Dear Gurus,
Our client having  requirement for displaying Activities & complaints in crm on internet explorer .
One of the way we are thing is BSP.
Can anybody suggest me is there any bsp application in CRM 4.0 for  crmd_order tcode?
If not then how to devlope that for any tcode.
Thanks in advance.
With Regards,
Rajesh C.

Dear Bruno ,
Thanks for reply.
I think what we are doing is related to ICSS.
We are in phase of implimenting E-services for client.Our aim is to display activity and complaints on internet Explorer .for which we did the required ICSS configuration .and we are able to display the things on web.But problem we are facing is that we are not able to edit the status of the activity through ICSS screen ( web layout ).
Kindly suggest us what to do in terms of configuration.Or else any development is needed ?if yes how to go for that.
Thanks in advance.
With Regards,
Rajesh c
Edited by: rajesh chaskar on Oct 17, 2008 4:02 PM

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    Please see the step wise BSP creation example:
    For execution see more details on thread:
    BSP Execution

  • BSP for Creation and change and display of the documents in SAP R/3.

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    do i need to replicate all these T-Codes in BSP application?
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    Thanks & Regards
    Message was edited by:
            Pradeep Reddy

    if you want this out of BSP, yes you have to code all of them there is not easy way.
    but if the idea is to webenable these transaction and you dont have much time/resource to do it , easiest way is to go with ITS. downside of this is that you dont have much control over look and feel.
    If you are on WAS6.40 or above your application server comes with integrated ITS and enabling the same is quiet simple.

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    This is more a question for the BSP forum.
    Anyway, as such it's realy easy since you can use HTML in order to import to Excel. All you need to do is add
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    value = 'application/' ).
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    PS. Reward useful answers and earn points yourself

  • Creation of Pushbutton in CRMD_ORDER

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    bye Mike

    Hi Mike,
    Try below steps to make sure your have proper  connection between Portal and  back end SAP system.
    1) Create  a system object , Enter required details for "Web Application Server" Properties with below two options
              A) Enter Direct SAP Server details
              Web AS Host Name :
              Web AS Path: /its/sap/bc/bsp/sap
              Web AS Protocol: http
             B) Enter apache reverseproxy
              Web AS Host Name :
              Web AS Path:/sap/bc/bsp/sap
              Web AS Protocol: http
    2) Create  a  Alias  .  Run the connection test for Web Application Server (WAS). Make  sure  connection tests are successfull
    3) Create a  BSP Iview ,
      BSP Definition Type:  Application
      Selct System Alias
      Customer Namespace: sap
      Application NameSpace: sap
      Business Server Page (BSP) Application:  y_test_pdf_01
      Start Page: main.htm
    Let me know if  it works.

  • List of transactions are not available for creation in CRMD_ORDER

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    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Teja,
    I would like to add a point to what Garcia and Jacques suggested.
    By default, if you DONT select ANY channel for any of the Transaction Type, then there is no problem - you will get ALL Transaction to Create. But, even if you select one channel for even one transaction, then only that transaction will be available.
    Since its your sandbox systems, its possible that someone selected the a channel.
    So, in whichever Transaction you wanted, select the UI option and it should be visible to you.

