BT web hosting closing - bye bye BT

Just got an email saying BT are closing their web hosting service. That's the only reason I kept paying for my email address so might as well get a free email now. Nice one BT - you've lost a customer.

DeanM wrote:
You can find all the information you should need about the withdrawal of this service here.
However, there are errors with the information as I said elsewhere.
In addition to the information I provided, (including no date on the webpage you've listed - in fact there are hardly ever any dates, this is wrong as it makes it virtually impossible to know when the information was provided/altered), it was actually part of the initial BTinternet service back in 1995 when it started. BTOpenworld came later.
Cam you say when emails will be sent to the websites email addresses ?

Similar Messages

  • Re: BT web hosting closing - bye bye BT

    For some months I duplicated my Web Pages on another free web hosting site in anticipation of the time when the BT Web Hosting closed
    I have traffic measuring logs on nearly all my Web Pages and since the BT Web Hosting shut at the end of October my ranking has gone from more or less top position for anyone searching my area of interest on my Web Pages down to almost zero.
    Anyone else in the  same boat and any thoughts how to start moving my site up the ranking ladder to where it was previously?
    Allan Raymond

    Meta Tags are the answer - and resubmission to search engines 
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  • Just one needed particular GoDaddy web hosting account button link gives error in FF but ok in Pale Moon and IE

    I've searched but am unable to find a clue. Using Win 7 Home Premium (updates current) on HP DV3T-2000 64-bit.
    Recently (possibly after upgrading to FF 14), on on my web hosting product page, clicking the 'Launch' button throws a godaddy error pg. All other launch buttons operate normally, as do 'all' the buttons (including the tricky one) in Pale Moon and IE.
    I have several times cleared the cache and deleted all g-d cookies through options - show cookies; then closed the browser and restarted the machine. I then disabled all add-ons, tried the above again, no difference so have reactivated the plugins (which were and are current as to updates).
    Here is the text from the godaddy error pg:
    There was an error in the application. We apologize for the inconvenience. This error has been logged and reported.
    Click here to go back to your account list."
    The word above [Click] 'here' usually does not work either. Below is the url from the address bar: (When going to the url on a clean new tab, the error page pulls up without the 'Click here to go back to your acct list' ):
    (However, people without a g-d acct will not be able to navigate to the web hosting product page.)
    Thank you very much for your help.
    This list of Installed Plugins was auto-filled into the text box below the question text box. I do have more plug-ins than this in use which I can supply if needed. Thank you again!
    * Shockwave Flash 11.4 r402
    * Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape "9.5.2"
    * Google Update
    * Shockwave Flash 11.3 r300
    * The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site.
    * NPRuntime Script Plug-in Library for Java(TM) Deploy
    * Next Generation Java Plug-in 10.5.1 for Mozilla browsers
    * GEPlugin
    * 5.1.10411.0
    * NDS Player Plugin
    * npPCShow Plugin
    * Windows Activation Technologies Plugin for Mozilla
    * Logitech Device Detection
    * E-centives Coupon Activator
    * Coupons, Inc. Coupon Printer Plugin
    * Coupons, Inc. Coupon Printer DLL
    * Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) plug-in for Mozilla browsers
    * np-mswmp

    Hi hedera, when you have a problem with one particular site, a good "first thing to try" is clearing your Firefox cache and deleting your saved cookies for the site.
    (1) Bypass Firefox's Cache
    Use Ctrl+Shift+r to reload the page fresh from the server.
    (You also can clear Firefox's cache completely using:
    orange Firefox button ''or'' Tools menu > Options > Advanced
    On the Network mini-tab > Cached Web Content : "Clear Now")
    (2) Remove the site's cookies (save any pending work first) using either of these. While viewing a page on the site:
    * right-click and choose View Page Info > Security > "View Cookies"
    * Alt+t (open the classic Tools menu) > Page Info > Security > "View Cookies"
    If you can't access the relevant domain without it closing, you can edit the domain at the top of the dialog in order to call up a list of its cookies.
    Then try reloading the page. Does that help?

