BT Netprotect cannot finish installation. Virtual ...

New install of BT Netprotect plus on new 64 bit windows 7 machine. First part of Installation went ok and machine rebooted and downloaded some updates,then asked for VT as 2 x problems existed. Ran VT and rebooted. I problem fixed but Virtual Technician cannot fix the other problem, this being a product update. The "update now" link fails to work.
Could use some help here please.

Armonk wrote:
Thanks but what should i do? A re install?
Yes, a reinstall. But of a different AV. McAfee has been beset with problems for some time, and even when it works properly many people find it resource-hungry and intrusive. More here: BT Forum AV Advice.
You could try MSE and check later to see if the NetProtect situation has improved, though you might not bother as MSE is very user-friendly with a light touch. If you do uninstall NetProtect don't forget to run the McAfee Removal Tool afterwards.
You can click the white star next to this message if you think it was helpful.

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    See the very last post here (3 pages):
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    Hi Sir,
    Glad to hear that the problem has been solved , thanks for your sharing .
    Best Regards,
    Elton Ji
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected] .

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    Have you installed XP Mode correctly?
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    See also:
    Windows Virtual PC  Networking and Using Windows XP Mode
    S.Sengupta, Windows Entertainment and Connected Home MVP

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    2. Call a tuxedo service (tuxedo 6.5) via tuxedo gateway "A"
    3. Call another tuxedo service (tuxedo 6.5) via tuxedo gateway "B"
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    How we could finnish that branch without shutting down weblogic server, or, if
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    got a
    temporary patch that seems to solve the problem. The case continues trying to
    solve our original problem (the servlet was to reproduce the situation).
    Thank you very much.
    Jose Emilio Ortega.
    "Todd Little" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi Jose,
    Can you provide a little more information. In particular, what are the
    JTA timeout
    values configured for your WLS application? Did you set the interoperate
    to Yes under the WTC local access point's connection settings? When
    you begin
    the transaction in the servlet, do you specify a timeout value and if
    not, do
    you know what your thread's default transaction timeout value is?
    If possible, can you post or e-mail your WLS's config.xml and the domain
    files for the two Tuxedo domains (not the UBB files, although those would
    be helpful
    as well.)
    "Jose Emilio Ortega" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Trying to reproduce a problem in an application we are deployed a servlet
    in a
    weblogic 8.1 sp2 server, doing the folowing:
    1. Begin a transaction
    2. Call a tuxedo service (tuxedo 6.5) via tuxedo gateway "A"
    3. Call another tuxedo service (tuxedo 6.5) via tuxedo gateway "B"
    4. Before commit the transaction in the servlet, we shutdown tuxedo
    gateway "B"
    5. After commit transaction branch via gateway "A" remains indefinitely
    state, while transaction branch via gateway "B" gets GMTABRTONLY after
    After commit(that fail doing rollback), transaction is not reportedlike
    in weblogic server. We cannot finish transaction branch in GMTREADYstate.
    after shutdown weblogic server, and after an undetermined time(sometimes
    a lot)
    transaction branch is rolled back.
    While transaccion is not rolled back, all locks in DB remains active.
    How we could finnish that branch without shutting down weblogic server,
    or, if
    not, how we could control the time in witch transaction is rolled back?

  • Cannot download installation file

    I am trying to synchronize MI Client with MI Server to download application EASYTORUN on MIClient.The application is successfully uploaded through Webconsole and assigned to User with particular Device ID. I am getting following Error on MIClient during Synchronization.
    Synchronization completed
    Synchronization started
    Connection set up (without proxy) to: http://frces4043:50500/meSync/servlet/meSync?~sysid=wa1&
    Successfully connected with server.
    Processing of inbound data began.
    Assignment to application: EASYTORUN 1.0
    Assignment to application: MI25_AWT 1.15
    Assignment to application: MI25_JSP 1.15
    System determined that some required applications are not located on your device. They are now being installed.
    Installation failed:
    Error when downloading application from: http://frces4043:50500/me/pub/add-on/
    Installation failed:
    Error when downloading application from: http://frces4043:50500/me/pub/add-on/
    To complete installation restart your device.
    After restarting the device and initiated synchronisation ,i am getting following Error.
    [20060529 14:56:28:093] E [AppLog/MI/API/Services   ] An Exception ( occurred while http-get: D:\MIInstallation\webapps\EASYTORUN.war (The system cannot find the path specified)
    [20060529 14:56:28:093] E [AppLog/MI/Deployment     ] Exception while trying to install application EASYTORUN Cannot download installation file
         at com.sapmarkets.web.liTS.util.reg.RegistrySyncInboundProcessing.installApplicationFromMSD(
         at com.sapmarkets.web.liTS.util.reg.RegistrySyncInboundProcessing.installMSDs(
         at com.sapmarkets.web.liTS.util.reg.RegistrySyncInboundProcessing.startApplicationInstallation(
         at com.sapmarkets.web.liTS.util.reg.RegistrySyncInboundProcessing.process(
         at java.awt.Component.handleEvent(
         at java.awt.Window.postEvent(
         at java.awt.MenuComponent.postEvent(
         at java.awt.MenuComponent.postEvent(
         at java.awt.MenuComponent.postEvent(
         at java.awt.MenuComponent.dispatchEventImpl(
         at java.awt.MenuComponent.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    I am able to  download application successfully using Webcolsole , when i click on Hyperlink. I am getting same Error with other applications when i download on MIClient.
    Please can you let me know how this can be Resolved.
    Thanks a Lot

    Hi mohan
    i saw ur log it shows tht ur uploading both awt and jsp client in the same client u need to assign either jsp or awt version to a client not both,
    Pls note
    TOM folder in installation is for JSP
    Core folder is for awt
    Please uploading only one of them and get back if u find any problems

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    Battery Information:
    Model Information:
    Serial Number: SMP-ASMB017-384d-11bb
    Manufacturer: SMP
    Device name: ASMB017
    Pack Lot Code: 0000
    PCB Lot Code: 0000
    Firmware Version: 0009
    Hardware Revision: 0401
    Cell Revision: 0100
    Charge Information:
    Charge remaining (mAh): 1684
    Fully charged: No
    Charging: Yes
    Full charge capacity (mAh): 1684
    Health Information:
    Cycle count: 125
    Condition: Check battery
    Battery Installed: Yes
    Amperage (mA): 50
    Voltage (mV): 7906
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    Yes, call Apple and make an appointment for a battery replacement. My full charge capacity is 4894. When the capacity gets as low as yours, it is time for a replacement and you are still under warranty.
    Check with your local Retail store and see if the genius can do instore replacement. (I hope that they can since many of us will be nearing that possibility in the near future.)
    Message was edited by: Rhyd

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    While working on Illustrator files, drawing, saving and opening/closing files over a perior of time, I suddenly get this message "Cannot finish previewing could not complete the requested operation."
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    Please help!  This is now happening multiple times per day.

    Have you already tried these general troubleshooting tips?
    What' s in the files that cause the trouble?

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    I'm no Lion expert, but I believe you can boot from the Recovery partition by pressing the Command and R keys on startup, then reinstall.

Maybe you are looking for

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