Brush opacity pressure sensitivity Bug !!!

My Brush opacity reponds to pen pressure of my wacom tablet even if it is deactivated in the Transfer dynamics control
Please HELP

I am using CS6
as u see in the screen shot the transfer and opacity control are turned off yet still the brush is stoke appears and responds to pressure sensititvity !!!
There is no Tools option in the bar !!??

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    Four days into my CS4 experience. Not awful, but not good either.
    Running on Vista Business 32bit, Phenom 9550 Quad Core, 4GB RAM, Nvidia 7600 GT.
    I just tried my WACOM tablet and the brushes were very slow, missing the start of some strokes and most importantly no pressure sensitivity. I did
    a little searching and someone suggested switching off OpenGL and this has
    fixed my problem.
    Does anyone else have a similar experience ?
    Also, is my 7600 GT card not powerful enough ? When I moved to CS2 from 7,
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    Thanks in advance,

    Thanks for the tip.
    As it happens, I also updated both my Wacom and Nvidia drivers
    and when I switched OpenGL back on, things were fine. The pressure
    sensitivity was back and the lag was gone.
    I'll also try playing around with the settings as you suggest.

  • Illustrator CC issue with pressure sensitivity and blob brush.

    Hello I ran into this issue yesterday and can't seem to find a way to fix it.
    When using the blob brush, pressure sensitivity with my wacom intuos 5 works as expected. However if I switch to the regular brush tool and draw with that tool then switch back to the blob brush tool, pressure sensitivity stops working until I open the Blob brush's preferences and change any setting then click OK.
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    Retina Macbook Pro
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    Illustrator 17.1.0
    Already tried:
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    Yet the problem persists. Any ideas? Is this a bug?

    I was having the same problem. I wanted to use the blob tool and it was set to 2 point from a previous session. Every time I went to use it I got a 5 point round brush with no pressure sensitivity. It drove me crazy for awhile until I finally tried setting the blob brush to something different. After that it was fine, and I could switch back to 2 point and it began to work as expected. It seems like there's a small hiccup somewhere.

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    Have just installed the CS5 package. Unlike it was in PS CS2, that I loved very much, I can't see whether the brushes are pressure sensitive or not in the brush presets panel of the new PS CS5 version. See the image please.
    Any option that I overlooked?
    It's a PS CS5 64 Bit version at XP64. NVidia drivers are fresh. Enough memory and processing power.
    Thank you for your responses.

    Thanks Noel. That thread was a big help. I used the last person's suggestion and so far it has corrected the problem:
    "We are running the latest driver  (6.1.6-7) and can confirm the fix you are mentioning - rolling back to  the earlier driver (6.1.5-3) fixes the issue.  However, along the way we  also found a more interesting solution - loading a set of preferences  from an older driver seems to also resolve the issue!
    We  used the Wacom file utility to clear our preferences on a machine  running the older driver (6.1.5-3), then saved out our default set of  preferences.
    On another station, after confirming an  account had the issue on the latest driver (6.1.6-7), we proceeded to  load the preferences we'd saved out of the older driver.  Presto!  The  problem vanished.  We can replicate this by bringing back the issue if  we go back to the default prefs in 6.1.6-7.
    Thought i'd share in case this is helpful for any of you.
    For  us, it's a much easier fix than having to redo wacom drivers (and  perhaps have other issues!) across multiple academic comptuer  laboratories mid-semester.
    - Karissa"

  • Wacom tablet pressure sensitivity, dont work outside canvas

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    does it make sense?
    running windows7 64bit intous3 A4.
    tested in on my my laptop too on the intous3 A5, same problem.

    Hi JJMack
    thx for your comment
    - i'm on photoshop cs5, any brush thats pressure sensitivity, did it with both docked and floating canvas.
    I think i've fixed the issue.
    Apprently its a problem with the newest version of the wacom driver. And somehow it only affects photoshop.
    i've downloaded the march 2010 driver from wacom. And installed that. seems to be fixed.

  • Can i adjust pressure sensitivity options for tools other then paint brush?

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    I'm wanting to use the dodge and burn tools with say a chalk brush but set the pressure sensitivity of my tablet to opacity, i can do this for the paint brush by using the tablet options drop down menu but the option doesn't seem to be avaiable for  tools such as the eraser, dodge and burn and smudge tools.
    I've tryed the brushes from the Pressure Sensitive set but there is no chalk brush in the Pressure Sensitive brush set that effects opacity and you can't adjust what settings are effected for each pressure sensitive brush when using tools other then the Paint Brush.
    Can anyone help me with this as i've tryed everything i can think of.