  • Free Web Hosting withdrawn

    Does anyone else think this is ridiculous?
    Apparently not many people were using it.
    Well, I have always used it and only found out that it had stopped when I tried to http to it.
    The alternative they suggest is to buy business webspace.
    As it happens I have business broadband. Not cheap anyway. And I have to pay extra to retain the email addresses that I used when I had home broadband.
    But everyone knows where my home boardband werbsite is. And I've used it as a reference in Wikipedia.
    Also I managed to get a good name!
    How much would this cost to maintain for the allegedly few users?. Anyone who knows anything about web hosting knows that it isn't necessary of course to maintain a seperate web server

    Ectophile wrote:
    jasee wrote:
    Maybe a petition to the government might work if enough people care to sign it
    Given that the free web space hasn't been advertised by BT to its customers for many years now, I don't suppose there were that many people still using it.  So your odds of a petition acieving anything are pretty mich nil.
    BT decided that it wasn't making them any money keeping the service, and they couldn't be bothered to maintain the server any more.
    BT are a big multinational company.  They really don't care what you think.  And they don't take much notice of anything said on this forum.
    Yes, that sounds like the attitudes of a big company
    Well it would be interesting to know how many customer sites they have closed.
    If they did (for some strange reason) host the personal web pages on a single machine alone (unlikely) then of course it could easily be hosted elsewhere, as they do still provide web services.

  • Could you recommend a Web Host Server compatible with Mac? Thank you

    Would you please recommend a web host server compatible with Apple? Thank you.

    Please see this for starters
    Brendan made the personal decision to not only step down from CEO but to also leave Mozilla. This has lead to some individuals and article writers assuming he was fired or forced to resign.
    I get the feeling that you came to the (wrong) conclusion that Mozilla only found out about his support prop 8 donation (made in 2008) after he went from CTO to CEO and the board then must have fired or forced him out after. This is not true as Mozilla knew about this donation since March 2012 due to a article that was written at time. Thanks to California law where such donations require name, employer and it be public record somebody found it and wrote about then. If the board did not support Brendan for who he is then perhaps he would not have been made CEO right?
    You should keep using Firefox as Brendan Eich would want that and because Mozilla did not fire nor forced him out.
    In fact he could probably come back to working at Mozilla in some role if he wanted to as the Mozilla board encouraged him to stay in some capacity when he chose to leave.
    Chris Ilias made a long post about what happened and the support that Mozilla and people at Mozilla have for Brendan. Was going to quote it here but the forum software does not quote very well.
    Oh and Mozilla is hardly closed minded as they support equality which includes LGBT.

  • Imagine you received this message from your web hosting provider

    We have extended your web hosting account until June 30, 2012 at no cost to you. On July 1st we are closing our business and will no longer host your websites. That’s it... no help for transitioning to another company, no news of contacts with other service providers who could transparently continue the service, no indication as to why the service is ending.
    Well, this is exactly what Apple has done to its thousands of web hosting customers, and we don’t deserve to be treated this way, left in the cold to worry without any other information whatsoever. Is this how you would expect bluehost, hostexcellence, Go Daddy, MacHighway, or any other web hosting provider, to treat you?

    Mount your iDisk (Finder Go menu) and copy your files back to your machine.
    You have a year to find yourself a new hosting service.

  • My web host will not let me FTP MP3s. So my page-turning sound effect is silent?? Workaround"

    To enhance an on-line life-style magazine compiled with InDesign CS5, I convertered a page-turning sound effect from a WAV file I found on-line for free to an MP3 in Audacity (a free, Open Source audio recording and processing program). I pasted in the resulting short MP3 onto each spread using Filie - Place as directed by the InDesign documentation. The sound effect works just fine when i open the HTML file in my browsers (Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefor) locally from my hard disk. But when I FTP the SWF and updated index.html to my web host, it is silent. Is this because the MP3's are "linkeded" and not "embedded" and hence have to be FTP'd along with the edited index.html and the SWF? If so, does anyone know a workaround?

    Thank you so much! My suspicions were correct in that the MP3 indeed was "linked" and not "embedded" and therefore the MP3 had to be physically uploaded, in some fashion, along with the SWF and index.html. I did search the HTML and found no reference to the MP3 in the HTML text so I guessed that the reference was somewhere in the SWF. Rather stupidly i did not look for a subfolder with the MP3 in it on my hard drive. I am brand new to InDesign but, having worked on complex projects for a long time, I set up a folder for the project and a subfoder for each element so that i could bring each element up to a certain level of development (with Photshop and Photoscape and etc) before pasting them into InDesign. Consequently, I have a LOT of subfolders. When you asked about the "resource" folder, I said to myself, "Self, duh?" and when I looked closely, sure enought there was a very clearly marked "resources" (that I did not create...duh! again!) folder with the MP3 in it. But alas, as before, the particular web hosting site I chose would not let me upload a file with a .mp3 extension. I assume that's because they don't want to take the chance of being sued by the RIAA for hosting pirated copyrighted material. Can't say that I blame them, frankly. So i tried a rather simple-minded dodge: I renamed the MP3 with a .txt extension whereupon it (and the resources folder) FTP'd just fine. But when I tried to re-name them to MP3s on the site, no joy. Now I had scoured the InDesign documenation and found a lot stuff relating to MP3s in InDesign PDF save as's but not anything at all about SWF save as's. But after experimenting with the menu command for a while with other audio formats, I strongly suspect that the only sound file you can link into an InDesign project destined to be saved-as a SWF are MP3s. Is that true or will InDesign link some other audio format that may or may not get by my web site? (I have already tried a FLV with just the MP3 but no video and all I got for my troubles was a black video popping up when pages are turned. UGH!) If the MP3 thing is hopeless and there is no work-around that will get past my site's blocking, then I will simply hunt around until I find another site that will allow me to FTP MP3s. So should I give up on my present site and try others? Thanking you in advacne...

