Breadcrumb returning always to first stacked detail group

Inside a dummy view group (say Dummy1) I have implemented stacked detail groups containing table-forms. The main page looks like below when I select Dummy1
After I select let's say Tab3, the corresponding table appears and afterwards I select "Details" for a row in that table which leads me to the corresponding form.
That form contains the following Breadcrump
Modify Dummy1 >
When I select the hyperlink, the breadcrumb returns me back to Dummy1 but to Tab1 is selected instead of Tab3. How can I make it return to Dummy1 but have Tab3 selected?

To preserve the selected tab, you will need to save the state of the showOneTab element using the binding property in a session-scoped managed bean.
Here are the steps:
- In the generated page, select the af:showOneTab element
- go to the property inspector, click on the Binding property, and click on the three dots button that appears. This launches a dialog to bind the binding property to a managed bean.
- In the dialog, click the New button to create a new managed bean. Name it soemthing like MyPageState, and set the class to something like view.MyPageState. Set the Scope to "session" and leave the checkbox "generate class if it does not exist" checked. Click OK
- now click the New button at the right of the property name, and enter a property name like "mySelectOneTab".
- Click OK twice
- Run the page, you will see that the tab state is now preserved when you navigate back to the the page using the breadcrumb.
- To preserve this post-generation change after regeneration, you need to create a custom template for the selectOneTab, and move the generated bean definition to a non-generated faces-config.xml, for example faces-config-custom.xml. If you create such an additional faces-config-custom.xml, make sure you add the name to the javax.faces.CONFIG_FILES context param in web.xml
Steven Davelaar,
JHeadstart Team.

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    Hi guys,
    Is it possible to dynamically switch off/on stacking of detail groups?
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    Yes and No. No because it is not supported out-of-the-box by JHeadstart, yes because you can do this post-generation and then move the custom code to JHeadstart templates.
    However, it is not a trivial thing to build, you can try the JDeveloepr forum for any help, we can help you with moving the post-generation code to custom templates, since that is the JHeadstart-related part of your question.
    Steven Davelaar,
    JHeadstart Team.

  • Is there a process for using Detail Group Regions?

    Hi Guys,
    I have a question regarding dynamically displaying stacked detail groups. I want to display a detail group depending on a value that is set in the master group.
    The documentation surrounding the Detail Group Regions is vague. Is there a set process on how to do this or even a documented case on how to get it to work? We have tried using Detail Group Regions but when we did the form of the master group was not displayed.

    Below is a stripped down version of my app def including the group layout settings. Even with no rendered expression only the relationship and address detail groups appear (person and organization are missing), and instead of the SeachDetails/SearchCriteria form fields the organization table appears above the detail groups.
    If I create detail group regions for all four detail groups then no detail groups are displayed and its the address table that appears instead of the form fields.
    <Service name="MainAppModule">
    --<Group layoutStyle="table-form" name="main_Search">
    ----<RegionContainer name="Regions">
    ------<ItemRegion name="SearchDetails">
    ------<ItemRegion name="SearchCriteria">
    ------<GroupRegion name="main_PersonGroupRegion" groupName="main_Person" title="Person Group Region"/>
    ------<GroupRegion name="main_OrganizationGroupRegion" groupName="main_Organization" title="Organization group Region"/>
    ----<Group layoutStyle="table-form" samePage="true" name="main_Person">
    ------<RegionContainer name="Regions">
    --------<ItemRegion name="PersonRecord">
    --------<ItemRegion name="PersonDetails">
    ----<Group layoutStyle="table-form" samePage="true" name="main_Organization">
    ------<RegionContainer name="Regions">
    --------<ItemRegion name="PersonRecord">
    --------<ItemRegion name="PersonDetails">
    ----<Group layoutStyle="table-form" samePage="true" name="main_Relationship">
    ------<RegionContainer name="Regions">
    --------<ItemRegion name="RelationshipRecord">
    --------<ItemRegion name="RelationshipDetails">
    ----<Group layoutStyle="table-form" samePage="true" name="main_Address">
    ------<RegionContainer name="Regions">
    --------<ItemRegion name="AddressRecord">
    --------<ItemRegion name="AddressDetails">

