British dictionary?

One of the 250 new features was supposedly a British dictionary for the Dictionary app, which would mean that the Dictionary app is no longer pointless for those of us on the other side of the pond, but it doesn't seem to be included, do I have to download this new dictionary from somewhere?
From the Mac OS X Lion feature list:
British dictionary and thesaurus
Lion includes the Oxford Dictionary of English and the Oxford Thesaurus of English.

Don't worry, I found them in the dictionary preferences

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    You mean this one ==>
    It's the software from Jive that Apple uses for the forums.
    Colin R.

  • British Dictionary contains American spelling

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    I want to spell Immobilise properly, in messaging.
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    But "COLOUR" sounds too French. . Anyways, it's strange what is happening to you. I think if you "correct" the spelling by changing it to your preferred spelling several times, the iPhone will learn your "preferred spelling as time goes by and use the "correct" on in the future. As I use multiple languages with the English keyboard/dict i.e. sometimes mixing in different languages in one email, I have found that after a while the auto-correct stops making "correct" suggestions and will youse your "preferred" spelling. I know this is a half baked "solution".
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    This is absurd... I restarted my computer after days of having it turned on or in deep sleep, and funny enough my dictionary came back.
    I'm now blaming myself for not having tested this VERY simple troubleshooting solution the first day it appeared.
    Ho well, lesson learned.

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    Spelling is based on the keyboard that you've got selected - so if you've got an English (UK) keyboard selected in Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards then spelling will be based on English, not American

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    The only English dictionary provided by Apple is the New Oxford American Dictionary.  Whether there's an app that would meet your needs I don't know -- search the app store for "dictionary."

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    Any help would be appreciated.

    use this for firefox 5
    works perfectly

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    When the keyboard appears on screen press the Globe icon on the left of the space bar.
    The Spacebar should briefly show the word "English (UK)" This should remember your setting for the future too

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    Hi Christopher --
    Try this:
    I looked for an updated version of this document and couldn't find it; but I tried out the steps recommended and they worked (though it did seem like there should be an easier way).
    -- JDee

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    Firefox still does not display correctly unless in the "Safe Mode".
    Any clues or help or suggestion about why this would happen? Any way I can revert to version 32?
    My Addons :
    No Services.
    Appearance, default only
    VLC plugin
    Silverlight plugin 5.1.3
    shockwave flash 15.0.0
    Quicktime plugin 7.7.5
    Java platform SE7 U67 10.
    Google Update (disabled)
    Adobe Acrobat 11.0.9
    British Dictionary (not compatible with v33!!, disabled)
    Colorzilla 2.8.1
    cssUpdater 0.5.2 (disabled)
    Dust-Me Selector [for CSS] 4.1
    Firebug 2.0.3 (and associated FireDiff, FirePHP, EventBug)
    enabling / disabling all/any of these does not (so far) change the graphical fault loading Firefox outside of Safe Mode.
    Any ideas?
    P.S>As additional info: I have tried the "reset firefox" but this caused numerous little bugs with saving the profile user data. Also reseting did not fix any of the issues.
    Everything else on my computer works fine. No virus, no malware (Eset / MWBytes) all other programs fine, and FF was fine until V33!!

    Hi for the crashes that are continuing, we're sorry to hear that Firefox is crashing. In order to assist you better, please follow the steps below to provide us crash IDs to help us learn more about your crash.
    #Enter ''about:crashes'' in the Firefox address bar and press Enter. A Submitted Crash Reports list will appear, similar to the one shown below.
    #Copy the '''5''' most recent Report IDs that start with '''bp-''' and then go back to your forum question and paste that into the "Post a Reply" box. (Please don't take a screenshot of your crashes, just copy and paste the ID's. The below image is just an example of what your Firefox screen should look like)
    Thank you for your help!
    More information and further troubleshooting steps can be found in the [[Firefox crashes - Troubleshoot, prevent and get help fixing crashes]] article.

  • Creating a merge document in Pages 09

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    It would appear that that hasn't been customised.
    Apple apparently doesn't have enough cash in its kitty to do a lot of this basic stuff.
    e.g. Apple has a so called "Australian" dictionary in Pages, that doesn't recognise Anzac amongst a host of Australian words. Why? Because it is nothing but the British dictionary relabelled.
    Microsoft on the other hand…
    If you want to ensure it looks right in Pages you can use the word Postcode in the text, select it:
    Inspector > Link > Merge > Choose > Contacts Book > click on the + > call it Postcode > Link it to Work/Home ZIP

  • I can't change the spell check to UK English

    On a Mac with an existing CS6 InDesign document, I have tried everything to change the spell check to use a UK language, e.g., I want "programme", not "program".
    1. Before I open the document, I have selected InDesign/Preferences/Dictionary and changed to English: UK language.
    2. Once the document is opened:
      - I have changed all the paragraph styles (Advanced Character Formats) to English: UK language;
      - I have no Character Styles so nothing to change there;
      - I have gone to Edit/Spelling/User Dictionary and changed language to English: UK.
    When I open Edit/Spelling/Check Spelling, the language is set to English: UK. But when I start to spell check, it doesn't pick up any of the words that I know need changing for UK English (i.e., programme, not program)!
    Help! What else can I do?

    The Australian dictionary is just the British Dictionary renamed, it doesn't recognise any Aussie words that aren't included in the British version.
    Don't know why Apple even bothered except to pat us on the head and pretend they cared.
    Languages btw are applied like any other style like bold or color or font. You select the text you want to be something and apply the Language.

  • I have installed two dictionaries. I want to delete one of them. How can I do this?

    I have found instructions for deleting words from the dictionaries, but not an entire dictionary.
    I have installed the ''English (US)'' dictionary and the ''English (British)'' dictionary.
    I want to only see the ''English (British)'' dictionary when I right click on the word.
    [ Here] is the link to the dictionaries.

    You can find installed dictionaries under the extensions.<br />
    See Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions

  • Languages

    Does the program come with spell check in many languages? If not, what can I buy? Other than American English, I write in Danish and Italian on a regular basis.
    Message was edited by: Fran Shapiro

    Tom Gewecke wrote:
    Does the program come with spell check in many languages?
    Pages uses the OS X system spell checker, which comes (in 10.5) with Australian, British, and Canadian English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish, Danish, and Russian.
    The Australian English dictionary is a joke pulled on us poor yokels down under by Apple's marketing department to boost the numbers and fake an interest in what has been a good market for them.
    There is nothing Australian about it at all. Our reference is the Macquarie Dictionary (which is flagged as a misspelling by Apple's dictionary, as is Anzac, bunyip, bogan, bludger, damper, dunny, hoon, lamington, ocker, pavlova, perve, choko, skite, squizz, woomera, ute, uey, yabber, yakka etc etc etc). The Macquarie besides including many Australian words allows the use of both British and American spellings of common English.
    The Apple "Australian" dictionary will have none of this. It is just a British dictionary with a few Americanisations in it.

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