    I guess the easiest way would be to select the paint brush tool
    and using the brush of your choice, set those options you want
    and save the brush.
    Then when you select a tool such as the burn tool, select your brush.
    The one option that won't apply is the hue jitter (you can't use hue jitter or
    color dynamics in the full version of photoshop either for most other tools
    aside from the brush tool)

  • Stroke thumbnail view in brush presets panel in CS6 doesn't represent pressure sensitivity

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    Hey JJMack!
    Thank you for your response! Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be my issue. I actually think I may be running into a bug with PS6. It seems like the stroke thumbnail preview might not be receiving the information that there is pressure sensitivity turn on my cintiq.
    Here is an example below..
    As you can see here the brush I have selected obviously has pressure sensitivity and PS6 is recognizing that. But for some reason that information is not being communicated to the stroke thumbnail preview.
    What's even weirder is when you go into that brush's presets the preview below shows the stroke thumbnail fine!
    I am wondering if maybe I have some weird preference turned on hidden away somewhere... or if this is an actual bug with the program.
    thanks guys!

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    Just curious.... has any of you tried the shape dynamics in photoshop and turning on pen pressure?
    and in illustrator to modify the size to pressure and variation to maximum? (and of course select that brush preset that you just modified and draw with it using SHIFT+B for blob brush or B for regular brush)
    I am also interested in purchasing a Surface pro so please report if this helps.
    what I recently discovered in other forums is that Sketchbook Pro works flawlessly in desktop mode. Sketchbook Express in the APP mode doesn't support pressure yet.
    there is no official confirmation that the surface pro uses a wacom digitizer, however a few artist friends of mine have gone to the microsoft store... brought their own wacom pens (cintiq 15x pen - older models that works with general tabletpcs) and the pro recognized it. which means that it is a wacom digitizer. it wouldn't make sense if a wacom pen works with a different digitizer board like N-trig.
    also read in another forum about adobe using wintab and windows 8 wintab drivers are not there yet.
    anyway... I'd be glad to know if this works or not

  • How to make a pressure sensitive brush in CS3?

    Is there someone out there who knows how to make a brush similar to this? I've been trying to figure it out for several hours now, but nothing works!

    Sorry but you aren't going to get something that looks like that from a pressure sensitive brush in Illustrator.
    The colors and groupings of blocks are too random to be a repeating pattern (a simple one, anyway) and the order is too consistent to be something like a scatter brush. That said, you *can* do this with a brush but it won't be pressure sensitive and it will require a degree of setup.
    Start by building a row of blocks. Mine is a simple pattern with a few pieces removed and not terribly interesting looking but hopefully it'll give you the idea of what I mean:
    Group everything and then go up to Effect> 3D> Rotate
    Set your X, Y, And Perspective parameters to taste. Keep the Z axes (the blue one) at zero:
    Go to Object> Expand Appearance You'll notice that Illustrator has put a clipping mask around your squares (transparent rectangle) Delete it.
    Take everything you have and drag it over to the brush panel and make a new Art Brush:
    Now you can select that brush and paint with it though you'll get better results by stroking a path you've drawn with the pen tool:
    A couple of things to keep in mind:
    You'll need to consider your ultimate length when creating the brush. Longer or more wavy lines will require more squares. My squares look a little skewed because I didn't bother to make my pattern very long. A longer row will improve the look of this but hopefully my example is enough to give you the idea.
    For generating the square colors, you might want to try the random fills script available from James talmage's page and then use live color to tint everything for you.

  • CS4 x64 severe brush lag and no pressure sensitivity

    When I use Photoshop CS4 Extended x64, I experience really bad brush lag when drawing. This doesn't happen with the 32-bit version, and unfortunately it seems to make x64 the default version to open everything with (such as Open With and file associations).
    I also do not have any pressure sensitivity with the x64, but the 32-bit version is absolutely fine. I'm using a Wacom tablet.
    Can anyone explain why it's so bad in the x64 version and any possible way to fix these two problems?
    It would be nice to fix this issue so I can actually use the x64 version, however at the minute it would be easier to just use the 32-bit version. Unfortunately I cannot seem to get it to use this instead of the x64 when opening files from Explorer. It's very iritating. I have tried to uninstall the x64 one, but I don't see an option to keep the 32-bit version on.
    I'm running Vista Ultimate x64 SP1, 8800 GT, 4GB RAM, GPU settings all on in CS4.
    Thanks very much!