  • Problem with "Uncommited changes" when viewing certain rows in detail group

    Hi Guys,
    When I try to view an row in a detail group I get a popup box saying that there's uncommitted changes. This will happen even when there's no changes in the master group. It will also happen for all rows in the detail group except for the first row listed.
    Master Group is department
    Detail group is employees
    The detail group will display:
    Employee 1
    Employee 2
    Employee 3...
    If I select to view the details for employee 1 it will go to the form view without any problems, if I select any other row (2,3,4..) I get a popup box warning that there's uncommitted changes on the current page.
    If I go into the form view of employee 3 (confirming that there's uncommitted changes on the current page as I do) and then use the breadcrumbs to go back to the department screen then Employee 3 is the only detail group row I can go into without getting the uncommitted changes popup.
    How is it possible that different rows in a detail group can cause this popup to happen?
    I am using JDev
    and the pages where generated by JHS
    Is it possible that when the radio button that is used to select a detail group is changed that this is showing up as an uncommitted change in the javascript?
    I need a fix for this urgently so a fast response would be greatly appreciated

    Im using a custom method to stack the detail groups and Im missing the line that adds the radio button to the ignore list:
    #if (${JHS.service.generateJavaScript})
    <afh:script text="addToIgnoreChangedFields(['${}:${}Table:selected']);" id="${group.shortName}IgnoreChangedFields"/>
    is there a certain place to add this in the template?

