Brenthaven - a recommendation

Several threads ask about the best backpack or bag or whatever for your Mac portable device.
I want to give a glowing recommendation for anything from Brenthaven.
I got my first Brenthaven backpack at the same time I got my (then) brand new 15" G4 Titanium PowerBook !
I am still using that backpack.
About a week ago, I noticed that a seam had begun to let go at the top of the bag.
Checking Brenthaven's web site, it says that products carry a LIFETIME WARRANTY and that they will repair or replace any product..
So I contact them, sending pictures of the blown seam in my 10 year old backpack.
I am told, in response, that the blown seam cannot be repaired, and that to honor the warranty, they offer me my choice of a replacement backpack of similar size/shape for only a $15 shipping/handling cost, or a one-time 80% discount on my choice of any Brenthaven product.
Let me repreat that: Wow !
Spread the word: "Brenthaven quality" is right up there with "Apple quality"

What backpack do you have now? And is it waterproof? I'm looking to get a new one but the weather is so unpredictable so need it to stop my MBP from getting soaked

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    Anyone know where I can definitely buy one, preferably new, from the UK?  If not that, then something very similar and of similar quality.  I have a Brenthaven case for my 13" MacBook and really like the quality, it was recommended by someone in these forums and I haven't looked back since.
    Thank you for any assistance.

    Oh, seems that there is a $30 shipping fee to the UK.  Makes the total price too high for me.
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    Brenthaven has a fine bag, but I'd also recommend the bags by Waterfield Designs Sturdy, fit perfectly, amazing customer service, 100% customizable.
    Leather sleeves begin at $20 and go way up from here, beware of cheap, smelly leather or sleeves that are overly heavy; a leather case/sleeve may add a lot of weight to your case. With Brenthaven or Waterfield, your cases will last a long time and look great, too.

  • Backpack Recommendations?

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    I have a blue Fishpond Barcelona backpack. I had a very nice Oakley laptop bag I was already using, when I won the Fishpond in a drawing at work. I didn't really need another laptop bag, but after using the Fishpond for a while, I totally converted to it and haven't looked back. I love it! This is the best laptop bag I've ever had (and I have gone through a few trying to find the perfect one).
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    It also isn't a typical laptop bag in that it has brighter colors and a funky patterned trim (which I love), so it doesn't advertise that you're carrying a Mac like some of the more "reserved" black/gray laptop bags do.

  • Cases/Bags/Sleeves...which do you recommend?

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    Do you mind translating the colors for us dummies
    that don't spreken sie deutsch?
    Sure thing - I guess, will have to ask them for a rebate for this service...
    blau = blue
    anthrazit = dark gray
    grün = green
    rot = red
    oliv = olive/probably dark green
    That wasn't so difficult, was it?
    And way down in the size pull-down, there she is:
    the 15" MacBook Pro.
    Oh, this link is probably even more helpful for choosing your colors:
    Good buy, happy shopping,
    MacBook Pro, 2.0 Ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

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    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Before go out to buy a converter/transformer  (you need over 2KW for all 3 of them), please check the switches at the back, they may have switches to switch from 110V to 220V. I don't know your market, my suggestion: talk with an electrician who knows the real world much better.
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

  • How are Game Center "Friend Recommendations" people I know in real life? (Meetup/Facebook data?)

    This seems like a major privacy concern, but mainly I'm just very curious how this can possibly happen:
    The Game Center app suggests primarily people I have met in real life... but have had NO online interaction with!
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    None of them has ever made a friend request to me. I've only ever gotten one GC request, long ago, and I denied it; it was not someone I knew.
    Some of them list "zero games in common" so it's not even that (and anyway, millions of people have games in common with me).
    Only one of them is in my Contacts (iOS/Mac address book), and knowing how serious they are about privacy, I doubt the email address I have is their AppleID. I know your address book can (for now) be accessed without permission, but these people just aren't listed.
    But I DO run into these recommendations in person every so often!
    These cannot be randomly selected by geography because a) they're not super close to me in miles, and b) there are millions of iOS users near me. No way that most of the suggestions would be people I've met, if this were chance alone. SOME source of data is being used by GC, and I'm baffled as to what it could be.
    The closest three theories I can come up with are all pretty implausible:
    1. Indirect Facebook connection. These people are NOT my Facebook friends (with a couple exceptions; I never actually use Facebook but I do have an account, and if someone requests, I generally accept). I double-checked that. But they MAY be "friends of friends" possibly. But how would Apple obtain my FB friend list? And if they did have it, wouldn't they just suggest my actual FB friends, not friends-of-friends? My Facebook login email address is an alumni address that I have never used for any other purpuse; it is not my Apple ID. And I have diligently set nearly every option to "hidden" on Facebook: even friends see a mostly blank profile!
    2. This is a 100% correlation! I'm in several local groups that use to schedule meetings, and ALL of these Game Center recommendations are memebers of Meetup groups that I too am a member of. That's how I've met most of them. But Meetup has no "friends" feature, and most of these people have had no online connection with me (Meetup messages etc.) through Meetup. We've just attended the same events--which do have online RSVP lists--or else we are merely listed as members of the same group(s). (But we're talking large groups, so I haven't actually met most of the members, and I have met most of these GC recommendations.) But how would Apple obtain my Meetup info? Again my Meetup account's email address is not my Apple ID, and I have never used that email address with any Apple service (although it is on my Contacts card).
    3. Maybe Apple harvested my address book/contacts list (which does NOT contain these people), and also harvested the contacts lists of these people, AND also harvested the contacts lists of people we know in common who happen to have both of us listed. Then they put it all together. (That's a stretch: the people I know the best on Meetup--whose info I do have in Contacts--are Android users!) But again, why not recommend my actual contacts, instead of contacts-of-contacts? My actual contacts--which contain numerous iOS users and games--are notably absent from the recommendations (with one exception).
    Obivously Apple cannot, and does not, literally know who I have met. (No foil hat for me!) But they DO seem to have some data source that correlates closely with people I have met (and Meetup activity especially). I'm dying to know how that's possible.
    This is a privacy concern, for at least three reasons I can think of:
    1. GC lists these people's real names AND GC nicknames together--BEFORE I have accepted them as friends! And vice versa, I'm sure my nickname is being shown with my real name to total strangers. That means strangers, employers, stalkers, whoever, can now tie a person to their nickname (often the same one they use all over the Interner, not just GC). But we're not talking random suggestions: this is being show to people I DO know. Maybe I don't want them Googling my online nicknames! Maybe I complain about my work with that nickname Maybe I want my online friends and real-life acquaintainces kept separate. I definitely want EVERYTHING kept separate from these people I barely know but run into from time to time! One of these people is, in fact, on the sex offenders registry, and has stalked a friend of mine both online and offline. Maybe he'll learn my GC nickname--the same way it has shown me his--and can now Google that!
    2. If I have a lot of "games in common" listed, then they can peg me as a "gamer," which is sometimes a negative. Maybe I want my boss (or whoever) to think I'm more serious, even if he games too, and now he knows I have 30 games and wonders why I'm not staying late to work Maybe I just don't want to be roped into being "friends" online with my boss, or having to let him win games! Again, although this is a small issue at first glance, it's less small when things are being shared with people you really DO know in real life. What if my hypothetical stalker sees I have games in common? Sure, I can deny their friend request and cancel their 500 game attempts, but I'd rather be 100% hidden from them in the first place. I have no prior online contact, I want it to stay that way, and I've never given Apple permission, that I know of, to share my real name with people I never friended. (And even if I did, it should be with random strangers--not actual acquaintances.)
    3. The big mystery--how is Apple getting data that correlates with who I've met in the first place? I'm guessing that some people see the same pattern I do, and some don't; which might lead to an answer, but so far I'm stumped. (If this does tie to Meetup some bizarre way, that would be unnerving because Meetup ties me to real places and specific times.)
    Theories are welcome! And a basic question: what data sources DOES Game Center have available to use in making friend suggestions? I would have guessed maybe Location Services (nearby people) and people who have played a game with me (or made a friend request) in the past. But those sources are not what I'm seeing.
    (Even weirder is that nobody else seems to have posted about this happening; it may not happen to everyone, but surely some people have had this same question? I feel like I'm in a Kafka novel...)

