BSPRODUCTSEARCH uses different other queries : question

I the Campaign Product Search tile (which data source is BSPRODUCTSEARCH), I have to add a parameter using the SMOMVKE.MVGR5 field. I have added unbound checkboxes and some code in the beforeQueryExecute method to manage this.
The BDoc associated to the business query (PRODUCT_SEARCH) already has the MVGR5 parameter, as does the BQ and BDoc really called (BSPRODUCTSALES and PRODUCTSALES_SEARCH/PRODUCT_QUERY)
However BSPRODUCTSEARCH doesn't have the property linked to this parameter
For the moment, I have added a Z_MVGR5 property to BSPRODUCTSEARCH, and as I've juste found out about the onQuery() event, I'm about to add the link in it.
Would there be a way to use directly BSPRODUCTSALES ? Or am I just doing fine ?
Thanks and Regards,

You were right, APC!
The NLS_COMP parameter was set to LINGUISTIC because of other queries that I wanted to be case insensitive and accent insensitive, but with those definitions the indexes on NVARCHAR2 columns are not used.
I'll have to find a way to maintain case insensitive searches and NVARCHAR2 indexes. Maybe redefining the indexes using something like CREATE UNIQUE INDEX u_index ON table (NLSSORT(field,'NLS_SORT=BINARY_CI')) and setting NLS_COMP to LINGUISTIC.
Thank you.

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    Hoek wrote:
    C'mon Ed, now shirley you must have an opinion regarding the use of WHEN OTHERS?
    Feel free to share it with us
    My opinion is that I hate it when an application -- any application, under any framework, in any language -- swallows an error message.  As to getting into the weeds of WHEN OTHERS, I tend to agree that it should be avoided but am open to arguments for exceptions.  Does that sound like waffling?  It's not intended to be.  Here's where I have to make a confession.  When I transitioned from the role of "developer" (we called them "programmer/analyst" then) to dba, my shop was also transitioning from IBM's IMS database (hierarchical) to relational databases - first DB2, then as client-sever architecture came in they settled on Oracle as the C/S database.  Because I was viewed as an "early adopter" and had been doing some development work on our first client-server apps, I was tagged to become our first Oracle DBA. (My first oracle db was v7.3 on Win 3.11)   As a result of that path, I never really got heavily into development with PL/SQL.  I can do OK on  individual procedures - mostly for one-off or stand-alone use. But I never developed that mental framework and toolbox of procedures that only comes with working heavily in a language.  
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    //callbackThis.VerifyAnchorElement(HtmlElement, Config);
    perform IISReset
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    We had the same issue after applying the SP2 & August CU. we open the case with MSFT and get the same resolution as you mentioned.
    I blog about this issue and having the office reference.
    Later MSFT release the Hotfix for this on December 10, 2013 which i am 100% positive should be part of future CUs.
    So if you apply the April CU then you will be fine.
    Please remember to mark your question as answered &Vote helpful,if this solves/helps your problem. ****************************************************************************************** Thanks -WS MCITP(SharePoint 2010, 2013) Blog:

