Broadcast Setting Table ( Authorization User )

Hello All,
I have a requirement wherein , I need to change the "Authorization User".
But everytime going into the setting & changing it manually is quite tedious job.
Is there any table which stores information regarding Authorization User.
PS : RSRD_SETTING stores only Owner & Last Changed By, but not Authorization User.
Thanks & Regards,

Hello Pravender,
Thanks, It has solved my problem
Thanks & Regards,

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    Create User Group for each folder (for eg. Sales/Marketing etc) and also based on the type of access you want to provide.
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    I would suggest you use some Dummy created user for IB settings, that different people might maintain.
    Other then that, ask your Basis people to change the owner directly in the system table RSRA_SETTING.
    <a href="">vitaliy</a>

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    As the error says user do not have the proper authorization, if you give that authorization to users then they will be able to create the copy of existing settings.

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    Execute the setting online will take the authorization of current logged on user, while executing the setting in background will uses the authorization user indicated in the setting. You need to check if the Authorization user of the setting indeed has access to all the objects that suppose to be broadcasted.

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    Pls refer to this link. Kumar explained it very clearly
    Pls award points, if helpful
    Sarat Nallapati

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    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Duke,
    USR01                          User master record (runtime data)
    USR02                          Logon data
    USR03                          User address data
    USR04                          User master authorizations
    USR05                          User Master Parameter ID      

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    I think, its not possible in Standard.
    You can try with some development.
    You can create 2 user statuses i.e., one is for normal & another one is for reservation creation. Give the authorization to change from 1st status to 2nd status only to some authorized people through Authorization group concept.
    Keep "Never" as default option in PR / Reservation creation for your desired plant & order type combination.
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  • Table contain user name and tcode

    Dear Experts,
    Can you tell me which Table contained user name and tcode field?
    Thanks and Best regards,

    You need to be even more carefull with parameter transactions.
    If SU24 is not maintained for them, PFCG will pull the proposals from the core transaction (via which the parameters are used in the skip screen feature...). If the core transaction has authority proposals for S_TCODE, then you will get those tcodes and their proposals as well.
    A carefull choice of menu objects (not only limited to Tcodes), taking heed of SU24 defaults and tuning it to meet your needs is the key. But it requires organizational discipline and good training, otherwise rather dont use it for anything other than important objects which you want to control manually only, even if your business roles are a mess.
    You can also restrict the authorizations of the security admins for example (as unpopular as that may sound... to segregate authorization concept development (SU24 etc), role building development (PFCG etc) and user administration (SU01 etc). Object S_USER_TCD also has a field called TCD...
    There are also other objects (as Dipanjan has pointed out) which have TCD as a field of an object which is not S_TCODE. In addition to I_TCODE, Q_TCODE, P_TCODE, see also S_IDOCMONI for example.
    To be honest I have given up on trying to find them all
    The easiest solution is to use the menu and maintain SU24 when the transaction is configured or the application is developed and tested. That is what SAP does as well in SU22. It is more work upfront, but more sustainable in the long run.
    If your users (and auditors) only see the menu (and use the SUIM --> Executable transactions) options, then you can get away with it in the short or even medium term. Latest when someone else need to maintain the roles they will hate it...
    My 2 cents,

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    Take a look at :
    It is very interesting, and I think your answer is here.

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    Refer: How to: Grant User Access to a Report Server (Report Manager), but this gives a step-by-step procedure for
    adding users who are a part of the Domain. In your case you are trying to add users who are not a part of the domain, meaning, you are trying to create users only specific to Reporting Services, am I right?
    But Reporting Services either relies on AD to authenticate the users, or you can create a custom-authentication extension to authenticate the users.
    In your case, you might need use a custom security extension, and use that to create/delete/modify users. Check the Forms authentication Sample here:
    Other references:
    Implementing a Security Extension
    How to: Configure Custom or Forms Authentication in Reporting Services
    Hope this helps
    Chaitanya( Twitter |
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