    That's a good thought that could explain some cases, but not mine: these people definitely don't know my email address, and I'm not in their Address Book. (Some of these are people I might meet on a hike, say, and nod to in passing on other hikes once a or twice a year, and that's the extent of the "relationship"--no contact info ever exchanged. We don't even know what cities each other are from.)
    we don't even know each others' email addresses, and even if we did, my Apple ID email is not one I use for actual emailing purposes. Nor do we know each others' phone numbers, nor gaming nicknames; often not even last names.
    I should correct my first post: I said I "do now know well"... that should be "do NOT know well".

  • Can no longer recommend Fascinate due to non-support of issues -  class action time?

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    The issue is NOT the delayed Froyo update,the issue is that the phone does not function as promised by Verizon when sold.  Knowing sale of a defective product that does not meet its advertised features is fraudulent under the commercial code in any state of the union.
    Therefore I am doing some of the few things I can do under the circumstances:
    First of all, new buyers are warned that the phone DOES NOT WORK as advertised in many cases due to software issues with GPS, email push, and other features.  If you buy it, don't expect it to work.  If you are promised otherwise by a Verizon store or rep, be warned that the promises are empty.  Be warned that the Verizon implementation of Bing en lieu of Google search and other disruptions of the base Google services makes the phone almost unusable compared to a true Android environment such as that on certain other Android phones and providers.  Bing is terrible. VZNavigator is a rip off (and terrible).  If you are a lawyer interested in a class action against Verizon related to thi sphone be aware that you should have plenty of interested parties.  Personally I would like my service fees waved for the period from September when I bought the phone through whenever-they-actually-make-it-work with debugged software.  It is clear that engineering KNOWS how to make the GPS work even without a full Froyo update - they just haven't released a patch.
    I wish I could love this phone - but I can't recommend it any more to any one for any reason until Samsung/Verizon fix the software and de-Bing and de-bloat an otherwise excellent piece of hardware.  This is EXACTLY what Apple got right, and that Verizon has wrong.  A pox on them and their bloatware and BIng and broken search functions.  It's like a bad dream.  Swapping the hardware out for another Fasicinate won't fix it.  I'm stuck.

    Do I actually expect to see a suit?  No, not really.  But, message reads on the first page of the Fascinate forum suggest that as of now at least 4000 potential Fascinate owners may have received enough reasons to consider either a different phone or a different carrier.  Verizon execs might have a look over the fence at IPhone land, where there is a mob wielding torches and pitch forks that loves their iPhones (but hates ATT for the poor service experience).  Provide even average service and you build brand loyalty that overcomes almost any foul up.  Give your customers good reasons to hate you, and they surely will.
    Today I drove a 30 mile round trip with a fresh A-GPS almanac and never got GPS located closer than 1100 yards.  If it ever DOES synch, it will be good to 10 ft.  and stay locked until I go indoors.  If.  The Bluetooth refused to connect (again).  Works great WHEN it actually occasionally works though.  The hardware can do it.  The software is a bad joke.  Is is Samsung's fault?  Maybe.  Could Verizon provide a timely fix by internal or Samsung resources? Definitely. Samsung has fixed these issues for other markets long ago.   The shame is that it takes what could be a great experience and sours it all.  It's not about Froyo, it's about having basic features that work.  While some of thse phones work perfectly, some combination of hardware and software issues means that too many customers did not receive what the paid for, and they have good reason to be angry with Verizon for the poor experience and callous treatment.