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    Good to hear that you've had some success with the import.
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    <<My program>>
    public class Start
    {  private Artist[] Artists;
    private Record[] records;
    private Person[] Manager;
    private TextMenu makeMenu = new TextMenu();
    public static void main(String[] args)
         Start studio = new Start();;
    public Start()
    {  //Person.Manager(ManagerName,HouseNumber,StreetNumber,PhoneNumber)
         Manager = new Person[1];
         Manager[0] = new Person("Yangfan",88,"Young ST",11118888);
         Artists = new Artist[5];
    Artists[0] = new Artist(1,"Backstreet Boys",58,"Music ST",99998888);
    Artists[1] = new Artist(2,"Santana",68,"Music ST",99998899);
    Artists[2] = new Artist(3,"Macy Gray",78,"Music ST",55558888);
    Artists[3] = new Artist(4,"Ricky Martin",88,"Music AVE",77778888);
    Artists[4] = new Artist(5,"Did Rock",55,"Music Road",66667777);
    records = new Record[6];
    records[0] = new Record(1,"I want it that way",Artists[0],11,12,"05/08/2001",Artists[1],Artists[3]);
    records[1] = new Record(2,"Smooth",Artists[1],11,12,"05/08/2001",Artists[1],"");
    records[2] = new Record(3,"Do something",Artists[2],11,"05/08/2001",Artists[3],"");
    records[3] = new Record(4,"Livin La Vida Loca",Artists[3],11,12,"05/08/2001",Artists[1],Artists[3]);
    records[4] = new Record(5,"Bawitdaba",Artists[4],11,13,"05/08/2001",Artists[1],"");
    records[5] = new Record(6,"The one",Artists[0],11,14,"05/08/2001",Artists[1],"");
    public void menu()
    {  String[] choices = {">>>List Manager Details",">>>List All Artist Names",">>>List An Artist Telephone-Number",">>>Show Details For One Recording",">>>Add A New Recording",">>>List The Recording Costs For All Artists",">>>List Artist's Reocording",">>>Exit Program"};
    while (true)
    {  switch (makeMenu.getChoice(choices))
    {  case 1: showAllArtists();
    case 2: showAllRecords();
    case 3: System.exit(0);
    case 4: System.exit(0);
    case 5: System.exit(0);
    case 6: System.exit(0);
    case 7: System.exit(0);
    case 8: System.exit(0);
    public void showAllArtists()
    {  int numArtists = Artists.length;
    for(int i = 0; i < numArtists; i++)
    {  Artists[i].displayArtistDetails();
    public void showAllRecords()
    {  for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++)
    {  System.out.println();
    Due - midnight, Wednesday August 22nd
    This assignment will test your knowledge of Java programming using classes, encapsulation and javadoc.
    The base requirements
    Write a complete Java class to manage a Digital Recording Studio. The studio wants to keep a list of all Artists that use the studio and also wishes to keep track of all Recordings that have been made. An important function of the program is to calculate the time spent making a recording and charge the Artist for the time used.
    You must create at least the following classes, Start, Studio, Person, Artist, Recording, Address. You may create other classes if needed as well
    Start will contain main(), create one instance of a Studio and execute a Menu of commands to test your code. Studio should contain a studio name, an array of Artist and an array of Recording plus the studio manager (a Person). Each Artist should contain the name of the group and an Address. Each Person will have a name and a home address. Each recording will have a Title (usually song title), an Artist (only one), and a list of guestArtist (they are Artist�s but will not receive royalties) the number of the CD the recording is stored on (numbers are numerical and recordings are saved on CD-R), plus the recording start and finish times for the recording session (suggest you use Java Date class � refer to the API). An Address will contain, house number (integers only), a street name and a telephone number. There is no need to store city and country.
    To enter a set of data for testing your program � main() should call a method in the Start class that will fill in a set of values by creating objects and filling in values by calling methods in each class. This is the ONLY method allowed to be longer than 1 page long � normally we would read the data from a file but there are no O-O principles that can be learnt with simply filling in data values. It is suggested to create say at least 4 Artist�s and 6 Recordings (at least one with 1 guest Artist and one with 2 guestArtist�s)
    A menu for testing your program should be provided (it is suggested to put the Menu into a separate class as you need at least 3 menus). While other commands are possible, only the following ones will receive marks.
    Menu commands needed are
    List the Managers name, address and telephone number
    List all Artist Names
    List an Artist telephone number (a sub menu showing valid Artist�s is required)
    Show all details for one Recording ( sub menu of valid Recordings will be needed and remember there can be more than one guestArtist)
    Add a new Recording, user will need to be prompted for all details.
    List the recording costs for all Artists � show each Artist on a separate line with their name and total amount, charge for using the studio is $1000 per hour or part thereof, example for a 1 hour and 10 minute recording the Artist will be billed for 2 hours.
    List all the Recording�s one Artist has worked on (sub menu of Artists needed), the list should show whether they were the Artist or a guestArtist
    Exit program
    Use fixed sizes for arrays, suggest 20 is suitable for all arrays. Java can handle dynamic data structures (where the number of elements can grow or shrink), but that is beyond a first assignment.
    Do NOT make ANY methods static - this defeats the Object Oriented approach and will result in ZERO marks for the entire assignment.
    Data MUST be encapsulated, this means that all the data relating to an object are to be stored INSIDE an object. None of the data detail is to be globally available within your program - hence do not store Artist names in either Studio or Recordings � just store a reference instead. Do NOT create ID numbers for Artists, you should use References instead � for many students this will be the hardest part as you have to use Objects, not program in a C style to solve the problem. Note that if there are any non-private data in classes then zero will given for marks for encapsulation.
    Good programming style is expected (see web page or lecture notes). In particular, you must use javadoc to generate a set of html pages for your classes. Make sure you use the special javadoc style comments in your source code. Marks will be granted for both using javadoc and also for including sensible javadoc comments on each class and each public method.
    What to Hand In
    Read the turnin page, basically the .java files, a readme.txt to tell the marker which file the program starts from plus the javadoc (html) files. Do NOT send .class files (if you do send these we will delete them and recompile your program), do NOT compress with gtar, tar, zip or use any other tool on your files. Turnin automatically compresses all your files into a single archive for us to mark.
    The simplest way to turnin all your files is to place all files in one directory then just use the *.* wildcard to turn in all files within that one directory.
    You must turnin all files that are not part of Java 1.3. In particular, you are allowed (actually encouraged) to use EasyIn or SavitchIn but should include the one you use in the files you submit. It is STRONGLY suggested that you copy all the files into another directory, test it works there by compiling and executing then turnin files from that directory. A common problem is students adding comments at the last minute then not testing if it still compiles. The assignment will be marked as submitted � no asking later for leniency because you added comments at the last minute and failed to check if it still worked.
    If the tutors are unable to compile your submission, they will mark the source code but you will lose all the execution marks. Sorry, but it is your responsibility to test then hand in all files.
    For CS807 students, this program should be fairly easy if it was to be programmed in C (you would use several struct). The real art here is to change over to programming objects. Data is contained in an object and is not global. This idea is essential to using Java effectively and is termed encapsulation. Instead of using function(data), you use objectName.method( ). Effectively you switch the data and functions around, the data has a method (function) attached to it, not the other way around as in C (where you have a function and send data to it).
    While there will be some marks for execution, the majority of the marks will be given for how well you write your code (including comments and documentation) and for how well you used O-O principles. Programs written in a C style with most of the code in one class or using static will receive ZERO marks regardless of how well they work.
    You are responsible for checking your turnin by reading the messages turnin responds with. Failure to read these messages will not be an acceptable excuse for submitting an incorrect assignment. About 2% of assignments sent to turnin are unreadable (usually empty) and obtain 0.
    Late submissions
    Late submissions will only be accepted with valid reasons for being late. All requests for assignment extensions must be made via email to the lecturer. Replies for acceptance or refusal will made by email. Instant replies are unrealistic (there is usually a flood of queries into my mail box around assignment due dates) and the best advice is to ask at least 4 days in advance so that you will have a reasonable chance of getting a timely reply and allow yourself enough time to submit something on time if the extension is not granted.
    ALL late submissions will be marked LAST and will NOT be sent to tutors for marking until all other assignments have been marked. As an example, if you submit late and your assignment is not yet marked by the time assignment 2 is due then it will be pushed to the end of the marking pile as the assignments that were submitted on time for assignment 2 will take priority.
    If you make a second submission after the submission date, only the first submission will be marked. We will not mark assignments twice! You can update your submission BEFORE the submission date if you need to - this will just overwrite the first submission. The latest time for a late submission is 5pm on the Wednesday after the due date. This is because, either a solution will be handed out at that lecture or details of the assignment will be discussed at the lecture. I cannot accept any assignment submissions after that time for any reason at all including medical or other valid reasons. For those who are given permission to be later than the maximum submission time � a different assignment will be handed out. Remember, if you decide to submit late you are VERY UNLIKELY to receive feedback on your assignments during semester.
    Assignments will be removed from turnin and archived elsewhere then forwarded to tutors for marking on the morning after the assignment is due. A different tutor will mark each of your assignments � do not expect the tutor you see at the tutorials to be your marker.
    Marks will be returned via email to your computer science yallara account � ideally within 2 weeks. I will send marks out when I receive them so do not send email asking where your marks are just because a friend has theirs. If you want your email forwarded to an external account, then place a valid .forward file into your yallara account. The Help Desk on level 10 can assist you in setting this up if you do not know how to do it.