  • SEVER _restoreStampState messages in the log  cannot visit detail groups

    Hi, how are you? While I was working in an adf-jheadstart application, making and testing lovs in master and detail tables suddenly I was unable to open the detail groups. The logger showed the following error:
    SEVERE: There was no initial stamp state for currencyKey:null and currencyKeyForInitialStampState:null and stampId:0
    12 Σεπ 2008 9:51:30 πμ oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection _restoreStampState
    SEVERE: There was no initial stamp state for currencyKey:null and currencyKeyForInitialStampState:null and stampId:1
    12 Σεπ 2008 9:51:30 πμ oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection _restoreStampState
    SEVERE: There was no initial stamp state for currencyKey:null and currencyKeyForInitialStampState:null and stampId:2
    12 Σεπ 2008 9:51:30 πμ oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection _restoreStampState
    SEVERE: There was no initial stamp state for currencyKey:null and currencyKeyForInitialStampState:null and stampId:3
    12 Σεπ 2008 9:51:30 πμ oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection _restoreStampState
    SEVERE: There was no initial stamp state for currencyKey:null and currencyKeyForInitialStampState:null and stampId:4
    12-Σεπ 09:51:30 DEBUG (JhsPageLifecycle) -executing onRollback
    12-Σεπ 09:51:30 DEBUG (JhsPageLifecycle) -No rollback performed because there are no pending changes
    12-Σεπ 09:51:30 DEBUG (JhsNavigationHandlerImpl) -handleNavigation action=null, outcome=PrjtprosprokDetails
    12-Σεπ 09:51:30 DEBUG (JhsNavigationHandlerImpl) -Executing checkRoles
    12 Σεπ 2008 9:51:30 πμ oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection _restoreStampState
    SEVERE: There was no initial stamp state for currencyKey:null and currencyKeyForInitialStampState:null and stampId:5
    12 Σεπ 2008 9:51:30 πμ oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection _restoreStampState
    SEVERE: There was no initial stamp state for currencyKey:null and currencyKeyForInitialStampState:null and stampId:6
    12 Σεπ 2008 9:51:30 πμ oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection _restoreStampState
    SEVERE: There was no initial stamp state for currencyKey:null and currencyKeyForInitialStampState:null and stampId:7
    12 Σεπ 2008 9:51:30 πμ oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection _restoreStampState
    SEVERE: There was no initial stamp state for currencyKey:null and currencyKeyForInitialStampState:null and stampId:8
    12 Σεπ 2008 9:51:30 πμ oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection _restoreStampState
    SEVERE: There was no initial stamp state for currencyKey:null and currencyKeyForInitialStampState:null and stampId:9
    12 Σεπ 2008 9:51:30 πμ oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection _restoreStampState
    SEVERE: There was no initial stamp state for currencyKey:null and currencyKeyForInitialStampState:null and stampId:10
    12 Σεπ 2008 9:51:30 πμ oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection _restoreStampState
    SEVERE: There was no initial stamp state for currencyKey:null and currencyKeyForInitialStampState:null and stampId:11
    12 Σεπ 2008 9:51:30 πμ oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection _restoreStampState
    SEVERE: There was no initial stamp state for currencyKey:null and currencyKeyForInitialStampState:null and stampId:12
    12 Σεπ 2008 9:51:30 πμ oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection _restoreStampState
    SEVERE: There was no initial stamp state for currencyKey:null and currencyKeyForInitialStampState:null and stampId:13
    12 Σεπ 2008 9:51:30 πμ oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection _restoreStampState
    SEVERE: There was no initial stamp state for currencyKey:null and currencyKeyForInitialStampState:null and stampId:14
    12 Σεπ 2008 9:51:30 πμ oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection _restoreStampState
    SEVERE: There was no initial stamp state for currencyKey:null and currencyKeyForInitialStampState:null and stampId:15
    12 Σεπ 2008 9:51:30 πμ oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection _restoreStampState
    SEVERE: There was no initial stamp state for currencyKey:null and currencyKeyForInitialStampState:null and stampId:16
    12 Σεπ 2008 9:51:30 πμ oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection _restoreStampState
    SEVERE: There was no initial stamp state for currencyKey:null and currencyKeyForInitialStampState:null and stampId:17
    12 Σεπ 2008 9:51:30 πμ oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection _restoreStampState
    SEVERE: There was no initial stamp state for currencyKey:null and currencyKeyForInitialStampState:null and stampId:18
    12 Σεπ 2008 9:51:30 πμ oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection _restoreStampState
    SEVERE: There was no initial stamp state for currencyKey:null and currencyKeyForInitialStampState:null and stampId:19
    12 Σεπ 2008 9:51:30 πμ oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection _restoreStampState
    SEVERE: There was no initial stamp state for currencyKey:null and currencyKeyForInitialStampState:null and stampId:20
    12 Σεπ 2008 9:51:30 πμ oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection _restoreStampState
    SEVERE: There was no initial stamp state for currencyKey:null and currencyKeyForInitialStampState:null and stampId:21
    12-Σεπ 09:51:30 DEBUG (JhsPageLifecycle) -Executing prepareModel, page=/Projects/pages/Prjtprosprok.jspx, pagedef=PrjtprosprokPageDef
    12-Σεπ 09:51:30 DEBUG (JhsNavigationHandlerImpl) -Executing checkRoles
    12-Σεπ 09:51:30 DEBUG (BreadcrumbStack) -Adding breadcrumb to stack: "Τροποποιήστε Πρόσκληση/Προκήρυξη 23" (/Projects/pages/Prjtprosprok.jspx)
    12-Σεπ 09:51:30 DEBUG (JhsPageLifecycle) -Executing prepareRender, page=/Projects/pages/Prjtprosprok.jspx, pagedef=PrjtprosprokPageDef
    12-Σεπ 09:51:30 DEBUG (BreadcrumbStack) -Breadcrumb already on stack; rolling back the stack
    12 Σεπ 2008 9:51:30 πμ oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.webapp.AdfFacesFilterHelperImpl startFilter
    WARNING: AdfFacesContext had not been properly released on earlier request.
    12-Σεπ 09:51:30 DEBUG (BreadcrumbStack) -Adding breadcrumb to stack: "Τροποποιήστε Πρόσκληση/Προκήρυξη 23" (/Projects/pages/Prjtprosprok.jspx)
    12-Σεπ 09:51:30 DEBUG (JhsPageLifecycle) -Locale el set on current JSF page
    12-Σεπ 09:51:37 DEBUG (JhsPageLifecycle) -Executing prepareModel, page=/Projects/pages/Prjtprosprok.jspx, pagedef=PrjtprosprokPageDef
    12-Σεπ 09:51:37 DEBUG (JhsNavigationHandlerImpl) -Executing checkRoles
    12-Σεπ 09:51:37 DEBUG (BreadcrumbStack) -Breadcrumb already on stack; rolling back the stack
    12-Σεπ 09:51:37 DEBUG (BreadcrumbStack) -Adding breadcrumb to stack: "Τροποποιήστε Πρόσκληση/Προκήρυξη 23" (/Projects/pages/Prjtprosprok.jspx)
    This error prevents me from working any further as I can not visit the detail groups at runtime. I wait for your response, thank you.