  • I used to have an application in my iPhone 4 and 4s that captures business card and creates its content to my contacts. Its no longer working with my i5. Can you recommend me a new apps for this same function

    I used to have an application in my iPhone 4 and 4s that captures business card and creates its content to my contacts. Its no longer working with my i5. Can you recommend me a new apps for this same function

    Try CardMunch it works well for me

  • Final Cut Studio 2: Requirements and Recommendations

    Hello Final Cut Studio 2 Experts,
    I'm considering purchasing Final Cut Studi 2, and to make sure that I'll benefit from the full range of specific application (FCS/motion/color...) and I'd like to ask few questions (5 main points) regarding requirements and recommendations. So, please be prepared for much reading as I am not an expert on the matter. I like to know if my computer accepts any further hardware parts highly recommended and if I can purchase and install them myself. And yes, you should also know that I intend to use a Panasonic multi-format (HD/SD) camera for capturing and exporting videos.
    N.B. Please note that the full list of my Hardware contents appear at the bottom of this text.
    THANKS IN ADVANCE for your expert advise!
    So, here we go:
    Application-Specific Requirements
    Final Cut Studio
    Capturing HD resolution video using the ProRes 422 format requires a Mac Pro with an Intel Xeon processor or a G5 Quad computer and a qualified third-party capture card.
    1) Do I need an Intel Xeon processor? If yes, can I purchase and install the component by myself (like RAM)?
    The standard graphics card in any Mac Pro, MacBook Pro, iMac with Intel Core Duo, Power Mac G5, or iMac G5; 1.25GHz or faster PowerBook G4; or 1.25GHz or faster flat-panel iMac:
    ATI Radeon 9800, 9700 Pro, 9600 XT, or 9600 Pro
    ATI Mobility Radeon 9700 or 9600
    NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT, 7300 GT, 6600, 6600 LE, FX Go5200, or FX 5200 Ultra
    For 16- and 32-bit rendering: a graphics card with at least 128MB of VRAM
    2) Do I need one of the ATI Radeon 9800, 9700... or ATI Mobility Radeon? Why does my Hardware contents say ATI Radeon 9600, and not ATI Mobility Radeon 9600, is there a difference?
    The standard graphics card in any Mac Pro, 17-inch MacBook Pro, 24-inch iMac with Intel Core Duo, or 2.5GHz or faster Power Mac G5 Quad:
    ATI Mobility Radeon X1600
    ATI Radeon X1600
    NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT, 7600 GT, 7300 GT, 6600, or Quadro FX 4500
    A display with 1680-by-1050 resolution or higher
    A three-button mouse for full functionality
    3) Do I need and ATI Mobility Radeon X1600 or ATI Radeon X1600?
    DVD Studio Pro
    For playback of DVD Studio Pro 4-authored HD DVDs: a Macintosh computer with a PowerPC G5 or Intel Core Duo processor
    For writing finished projects to disc: an Apple SuperDrive or other DVD recorder
    For writing finished projects to a double-layer disc: a double-layer-compatible recorder and double-layer media
    For transporting HD projects to a replicator: an external drive or Internet transfer of the project’s disk image
    For transporting SD projects that contain copy-protection or dual-layer features to a replicator: a DLT drive, external drive, or Internet transfer of the project’s disk image
    4) Do I have an Intel Core Duo processor? Do I need an Apple SuperDrive?
    What is a "replicator"?
    Application-Specific Recommendations
    One of the following graphics cards is highly recommended:
    ATI Radeon X1900 XT, X850 XT, X800 XT, or X1600
    NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT, 6800 Ultra DDL, 6800 GT DDL, or Quadro FX 4500
    For 32-bit rendering: a graphics card with 256MB of VRAM or more
    The following graphics card is highly recommended:
    ATI Radeon X1900 XT
    Dual displays with 1920-by-1200 or higher resolution
    5) Do I have one of the highly recommended cards ATI Radeon X1900 XT etc...? How do I get it and can I install it myself?
    Hardware Overview:
    Machine Name: Power Mac G5
    Machine Model: PowerMac7,3
    CPU Type: PowerPC G5 (3.0)
    Number Of CPUs: 2
    CPU Speed: 2.3 GHz
    L2 Cache (per CPU): 512 KB
    Memory: 4.5 GB
    Bus Speed: 1.15 GHz
    Boot ROM Version: 5.2.4f1
    Serial Number: G85167AGRU3
    ATA Bus:
    Model: SONY DVD RW DW-Q28A
    Revision: KAS7
    Serial Number:
    Detachable Drive: No
    Protocol: ATAPI
    Unit Number: 0
    Socket Type: Internal
    Model: SONY DVD RW DW-Q28A
    Revision: KAS7
    Serial Number:
    Detachable Drive: No
    Protocol: ATAPI
    Unit Number: 0
    Socket Type: Internal
    Built In Sound Card:
    Texas Instruments TAS3004:
    Inputs and Outputs:
    Line Level Input:
    Controls: Left, Right
    Playthrough: No
    PluginID: TAS
    Controls: Mute, Left, Right
    PluginID: TAS
    Internal Speakers:
    Controls: Mute, Master
    PluginID: TAS
    Line Level Output:
    Controls: Mute, Left, Right
    PluginID: TAS
    Crystal Semiconductor CS84xx:
    Inputs and Outputs:
    S/PDIF Digital Input:
    Controls: Mute
    Playthrough: No
    PluginID: Topaz
    S/PDIF Digital Output:
    Controls: Mute
    PluginID: Topaz
    PCM 16:
    Bit Depth: 16
    Bit Width: 16
    Channels: 2
    Mixable: Yes
    Sample Rates: 32 KHz, 44.1 KHz, 48 KHz
    PCM 24:
    Bit Depth: 24
    Bit Width: 32
    Channels: 2
    Mixable: Yes
    Sample Rates: 32 KHz, 44.1 KHz, 48 KHz
    AC3 16:
    Bit Depth: 16
    Bit Width: 16
    Channels: 2
    Mixable: No
    Sample Rates: 32 KHz, 44.1 KHz, 48 KHz
    Bluetooth: No Information Found.
    Firmware Revision: KAS7
    Interconnect: ATAPI
    Burn Support: Yes (Apple Shipped/Supported)
    Cache: 2048 KB
    Reads DVD: Yes
    CD-Write: -R, -RW
    DVD-Write: -R, -RW, +R, +RW, +R DL
    Burn Underrun Protection CD: Yes
    Burn Underrun Protection DVD: Yes
    Write Strategies: CD-TAO, CD-SAO, CD-Raw, DVD-DAO
    Media: No
    Fibre Channel: No Information Found.
    FireWire Bus:
    Maximum Speed: Up to 800 Mb/sec
    ATI Radeon 9600:
    Chipset Model: ATY,RV351
    Type: Display
    Bus: AGP
    Slot: SLOT-1
    VRAM (Total): 128 MB
    Vendor: ATI (0x1002)
    Device ID: 0x4150
    Revision ID: 0x0000
    ROM Revision: 113-A58504-113
    Cinema HD Display:
    Display Type: LCD
    Resolution: 1920 x 1200
    Depth: 32-bit Color
    Core Image: Supported
    Main Display: Yes
    Mirror: Off
    Online: Yes
    Quartz Extreme: Supported
    Rotation: Supported
    Status: No display connected
    Size: 256 MB
    Type: DDR SDRAM
    Speed: PC3200U-30330
    Status: OK
    Size: 256 MB
    Type: DDR SDRAM
    Speed: PC3200U-30330
    Status: OK
    Size: 1 GB
    Type: DDR SDRAM
    Speed: PC3200U-30330
    Status: OK
    Size: 1 GB
    Type: DDR SDRAM
    Speed: PC3200U-30330
    Status: OK
    Size: 1 GB
    Type: DDR SDRAM
    Speed: PC3200U-30330
    Status: OK
    Size: 1 GB
    Type: DDR SDRAM
    Speed: PC3200U-30330
    Status: OK
    Size: Empty
    Type: Empty
    Speed: Empty
    Status: Empty
    Size: Empty
    Type: Empty
    Speed: Empty
    Status: Empty
    PC Cards: No Information Found.
    PCI Cards: No Information Found.
    Parallel SCSI: No Information Found.
    System Power Settings:
    AC Power:
    System Sleep Timer (Minutes): 0
    Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes): 0
    Display Sleep Timer (Minutes): 0
    Dynamic Power Step: No
    Reduce Processor Speed: No
    Sleep On Power Button: Yes
    Automatic Restart On Power Loss: No
    Wake On AC Change: No
    Wake On LAN: No
    Wake On Modem Ring: No
    Adobe PDF 7.0:
    Status: Idle
    Print Server: Local
    Driver Version: 10.4
    Default: No
    URI: pdf700://distiller/
    PPD: Adobe PDF 3016.102
    PPD File Version: 1.0
    PostScript Version: (3016.102) 0
    hp LaserJet 1012:
    Status: Idle
    Print Server: Local
    Driver Version: 1.4.5
    Default: Yes
    URI: usb://Hewlett-Packard/hp LaserJet 1012?serial=00CNFB638356
    PPD: hp LaserJet 1012
    PPD File Version: 1.0
    PostScript Version: (3011.104) 0
    Serial-ATA Bus:
    Maxtor 6B250S0:
    Capacity: 233.76 GB
    Model: Maxtor 6B250S0
    Revision: BANC1E50
    Serial Number: B61QB0RH
    Removable Media: No
    Detachable Drive: No
    BSD Name: disk1
    Protocol: ata
    Unit Number: 0
    Socket Type: Serial-ATA
    Bay Name: "A (upper)"
    OS9 Drivers: No
    S.M.A.R.T. status: Verified
    Macintosh HD:
    Capacity: 233.64 GB
    Available: 50.02 GB
    Writable: Yes
    File System: Journaled HFS+
    BSD Name: disk1s3
    Mount Point: /
    Maxtor 6B250S0:
    Capacity: 233.76 GB
    Model: Maxtor 6B250S0
    Revision: BANC1E50
    Serial Number: B61QB0RH
    Removable Media: No
    Detachable Drive: No
    BSD Name: disk1
    Protocol: ata
    Unit Number: 0
    Socket Type: Serial-ATA
    Bay Name: "A (upper)"