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    Hello Anil,
    I do not understanad your requirement clearly.Provide us with more inputs.
    If you want to change the color, look n feel and navigation of the standard BSP follow the steps below :
    1. Copy the standard BSP application to a new z-version one.
    2. Copy the control classes of the standard BSP application.
    3. Associate and refer these Z - Control classes with the z bsp application
    4. Start customizing the application  and go through the coding properly to which stylesheets the application is refering it to with each of the bsp.
    Follow the procedure and links given above by shaoming peng. They are even usefull too.
    And if you are looking something like .....integration of this standard bsp application with SAP Enterprise Portal and want to apply the stylesheets of EP ?
    Then it is easy to do this. Since the EP can apply the stylesheets to these BSP application using theme editor.  Follow this steps :
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    2. Start customizing the themes using System Administration -> Portal Display -> Theme Editor ->
    3. Change the colors, stylesheets here.
    4. Save these customized theme in a new z theme.
    5. Attach this theme to Portal Desktop,
    6. Finally refere this Portal Desktop with the Desktop rule collection.
    And you will see the changes with the affected colors and stylesheets applied to BSP application in EP.
    Is this the way you are looking for ?
    Also if you are looking something stylesheet in the BSP application itselfs, then do the changes in theme editor
    follow the procedure sugegsted by shaoming peng to upload these theme editor stylesheets in R/3 using BSP_UPDATE_MIMEREPOS.
    The one which you are saying about visualtools or something might not be possible to do it to apply the stylesheets.
    Finally, the reason why u are not able to see the bsp application in se80 is :
    I have not typed the  HRRCF in the program name text box.
    Type HRRCF and press F4 for help and you will see the standard BSP application for E-recruitment.
    I hope this information helps.
    Anil Kumar.
    and do some changes then configure the new one to the start page.
    If you want to customize the standard application

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    I´d use HTML tags only for the frame and the content of the pages with HTMLB, because it gives more functionality. Anyway, you can do as follows:
    create a default.htm page with the following code.
    <%@page language="abap" %>
    <%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb" %>
    <htmlb:content design="design2003" controlRendering="sap">
      <htmlb:documentHead title="FC">
          <frameset cols="16" frameborder="0" border="0">
            <frameset id="mainframeset" rows="55" frameborder="0" border="0" >
               <frameset cols="230,*" frameborder="0">
                <frame src="LEFT.htm" name="left">
                <frame src="RIGHT.htm" name="right">
    now in LEFT.htm when you fill the itab for htmlb:treeView set the onclientclick property like below
    CONCATENATE `'` right.htm `',target='right');` INTO wa_tree2-clientclick .
    Hopefully this is what you need.

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    Is there anything that I m missing out on???
    Pls help
    Thanks & regards,

    Hi Deven,
        I think you have to create a new controller class for the new view, even if you don't want to change anything. Because in the attributes(attribute name - VIEW) of controller class you have to maintain view name.
    Hope this will help you.

  • Technical Help on creation of an Object in SAP SRM 4.0

    Being on SAP SRM 4.0, we currently have a requirement for creation of Need Definition( Basically a build up for the contract ). Need being collected from the Backend systems need to be validated and approved by Buyers & Lead Buyers in the SRM system.
    Technically, this task is broken down to below tasks.
    1) Creation of need definition screen - Basically a template where a need can be created with Items, Sub Items and other related information
    2) Selection Screen for Buyers and Lead Buyers - This enables the the Buyers to select the Need Definition assigned to them based on the status. 
    3) Report - List of all the Need Definition( Item and Sub Item)satisfying the selection of step 2. with the possibility to navigate to the Need Definition screen ( Step 1) upon selection.
    Now the question is,
    what technology is recommended for the above Tasks? We thought it would be BSP but do you guys have any suggestions...
    Do we have any issues in displaying the report in BSP? please let me know
    Remember we are version 4.0 of SRM.
    Thanks in Advance..

    Even though I don't have much knowledge on BSP, it should be a good option. Since SAP has used BSP to develop new screens in SRM 5.0.
    Regards, IA

  • BADI for restrict creation of business transaction independently

    Hello Experts,
    I have a requirement where I need to check if the Business activity (say any 'Z' transaction) has a opportunity follow-up document then only that business transaction need to be executed else should give the error that "Z transaction need to be created through opportunity only and can not be created individually".
    I found one BADI CRM_ORDERADM_H_BADI where I can check for the condition but the issue is that as soon as I entered to CRMD_ORDER this BADI gets triggered where I need to trigger this BADI only when the user is trying to create the 'Z' business transaction individually.
    Any Suggestion will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks in Advance & Best Regards,
    Deepak Gupta

