BSO Calculation

I have 12 dimensions in my cube. I know it is not recommended to have these many dimensions but I am helpless against requirements. Now I have member formulas to do currency conversion in the dimension called Currency Type. The default calc takes 4 hours and because of formulas I cannot utilize the parallel calculation.
So what I did is
CALC DIM ("Currency Type");
CALC ALL EXCEPT DIM("Currency Type");
Will the above calc script provide me the same results as

From an aggregation standpoint, it will most likely give you the same results, but not necessarily. You do have to consider order of dimension aggregation possibly giving you different results.
In a CALC ALL, dimensions are calculated in the following order:
1) Dimension tagged as Account
2) Dimension tagged as Time
3) Remaining Dense dimensions in outline order
4) Remaining Sparse dimensions in outline order
In your case, you're going to get something slightly different that could result in different numbers (particularly if you've got two-pass members). Here's what your order would be:
1) "Currency Type" dimension
2) Dimension tagged as Account
3) Dimension tagged as Time
4) Remaining Dense dimensions in outline order
5) Remaining Sparse dimensions in outline order
I guess I'm confused on why you're doing this, though. If you're looking for efficiency in your calc, I'm going to assume your dense dimensions are dynamic at all upper levels (and on the formula members), you don't have formulas on sparse dimensions, and all you need to do after converting currencies is to aggregate your sparse dimensions. If all that's true, use the AGG command on your sparse dimensions instead of CALC DIM or CALC ALL EXCEPT DIM.
Hope that helps,
Edward, Oracle ACE Director - Hyperion

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    The below are the simple differences of ASO and BSO
    BSO Cubes
    Useful for systems that involve complex calculations
    BSO Engine cannot handle much sparse data
    ASO Cubes
    Different method for storage and calculations
    Different storage kernel
    Useful for databases which are read only
    Useful for cases where dimensions are large in number
    Eg. Customer analysis, procurement analysis
    ASO vs BSO
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    Calculation time is 20 times faster
    Storage space is 10 times smaller
    ASO Cubes becomes slower than BSO Cubes for Queries
    ASO Cubes can have many more dimensions
    End Users
    No difference for end users during use with Smart View, Add in, FR Reports
    When to use ASO
    Database is sparse and has many dimensions. Aggregation is much faster
    Calculation of the database is frequent
    Storage Kernel of ASO
    Multidimensional Index
    Indexes the index to facilitate faster aggregation
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    Algorithm selects and stores queries and increased speed
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    Thank You
    Edited by: NareshV on Mar 28, 2011 8:19 PM

    Thank you for your responses.
    Srinivas Bobbala wrote:
    D = (B -> P13 --> C12) + (B -> P11 -> C11) - This requires to calculate onlt two blocks. I think calculations are more complex than this with if conditions.
    I was just giving an example, to increase the complexity here, I've some 5 other dimensions as well and hence you can understand it is not just 2 blocks.
    I've few Dynamic Cal members with outline formulae which refer to different block combinations.
    When I pull data from Add-in, I get Essbase Error
    Dynamic calc processor cannot allocate more than [100] blocks from the heap. Please increase CalcLockBlock setting and then retry
    From the Application log, I get to see the following error
    *[Wed Mar 30 01:43:44 2011]Local/APP/DB1/admin/Error(1020004)*
    An error [1012700] occurred in Spreadsheet Extractor.
    *[Wed Mar 30 01:43:44 2011]Local/APP/DB1/admin/Info(1020055)*
    Spreadsheet Extractor Elapsed Time : [0] seconds
    *[Wed Mar 30 01:43:44 2011]Local/APP/DB1/admin/Info(1020082)*
    Spreadsheet Extractor Big Block Allocs -- Dyn.Calc.Cache : [100] non-Dyn.Calc.Cache : [0]
    *[Wed Mar 30 01:43:44 2011]Local/APP/DB1/admin/Warning(1080014)*
    *Transaction [ 0x400c3( 0x4d928ad0.0x58610 ) ] aborted due to status [1012700].*
    I've tried to resolve this by
    1) Adding 'CALCLOCKBLOCK HIGH 500' in essbase.cfg ( as I did not see CALCLOCKBLOCK in the config file)
    2) Increased my Datafile cache to 505416KB as per existing Blocks & Block size
    Block Size is 1792 B, Existing Blocks 577619
    3) Restarted Essbase service and application
    Guys, Am I following the correct steps ? How can I make this to work.

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    Allocations were introduced in ASO in 11.1.2. They are done in memory and create data slices. In theory, this could be quicker than an allocation done in BSO especially if you have to agg the cube to get what is being allocated. Plus you are not bringing in whole blocks just cells. I cant give you an honost answer because I've not tried large allocations in ASO yet. I will say if they are complicated, it will take a lot more work to set them up in ASO than in BSO. Also, if you actually use the allocation function in BSO it can be quite slow. You also get the block creation issue at time.
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    Edited by: user12527998 on Jan 28, 2010 1:43 PM

    I always find a post by John Booth's a useful guidance when you are wanting to run calculations with dates, have a read at :- Calculations with dates
    If you are using Version 11 you also have a look at the new date functions e.g. @DATEDIFF -

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    I am confused about what you are asking. a crossjoin is what is done in BSO cubes. Do you mean what is the equivelent to a crossjoin in an ASO cube?

