additional detail on whatyou mean by "lower the level of examination" on one of your interfaces. Did you want to apply a subset of the signatures? (then you'd go down the virtual sensor path) Or, did you want to filter the IP addresses/port reaching the sensor on that interface? (then you'd adjust the class-map ACL)

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    Yes that works. The phones get an IP from the local site with the info where to reach the TFTP-Server (which is typically the CME). From there the phones load a config file and learn the IP of the CME. The rest is pure routing from the phone to the CME.
    I don't know where marin and thana is, just make sure that the delay and jitter between the sites is inside an accepted range of < 150ms (latency) and < 30 ms (jitter).
    Don't stop after you've improved your network! Improve the world by lending money to the working poor:

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    Thanks to anyone that can help!!!

    I am not 100% sure what your problem is but how about writing the red value into the local variable and reading it outside of the loop? Or enqueue the value into the queue and dequeue it in the other loop (Producer/Consumer Structure (Data))?

  • JSP Accessing variables in a class that are located outside of the class

    I am having a problem accessing a nested HashMap in a function. The HashMap is defined before the HTML starts and the function is located near the end (Shouldn't make a difference).
    List tires = databean.getTires();
    Map frontTireInfo = (Map)tires.get(0); //Works
    Map rearTireInfo = (Map)tires.get(tires.size()-1); //Works
    Map neumaticos = new HashMap();
    for(Iterator itr=tires.iterator();itr.hasNext();) {
         HashMap tempTire = (HashMap);
         String tirePosition = (String)tempTire.get("position");
         neumaticos.put(tirePosition, tempTire);
    <HEAD>. . . </HEAD>
    <BODY>. .
    <%=getTireInspectionTable("FRONT_RIGHT")%> //Works
    I believe the above stores the tempHash in the tirePosition.
         private String getTireInspectionTable(String tirePos) {
              StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
         sb.append("<input type='text' value=" +
    *****<% neumaticos.get(tirePos) %> + " />" ) illegal start of expression
    return sb.toString();
    Why can I not access neumaticos in the method?
    I am able to call other methods from this one, but not variables.
    If it is possible, please help point me in the correct direction.
    Thanks in advance,

    MPDreiding wrote:
         sb.append("<input type='text' value=" +
    *****<% neumaticos.get(tirePos) %> + " />" ) illegal start of expression
              Illegal start of expression sounds like a compile time error so your syntax is wrong. Why are you using scriptlet
    <% neumaticos.get(tirePos) %>
    inside of declaration? I think that's the problem. Just remove <% and %> and see what happens.

  • Installed Aperture 3 using existing iPhoto 11 library.  Did relocate masters to location outside of library and a handful remained in iPhoto masters folder.

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    Thanks in advance!

    Like Aperture the 'edits' are in the database. These apps work as follows:
    Import an original
    Edit it. Your decisions are stored as text commands in the SQL database. When you view the file it's essentially the original with your 'edits' overlaid on it. There is no edited file without exporting - that's what lossless processing is all about.
    This User Tip
    has details of the options in the Export dialogue.
    The Aperture export dilaogue has even more options.
    To dave you the bother of always having to export iPhoto automatically generates Previews. (In Aperture you can choose to generate them or not). What's a Preview? It's a sort of 'good-enough-for-most-things version of the shot, medium quality, medium size but missing lots of metadata - designed for use in scenarios like email, uploading and using in Word Processing.
    Is your plan to back up the Library to the Cloud?

  • IDSM should protect serverfarm on FWSM form outside/inside threats

    Hi all,
    We have 6509 with FWSM and IDSM.All vlans (servers,voice,users etc) are homed directly on the FWSM.We need to protect the serverfarm vlan from attacks originating from both inside and outside. All traffic comming from outside and headed for the servers as well as traffic from user vlans needs to be intercepted.So i am planning to put IDSM in inline vlan pair mode.Also i want the internet traffic first to hit fwsm and then idsm.
    Single digit vlan exist on MSFC, double digit vlans pushed to FWSM. Bridging done by IDSM
    vlan 2
    name SERVER-IDSM
    vlan 3
    vlan 4
    name USER-IDSM
    vlan 22
    name SERVER-FWSM
    vlan 33
    vlan 44
    name USER-FWSM
    intrusion-detection module 4 data-port 1 trunk allowed-vlan 3,4
    // Here vlan 3 (Internet) goes into IDSM and then FWSM. But i want traffic from internet to go to FWSM and then IDSM
    interface g2/3
    switchport mode access
    switchport access vlan 3
    description INTERNET
    conf t
    service interface
    physical-interfaces g0/2
    admin-state enabled
    description INTERNET
    duplex full
    speed 1000
    subinterface-type inline-vlan-pair
    subinterface 1
    vlan1 4 //bridging
    vlan2 44
    description INSPECT-USER-TRAFFIC
    subinterface 2
    vlan1 3 //briding
    vlan 33
    service analysis-engine
    physical-interface g0/2 subinterface-number 1
    physical-interface g0/2 subinterface-number 2
    My primary aim is :-
    1) All user traffic should first go to FWSM and then to IDSM and then if OK to servers
    2) All internet traffic (from outside) headed to servers should first go to FWSM and then IDSM and then if OK to servers
    How can this be achieved? I think the configuration posted above places IDSM in front of FWSM which is opposite of what i want

    By deploying the FWSM in front of the server farm, security is provided both to and from the server farm and between each server farm tier. I think the config you have provided will work.

  • Server 2012 with HQ and 2 branch locations - Best practice?

    Hello.  I'm trying to plan a domain for a company with 1 Headquarters and 2 branch offices.<o:p></o:p>
    Currently both branch offices are communicating with headquarters via site-to-site VPN.  However, most if not all of our services are cloud based.  The routers in each
    location are performing DHCP and DNS.  The speed at each location is good, 10 mbps at the branches and 70 at HQ. Both branch offices have about 30 people at them.  HQ has around 80-100<o:p></o:p>
    We want to implement a domain so there is user authentication for accessing the computers and preferably a print server at HQ for HQ printers.  We may want to move DHCP to
    a domain controller.  We also want to utilize group policy.<o:p></o:p>
    My questions are the following:<o:p></o:p>
    1. Since we are primarily cloud based, would putting a DC on Amazon EC2 or other product be advisable?<o:p></o:p>
    2. Should I put RODC at the remote locations?<o:p></o:p>
    3. If I have redundant DC's at HQ on 2 different Xenservers and have credential caching, would only have the 2 DC's at HQ be advisable?<o:p></o:p>

    1. Makes sense to put DCs in each location. That way, even when the network to the internet is down, resources are still available locally.
    2. Dependent on applications you are installing in remote offices.  Most applications are okay, but some require access to a rewritable domain controller.
    3. Two DCs are HQ is the minimum you should have at HQ.  Then one in each remote site.
    . : | : . : | : . tim

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