    OS9 Drivers: No
    S.M.A.R.T. status: Verified
    Macintosh HD:
    Capacity: 233.64 GB
    Available: 50.02 GB
    Writable: Yes
    File System: Journaled HFS+
    BSD Name: disk1s3
    Mount Point: /
    Serial-ATA Bus:
    Maxtor 7L300S0:
    Capacity: 279.48 GB
    Model: Maxtor 7L300S0
    Revision: BANC1E00
    Serial Number: L602X73H
    Removable Media: No
    Detachable Drive: No
    BSD Name: disk0
    Protocol: ata
    Unit Number: 0
    Socket Type: Serial-ATA
    Bay Name: "B (lower)"
    OS9 Drivers: No
    S.M.A.R.T. status: Verified
    Primo Volume:
    Capacity: 279.36 GB
    Available: 154.23 GB
    Writable: Yes
    File System: HFS+
    BSD Name: disk0s3
    Mount Point: /Volumes/Primo Volume
    Maxtor 7L300S0:
    Capacity: 279.48 GB
    Model: Maxtor 7L300S0
    Revision: BANC1E00
    Serial Number: L602X73H
    Removable Media: No
    Detachable Drive: No
    BSD Name: disk0
    Protocol: ata
    Unit Number: 0
    Socket Type: Serial-ATA
    Bay Name: "B (lower)"
    OS9 Drivers: No
    S.M.A.R.T. status: Verified
    Primo Volume:
    Capacity: 279.36 GB
    Available: 154.23 GB
    Writable: Yes
    File System: HFS+
    BSD Name: disk0s3
    Mount Point: /Volumes/Primo Volume
    USB Bus:
    Host Controller Location: Built In USB
    Host Controller Driver: AppleUSBOHCI
    PCI Device ID: 0x0035
    PCI Revision ID: 0x0043
    PCI Vendor ID: 0x1033
    Bus Number: 0x2b
    Hub in Apple Pro Keyboard:
    Version: 4.10
    Bus Power (mA): 500
    Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec
    Manufacturer: Mitsumi Electric
    Product ID: 0x1003
    Vendor ID: 0x05ac (Apple Computer, Inc.)
    Apple Optical USB Mouse:
    Version: 3.40
    Bus Power (mA): 100
    Speed: Up to 1.5 Mb/sec
    Manufacturer: Logitech
    Product ID: 0x0307
    Vendor ID: 0x05ac (Apple Computer, Inc.)
    Apple Pro Keyboard:
    Version: 4.10
    Bus Power (mA): 250
    Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec
    Manufacturer: Mitsumi Electric
    Product ID: 0x020b
    Vendor ID: 0x05ac (Apple Computer, Inc.)
    Hub in Apple Pro Keyboard:
    Version: 4.10
    Bus Power (mA): 500
    Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec
    Manufacturer: Mitsumi Electric
    Product ID: 0x1003
    Vendor ID: 0x05ac (Apple Computer, Inc.)
    Apple Optical USB Mouse:
    Version: 3.40
    Bus Power (mA): 100
    Speed: Up to 1.5 Mb/sec
    Manufacturer: Logitech
    Product ID: 0x0307
    Vendor ID: 0x05ac (Apple Computer, Inc.)
    Apple Pro Keyboard:
    Version: 4.10
    Bus Power (mA): 250
    Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec
    Manufacturer: Mitsumi Electric
    Product ID: 0x020b
    Vendor ID: 0x05ac (Apple Computer, Inc.)
    Apple Optical USB Mouse:
    Version: 3.40
    Bus Power (mA): 100
    Speed: Up to 1.5 Mb/sec
    Manufacturer: Logitech
    Product ID: 0x0307
    Vendor ID: 0x05ac (Apple Computer, Inc.)
    Apple Pro Keyboard:
    Version: 4.10
    Bus Power (mA): 250
    Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec
    Manufacturer: Mitsumi Electric
    Product ID: 0x020b
    Vendor ID: 0x05ac (Apple Computer, Inc.)
    USB Bus:
    Host Controller Location: Built In USB
    Host Controller Driver: AppleUSBOHCI
    PCI Device ID: 0x0035
    PCI Revision ID: 0x0043
    PCI Vendor ID: 0x1033
    Bus Number: 0x0b
    hp LaserJet 1012:
    Version: 1.00
    Bus Power (mA): 500
    Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec
    Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
    Product ID: 0x0d17
    Serial Number: 00CNFB638356
    Vendor ID: 0x03f0
    hp LaserJet 1012:
    Version: 1.00
    Bus Power (mA): 500
    Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec
    Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
    Product ID: 0x0d17
    Serial Number: 00CNFB638356
    Vendor ID: 0x03f0
    USB Bus:
    Host Controller Location: Built In USB
    Host Controller Driver: AppleUSBOHCI
    PCI Device ID: 0x0040
    PCI Revision ID: 0x0001
    PCI Vendor ID: 0x106b
    Bus Number: 0x09
    USB Bus:
    Host Controller Location: Built In USB
    Host Controller Driver: AppleUSBOHCI
    PCI Device ID: 0x0040
    PCI Revision ID: 0x0001
    PCI Vendor ID: 0x106b
    Bus Number: 0x08
    USB High-Speed Bus:
    Host Controller Location: Built In USB
    Host Controller Driver: AppleUSBEHCI
    PCI Device ID: 0x00e0
    PCI Revision ID: 0x0004
    PCI Vendor ID: 0x1033
    Bus Number: 0x4b

