Breaking a loop at any slide

I am trying to create a looping presentation, but I want to break out of the loop at any time by hitting a key on the keyboard so I can go to another program.  I am using Captivate 5.5 and am attempting to publish to an .exe file to run on the desktop.
Thank you.

Welcome to our community
You seem to be thinking that the Captivate exe somehow takes over your PC? Can't you simply prss Alt+Tab and switch focus to something else?
If you press Esc, you exit the EXE.
Cheers... Rick
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    If you have Qt Pro, you can open the file and turn on a controller, then resave the file.

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    for(c) {}
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                   statusHeader= msgs[l].getHeader("Status");
                             if(! (statusHeader[0].equals("RO"))) {
                                  String status="";
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    public class Lab4{
         public static void main(String args[]){
              int miles[] = new int[10];
              double gallons[] = new double [10];
              double mpg[] = new double [10];
              Scanner kb = new Scanner(;
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              double counter=0.0;
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                   System.out.println("What is the reading on the odometer?");
                   miles[i] = kb.nextInt();
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                        count = count + miles;
              for (int i = 1; i < 9; i++){
                   System.out.println("How many miles have you traveled since last filling up?");
                   miles[i] = kb.nextInt();
                   if (i > 0);
                        count = count + miles [i] - miles[0];
              System.out.print("You have traveled " + count);
              System.out.println(" miles");

    915786 wrote:
    I'm trying to create an application [...]
    public class Lab4{// which seams to be a School lesson...
    int miles[] = new int[10];
    //Do you know what this line does?
    miles[i] = kb.nextInt();
    //Any idea why this line does not compile?
    count = count + miles;
    // and this line either?
    I think you should go back two steps and learn the differences between objects, primitive types and arrays.

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    I did not understand
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          FOR i IN p_RecA.FIRST..p_RecA.LAST LOOP
             IF p_RecA(i).Auxiliar THEN
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    I have a dynamic PDF that is uploaded to a website.  When the PDF opens, the user has to fill in certain fields before clicking the "Next" button.  Upon clicking the Next button, I have a JavaScript function that sets certain fields access to required and then runs a for loop to check if any are empty.  The next event is setting those fields access back to optional. Lastly, a popup window refers the user to the empty fields (fields are shaded red, but not their borders).
    The problem occurs for one user who is using IE9 and has Reader X installed on his machine.  It only occurs when he opens it directly with his browser, if he downloads it to his desktop first he encounters no problem.  But using the browser makes filling in the fields on Page 1 glitchy, and then the loop doesn't work properly when he hits "Next".  The event setting the fields back to optional doesn't seem to be firing, and the popup never comes up.  So he's left with fields with red borders-which should not be happening.
    Any idea what could be causing this bug only when accessing via browser? I can't replicate the problem on any of my browsers, even after disabling Adobe add-ons in IE. 
    Thanks for any suggestions!

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    Guys, I have a problem with my click boxes.
    I'm using captivate 5.5.
    I have 4 click boxes
    3 for hide and show objects
    1 for go to next slide.
    I have 2 slides only.
    first slide has the changing view.
    clickbox1 opens object 1 2 and 3 and triggers audio inside object 1 (working)
    clickbox2 hides objects 1 2 and 3..shows 4 5 and 6 objects with audio also.
    clickbox 3 goes the same process.
    Problem: when I click performs the action but maybe at around 1 second then proceed to the next slide. in which in the action, there was no command that say go to next slide or any.
    the button for the next slide is on the 4 clickbox.
    I'm using advance actions by the way.
    I'm confused, this is my second time to do this..the first was working, what could be the problem?

    link sent thru PM.
    I'm thinking  if this is an inconsistency of  CP.
    action..for page2

  • To break during looping statement

    I have customer master table.
    Passing the customer from "form" to "Report" for printing Outstanding Invoice Statement.
    my code at form :
    call report with parameter customer number;
    next customer number;
    customer number was pass to report one by one for each record.
    If I have customer 500 record, is it posible to break / interupt in the middle?
    let say escape key ?
    Anybody can help ?

    Unfortunately not.
    It is not possible to interrupt the execution of a pl/sql block, even by using a timer, because timers don't fire when the end user has not the focus.

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    Abhilash S Nair
    Research Assistant @ Photonic Devices and Systems lab
    [ LabView professional Development System - Version 11.0 - 32-bit ]
    LabView Gear:
    1. NI PXI-7951R & NI 5761
    2. The Imaging Source USB 3.0 monochrome camera with trigger : DMK 23UM021
    OPERATING SYSTEM - [ MS windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP-1 ]
    CPU - [Intel Core i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40Ghz ]
    MEMORY - [ 16.0 GB RAM ]
    GPU - [ NVIDIA GeForce GT 530 ]
    Case inside Event ‏19 KB
    Case inside Event.ctl ‏6 KB
    Case inside Event 2.ctl ‏6 KB

    Okay. Accpeting that the design is not favorable and not advantageous when my program expands. I have begin to follow producer/consumer programming architecture.
    Please find the attached program which is a simple producer consumer with event structure. I wonder how could I stop looping around the producer and consumer loops over and over again. I am pretty sure that this ENQUEUE ELEMENT loops back to the consumer loop and starts from begining.
    I hope my first program in PC architecture with State machine and Event structure is correct. 
    Abhilash S Nair
    Research Assistant @ Photonic Devices and Systems lab
    [ LabView professional Development System - Version 11.0 - 32-bit ]
    LabView Gear:
    1. NI PXI-7951R & NI 5761
    2. The Imaging Source USB 3.0 monochrome camera with trigger : DMK 23UM021
    OPERATING SYSTEM - [ MS windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP-1 ]
    CPU - [Intel Core i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40Ghz ]
    MEMORY - [ 16.0 GB RAM ]
    GPU - [ NVIDIA GeForce GT 530 ]
    Case inside Event 3.3-ProducerConsumer ‏25 KB
    Case inside Event.ctl ‏6 KB

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