Broken backlight - any repair guides out there?

Hi. Backlight is broken on my 12" G4 Powerbook. I can barely make out what's on the screen, but it appears fully functional.
What to do? I found that it can be the display inverter, and found a such on Can it be anything else?
I'll try and repair it myself, so if anyone have experience in doing so, I'd like to hear about it. I guess that I'll have to remove the LCD from the powerbook, and then open the LCD and replace the display inverter - but I'm just guessing and would like confirmation.
Getting it repaired at an Apple shop is not an option, too pricy and I expect new Intel Pb's to be around the corner.
Any tips greatly appreciated.

I think this is what you need:
It bothers me, that I have not been able to find confirmation that the above part is different from the one used in my (1GHz) 12" Powerbook -
If they're the same for the 1GHz, 1.33GHz and 1.5GHz models, you don't risk anything buy buying one off of ebay for $50 less. For example: 64981242QQcategoryZ14909QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
I've tried getting in contact with the seller on what model the inverter is for, but reply. I'll buy one from
Best of luck.

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    I've created an Automator workflow that will backup the contents of the User/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder to the Documents folder. It can be used any time, like after you publish. If you have an external HD you can edit the workflow with Automator to save to a different destination. It's called iWeb Domain File Backup and can be downloaded from Toad's Cellar .
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    But can that be used for Developing the FORMS/REPORTS Applications
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    johnnymegabyte wrote:
    Everything is working great, 2 ms latency recording on some quick testing.
    BUT the Soundbank Manager doesn't seem to want to load any SF2 into Synth A or B , so I can use them in my sequencer (JAZZ++) for playback, and REAPER for recording (eventually). I don't want to be locked into the default [url="">Windows[/url] GM sounds. At least in REAPER, I can use a VST approach and connect a SF, but I only want MIDI for Drums and maybe some Pads, in spots. I do have a MIDI bassline, but that will be re-done with real bass guitar.
    Maybe because I don't have a physical MIDI port on the OEM version, the program isn't functiing properly (guess)
    Is there another way to load the Synths ? Manual scripts ... via INI ?
    As it's an OEM card, it's possible that MIDI features are ripped. Have you tried by installing nati've software by tweaking the installer?
    You find the original CD and instructions on how to patch the installed by searching here using "BadBoy" for CD and "ctcomp" for patching (as for an example).
    - on Options/Preferences/Audio/MIDI Devices, select synths A/B
    - create new track
    - on track I/O config, set MIDI Hardware output to Audigy Synth A or B and on Audio Hardware outputs, add a new one as stereo Left/Right
    - on track Monitoring options, enablethe monitoring
    - set the SF bank (Do not use big ones but those bundled ones beford getting everything working ... there are some size limitations)
    Remember also that drums are on MIDI channel 0.
    Hope this helps you to start ... (I don't have SoundFont Bank Manager installed so I can't try if this works).
    Message Edited by jutapa on 07-6-2008 0:53 PM

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    For information on software availability in your region i suggest that you contact your local Sony Xperia support instead: [email protected]
     - Official Sony Xperia Support Staff
    If you're new to our forums make sure that you have read our Discussion guidelines.
    If you want to get in touch with the local support team for your country please visit our contact page.

  • Caps defines shouting! "ARE THERE ANY APPLE TECS OUT THERE"

