BRS statement physical deletion

In our company two same statements have entered wrongly like 1, 2 , 2. I have to delete second statement no 2 where 3 will come. In second statement values are also appeared as wrong. If I go to List - Deletion indicator - Sets which is not functioning properly. I want to remeove statement physically from FF67. And its records are not posted to main Bank's GL account. How I will remove statement from FF67 ?
Kindly reply me urgent solution.
With Regards,

Hi Samrat,
You don't need an ABAPER to do this (I assume you are a SAP consultant).
1) Goto SE38 > Enter Program name RFEBKA96 and execute
2) Application : 0001 > Execute > Deselect all statements and then find the statement to delete by account number and then by statement number (if you have quite a number of bank accounts and statements). Ensure the statement selected is the one you need to delete
3) Delete statement
Do note the program only deletes the statements and no accounting entries already posted will be reversed. Thus if there are any posting made related this statement you will need to reverse it.

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    An alternaitve approach to deleting master data:
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    Thank you very much for the reply Anuj,
    I have created a db adapter which polls on a table with logicaldeletestrategy in JDeveloper 11g,
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    Edited by: user12237005 on Apr 7, 2011 2:17 PM

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    Thanks in advance,

    I think you are asking about Logical read and physical read.
    Logical read - Data accessed from memory.
    Physical read - Data accessed directly from disk.

  • Databse polling without using logical delete or physical delete

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    Whatever table are you interested in polling, have a duplicate table for it. Whenever an event (update, delete, insert etc) happens on the source table, fire a trigger to perform that activity in your dup table. Now, from the other tier poll a query for a change. Once the change is consumed clear the dup table.
    Hope this help!
    Yousuf Baig

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    To avoid having to define a separate account symbol for every single house bank account (with a different G/L account in each case), the G/L account field can contain a masked output. The masking is done using ++++++ for the main bank account. For the sub accounts all the other digits are masked except the last one. For Bank charges the actual gl account is entered. Note that masked entries (using + ) are always based on a ten character account number. If you are using a shorter account number (six characters, for example), the entry must be right-aligned.

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    If your wbs is not used, you can delete with the transaction CJ20N.

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    It depends entirely on the business requirements. Specifically
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    - what is the ratio of active to deleted records?
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    - do you intend to squeeze the value out of Oracle, or do you code everything on your own?
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    sample tables are:
    student(stud_id,name,gender,age), stud_id beeing the primary key and
    stud_marks(stud_id,exam,marks1,marks2,marks3), exam beeing the pk, and stud_id, the foreign key with on delete cascade.
    I have set the property DeleteDetailRows="true" in the wsdl.
    Getting a warning:
    'TopLink found problems in PhyDelChildRecordsPoll. Please ensure that these are corrected before deployment.'
    TopLink Map 'PhyDelChildRecordsPoll' -> One of the packages is incomplete.
    Package PhyDelChildRecordsPoll -> One of the descriptors in this package is incomplete.
    Descriptor Student -> Some mappings are incomplete.
    Mapping studMarksCollection -> Method accessors have not been selected.
    End TopLink Map 'PhyDelChildRecordsPoll'
    Edited by: Help please on Nov 5, 2009 2:39 PM

    Simple solution is to run the query I have given for all child tables or to try a single query for all child tables withj something like:
    select <parent_key>
    from <parent_table>
    where <parent_key> in
              (select <foreign_key_1> from <child_table_1> union
               select <foreign_key_2> from <child_table_2> union
               ... );More complicate solution could be to change the foreign key constraints to cascade DELETE on parent table to child tables:
    SQL> create table p(x int primary key);
    Table created.
    SQL> create table c1(x1 int);
    Table created.
    SQL> create table c2(x2 int);
    Table created.
    SQL> alter table c1 add constraint fk1 foreign key(x1) references p;
    Table altered.
    SQL> alter table c2 add constraint fk2 foreign key (x2) references p;
    Table altered.
    SQL> insert into p values(1);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into c1 values(1);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into c2 values(1);
    1 row created.
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.
    SQL> alter table c1 drop constraint fk1;
    Table altered.
    SQL> alter table c2 drop constraint fk2;
    Table altered.
    SQL> alter table c1 add constraint fk1 foreign key(x1) references p on delete cascade;
    Table altered.
    SQL> alter table c2 add constraint fk2 foreign key (x2) references p on delete cascade;
    Table altered.
    SQL> delete p where x=1;
    1 row deleted.
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.
    SQL> select * from p;
    no rows selected
    SQL> select * from c1;
    no rows selected
    SQL> select * from c2;
    no rows selected
    SQL>Edited by: P. Forstmann on 27 oct. 2011 14:01

