Broken dv links after changing imovie filename

I moved an imovie project file from my harddrive to external drive - now when I open the project it cannot find the dv clips for the project - the path for the dv links still points to the local harddrive vs. external - any way to automatically update the path?

Any additional ideas?
It's been my experience that iMovie is quite forgiving when I change the name of the project package. (Note, however, that the package suffix must be "iMovieProject", not "iMovie".)
I have no experience with Magic Movies, but I doubt they would be different.
When I change the name of the project package, iMovie does not necessarily change the name of everything inside. It does not change the name of the iMovie project file — or the tilde file — saved loose inside the package.
Because you are having problems with iMovie locating clips in the project, I suggest trying to solve this problem by restoring the project name to what it was. Then open the project normally. If it opens successfully, do a File > Save As command and save the project to new project with a new name (located on your external drive, if that's your preference.)
The Save As will force iMovie to update everything with the new name.
When the new project opens, do a Save to update the Timeline inside the new project.
If the project fails to open, try double-clicking on the tilde file that's inside the project. If you are lucky, it will open the project as it was saved BEFORE you last saved. For more about how to use the tilde file see this:

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    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-09-05 17:01:03 -0700 (Fri, 05 Sep 2008)
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    This document is almost certainly a dynamic XFA form. Unfortunately, our mobile Reader does not support displaying or filling such forms. The application that produces this form embeds this message into the document so that non-supportive viewers (like ours) will display this "error" page when the document opens. I do realize that this is confusing and I would like to add some additional detection to our Reader for this case. However, we've avoided doing this for fear of confusing users even further. Your feedback helps though. Hopefully we'll find a way to detect this case and present a better message to the user like: This form is not supported by the mobile version of the Adobe Reader. Please open and fill it on the non-mobile version of the Adobe Reader for Windows, Linux or Mac OSX.
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    - Save it in the same folder using "save for web" as "picture_large.jpg"
    - Resize the image again, this time down to size 600x480
    - Save it in the same folder using "save for web" as "picture_medium.jpg"
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    Is it possible?

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    Thanks for your repllies, unfortunately I can't achieve the 100% result using your suggesitions (I learnet a bit anyway ).
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    - Suggestion to use "Save as" instead "Save for web" doesn't resolve my problem either, as what I'm trying to achieve is to store one image with all the diferent image sizes in one folder.
    I guess perfect solution would be if I could change the filename using some syntax which could look like:
    change current file name from [name] to [name]+"_medium"
    But I believe this is not possible.
    Thanks very much anyway and of course if there are any other suggestions I'll be happy if someone could help.

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    John T Smith's linked solution worked for me.
    Correct Answerby Romsinha on Apr 19, 2014 11:51 AM
    Please navigate to C/Users/User Name/AppData/Local/Adobe/OOBE/opm.db and delete it(Windows).
    Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/OOBE/opm.db and trash it.
    Enable user library:
    Launch CC desktop and try to sign in.
    The only thing I'd add is to remember to go to the Activity Monitor to quit Creative Cloud.

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    Hi experts,
    i changed write optimized dso to standard dso because of some changes, but after changes done i activated the changed transformations  standard dso(previously write optimized), but it is not activating , after gone through the issue its happened
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    Start of the after-import method RS_TRFN_AFTER_IMPORT for object type(s) TRFN (Activation Mode)
    Transformation 0MX1MHVGBT0A0PTA526YRW3O48Q77GOC deleted in version M of DDIC
    Transformation 0RKZY5AKAWMJ2ZRKJMSZO791UP6X1F2N deleted in version M of DDIC
    Activation of Objects with Type Transformation
    Checking Objects with Type Transformation
    Checking Transformation 0MX1MHVGBT0A0PTA526YRW3O48Q77GOC
    Rule 10 (target: 0RECORDMODE group: 02 Technical Group ): Constant is initial
    Checking Transformation 0RKZY5AKAWMJ2ZRKJMSZO791UP6X1F2N
    Rule 10 (target: 0RECORDMODE group: 02 Technical Group ): Constant is initial
    Saving Objects with Type Transformation
    Internal Activation (Transformation )
    Preprocessing / Creation of DDIC Objects for Transformation 0MX1MHVGBT0A0PTA526YRW3O48Q77GOC
    Preprocessing / Creation of DDIC Objects for Transformation 0RKZY5AKAWMJ2ZRKJMSZO791UP6X1F2N
    Please help me in this by rectificying in dev system how could i manage to send this transport to acceptance test.
    One more thing even after deletin the 0recordmode in transformation , i can able to see that in techinical group.
    Post Processing/Checking the Activation for Transformation 0MX1MHVGBT0A0PTA526YRW3O48Q77GOC
    Transformation 0MX1MHVGBT0A0PTA526YRW3O48Q77GOC was activated

    You can change write optimised to satndard DSO.
    You are supposed to add 0recordmode field in datsource check below links for clear information:
    error  while activating transformations
    Re: Transformation error.

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    As far as I know, this is a new feedback, Please vote this customer voice, here is the link:, or create a new voice at azure feedback forum:
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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