    Yep I'm really peed,
    So far I have dropped four threads on this forum regarding basically the same problem and got 0 yes 0 responses, It's funny, on other apple forums there's always a response this really begins with an S and finishes with an S, and sound similar to duck.
    Jan 21st Played yesterday black today. Feb 28th Intermittent white outs march 8th Movie can't be saved now today another white out 85%.
    So, what happened this time? I created photoshop psd file in photoshop cs, file sizes were 774 px x 480 px at 200 resolution I animated said files in Image ready and saved as QT's I also used Norcross morphx and saved those as QT's.
    Inspector read; yesterday a mini mov Today final mov
    Format: Apple photo-jpeg 774x480 mil H.2.64, 774x480, mil
    FPS: 20 9.26
    playing FPS: (available while playing) same
    Data size: whatever size the file was 247.51 MB
    Dat rate: 6079.93kbits/s 8.17 mbits/s
    Currant time 0:00:00:00.00 0:00:02:44.60
    Duration: 0:00:00:01.50 0.00:03:46.29
    Normal size 774x480 pix same
    currant size: 774x480 pix same
    Prior to saving I checked properties-resources on final movie.
    Older unworkable movie Today's
    video track 1 of 6 will not enable video track 2of 2 will not enable
    is a j-peg is a j-peg
    others R mix peg/Ap-pix-vid other is a H.264.
    On the past saved movies that I had problems w, in properties/resources/source it shows many sources of the mini movies that were used to create the final large movie, when I click them, they open as the mini they are, except for one which titles as unavailable.
    On todays movie it shows movie title source (won't open) and one other which opens as only one of the mini's I used, the others are not there.
    Yesterday I cleaned out all other movies players Avi/real etc I also dumped QT ran disc utility. I then re-downloaded QT , Perian and Realplayer redid all my art created new mini's made my animation movie, it came out great and today I have %^%.
    My first question is does
    QT work w/photoshop/psd's that are opened in Image ready converted to animations then saved as QT"s
    2. Doe's QT have problems w/200 resolution (which it converts to 72 and make the screen larger)
    3. Does QT work w/Norkoss morphx morphs that are saved as QT's
    3. Is there a problem w/saved morphs in QT and saved Adobe files in QT.
    4. FileXaminer could not find files titled unavailable.
    My reality is that as a process adobe/QT seems great, as a finished product, It's been "a highway to ****". I was going to give my QT to my kids to play around with (what was I thinking)
    I guess the real question is, does anyone out there have a clue what's wrong with my process or what I am doing wrong, and why is my hair getting white.
    This is really a last ditch effort!!!!!!!!

    I hope I am not driving you crazy, I still have a couple more questions to enable me with a better understanding and also to understand if it is possible for me to get a better pic than a gif.
    a. when I open swf files in swf player and convert them to images they save as tiffs, as you mentioned w/MorphX that also saves as tiffs.
    b. The psd's when I compared size to a mov showed psd 10.1 MB mov 480kb big difference as they are 3 sec files. I took the same psd and saved it as a tiff 10.1 MB.
    So, the problem here as I understand it is that the file size per second is to big as in the MorphX 2.3MB per sec but, if I take the 20 layers of the Morphx as tiffs/psd's and each one is a separate file I could import them directly through image sequence to QT. What I find confusing is they are still the same MB size per second.
    You know what Kirk, if that's what it takes then that is really to much time and effort to try and get a decent animation I can't even begin to think of how many flat files I would have to create for a four minute animation. Actually I can 4 mins = 240 secs x 20 files = 4800 aahhh
    thanks for your help anyway mate.

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    I have no idea how this topic was revived - that is, procedurally. In the course of answering many posts, I started an e-mail correspondence with a guy who still uses PBE 1.0. I e-mailed him a message on a new glitch in PBE (leaving artifacts when moving text or cutting and pasting selections within an image). I haven't heard from him since I did so. Perhaps, somehow, my message to him became a new post. How that would occur is beyond me, but I've been in the computer business long enough that nothing much surprises me anymore.
    I believed your assertion ("No. Trash the file. Bob") from the moment I read it because, operating in a Windows world, I knew that not many utilities are built to recover from fatal errors. I prefer the UNIX/Linux world where that's usually one of the initial design considerations.
    I also prefer UNIX/Linux because things tend to work as advertised more often, and often more quickly. In the process of creating a flyer for a new restaurant in my area, I started out using PBE under WinXP Pro SP2, but it left the artifacts I mentioned above when I moved text. I switched to GIMP and, after much delay in learning it, finally produced a flyer that looked great on "print preview".
    However, on printing, I got only a tiny upper-left corner, much magnified, of the flyer. I checked every setting that might even remotely affect the pixels-per-inch ratio. Tinkering with them made no difference. I salvaged the project by writing the GIMP image as a PNG file, then opening it in PBE and printing it.
    When the flyer was successfully used, the restaurant owner wanted a slight modification to change it from special- to general-purpose. I booted Ubuntu Linux, ran GIMP there, opened the special-purpose PNG file, completed the edits in mere minutes, and printed in the desired "zoom" on letter-size paper using the same GIMP settings that, in the Windows version, would have produced an impressive stand-up cardboard flyer for a movie-theater lobby. (Whew! I haven't written a sentence that long since my undergraduate sixth-semester English Literature midterm paper.)
    All this verbage is a way of saying that you put the original question to bed long ago in your original post. I'm learning a great deal about image processing in both the WinXP and the Ubuntu worlds, which is intellectually satisfying since I once worked two consecutive jobs where I manipulated images, both with software I wrote to convert between image formats and with a custom-written binary-file editor to convert a scanned image file to one which could be inserted into any stream to any printer.
    However, I can't afford to spend that this much time on image editing because my real strength and my employment objective lies in creating special-purpose software in the UNIX-flavored world somewhere in the Florida Panhandle, near but not home (I'm the bayou variety).
    Thanks for keeping an eye on posts, and for your definitive help at the outset.
    - 'Gator sends