    Deepak, there is a parameter called CRM_MODE and this has the following values depending upon the transaction context:
    A - Create
    B - Change
    C - Display and
    D - Delete
    Now, in the same BAdI, since you are restricting the creation of the activity, check the CRM_MODE for the Activity, if it is A, then, call the function module CRM_ORDER_READ with the GUID of the activity and extract only the document flow ET_DOC_FLOW. Check this export table and see if the parent is an opportunity (BUS2000111). If your condition is not met, add an Error message in the transaction.

  • Badi/exit/Workflow called during  execution of the BSP "SRMSUS_SELFREG"

    Hi all,
    We are running on SRM 5.0.(SP06) Strategic sourcing scenario.We are using enterprise Portal as the front end.My query is that at the end of Supplier  registration process,when the Supplier admin creates the USER ID's for the Suppliers(through BSP SRMSUS_SELFREG),is there any way by which we can create the enterprise Portal users for those suppliers at the same time(Automation) ?My BASIS person told me that the automation is possible when the EP system is connected only to 1 backend but in our landscape we are having several systems connected to EP.
    Other alternative would be to send a mail to the EP administrator stating that the Vendors User ID's have been created in SRM and the EP ID's need to be created.
    For this ,i didnt get any BADi/exit which gets triggered during this USER ID creation process wherein i can write my logic for sending the mail to the EP admin.
    There are some Std workflows (e.g. WS10000209)for USER creation but these dont seem to be useful in this scenario.
    So the only method left is to modify the Std BSP which  we dont want.Has anybody worked on this kind of scenario?
    Any suggestions are welcome and will be rewarded as well.

    I am still searching.. but no BADI/Exit is called in this case..
    <u>Meanwhile, i found few SAP OSS notes, which you can go through -></u>
    Note 1031896 Delimiting of Supplier Reg URL due to Special characters
    Note  1031070 Supplier cannot be registered
    Note  996030 Need to relogin to srmsus_selfreg service when using aliases
    Note 1032573 FormofAddr field mandatory in userselfreg.htm page
    Note 1003820 Supplier cannot be registered
    Note 889451 Not Possible to register in Supplier self-registration
    Note  807511 Error message after self registration of supplier admin user
    Note 784883 Irrelevant warning message stops self registration
    Do let me know.
    - Atul

  • Issue with creation of sales order in CRM system

    Hi Experts,
    Here are the details of the process we followed
    1.     We found a Function Module u201CBAPI_BUSPROCESSND_CREATEMULTIu201D which is used to create a sales order in CRM.
    2.     We have set a Break point in the FM u201CCRM_ORDER_MAINTAINu201D and tried to create a sales order using the transaction u201CCRMD_ORDERu201D. For this the parameters we have given are
    a.     sold-to-party
    b.     ship-to-party
    c.     quantity
    d.     product
    And after this we have saved the order and the order is saved and in the debug mode we have the parameters in u201CCRM_ORDER_MAINTAINu201D and we found all these     parameters in the FM.
    3.     After this we have given all the parameters mentioned above in the FM u201CBAPI_BUSPROCESSND_CREATEMULTIu201D and still the order is not created, gave an error message saying that CRM_ORDER: Incorrect values in the interface object.
    4.     We checked the CRM_ORDER badiu2019s interface and it is having only header guid to be given. We gave this header guid also in the FM u201CBAPI_BUSPROCESSND_CREATEMULTIu201D and then it gave a different error saying that : Document cannot be saved.
    5.     Finally we are not able to know the parameters to be passed to the FM to create an order.
    Any inputs will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks a lot in advance.