    Hello Final Cut Studio 2 Experts,
    I'm considering purchasing Final Cut Studi 2, and to make sure that I'll benefit from the full range of specific application (FCS/motion/color...) and I'd like to ask few questions (5 main points) regarding requirements and recommendations. So, please be prepared for much reading as I am not an expert on the matter. I like to know if my computer accepts any further hardware parts highly recommended and if I can purchase and install them myself. And yes, you should also know that I intend to use a Panasonic multi-format (HD/SD) camera for capturing and exporting videos.
    N.B. Please note that the full list of my Hardware contents appear at the bottom of this text.
    THANKS IN ADVANCE for your expert advise!
    So, here we go:
    Application-Specific Requirements
    Final Cut Studio
    Capturing HD resolution video using the ProRes 422 format requires a Mac Pro with an Intel Xeon processor or a G5 Quad computer and a qualified third-party capture card.
    1) Do I need an Intel Xeon processor? If yes, can I purchase and install the component by myself (like RAM)?
    The standard graphics card in any Mac Pro, MacBook Pro, iMac with Intel Core Duo, Power Mac G5, or iMac G5; 1.25GHz or faster PowerBook G4; or 1.25GHz or faster flat-panel iMac:
    ATI Radeon 9800, 9700 Pro, 9600 XT, or 9600 Pro
    ATI Mobility Radeon 9700 or 9600
    NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT, 7300 GT, 6600, 6600 LE, FX Go5200, or FX 5200 Ultra
    For 16- and 32-bit rendering: a graphics card with at least 128MB of VRAM
    2) Do I need one of the ATI Radeon 9800, 9700... or ATI Mobility Radeon? Why does my Hardware contents say ATI Radeon 9600, and not ATI Mobility Radeon 9600, is there a difference?
    The standard graphics card in any Mac Pro, 17-inch MacBook Pro, 24-inch iMac with Intel Core Duo, or 2.5GHz or faster Power Mac G5 Quad:
    ATI Mobility Radeon X1600
    ATI Radeon X1600
    NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT, 7600 GT, 7300 GT, 6600, or Quadro FX 4500
    A display with 1680-by-1050 resolution or higher
    A three-button mouse for full functionality
    3) Do I need and ATI Mobility Radeon X1600 or ATI Radeon X1600?
    DVD Studio Pro
    For playback of DVD Studio Pro 4-authored HD DVDs: a Macintosh computer with a PowerPC G5 or Intel Core Duo processor
    For writing finished projects to disc: an Apple SuperDrive or other DVD recorder
    For writing finished projects to a double-layer disc: a double-layer-compatible recorder and double-layer media
    For transporting HD projects to a replicator: an external drive or Internet transfer of the project’s disk image
    For transporting SD projects that contain copy-protection or dual-layer features to a replicator: a DLT drive, external drive, or Internet transfer of the project’s disk image
    4) Do I have an Intel Core Duo processor? Do I need an Apple SuperDrive?
    What is a "replicator"?
    Application-Specific Recommendations
    One of the following graphics cards is highly recommended:
    ATI Radeon X1900 XT, X850 XT, X800 XT, or X1600
    NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT, 6800 Ultra DDL, 6800 GT DDL, or Quadro FX 4500
    For 32-bit rendering: a graphics card with 256MB of VRAM or more
    The following graphics card is highly recommended:
    ATI Radeon X1900 XT
    Dual displays with 1920-by-1200 or higher resolution
    5) Do I have one of the highly recommended cards ATI Radeon X1900 XT etc...? How do I get it and can I install it myself?
    Hardware Overview:
    Machine Name: Power Mac G5
    Machine Model: PowerMac7,3
    CPU Type: PowerPC G5 (3.0)
    Number Of CPUs: 2
    CPU Speed: 2.3 GHz
    L2 Cache (per CPU): 512 KB
    Memory: 4.5 GB
    Bus Speed: 1.15 GHz
    Boot ROM Version: 5.2.4f1
    Serial Number: G85167AGRU3
    ATA Bus:
    Model: SONY DVD RW DW-Q28A
    Revision: KAS7
    Serial Number:
    Detachable Drive: No
    Protocol: ATAPI
    Unit Number: 0
    Socket Type: Internal
    Model: SONY DVD RW DW-Q28A
    Revision: KAS7
    Serial Number:
    Detachable Drive: No
    Protocol: ATAPI
    Unit Number: 0
    Socket Type: Internal
    Built In Sound Card:
    Texas Instruments TAS3004:
    Inputs and Outputs:
    Line Level Input:
    Controls: Left, Right
    Playthrough: No
    PluginID: TAS
    Controls: Mute, Left, Right
    PluginID: TAS
    Internal Speakers:
    Controls: Mute, Master
    PluginID: TAS
    Line Level Output:
    Controls: Mute, Left, Right
    PluginID: TAS
    Crystal Semiconductor CS84xx:
    Inputs and Outputs:
    S/PDIF Digital Input:
    Controls: Mute
    Playthrough: No
    PluginID: Topaz
    S/PDIF Digital Output:
    Controls: Mute
    PluginID: Topaz
    PCM 16:
    Bit Depth: 16
    Bit Width: 16
    Channels: 2
    Mixable: Yes
    Sample Rates: 32 KHz, 44.1 KHz, 48 KHz
    PCM 24:
    Bit Depth: 24
    Bit Width: 32
    Channels: 2
    Mixable: Yes
    Sample Rates: 32 KHz, 44.1 KHz, 48 KHz
    AC3 16:
    Bit Depth: 16
    Bit Width: 16
    Channels: 2
    Mixable: No
    Sample Rates: 32 KHz, 44.1 KHz, 48 KHz
    Bluetooth: No Information Found.
    Firmware Revision: KAS7
    Interconnect: ATAPI
    Burn Support: Yes (Apple Shipped/Supported)
    Cache: 2048 KB
    Reads DVD: Yes
    CD-Write: -R, -RW
    DVD-Write: -R, -RW, +R, +RW, +R DL
    Burn Underrun Protection CD: Yes
    Burn Underrun Protection DVD: Yes
    Write Strategies: CD-TAO, CD-SAO, CD-Raw, DVD-DAO
    Media: No
    Fibre Channel: No Information Found.
    FireWire Bus:
    Maximum Speed: Up to 800 Mb/sec
    ATI Radeon 9600:
    Chipset Model: ATY,RV351
    Type: Display
    Bus: AGP
    Slot: SLOT-1
    VRAM (Total): 128 MB
    Vendor: ATI (0x1002)
    Device ID: 0x4150
    Revision ID: 0x0000
    ROM Revision: 113-A58504-113
    Cinema HD Display:
    Display Type: LCD
    Resolution: 1920 x 1200
    Depth: 32-bit Color
    Core Image: Supported
    Main Display: Yes
    Mirror: Off
    Online: Yes
    Quartz Extreme: Supported
    Rotation: Supported
    Status: No display connected
    Size: 256 MB
    Type: DDR SDRAM
    Speed: PC3200U-30330
    Status: OK
    Size: 256 MB
    Type: DDR SDRAM
    Speed: PC3200U-30330
    Status: OK
    Size: 1 GB
    Type: DDR SDRAM
    Speed: PC3200U-30330
    Status: OK
    Size: 1 GB
    Type: DDR SDRAM
    Speed: PC3200U-30330
    Status: OK
    Size: 1 GB
    Type: DDR SDRAM
    Speed: PC3200U-30330
    Status: OK
    Size: 1 GB