    Try posting this on the JHeadstart forum.
    And when you do - you might want to include your JSF code as well - JHeadstart

  • Display image in detail groups in jheadstart

    Hi, I've been trying to make a project that should display one picture in one of the detail groups. but when i generate the jheadstart definition editor and run the project, it shows an empty box for the image (image is not loaded).
    I've seen the source code and every thing seems right and when i use that detail group as a master group the image display just fine.
    is jheadstart 11g have a problem for displaying image in detail groups? because I've heard this option works in 10g pretty fine.
    please help me how i can fix this problem and i have to say my project deadline is coming :(

    We are not aware of such a problem.
    To really check whether it is related to a detail group, can you temporarily make the detail group a top-level group, generate and run your application to see whether the problem goes away?
    Make sure you first uncheck the Same Page checkbox before you drag and drop the detail group to become a top group.
    There is a known ADF issue that when you upload a new image, the new image is only shown when you restart the session.
    Steven Davelaar,
    JHeadstart Team.

  • Detail Group Problem

    Hello All,
    I have a DB that uses intermediate tables a lot. An intermediate table is one that breaks up a many-to-many relationship between two tables; by putting a table between them that uses the primary keys from both tables.
    E.g. EMPLOYEE and PROJECT tables: Many Employees work on One Project; or One Employee works on Many Projects.
    Here's the JHeadstart problem (9.0.4, Struts/UIX): Using the XML Application Editor, I created a Group called EMPLOYEE (select-form) and added some Lookups to it. I then added a Detail Group called EMPLOYEE_PROJECT and set it up as a table on a separate page. The application compiles without errors, but when I bring up the application and click on the "Employee-Project" tab, I receive the following error:
    JBO-27122: SQL Error. "Select EMPPROJ.empid, EMPPROJ.projid, FROM EMPLOYEE_PROJECT empproj WHERE (EMPPROJ.empid =: 1) ORDER BY EMPPROJ.empid, EMPPROJ.projid"
    The error comes from the WHERE clause, specifically the "=:1" part. SQL Worksheet calls the error a bad bind variable when I run the query in it. What's funny, is that the Master Detail page had Employee Number 5 up; so the query should have had the employee ID of 5, not 1. No matter which employee I bring up on the master view, I still get the same WHERE clause with the "=:1" error.
    I tried adding other intermediate tables to the Master Employee detail group and get the same results.
    Anyone see this before?
    I suspect there's a JHeadstart setting somewhere related to the Master Detail, but I'm stumpred as to what it is.
    Any thoughts or opinions would be appreciated.