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    A different calculation for a member or a different aggregation to a parent?
    A different calculation would have to have a different member name (could not be shared member) that could reference the original member in the calculation if you wish. And, really, if "one member" has two different calculations, the two instances really shouldn't have the same name anyway as they obviously mean (at least) two different things.
    A different aggregation, you just put different aggregation on the shared member.
    Have Fun!

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    Thanks for the reply.
    There are no rejects.
    I am exporting level 0 data and loaading it to ASO.
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    1)Extra data points coming in
    2)Some intersections data is missing
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    Account 2 634,269,675.79 634,269,675.7
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    Give this a try. Make a copy of your outline. Then, lock & load the 2 values in question. Don't run any calculations. Export the entire database to a file. Finally, open the exported file in a text editor and find your values. This should ease your mind concerning what Essbase can store.
    BTW, I entered your values into sample/basic without issue.

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    here is one of the example of calc script.
    FIX (Actual, "Curr Assig", "Any Product")
    execute calculation on database 'App'.'Db' with
    local script_file "\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\EssbaseServer\essbaseserver1\app\App\Db\ASOFILE1.txt"
    POV "Crossjoin({[Actual],[Curr Assig]},Crossjoin({[Any Product]}))"
    SOURCEREGION "{[Sales]}" ;
    here ASOFILE.txt has equation [Sales] := 0;
    BUt when I ran it. It give me an following error.
    "Statement executed with warnings.
    Syntax error in input MDX query on line 1 at token ')'
    Custom Calculation terminated with Essbase error 1260052 in POV"
    Can anyone suggest me something?

    Try changing your POV to:
    POV "CROSSJOIN(CROSSJOIN({[Actual]},{[Curr Assig]}),{[Any Product]})"

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    Which needs to be Dense & which needs to be Sparse if it is BSO cube?
    Could you please let me with an example with above question that would be helpfull.

    For dense data sets and Analytic databases ( databases with complex calculations ) and read/write databases we will go for BSO.
    In BSO we can load high and apply the pushdown calculations.
    For large dimensionality and sparse data sets and for read only database we will go for ASO.
    In ASO we can load at leaf level only.

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    Any one have any thoughts of what may be causing this?

    I had this issue in Never tried on the later versions
    FYI - Have a look at this post (
    Below is an excert from the post by Joe Watkins
    Joe Watkins
    ASO Performance
    No score for this post
    February 11 2013, 1:18 PM
    Here are the current limitations as I see them when trying to go ASO only:
    - These scripts are not as fast as calc scripts
    - performance is worse when users are on the system
    - Cannot run these types of calcs when loads are taking place
    - need to watch for incremental slices
    - Users cannot natively execute these types of scripts
    - These scripts can be very fussy to get working
    - When I ran the exact same scripts (per my examples) as 'Calculation' versus 'Allocation' the 'Calculation' would skip random cells which was really weird and impossible to fix which is why I switched to using 'Allocation'
    In my mind the technology is not mature enough at the moment to get rid of BSO but its getting better..
    ORACLE | Essbase

  • Maximum number of members in a dimension (BSO)

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    Check out below posts:
    For facts:
    Members in Essbase
    Maximum members in a Dimension
    For limits:
    Maximum members for a Dimension in a BSO cube

  • Export - import between ASO and BSO cubes of different structure

    Hi everybody!
    I have a 'large' ASO cube with information for a period of several years.
    I need to be able to load a smaller slice (e.g. one quarter) from the 'large' cube into a BSO cube with a different (simpler) structure , perform calculations and then load the updated data back to the 'large' ASO cube.
    What's the best way to approach this (import - export)?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi GlennS,
    Hello and thank you again for the help.
    I'm running version 9.3.1
    The ASO cube has 12 dimensions plus 8 attribute dimensions.
    The BSO cube - 8 dimensions plus 2 attribute dimensions.
    Data size:
    The ASO cube is about 1 GB, about 16 M input level cells. Only about 10 % of it will be extracted and loaded into the BSO cube.
    The BSO cube is ~ 300 MB fully calculated. 300,000 existing blocks
    I prefer not to load the BSO cube from the same source as because ASO cube contains not only the source data, but also modifications - for example - allocations etc. I would like to keep these modifications and to be able to load (modified) data to BSO, make additional modifications and then 'save' the modified data back to the ASO.
    How should I approach loading data back to the ASO? I will need to 'replace' a slice of ASO cube - delete the 'old version' cells and load new version from the BSO cube.

Maybe you are looking for

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