  • Kodo 3.0 generates invalid SQL statement when deleting an instance

         kodo 3.0 generates an invalid SQL statement when deleting an instance
    that has a one-many inverse unidirectional association.
    All manipulations of the data go just fine except for the deletion of
    instances of Whole without Parts. Kodo 3.0 generates the following SQL
    This problem does not occur when using a bidirectional relationship
    between Whole and Part. Is there an error in the mapping file somewhere?
    Thanks in advance,
    database schema
    <table name="PART">
    <column name="PARTID" type="bigint"/>
    <fk to-table="WHOLE">
    <join column="PARTID" to-column="WHOLEID"/>
    <table name="WHOLE">
    <column name="WHOLEID" type="bigint"/>
    public class Whole implements javax.jdo.InstanceCallbacks{
    private java.util.Set parts = new java.util.HashSet();
    public void jdoPreDelete {
         //implements cascading delete
    public class Part implements javax.jdo.InstanceCallbacks{
    private int partid;
    <class name="Whole">
    <field name="parts">
    <jdbc-field-map type="one-many" column.PARTID="PARTID"
    ref-column.WHOLEID="PARTID" table="PART"/>

    This bug is caused by the fact that your FK is using a column that is
    not nullable (in this case, because it is also a PK column). It is
    definitely a bug on our side, but I wanted to let our users know that
    most one-sided one-many relations won't exhibit this problem.
    Thank you for the report; we will try to correct the problem in an
    upcoming release.

  • performs better if stats are deleted

    I have this behaviour with 90% of queries where deleting the schema stats makes it perform the best in some cases improvement of 300%.
    The query was written for and we never had 8i.
    I have modified the optimizer settings in init.ora but never got close to the way rule based performs. What could be causing this?
    I can post the query with 3 scenarios if anyone wants to look.

    Check the explain plans for the queries with and without statistics, that will tell you what's causing the performance difference. You may end up having to re-work some of the queries if you plan on switching to the cost based optimizer. We have applications that have never used statistics, generating them degraded performance and they were deleted. Application area decided they did not want to spend the time to rework the queries, I guess they'll do it when rule based goes away.
    Good luck.

  • Select Statement Blocking Delete Operation

    Hi Experts,
    In a Single table am trying to do delete operation but it has been blocked by simple select query.
    Database setting : Read Committed Snapshot already set to ON for that database.
    Any Idea why SELECT blocking DELETE.
    FYI : Before Select statement I could noticed the following setting "set transaction isolation level  read committed".
    Kindly Advise

    FYI : Before Select statement I could noticed the following setting "set transaction isolation level  read committed".
    Hi NandhuJana,
    1. Did you read
    Uri Dimant's response?
    Please try to remove this statement and check again
    2. When we ask you for DDL+DML , the idea is to let us the option to (1) reproduce the issue in some cases, (2) get the best information which is the real database structure, queries, etc'. In this case for example I do not see the isolation level statement
    in your code and we need it to understand what is happening :-) The order and structure (nested transactions for example) of statements is what important here.
    3. you can check your isolet level using one of those options to make sure what is going in your script:
    SELECT TRANSACTION_ISOLATION_LEVEL = CASE transaction_isolation_level
    WHEN 0 THEN 'Unspecified'
    WHEN 1 THEN 'ReadUncommitted'
    WHEN 2 THEN 'ReadCommitted'
    WHEN 3 THEN 'Repeatable'
    WHEN 4 THEN 'Serializable'
    WHEN 5 THEN 'Snapshot'
    FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions
    where session_id = @@SPID
    I hope this is helpful :-)
      Ronen Ariely
     [Personal Site]    [Blog]    [Facebook]