    I have seen other people who have blatantly asked for
    other people to do their homework for them, but you
    are the first person I've seen to actually cut and
    paste the entire assignment as it was handed to you.
    Well, unlike some of the people you're talking about, it seems like zyangfan did at least take a stab at it himself, and does have a question that is somewhat more sepcific that "please do this homework for me."
    marendoj is right, though. Posting the entire assignment is kind of tacky. If you want to post some of it to show us what you're trying to do, please trim it down to the essential points. We don't need to see all the instructor's policies and such.
    Anyway, let me see if I understand what you're asking. You said that you know how to write the code, but only by putting it all in one class, is that right? What part about using separate classes do you not understand? Do you not know how to make code in one class aware that the other class exists? Do you not know how code in class A can call a method in class B?
    Please be a bit more specifice about what you don't understand. And at least try using multiple classes, then when you can't figure out why something doesn't work, explain what you did, and what you think should have happened, and what did happen instead.
    To get you started on the basics (and this should have been covered in your course), you write the code for two classes just like for one class. That is, for class A, you create a file and compile it to A.class. For class B, you create a file and compile it to B.class. Given how rudimentary you question is, we'll skip packages for now. Just put all your class files in the same directory, and don't declare packages in the .java files.
    To call a method in class B from code that's in class A, you'll need an object of class B. You instantiate a B, and then call its methods.
    public class B {
      int count;
      public B() { // constructor
      public void increment() {
    public class A {
      public static void main(String args[]) {
        B b = new B();
    }Is this what you were asking?