    Are you using JDeveloper or
    If so, you are probably running into BC4J bug 3214032. In the JHeadstart release notes the following info is included:
    3214032: JBO-27122: SQL error during statement preparation and ORA-1722 INVALID NUMBER IF PARENT VO ROW IN VIEW LINK REORDERS ATTRS. This bug can occur if you are using the BC4J libraries of JDeveloper or (or 9.0.5 Preview) and in one of your View Objects the Primary Key attribute(s) have a different index number than the Primary Key attribute(s) in the corresponding Entity Object. For example: in the Entity Object the primary key is the first attribute, but in the View Object the primary key is the last attribute. If this occurs, a workaround is to change the order of the View Object attributes.
    So, you can try to reorder your attributes, or to use the BC4J libraries of JDeveloper
    We have been in close contact with BC4J product development about this bug, and they promised to publish a one-off patch for this bug on metalink as soon as possible. So keep your eye on metalink, you can also read the bug report there.
    Steven Davelaar,
    JHeadstart Team.

  • How to adjust location of Details Group in NewsDisplayCollectionRenderer?

    I am customize NewsBrowser layout for the news display.
    I tries to move the Detail Command Group (i.e. Send To   Details   Give Feedback) to the "bottom left" of the news, since I configured the NewsDisplayCollectionRenderer (the default Collection Renderer for NewsBrowser) to 3 rows and 2 columns. Which parameter I should change to move the Detail Group location? as I know it is not part of the xml resource renderer can do.
    Do I need to import the layout java class (right now is SimpleLayout) to change that?
    My another question is where is the location of all the Java Classes that implements the Renderer?
    Thanks for advice.

    Hi Kent,
    let's start with the second question:
    Configuration - Content Management - User Interface - Mapping - Collection Renderer (or Resource Renderer or Layout Controller or whatever you like).
    If you want the implementation class of the SimpleLayoutController, this is for example Use any nice search tool like WinRAR or within NWDS/Eclipse ClassLocator to find the implementation. In this case it would be under within km.appl.ui.flex.control_core.jar to be found under ...\irj\root\WEB-INF\portal\portalapps\\private\lib
    About the first question, of which I'm unsure if i got it right: You want the commands appear on the left side instead of the right?! For this you'd have in fac to change the resource renderer implementation. See for an overview why at least the layout controller is definitely not responsible for that.
    Check, method render(), Component "action".
    Hope it helps

  • Returns to the first row executing a rollback action in ADF BC

    I have the next problem:
    1.- There is a list of rows taken form a View Object that shows 10 rows per page.
    2.- I can navigate into the list, with first, previous, next and last buttons.
    3.- Each row has an Edit button. If you press it, a new page is opened to modify the row.
    4.- This new page has 2 buttons: Save and Return.
    ... 4.1.- Save has associated an Action forward = Commit, and returns to the list correctly with the edited row selected.
    ... 4.2.- Return has associated an Action forward = Rollback, and returns to the list, but always returns to the first row of the first page in the list.
    I have followed the steps indicated in Steve Muench's document [JDeveloper and the art of the rollback|], but the problem is still there.
    Could anyone help me, please?

    The vital part in the method is finding the VO you are using public String dropChangesAndReturn() {
    // find the vo you are using
    ViewObject vo = ....
    Row row = vo.getCurrentRow();
    if (row != null) {
    return "SomeNavigationRule";
    }So if you know the VO find it and use the rest.

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    why is it that when I look through the new apps in the apps store in release date mode it returns to the first page after veiwing more information about some apps, I could be ten to twenty pages in and have it happen.
    Also, I only speak and read English and although there are probably great apps for people from other nations, I don't want to wade through all the apps that I can't make use of. I expect that people of other nationalities or languages don't want to have to wade through every app that they can't make use of, is there not a way that alI users could filter by language?
    I mean no offence to anyone but with a collection of hundreds of thousands of apps in all languages and the jump back to the begining after possibly being into the list by a number of pages I stop looking after awhile and I'm sure I've missed some excellent apps by doing so.