    Type: DDR SDRAM
    Speed: PC3200U-30330
    Status: OK
    Size: Empty
    Type: Empty
    Speed: Empty
    Status: Empty
    Size: Empty
    Type: Empty
    Speed: Empty
    Status: Empty
    PC Cards: No Information Found.
    PCI Cards: No Information Found.
    Parallel SCSI: No Information Found.
    System Power Settings:
    AC Power:
    System Sleep Timer (Minutes): 0
    Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes): 0
    Display Sleep Timer (Minutes): 0
    Dynamic Power Step: No
    Reduce Processor Speed: No
    Sleep On Power Button: Yes
    Automatic Restart On Power Loss: No
    Wake On AC Change: No
    Wake On LAN: No
    Wake On Modem Ring: No
    Adobe PDF 7.0:
    Status: Idle
    Print Server: Local
    Driver Version: 10.4
    Default: No
    URI: pdf700://distiller/
    PPD: Adobe PDF 3016.102
    PPD File Version: 1.0
    PostScript Version: (3016.102) 0
    hp LaserJet 1012:
    Status: Idle
    Print Server: Local
    Driver Version: 1.4.5
    Default: Yes
    URI: usb://Hewlett-Packard/hp LaserJet 1012?serial=00CNFB638356
    PPD: hp LaserJet 1012
    PPD File Version: 1.0
    PostScript Version: (3011.104) 0
    Serial-ATA Bus:
    Maxtor 6B250S0:
    Capacity: 233.76 GB
    Model: Maxtor 6B250S0
    Revision: BANC1E50
    Serial Number: B61QB0RH
    Removable Media: No
    Detachable Drive: No
    BSD Name: disk1
    Protocol: ata
    Unit Number: 0
    Socket Type: Serial-ATA
    Bay Name: "A (upper)"
    OS9 Drivers: No
    S.M.A.R.T. status: Verified
    Macintosh HD:
    Capacity: 233.64 GB
    Available: 50.02 GB
    Writable: Yes
    File System: Journaled HFS+
    BSD Name: disk1s3
    Mount Point: /
    Maxtor 6B250S0:
    Capacity: 233.76 GB
    Model: Maxtor 6B250S0
    Revision: BANC1E50
    Serial Number: B61QB0RH
    Removable Media: No
    Detachable Drive: No
    BSD Name: disk1
    Protocol: ata
    Unit Number: 0
    Socket Type: Serial-ATA
    Bay Name: "A (upper)"
    OS9 Drivers: No
    S.M.A.R.T. status: Verified
    Macintosh HD:
    Capacity: 233.64 GB
    Available: 50.02 GB
    Writable: Yes
    File System: Journaled HFS+
    BSD Name: disk1s3
    Mount Point: /
    Serial-ATA Bus:
    Maxtor 7L300S0:
    Capacity: 279.48 GB
    Model: Maxtor 7L300S0
    Revision: BANC1E00
    Serial Number: L602X73H
    Removable Media: No
    Detachable Drive: No
    BSD Name: disk0
    Protocol: ata
    Unit Number: 0
    Socket Type: Serial-ATA
    Bay Name: "B (lower)"
    OS9 Drivers: No
    S.M.A.R.T. status: Verified
    Primo Volume:
    Capacity: 279.36 GB
    Available: 154.23 GB
    Writable: Yes
    File System: HFS+
    BSD Name: disk0s3
    Mount Point: /Volumes/Primo Volume
    Maxtor 7L300S0:
    Capacity: 279.48 GB
    Model: Maxtor 7L300S0
    Revision: BANC1E00
    Serial Number: L602X73H
    Removable Media: No
    Detachable Drive: No
    BSD Name: disk0
    Protocol: ata
    Unit Number: 0
    Socket Type: Serial-ATA
    Bay Name: "B (lower)"
    OS9 Drivers: No
    S.M.A.R.T. status: Verified
    Primo Volume:
    Capacity: 279.36 GB
    Available: 154.23 GB
    Writable: Yes
    File System: HFS+
    BSD Name: disk0s3
    Mount Point: /Volumes/Primo Volume
    USB Bus:
    Host Controller Location: Built In USB
    Host Controller Driver: AppleUSBOHCI
    PCI Device ID: 0x0035
    PCI Revision ID: 0x0043
    PCI Vendor ID: 0x1033
    Bus Number: 0x2b
    Hub in Apple Pro Keyboard:
    Version: 4.10
    Bus Power (mA): 500
    Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec
    Manufacturer: Mitsumi Electric
    Product ID: 0x1003
    Vendor ID: 0x05ac (Apple Computer, Inc.)
    Apple Optical USB Mouse:
    Version: 3.40
    Bus Power (mA): 100
    Speed: Up to 1.5 Mb/sec
    Manufacturer: Logitech
    Product ID: 0x0307
    Vendor ID: 0x05ac (Apple Computer, Inc.)
    Apple Pro Keyboard:
    Version: 4.10
    Bus Power (mA): 250
    Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec
    Manufacturer: Mitsumi Electric
    Product ID: 0x020b
    Vendor ID: 0x05ac (Apple Computer, Inc.)
    Hub in Apple Pro Keyboard:
    Version: 4.10
    Bus Power (mA): 500
    Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec
    Manufacturer: Mitsumi Electric
    Product ID: 0x1003
    Vendor ID: 0x05ac (Apple Computer, Inc.)
    Apple Optical USB Mouse:
    Version: 3.40
    Bus Power (mA): 100
    Speed: Up to 1.5 Mb/sec
    Manufacturer: Logitech
    Product ID: 0x0307
    Vendor ID: 0x05ac (Apple Computer, Inc.)
    Apple Pro Keyboard:
    Version: 4.10
    Bus Power (mA): 250
    Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec
    Manufacturer: Mitsumi Electric
    Product ID: 0x020b
    Vendor ID: 0x05ac (Apple Computer, Inc.)
    Apple Optical USB Mouse:
    Version: 3.40
    Bus Power (mA): 100
    Speed: Up to 1.5 Mb/sec
    Manufacturer: Logitech
    Product ID: 0x0307
    Vendor ID: 0x05ac (Apple Computer, Inc.)
    Apple Pro Keyboard:
    Version: 4.10
    Bus Power (mA): 250
    Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec
    Manufacturer: Mitsumi Electric
    Product ID: 0x020b
    Vendor ID: 0x05ac (Apple Computer, Inc.)
    USB Bus:
    Host Controller Location: Built In USB
    Host Controller Driver: AppleUSBOHCI
    PCI Device ID: 0x0035
    PCI Revision ID: 0x0043
    PCI Vendor ID: 0x1033
    Bus Number: 0x0b
    hp LaserJet 1012:
    Version: 1.00
    Bus Power (mA): 500
    Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec
    Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
    Product ID: 0x0d17
    Serial Number: 00CNFB638356
    Vendor ID: 0x03f0
    hp LaserJet 1012:
    Version: 1.00
    Bus Power (mA): 500
    Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec
    Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
    Product ID: 0x0d17
    Serial Number: 00CNFB638356
    Vendor ID: 0x03f0
    USB Bus:
    Host Controller Location: Built In USB
    Host Controller Driver: AppleUSBOHCI
    PCI Device ID: 0x0040
    PCI Revision ID: 0x0001
    PCI Vendor ID: 0x106b
    Bus Number: 0x09
    USB Bus:
    Host Controller Location: Built In USB
    Host Controller Driver: AppleUSBOHCI
    PCI Device ID: 0x0040
    PCI Revision ID: 0x0001
    PCI Vendor ID: 0x106b
    Bus Number: 0x08
    USB High-Speed Bus:
    Host Controller Location: Built In USB
    Host Controller Driver: AppleUSBEHCI
    PCI Device ID: 0x00e0
    PCI Revision ID: 0x0004
    PCI Vendor ID: 0x1033
    Bus Number: 0x4b
    Message was edited by: Rinaldo