    Hi Easwar,
    Now i am able to create a sales order by passing the parameters to "BAPI_BUSPROCESSND_CREATEMULTI" and the parameters i am passing are Process_type in the ORDERADM_H, parner_fct (partner function), partner_no , Quantity and prod_ordered (product name) but after creation of sales order using my report program and if i see the sales order uisng transaction crmd_order (using transaction ID) or crmd_orderadm_h(using headerguid) or crm_order_index, only the PROCESS_TYPE is updated but the remaining parameters which i passed like QUANTITY,PRODUCT NAME,PARTNER NUMBER are not present in the sales order. I am providing the code which i have written for creation of the sales order. Can you please look into it and tell me where i might have went wrong??
    WA_HEADER            TYPE         BAPIBUS20001_HEADER_INS,
    wa_product_i  type BAPIBUS20001_ITEM,
    lt_schedlin_i type standard table of BAPIBUS20001_SCHEDLIN,
    wa_schedlin_i type BAPIBUS20001_SCHEDLIN,
    ITAB_INPUT_FIELDS TYPE TABLE OF bapibus20001_input_fields,
    ls_inputfields TYPE bapibus20001_input_fields,
               "To store the Objects to be saved.
    GC_X type c.
    gc_x = 'x'.
        ev_guid_32 = lv_header_guid.
    Passing the respective values from the Header table to internal table.
    *Appending the values to the ITAB_HEADER.
    ls_inputfields-ref_guid =  LV_HEADER_GUID.
    ls_inputfields-REF_KIND = 'A'.
    ls_inputfields-objectname = 'ORDERADM_H'.
    ls_inputfields-logical_key = ' '.
    ls_inputfields-fieldname = 'PROCESS_TYPE'.
    APPEND ls_inputfields TO ITAB_INPUT_FIELDS.
    *ls_inputfields-ref_handle = '0000000000'.
    ls_inputfields-ref_guid =  LV_HEADER_GUID.
    ls_inputfields-objectname = 'ORDERADM_H'.
      ls_inputfields-fieldname = 'MODE'.
    APPEND ls_inputfields TO ITAB_INPUT_FIELDS.
    ls_inputfields-ref_guid =  LV_HEADER_GUID.
    ls_inputfields-REF_KIND = 'A'.
    ls_inputfields-objectname = 'ORDERADM_H'.
    ls_inputfields-logical_key = ' '.
    ls_inputfields-fieldname = 'GUID'.
    APPEND ls_inputfields TO ITAB_INPUT_FIELDS.
    ls_inputfields-ref_guid =  LV_HEADER_GUID.
    ls_inputfields-REF_KIND = 'A'.
    ls_inputfields-objectname = 'SCHEDLIN'.
    ls_inputfields-logical_key = ' '.
    ls_inputfields-fieldname = 'LOGICAL_KEY'.
    APPEND ls_inputfields TO ITAB_INPUT_FIELDS.
      ls_inputfields-ref_guid =  LV_HEADER_GUID.
    ls_inputfields-REF_KIND = 'A'.
    ls_inputfields-objectname = 'SCHEDLIN'.
    ls_inputfields-logical_key = ' '.
    ls_inputfields-fieldname = 'MODE'.
    APPEND ls_inputfields TO ITAB_INPUT_FIELDS.
      ls_inputfields-ref_guid =  LV_HEADER_GUID.
    ls_inputfields-REF_KIND = 'A'.
    ls_inputfields-objectname = 'SCHEDLIN_I'.
    ls_inputfields-logical_key = ' '.
    ls_inputfields-fieldname = 'GUID'.
    APPEND ls_inputfields TO ITAB_INPUT_FIELDS.
       ls_inputfields-ref_guid =  LV_HEADER_GUID.
    ls_inputfields-REF_KIND = 'A'.
    ls_inputfields-objectname = 'SCHEDLIN_I'.
    ls_inputfields-logical_key = ' '.
    ls_inputfields-fieldname = 'QUANTITY'.
    APPEND ls_inputfields TO ITAB_INPUT_FIELDS.
       ls_inputfields-ref_guid =  LV_HEADER_GUID.
    ls_inputfields-REF_KIND = 'A'.
    ls_inputfields-objectname = 'SCHEDLIN_I'.
    ls_inputfields-logical_key = ' '.
    ls_inputfields-fieldname = 'MODE'.