  • Prepared statement and DELETE returns 0 count

    when executing an oracle prepared statement, the count returned is allways 0 for DELETE. However, if doing an INSERT, the count returned is correct
    public void CreatePreparePurgeRcdSetArray(String sql, int i, int max, boolean create) throws SQLException,Exception
    if (create == true)
              if (preparedStatementArray == null)
                   preparedStatementArray = new PreparedStatement[max];
              int scroll_type = getScrollType();
                   if (sql.compareTo("NOT_USED") == 0)
                        preparedStatementArray[i] = null;
                        preparedStatement          = (connClass.getConn()).prepareStatement(sql);
                        preparedStatementArray[i] = preparedStatement;
                        preparedStatement          = null;
    public int UpdatePreparePurgeRcdSet(Vector smry, String sqlP, int i) throws SQLException,Exception
         Object[] searchs = (Object[])smry.elementAt(0);
         /*java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS");
         String aaa = searchs[1].toString();
         String aab = searchs[1].toString();
         java.util.Date                     dtx = sdf.parse(aaa);
         java.util.Date                     dty = sdf.parse(aab);
         oracle.sql.DATE aa1 = new DATE(new Timestamp(dtx.getTime()));
         oracle.sql.DATE aa2 = new DATE(new Timestamp(dty.getTime()));
         java.sql.Timestamp      ts1 = (java.sql.Timestamp) searchs[1] ;
         java.sql.Timestamp      ts2 = (java.sql.Timestamp) searchs[5] ;
         boolean oracle = true;
         boolean debug = true;
              if ((oracle == true) && (debug == true))
                   String sql1 = "INSERT INTO FFI_MASTER_PURGE_TBL values ('lmill', 'OSTDEVT', 'sdsadmin', ?, 30, 60, '0', 2, 'ZZZ', ' ')";
                   String sql2 = "DELETE FROM TDSADMIN.FFI_MASTER_PURGE_TBL where FORMATCATEGORY = ?";
                   String sql3 = "DELETE from TDSADMIN.SUMMARY_TBL where (ML_STI_SRC_SYS_CD = ?) AND (ML_STI_CYCLE_CD = ?) AND (ML_STI_FILE_ID = ?)";
                   preparedStatement = (connClass.getConn()).prepareStatement(sql3);
                   //preparedStatement.setString(1, "test");
                   preparedStatement.setString(1, "618");
                   preparedStatement.setString(2, "0114200601");
                   preparedStatement.setString(3, "00001591");
                   oraclePreparedStatement = (OraclePreparedStatement)preparedStatement;
                   recsDeleted = oraclePreparedStatement.executeUpdate();
              if (oracle == true)
              preparedStatement = preparedStatementArray;
              //oraclePreparedStatement.setExecuteBatch (3);
              // ML_STI_SRC_SYS_CD
              preparedStatement.setString(1, searchs[0].toString());
                   // ML_STI_SRCSYS_DTTM
              //preparedStatement.setTimestamp(2, ts1);
              //preparedStatement.setObject(2, aa1);
              // ML_STI_CYCLE_CD
              preparedStatement.setString(2, searchs[2].toString());
                   // ML_STI_FILE_ID
              preparedStatement.setString(3, searchs[3].toString());
                   // ML_STI_LOAD_DTTM
              //preparedStatement.setTimestamp(5, ts2);
              //preparedStatement.setObject(5, aa2);
                   preparedStatement = preparedStatementArray[i];
              // ML_STI_SRC_SYS_CD
              preparedStatement.setString(1, searchs[0].toString());
                   // ML_STI_SRCSYS_DTTM
              preparedStatement.setTimestamp(2, ts1);
              // ML_STI_CYCLE_CD
              preparedStatement.setString(3, searchs[2].toString());
                   // ML_STI_FILE_ID
              preparedStatement.setString(4, searchs[3].toString());
                   // ML_STI_LOAD_DTTM
              preparedStatement.setTimestamp(5, ts2);
         DateClass dateClass = new DateClass();
              String startTime = dateClass.calToFormattedDateExact();
                   if (oracle == true)
                        //int batch_val = oraclePreparedStatement.getExecuteBatch();
                        oraclePreparedStatement = (OraclePreparedStatement)preparedStatement;
                        recsDeleted = oraclePreparedStatement.executeUpdate();
                        //recsDeleted = oraclePreparedStatement.sendBatch();
                        recsDeleted = preparedStatement.executeUpdate();
    catch(SQLException e)
         String err = (e.getMessage()).substring(0,e.getMessage().length()-1);
         systemClass.logSqlStatement(sqlP + " : " + err, startTime);
    throw e;
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

    I guess it returns 0 (zero) because it doesn't delete anything. Can you verify that it did delete some records and still returned zero?
    Good Luck,

  • ABAP statement for deleting the content of a infocube

    does someone know a abap statement or Babi to delete all data from a info cube?

    the abap statement how to delete all data from a specific cube.
    There is a FM " RSDPW_INFOCUBE_DELETE_ALL_DATA". This will delete data in the cube. You need to put this in a program and run it process chain.
    ALso, there is a process type to delete requests from info provider, and you can use appropriately.
    The abap statement how i find out what the highest extraction point data is.
    Define a variable like this:
    DATA: HIGEXT_POINT like data_package_extrpoint (whatever the field name is )
    HIGEXT_POINT = max(data_package_extrpoint).
    Delete data_package where extrpoint < HIGHEXT_POINT.
    Ravi Thothadri

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