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    Hi, thanks for your question. Reflow follows the rules of CSS and HTML. There is not a way to swap or move objects in the DOM without using something like Javascript. We've avoided that, and only focus on CSS and HTML with Reflow.
    Yes, you can use multiple boxes in different places and change their display as needed. But I might caution against doing this as it may add work for both you and anyone else that may take this design and put it into production. I might take a look at why you want to move the boxes around, and maybe find a simpler or more efficient design pattern to follow to get a result you would be happy with. Hope that doesn't sound preachy, you should try it if you want and don't listen to me. Either way, let me know how it goes!

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    Don't have LV handy to open the old code, but I did read through the thread you referenced.  It sounds like the example configured 2 counters to create the variable-freq finite pulse train and configured a 3rd counter to count the # steps generated as verification.   That 3rd counter would be a problem for you as there is no internal timing signal connection between your 2 USB devices.  You would need to run a physical wire connection and change some of the config code to match.  Alternately, you could just delete all the code associated with the 3rd counter for now because it isn't strictly necessary.
    Further advice/questions:  Are you planning on a pure sine wave of frequency such that you oscillate with both positive and negative velocity (example: varying from -1000 to +1000 Hz clockwise)?  Or is there a nominal average frequency with a small sine wave superimposed (example: nominal of 1000 Hz clockwise, variation of +/- 50 Hz)?
    I *think* you may be dealing with more of a continuous pulsetrain situation, which is actually much simpler.  You would only need 1 counter/timer, though you would still perform the freq changes in a timed loop which uses the pulsetrain as its timing source.  You'd just need to keep track of your total elapsed time so you could figure out the right sinusoidal freq value at the moment you're ready to update it.
    Another subtlety to watch out for if you're oscillating about 0 velocity  -- don't try to create a frequency that is lower than the rate at which you need to update.  Also, with steppers you may have mechanical stability issues at low freqs like 10's to low 100's of Hz.    These kinds of things may need to be managed as special cases which force you to deviate from a "pure" sine wave.
    -Kevin P.

  • Can we use different Databases (Oracle & SQL Server) in one report?

    Post Author: venki5star
    CA Forum: .NET
    Hi there.
    Can we use different databases (Oracle & SQL Server) in a same report?
    If possible how?
    Another question,
    Can we change the Provider Name at runtime of the given report. If so the above question is useless...
    Thanks in Advance.

    I tried this using Oracle Provider for OLEDB (the one that supplied by Oracle Client) and Crystal Reports 9. you can drag the column into designer but the image does not appear in preview.
    I guess it's because CR does not recognized it as image, and there are no information that the blob data is an image at all.

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