Broken IDisk Sync with OSX 10.5.2

Does anyone know if the Broken iDisk syncing was fixed in OSX 10.5.2? I had to disable IDisk Sync in OSX 10.5.1 as it was eating up so much memory.

it appears to be fixed on my powerbook pro 2.33ghz, 2g
my idisk has 2G in it, and the sparse image quickly expanded to fill my whole harddrive before 10.5.2. Now it appears to be fixed.
used disk inventory X to find the problem, which is pretty useful, before finding out about the exploding idisk image.
Pretty shoddy stuff for an expensive online drive.
Anyone tried webdrive on a PC, it works better with idisk than apple software!

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    Thank you for the link but what a waist of time.
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    noethix wrote:
    now every time I connect her phone to our XP notebook (main computer for syncing) absolutely nothing happens. It doesn't charge, doesn't pop up in iTunes, no hardware configuration, NOTHING.
    Is there an issue with syncing between two different operating systems?
    If your wife's phone won't even charge on her computer there may be a problem with the USB port or cable (assuming the computer isn't sleeping). Does it charge when connected to the AC power adaptor? Did you try swapping cables? If it still doesn't work:
    1. Hard reset - simultaneously press the home and sleep/wake buttons until the Apple icon appears (ignore the red slider).
    2. Forced restore - with iTunes open, plug in phone, press both buttons as above until the apple appears, release the sleep/wake button and continue pressing the home button until iTunes sees the phone in restore mode. Follow the prompts to restore,
    3. If still no go - take it to an Apple store Genius bar.
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    Message was edited by: modular747

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    You might do better in one of the Sync forums, well-hidden in the Digital Life > Mobile Me section:

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    Use this link if you want
    Make sure to go to the settings option on FB page to select which events you want displayed.
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    Hope this helps,

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    You wrote:
    Here ya go:
    MacBook Pro
    This sounds ideal - My read of it wasn't perfectly clear - Does it sync through the USB cable that the Apple sync uses or though a wireless connection? How good is the Mark/Space notes app? Apple's notes doesn't allow grouping by category, everything goes into one place, is the M/S notes app better than that?
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    So, iDisk (great with MobileMe) is closed! Ok. I got the most expensive iCloud Plan and LOVED storing files online. Is that REALLY OVER??!! (besides Numbers', Pages', and Keynote's docs sync).. Will I REALLY have to downgrade to "free" on iCloud and PAY for "DropBox", "Google Drive" or "Microsft's Sky Whatever.."?!!
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    So, really. Of course a lot of people don't care about the iDisk issue. That's fine, we all love and hate specific apps or software.. But why has Apple just shut it down, since it was so EASY to use (as DropBox) on all our Apple devices?!! So, we really can't upload/store any kind of files anymore and that's it?!
    I used iDisk when MobileMe was still alive, and it was great to have my files from work, home, any backup (whatever we want) uploaded and synced and used in our Macs, iPhones and iPads. If we have the OPTION of an iCloud Plan (the top one, for example), but we just don't like the automatick backups for the iPhones and iPads, nor the Pictures' sync function.. Why can't we just have the SAME simple and efficient/great service of the iDisk installed in each device?!
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    That's why I decided to have a Macbook Pro, an iPhone 4S and an iPad 3rd. Generation (for example, along with other products and services such as Apple TV).. I know I'm CHOOSING to stay with 1 world, that's fine. And that's why I didn't (yet) go for a Samsung phone or another tablet.. I wanna stick with 1 pattern and I have chosen Apple's..
    Just can't understand such an innovative company make such decisions (such as shutting down iDisk or not letting us just DELETE Apple IDs we do NOT use anymore).. Please, just some guidance or confirmation if that's correct: No way of uploading files others than Numbers', Pages' or Keynote's!!??
    Thank you very much!!

    Thank you Roger.
    That's exactly what I was afraid of...
    During all the time I have been a loyal customer of Apple's products and services, these have been the only 2 issues that I really can't understand (specially when we look at Apple's strategies and management)...
    1) Not being able to DELETE (simply delete or deactivate) old or duplicated Apple IDs... I have 3 different Apple IDs but only one is the real Apple ID I use for everything, with all my purchases and services (such as e-mail) related to it (Why won't Apple jus let people delet, deactivate or - at least - merge Apple IDs?! That would help everyone, including Apple when we think about costs, storage, database maintenance, etc.) - Actually, even when I gave up on trying to delete other Apple IDs, I tried to have the one I really use and have organized to use my address as the Apple ID itself (as Apple asks us to do - and makes sense, of course). But never worked. Just because I created that Apple ID with a account (since it asks for a valid e-mail when you create an Apple ID, it NEVER lets me now change my Apple ID to my e-mail address - I mean JUST having my e-mail address as my primary e-mail and my Apple ID (for example, having that old e-mail address out of it, cleaned..)!
    2) The other issue was this one, about iDisk. Of course there must be reasons for having it shut down, maybe the apps used by iPhone and iPad, along with the folder on Mac OSX, is way too complicated, expensive, full of bugs, I don't know. But if we decide to pay for 50GB of online storage, why even THINK about different options for files we use?! I have Dropbox, I've read about Google Drive and Microsoft SkyDrive, etc. But I just wanted to STICK with a single ALL-APPLE solution.. That is.. Pay the annual fee for the 50GB and just still keep any file I want on the cloud with iDisk. So, what Apple tells me is that if I have other files than iWork or PDF (and some few exceptions), I should actually downgrade to "free" iCloud and decide to PAY for another solution (organization), such as DropBox, Google Disk or Drive (I don't really know), Micrsoft's SkyDrive..
    Of course there's the strategy of getting more and more people to use Pages, Numbers and Keynote (buying them for iOS and Mac OSX, as I already have and love them). But "killing" iDisk and just telling users to look for other storage solutions doesn't really sound like Apple.
    I have seen so many questions here about both issues (deleting or merging Apple IDS + iDisk back since we pay for storage) that I really believe Apple should reconsider these issues or, at least, open the issue and let us know what would be the best "partner solution" for iCloud...
    Thanks a lot!
    All the best...
    Eduardo Rocha.
    [email protected]