  • Printer recommendations please.

    Hi, I need a new printer and would like recommendations as to what to buy. The last printer I bought was an HP 1220c for an Imac running OS 9. When I upgraded to OS X I lost many of the printer's features, booklet and two sided printing most frustratingly, and never regained them. I need booklet printing, two sided printing, and preferably large format printing. I am looking at two printers from HP in particular, the OfficeJet 7300 at < 1181.html>, and the Deskjet 9800 at < rinters&category=inkjets&subcat1=seeall&catLevel=3#defaultAnchor>. HP claims that they are MAC compatible, but I don't trust them. If anyone has personal experience with either of these printers, I would appreciate your opinions of them.
    Thank you, Caoim
    titanium G4 powerbook 800MHz   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  
    titanium G4 powerbook 800MHz   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

    I also have a HP DeskJet 1220c and had problems with it using OSX. I tried many solutions (selected print drivers), but ended up purchasing a print driver for the 1220c from PrintFab. I had to experiment with the menus to get the best print quality, but finally got good results. I don't print two-sided, so I don't know if that would still be a problem. (There is a menu for paper handling.) You can download a demo version to try and see if it works for you. Just another option you can try before purchasing a new printer.

  • Where can I buy a larger hard drive for my late 2008, 15" macbook pro?  From reviewing questions and answers on the support community it would appear that having Apple remove the old and install the new hard drive is recommended.  But how/where?

    Where can I buy a larger hard drive for my late 2008, 15" macbook pro?  From reviewing questions and answers on the support community it would appear that having Apple remove the old and install the new hard drive is recommended.  But how/where?

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    You can install the new hard disk yourself if you want to. You just need a 2'5" SATA II hard drive, which is compatible with your MacBook Pro. You can buy one at OWC > You can filter hard drives by computer, so press a "Click to view all...", choose your computer in the sidebar and it will give you the compatible hard drives.
    There are different brands for the MacBook Pro. The most recommended are HGST and Seagate, which have good reputation. A 7200 rpm hard drive will give you extra performance

  • Can anyone recommend a second hard drive for my PowerPC G5

    Sorry if this question has been asked before but I need the answer in a hurry.
    I need to fit a second hard drive into my PowerPC G5 - and I have never done this before. I phoned a company to buy a drive and they said that there can be compatibility problems with certian drives and Macs. A friend at work also confirmed this and pointed me to the site which has a database of drives and their associated problems.
    Unfortunately I don't have time to digest all of the info. I am letting a friend use my Mac for a project that they are working on and they need the space urgently. They are working to a strict deadline.
    So basically what I would like to know is if anyone can recommend a drive that I can fit without it causing any problems. I need a high quality, fast and very quiet drive for audio and video production. The drive should be 250GB, 7200RPM, 16MB cache. The Mac support pages say it must be a serial ATA drive but I have no idea if you can use ATAII or ATA300 (or any other number???).
    Also - as I have never done this before - I have heard 'jumpers' mentioned - will I need to set the jumpers to a particular configuration?
    Thanks in advance, Byron.

    Xbench results as promised:
    System Info
    Xbench Version 1.1.3
    System Version 10.4.8 (8L127)
    Physical RAM 3072 MB
    Model PowerMac11,2
    Processor PowerPC G5x2 @ 2.00 GHz
    L1 Cache 64K (instruction), 32K (data)
    L2 Cache 1024K @ 2.00 GHz
    Bus Frequency 1 GHz
    Drive Type WDC WD1600JS-41MVB1 (Macintosh HD, 150GB)
    Disk Test 132.10
    Sequential 135.71
    Uncached Write 146.03 60.87 MB/sec [4K blocks]
    Uncached Write 128.75 52.72 MB/sec [256K blocks]
    Uncached Read 136.11 21.55 MB/sec [4K blocks]
    Uncached Read 133.10 53.78 MB/sec [256K blocks]
    Random 128.68
    Uncached Write 143.27 2.15 MB/sec [4K blocks]
    Uncached Write 165.80 37.39 MB/sec [256K blocks]
    Uncached Read 103.90 0.69 MB/sec [4K blocks]
    Uncached Read 118.36 24.36 MB/sec [256K blocks]
    Drive Type ST3250620AS (Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 250GB S300)
    Disk Test 103.68
    Sequential 123.43
    Uncached Write 59.04 24.61 MB/sec [4K blocks]
    Uncached Write 187.41 76.75 MB/sec [256K blocks]
    Uncached Read 214.15 33.90 MB/sec [4K blocks]
    Uncached Read 182.96 73.92 MB/sec [256K blocks]
    Random 89.38
    Uncached Write 53.68 0.81 MB/sec [4K blocks]
    Uncached Write 122.95 27.73 MB/sec [256K blocks]
    Uncached Read 96.28 0.64 MB/sec [4K blocks]
    Uncached Read 131.56 27.08 MB/sec [256K blocks]
    Drive Type Maxtor 6 B200P0 (Lacie, 200GB, Firewire 400, External)
    Disk Test 70.52
    Sequential 57.40
    Uncached Write 55.84 23.28 MB/sec [4K blocks]
    Uncached Write 46.40 19.00 MB/sec [256K blocks]
    Uncached Read 68.80 10.89 MB/sec [4K blocks]
    Uncached Read 63.74 25.75 MB/sec [256K blocks]
    Random 91.40
    Uncached Write 231.29 3.47 MB/sec [4K blocks]
    Uncached Write 75.37 17.00 MB/sec [256K blocks]
    Uncached Read 91.20 0.60 MB/sec [4K blocks]
    Uncached Read 65.76 13.53 MB/sec [256K blocks]
    Feel free to comment!
    PowerPC G5 Dual 2 Ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  
    PowerPC G5 Dual 2 Ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

  • ISE 1.2 VM file system recommendation

    According to, tabl 4-1 discusses storage requirement for ISE 1.2 in VM environment.  It recommends VMFS.
    What are the implications when using NFS instead?  Is this just a recommendation or an actual requirement?
    At the moment, we use Netapp array which uses NFS for all vApps.  It will be difficult to justify a creation an additional FC HBA just for this one vApp.  Please explain.

    If you refer to
    It says :
    •File System—VMFS
    We recommend that you use VMFS for storage. Other storage protocols are not tested and might result in some file system errors.
    •Internal Storage—SCSI/SAS
    •External Storage—iSCSI/SAN
    We do not recommend the use of NFS storage.

Maybe you are looking for

  • X1 and x4 give same displacement

    Hey All, I realize now that this issue should go in this discussion board.  Instead of repeating, just follow this link: Thanks, -Andrew

  • I would like to know how can I have the templates from premiere as customer of adobe creative cloud

    I would like to know how can I have the templates from premiere. I am Adobe Creative Cloud member. Thanks Dmitre Raposo

  • My computer crashed and now it won't boot

    I'm in a bit of a bind.  My scheduling won't allow me to go into an Apple store to get this diagnosed/fixed for an entire week; mainly due to Apple stores opening hours.  I'll be needing my computer (and I have no temp replacement) during that time t

  • From hard drive to premiere - can I import the file structure as well?

    I got a hard drive from a client where all assets I need are in perfect order (video, audio, music, animation, graphics, etc.) which means it's a quite complex yet reasonable structure with lots of subfolders. Is there a way to import all the assets

  • Sony Music app crash

    Hey everyone, I have a problem with the sony music app, when the app has a playlist this is played but at some point the app without message stopped, the icon of Play stil on the task bar, but don't respont, so, I can go to the app again and start th