  • Any OS gurus out there? ipc_kmsg_copyout_header: can't grow user ipc space

    Hi all,
    Lately, ever since upgrading from 10.6.5 to 10.6.7, my computer has started locking up frequently (usually at least once every couple of days). I will get the spinning pinwheel and the system will become non-responsive (both gui and ssh, etc). This state will last indefinitely, requiring a forced restart. It will enter this irrecoverable spin when I am actively using the computer or even in my absence, "idle" for hours or days.
    Upon restarting, I check the console logs to see what might be wrong. In every single case, there is always the same message that appears right before the beginning of the system startup messages. It reads something like:
    2011/6/06 9:41:51 AM          kernel          ipc_kmsg_copyout_header: can't grow user ipc space
    with, of course, the date and time of the last instance that the computer was responsive. Nothing else unusual appears before this message. Just standard console stuff.
    Googling this message, I only came across where this message appears in the source code ipc_kmsg.c, which appear to be components of the freebsd and mach kernels
    Here are links to the relevant source:
    3);im=excerpts;i=MACH_RCV_HEADER_ER ROR
    if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
    2964                                         /* space is unlocked */
    2966                                         if (kr == KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE) {
    2967                                                 printf("ipc_kmsg_copyout_header: can't grow kernel ipc space\n");
    2968                                                 return (MACH_RCV_HEADER_ERROR|
    2969                                                         MACH_MSG_IPC_KERNEL);
    2970                                         } else {
    2971                                                 printf("ipc_kmsg_copyout_header: can't grow user ipc space\n");
    2972                                                 return (MACH_RCV_HEADER_ERROR|
    2973                                                         MACH_MSG_IPC_SPACE);
    2974                                         }
    2975                                 }
    2976                                 /* space is locked again; start over */
      658 #define MACH_MSG_IPC_SPACE              0x00002000
      659                 /* No room in IPC name space for another capability name. */
      720 #define MACH_RCV_HEADER_ERROR           0x1000400b
      721                 /* Error receiving message header.  See special bits. */
    I don't want to pretend to know exactly what's going on here, but it looks like the kernel is running out of open ports for inter-process communications?
    If this is the case, what could be causing this problem? Shouldn't the system free up ports that aren't in use? I can't think of anything I have installed that could use up all the ipc ports.
    I haven't seen any other posts anywhere on the internets about others having this problem, but I can't imagine I'm the only person to have it.
    Thanks, any help would be appreciated.

    Guess apple's forums were the wrong place to ask this type of question. Got help at stackexchange instead: eader-cant-grow-user-ipc-space-any
    Long story short, if this is happening to you, check your activity monitor for processes that might be consuming too many ports

  • Is there any WOW! out there?

    At the beginning of the nineties there was a very easy way to make a Windows user shout "Wow!" That was to show him AppleWorks/ClarisWorks. You could for example insert a fully working spreadsheet with a graph into a drawing or something like that.
    Today it is reasonably easy to get the wow-effect with Keynote, showing off some nice transitions to poor PowerPoint users. Numbers also has its clever slider effects which you can combine with dynamic graphs.
    However, what is the best wow-function in Pages? Is there any Pages functionality you would use in the last moment to sway your friend, who is marching straight into the computer store to buy the Window Vista PC he has set his eyes on? Something to show him, as you drag him aside for a minute or so: "Just look at what you can do in Pages. Are you sure you want to buy a PC?"