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    Edit: I just removed every project I have from the Media Browser. Still no luck.

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    When I click 'apply', the 'starting sync' and progress bar pop up for like half a second then disappear. Same goes with photos, apps, podcasts, etc.

    Verify that you have the right boxes checked to sync?
    iTunes: Syncing media content to iOS devices and iPod       
    Try syncing using the manual method                
    Managing content manually on iPhone, iPad, and iPod
    Last, backup to iTunes and restore from backup, yes again

  • Address book sync with Google broken?

    I've been having a hard time getting the address book to sync cleanly with my Gmail account. I'm using a standard Gmail account (not Google Apps), which seems to be supported. I set this up by going into the address book preferences, checking the box for "Synchronize with Google" and putting in my username/password. It seems to accept the login information.
    At first, I wasn't able to get it to sync at all, even when I manually clicked the sync button on the menu bar. Sometimes, when I would go back into preferences, the "Synchronize with Google" box would be unchecked. So I'd check it again, then a few minutes later it would be unchecked again.
    Somebody suggested also setting it up to sync with a Yahoo! account, so I tried that and it worked. Once I configured it to sync with a Yahoo! account, it successfully sync'd to my Gmail account.
    However, it still doesn't work a lot of the time. Sometimes it syncs, sometimes it doesn't. I don't get any error messages, it just doesn't do anything. And sometimes I still go back into preferences and find the box unchecked again.
    I've also found a problem where after my initial sync with Gmail, it detected two conflicts, but I can't seem to resolve them. When I click "Review conflicts now" nothing happens. Then when I sync again, I'm told there are two conflicts. But I'm never shown what those conflicts are, and the "Review conflicts now" option never seems to work.
    Gmail syncing works perfectly on my iPhone using Activesync, but it hardly works at all on OSX which is really strange and frustrating.

    Try this fix

  • Apple TV (2) Not Syncing with iTunes 10 on MacBook Pro OSX 10.6.8

    My Macbook Pro was recently updated to OSX 10.6.8 and iTunes 10. I cannot get my Apple TV (2) to sync with it. It is connected to the internet and I can watch trailers on the Apple TV as well as see/listen to my pics and songs from before the sync. In wireless settings, everything is set up properly.
    The TV does not appear on the left menu bar in iTunes. Halp!

    ATV2 does not show up in iTunes nor does it have syncing abilities. You have to enable home sharing in iTunes and ATV2 (in settings) and it you library will show up on the computers tab on the ATV

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    My iPhone 5 is not syncing with my iTunes 11.3, on OSx. I have just completed all of the most recent updates and have looked into completely uninstalling iTunes but I found my computer won't let me! Any ideas?

    Back up all data.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    ~/Library/Application Support/SyncServices
    Right-click or control-click the line and select
              Services ▹ Reveal in Finder (or just Reveal)
    from the contextual menu.* A folder should open with an item selected. Quit the application if it's running. Move the selected item to the Trash. Relaunch the application and test.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination  command-C. In the Finder, select
              Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar and paste into the box that opens by pressing command-V. You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.

  • IPad Mini Won't Sync With Mac Mini (ios 8.1 OSX 10.6.8)

    Problem : IPad Mini connects to iTunes OK, can be seen in iTunes and I can select which movies to sync to it etc.  When I hit the "apply" button after making a change (ie deleting or adding a movie) the sync lasts just a second then the "sync" button remains greyed out, and I can't make them sync.
    IPad Mini ios 8.1 Mac Mini OSX 10.6.8 (latest available version for my mac mini)

    I do not care who you are, I have more than once been interfered with, this is my home, you do not have the power to steal my network speed every day, I have a complaint you
    发自我的 iPhone
    在 2014年11月7日,下午4:32,Apple Support Communities Updates <[email protected]> 写道:
    Apple Support Communities
    selenafromshenzhen has posted in the Using iPad community.
    IPad Mini Won't Sync With Mac Mini (ios 8.1 OSX 10.6.8)
    You're supposed to download the latest iTunes from Apple official site and install it on your Mac.
    To post a reply, go to the discussion in Apple Support Communities.                                                             
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  • I have a Powerbook G4 running on OSx version 10.4.11.  I would like to get an iphone, but non-seem to sync with my computer.  Is there any options for me?

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    Sadly not as an iPhone 4 running iOS 6 or above needs Mac OS X 10.6.8 or higher to sync in iTunes.
    Mac OS X 10.6 is not compatible with an PowerBook

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