    Contact iTunes support :

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    Hey everyone in Apple world!
    I figured out how to fix the flashing yellow screen problem that I've been having on my MBP!  Yessssss!!!
    I found this super handy website with the golden answer:
    I followed the instructions on this page and here's what I did:
    Resetting NVRAM / PRAM
    Shut down your Mac.
    Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command (⌘), Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
    Turn on the computer.
    Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys before the gray screen appears.
    Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
    Release the keys.
    I went through the 6 steps above twice, just to make sure I got rid of whatever stuff was holding up my bootup process.  Since I did that, my MBP boots up just like normal.  No flashing yellow screen anymore!!   
    (Note that I arrived at this solution when I first saw this page:
    Let me know if this works for you!

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    In LR6CC, after using the merge to HDR and the photo returns to LR as a DRG, it is not automatically put into a previously set up stack. For example a stack of three photos. If I use NIK HDR and the photo returns to LR, the stack is automatically changed from 3 to 4. When LR's HDR merge brings a photo back into LR's library, the stack number does not change and the DRG version isn't included in the stack.

    The Ps CS6 public beta version contains the same camera support as found in Ps CS5/5.5 compatible CR 6.6. There will be future updates to CR 7 for Ps CS6 to pick up more camera support. The Nikon D800 NEF files are not supported, yet.
    If you like to work with your D800 files in the public beta build now, you'll have to get the DNG Converter 6.7 from here:
    and convert your files to DNG.

  • Xws-security returns always HTTP 200

    I am using libraries of JWSDP 2.0, jaxws and xws-security.
    My web service was generated from a WSDL schema and works so
    far fine. I need to secure the transportation with a xml signature.
    For that I am using the xws libraries.
    My problem is that xws-security and jaxws returns always HTTP 200. I
    would expect a negative HTTP status code if the signature validation
    fails, such as HTTP 401 or HTTP 500 or whatever.
    Is this a bug or any idea what my problem might be ?

    I am using libraries of JWSDP 2.0, jaxws and xws-security.
    My web service was generated from a WSDL schema and works so
    far fine. I need to secure the transportation with a xml signature.
    For that I am using the xws libraries.
    My problem is that xws-security and jaxws returns always HTTP 200. I
    would expect a negative HTTP status code if the signature validation
    fails, such as HTTP 401 or HTTP 500 or whatever.
    Is this a bug or any idea what my problem might be ?

  • Last() not returning correct value within for-each-group

    I've found inconsistent results between JDeveloper and SOA Suite using the xslt 2.0 for-each-group construct.
    &lt;xsl:for-each-group select="Po/PoLine" group-by="itemId"&gt;
    &lt;xsl:if test="position()=1"&gt;
    &lt;xsl:value-of select="last()"/&gt;
    What I expect is the function last() to give me the number of groups which is the unique number of itemIds.
    In JDeveloper, testing this construct gives me what I expect.
    At run-time (deployed to SOA Suite), the value returned is the total number of records, not the number of groups.
    For example, given the following XML
    Grouping by <strong>itemId</strong>, last() should return 2 as there are two groups (001 and 002). JDeveloper does this.
    When deployed to SOA Suite, last() returns 3.
    Any ideas?

    if JDeveloper is doing the right thing then this issue should be reported to the SOA Suite forum or BPEL BPEL , what do you think ?

  • How to display PDF in slideshow, without returning to the first page or stall/halt on the last page?

    I want to display PDF's with multiple pages as a slideshow.
    This is possible with a default Adobe Reader and have this working for ONE pdf file.
    But I want do display multiple PDF's as a slideshow, the one after the other.
    In Adobe Reader you can define to return to the first page again or it automatically 'stalls/halts' at the last page.
    But I want Adobe Reader to close after the last page is displayed so it continues (in a simple DOS-script) with a second, third, etc. PDF to be displayed.
    Is this possible?
    What kind of simple DOS-script kan be used or an other reader/utility?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Bernd,
    I was looking for ways to script this kind of solution.
    But do not have good results.  There are tools to combine pdf's into one large pdf - but mostly to be selected by hand.
    We need it in a scriptable way to automate.
    Additionally, we want to be able to combine different types of documents to rotate as a slide show (so not only PDF's but also pictures or other output).
    If you or someone else have such scripts, it will be highly appreciated.

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