    Are you asking this for your own edification ... or do you have a specific Windows wanna-be in mind?
    The way I've used Page to blow minds is to start out with one of the Apple templates -- one that has photo placeholders in it. The idea of clicking on the media button, then dragging in one of my iPhoto pictures, and having the user see it resize to fit over the placeholder image absolutely startles them. It makes the concept of creating great-looking documents a reality to design-challenged people.
    Of course, different people are wowed by different things. Never underestimate the fact that you get three powerful tools for $79 US. That's not very much money for three tools that facilitate professional-level work. Authors are using Pages to write books. Financial types are using Numbers for fiscal reports. And business people are using Keynote to make stunning presentations.
    I can't remember the last time you started a thread.

  • Is there any software/shareware out there for translating books on CD to m

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    I use my Zen Xtra almost exclusi'vely for audio books. The program that came with it, MediaSource, works very well. It creates a sub-directory for each disc in the book. Sometimes the "get info" works, sometimes not, depending on how old the book is. If you can't the info, be sure to fill out the info at the top of the screen (it pops up when you insert a disc) consistently. Then create a playlist in your player. Drag each sub-folder (one for each disc to the book) into the play list. Voila...
    Feel free to email me if you have further questions.
    [email protected]

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    Sr. User Interface (Flex) Developer   
    Our client in San Mateo is hiring a full-time Senior Web Developer for front end development of next generation data modeling and visualization tools.  The ideal candidate would have expertise in front end development of complex Rich Internet Applications (RIA) and have demonstrated the ability to develop high quality enterprise software in a dynamic environment.
    ·        Develop front end of Rich Internet Applications for Java based server products
    Analyze functional requirements and specifications through close interaction with Product Management and other team members
    Participate in product design and architectural discussions
    Write unit tests to ensure developed user interfaces meet product requirements
    Provide support to the QA and support organizations
    Provide feedback and guidance to technical writers
    Develop appropriate documentation for architectural, design, implementation and test activities.
    Required Skills
    ·          Bachelor's degree in Computer Science (or related field of study)  
    ·          Minimum of 6 years experience with front end development of Web based user interfaces  
    ·          Minimum of 2 years experience with front end development of rich internet applications  
    ·          Expertise in building applications using the following technologies:  Flex 3/4, Flash Action Script, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, JSON, CSS  
    ·          Experience with the following tools: Maven, ANT, Subversion, CVS  
    ·          Familiar with cross browser support issues and solutions as well as i18n issues and solutions  
    ·          Experience doing software development in a structured, automated, and distributed development environment including design, development, QA, and documentation.  
    ·          Strong communication skills with the ability to present technical concepts concisely to non-technical members of the team.  
    ·          Familiarity with existing data modeling tools is a plus: ER/Studio ERWin, TOAD Experience in building applications using any of the following technologies is a plus: JSP, Struts, JavaScript, JQuery, SEAM, GWT, Rich Faces, extjs, XML/XSLT, AIR  

    I would say that it was very funny to stay on Amsterdam, but i really can't remember so much of these days, jeje

  • I have tried reading EVERYTHING I can...Any video experts out there?

    Ok, thanks for checking out my post, I appreciate your time.
    So I have this Ipod touch and I have about 500 music videos. Yes, they're all bought and paid for from the store. So anyway, I don't have any issue setting them all up on my itunes and playing one after another. I actually have another PC setup beside my system just for this purpose. What I'd like to do is put a bunch of them on my touch (I don't have a problem getting them on or playing them 1 at a time)but how in god's name do I get them to play one after another?
    Can ANYONE help me? I'm sure it's been asked before but I can't find it anywhere.
    < Edited by Host, No personal information please. >
    (I'm still new to the apple side so im stumbling around in here a bit).
    Totally impressed with the touch though. What a great player.
    Thanks everyone!

    Please remove your email addy ASAP!
    As for your question, I think you'd have to stitch the videos together - at this time, I don't believe you can make them run in series without interaction.
    Send Apple feedback:

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