    APPEND ls_inputfields TO ITAB_INPUT_FIELDS.
    giving the partner function and partner no 000000038 for slod to party
    WA_PARTNER-PARTNER_FCT = '00000038'.
    WA_PARTNER-PARTNER_NO = '10017'.
    *"ADDING VALUES for the product
      wa_product_i-header        = lv_header_guid.
      wa_product_i-handle        = '0000000001'.
      wa_product_i-ordered_prod  = '12000014'.
      wa_product_i-mode          = 'A'.
      APPEND wa_product_i TO lt_product_i.
    *"ADDING VALUES for quantity
      wa_schedlin_i-quantity   = 30.
      wa_schedlin_i-handle = 1.
      APPEND wa_schedlin_i TO lt_schedlin_i.
    ls_inputfields-ref_guid =  LV_HEADER_GUID.
    ls_inputfields-REF_KIND = 'A'.
    ls_inputfields-objectname = 'PARTNER'.
    *ls_inputfields-logical_key = ' '.
    ls_inputfields-fieldname = 'REF_GUID'.
    APPEND ls_inputfields TO ITAB_INPUT_FIELDS.
    ls_inputfields-ref_guid =  LV_HEADER_GUID.
    ls_inputfields-REF_KIND = 'A'.
    ls_inputfields-objectname = 'PARTNER'.
    ls_inputfields-logical_key = ' '.
    ls_inputfields-fieldname = 'PARTNER_FCT'.
    APPEND ls_inputfields TO ITAB_INPUT_FIELDS.
    ls_inputfields-ref_guid =  LV_HEADER_GUID.
    ls_inputfields-REF_KIND = 'A'.
    ls_inputfields-objectname = 'PARTNER'.
    ls_inputfields-logical_key = ' '.
    ls_inputfields-fieldname = 'PARTNER_NO'.
    APPEND ls_inputfields TO ITAB_INPUT_FIELDS.
        HEADER          = ITAB_HEADER
        ITEM            = lt_product_i
        RETURN          = ITAB_RETURN
        PARTNER         = ITAB_PARTNER
        CREATED_PROCESS = itab_created_process
        SCHEDULELINE    = lt_schedlin_i.
    Appending the Guid of the contract to be saved to the internal table
        update_task_local = space
        save_frame_log    = GC_X
        objects_to_save   = itab_objects_to_save
        saved_objects     = itab_saved_objects
        return            = itab_return.
    Calling the Standard BAPI to Commit the transcation.
    I have debugged the above code, all the values are passing are passing to the FM "'BAPI_BUSPROCESSND_CREATEMULTI'" and these passed to the CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN and then to CRM_ORDER_READ which are called inside the "'BAPI_BUSPROCESSND_CREATEMULTI'". Finally the sales order is created but not able to see all the values that i am passing except PROCESS_TYPE.
    Thanks a lot in Advance,

  • Error in creation of Lead by Channel Manager

    Hi All,
    I created Channel Manger Portal for creation of Lead using blview=MKT_LEAD_M,BSP Application=CRM_BSP_FRAME and CRM Application=CRMD_BUS2000108.
    It is working fine for search only.when i click on create button then no process is going and i am getting the following error message on the top of page:
    "Erorr:Please select at least one entry to execute the function".
    Please help me

    As the error message implies - you are trying to insert a record into a table with duplicate keys to a record that already exists.
    You need to look further into the termination to determine which table it was failing on and then figure out why it was trying to insert a duplicate key entry. Find out if it is a standard or custom table and see if there is any custom code in user-exits or BADI's that might be causing it.

Maybe you are looking for