    Thanks for the reply.
    It's not an Intuos3. It's a Bamboo. Drivers are latest.
    Like I said, everything works fine in 32-bit version. Brush is perfect, pressure sensitivity is great.
    x64 it's awful. Start drawing and there's a lag before it actually gets drawn, which means I'm missing loads of brush strokes and it can't keep up (although it's the beginning moment that's causing the most grief). Of course there's no pressure sensitivity either so it's absolutely useless.
    I tried the steps you mentioned and there was absolutely no difference. Something is wrong with the x64 version.
    I can't be hassled to attempt to figure out what the issue is. I can't be bothered with using the x64 version when the 32-bit one is completely fine - it's not like I'd be getting any advantages from the x64 version anyway. I'd like to be able to just get rid of the x64 one and keep the 32-bit version, or have 32-bit as my default and never have x64 even launch.
    Is there any way I can do that?

  • All pressure sensitive brush presets gone!

    I work with Ps Creative Suite 6.
    Suddenly all the pressure sensitive brush presets are gone- leaving me with only hard brushes that produce 1-size-only brush strokes.
    No matter what brush I choose, I can't manage to make them pressure sensitive now.
    These (red arrows) are the brush presets which are now gone:
    This is what is now left:
    Can anyone tell me why they vanished for no apparent reason?
    I work with those brushes 97% of the time, I really need them back!
    Thank you!

    JJMack wrote:
    Adobe Brush Engine is very powerful and has many settings.
    For some reason I am thinking that you missed the word 'Luke' from the end of that sentance.

  • No pressure sensitivity button in brush options in flash cc

    i have been using flash for the past 2 weeks and have been unable to access the option to enable pressure sensitivity for my wacom tablet. I have tried resizing the windows and restarting flash and i have had no luck

    That's probably a driver issue and not Flash. try reinstalling your driver, or maybe go to the previous one instead. Also there is a thing called the Feel it driver on Wacom's site that might work for you.

  • How do I get pen pressure sensitivity in Photoshop CS5?

    There is no sensitivity to pressure in my Photoshop CS5. I have installed the driver for my tablet (Intuos 4), but it still doesn't work. I have also clicked the icons for both pressure and opacity in the bar at the top, but they made no difference.
    I see a triangle with an exclamation point in the brushes menu by the control options. It says "Control by pen pressure requires the use of a pressure sensitive tablet," so I take this to mean that my tablet isn't supporting sensitivity.
    The tablet works just fine, but the sensitivity won't. What should I do?

    I figured it out! Pen Pressure is working just fine now. Here are the steps I used to fix my problem. Thanks for your help, Noel!
    Windows 7/Vista Pro Driver
    -Disconnect the tablet from the computer
    -Open your start menu and then the Control Panel
    -Open programs and features
    -Uninstall any listing here for Tablet or Wacom Tablet and then restart the computer
    -After restarting, download and install only the latest driver (6.16) from wacom website
    -Once the installation is complete, and the system is stable, connect the tablet.

  • No wacom tablet pressure sensitivity in LR6

    After installing LR6 there is no pen pressure sensitivity with wacom intuos pro tablet (Win 8.1, latest wacom driver)
    With LR 5.71 everything was ok.

    I have the same problem with a total different Wacom tablet and I am running 10.10.3. I have posted a thread here about it. There are others having the same issue as well: Lightroom 6 bug when using adjustment brush, mask overlay and a Wacom tablet

  • Pen pressure sensitivity stops when I have more than one window open

    I recently upgraded to Flash CC and have noticed some new bugs. Here's one of them:
    When I have more than one document open at a time, my pen pressure sensitivity stops working. In fact, it seems to work on the newest opened document, but will stop working on any previosuly opened documents. If all but one document is closed, the pen pressure returns.
    I'm using Windows 8, and a Cintiq 21UX.
    Steps to reproduce:
    - Launch Flash.
    - Open a new document.
    - Select the "Brush" tool.
    - Toggle "Use pressure" in the tool bar.
    - Draw something to make sure the pen pressure is working.
    - Open a new document.
    - Draw something to make sure the pen pressure is working.
    - Return to the previous document and attempt to draw.
    - Notice how the pen pressure is absent.
    Any help or suggestions would be great. Thank you.

    No problem.  I've been using older versions of Flash until CC gets the bugs squashed.  This pressure issue is a deal breaker for my coworkers and me, and also this audio one:

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