  • Web host other than BC

    I have a problem : I already purchase a hosting with another web host than BC. Is there any possibility to associate a BC temporary website to my web host ? I already purchased a domain name with them too.
    Thanks for your help

    Hi there,
    You can not host Business Catalyst on anything else. It is a closed system.
    If you mean just the domain name rather then hosting (there is a difference. Think the house is the hosting and the domain is your address.) then you can point your domain to Business Catalyst.

  • Web hosting on home computer not responding (sometimes)

    Using iWeb I published my personal website to my home computer, an iMac with i3 processor. Sometimes it works fine, but other times the website fails to open' because the server where this page is located isn’t responding,'  I figure this is probably because the computer is sleeping at the time, even though I set the Energy Saver in Preferences to 'Wake for Network Access'. Is this an inherent problem with web hosting on a personal computer, or a fixable problem? Hosting on one's own computer seems like a great idea, no size limits, no ads on 'free' hosting sites, but this is a drag.

    You're using "client think" and not "server think".
    Servers do not sleep.
    Technically, various servers can and do power down some system components, but web-facing servers are almost never configured to go into a low-power sleep state.
    Most servers aren't usually receiving nor expecting a WoL packet from remote (off-LAN) clients, nor should there be a way for a remote client to explicitly send a WoL to a server that's configured for WoL.
    Yes, you can see server farms using WoL within the farm, but that's typically in response to an increase in server load and the actions of internal server and network processing.  If the load is spiking, toss a few WoL packets and spool up another server or two.  And you can and usually do see solutions akin to the Xserve Lights-Out Management (LOM) board or an HP iLO management processor, and where the server is shut down, but the management processor remains awake and active.
    And I would disagree with the degree of certainty expressed by etresoft here.  There can be reasons to run local servers.  Yes, that's not typical, and yes, there can be good deals with hosted services, and yes, the connections can be bandwidth-limited.  But there can be reasons for some individuals and organizations to host locally.

  • A Web Hosting's/Help!

    I'm moving this thread here, because it wasn't getting any attention.  I had it buried in some obscure tutorial comment section--a niche void of the netherworld.  Anyway, I copied it all over because I was tired of listening to myself.  My hope is to help those, like me, who are total n00bs to websites and web hosting.  Be sure to read thru the post first or you'll make the same mistakes I did!  :-).  It can be discouraging.  Also, I hope to get help from others who have forged ahead, and who can shed some light on questions I have as they develop.  Thanks in advance.
    3/21/2010 - Swallowed the red pill...entering the rabbit hole...Mad-Hatter driving me nuts!
    How do I make the website I created from a tutorial with DW4 (trial version) available to others on the web?  I want to host it myself...on my own computer...the same one I'm using now.
    My setup:  Windows XP Pro, xampp, and DW4.  I have an AT&T DSL modem that acts as a router (i can configure it to forward ports, etc.).  Also, I have a registered host name with dyndns (example:  Moreover, I have an update client from dyndns that supposedly updates my IP address if/when my ISP changes it.
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand it an end user types in my dyndns host address into their browser's address bar.  Dyndns redirects them to my external IP, which I'm assuming is my router's IP.  Then, my router forwards the request to my pc, which is a different IP, right?  So, if I setup a virtual host on my pc that redirects any request coming from my dyndns host to a specific vhost folder, why would I need a static IP address?  I set one up anyway, because just about every post I read on the subject of hosting your own website said to do so.
    I've installed Xampp and both the Apache and MySQL apps are running.  I've also started the FileZilla app.  I have forwarded the TCP ports on my router (21, 80, 8080, 3306).  I have a registered host name at, and their Open Port Tool indicates that my external IP is open and accepting connections.  I have completed all three parts of the "Building your first dynamic website..."  This created a "Feedback" website that I am trying to "put" on the web (just to learn how to do it).  I edited the httpd and httpd-vhosts files to setup virtual host containers for my localhost and DynDNS host (using NameVirtualHost = *:80 consistent with my containers, and yes I added the permissions directive to the httpd-vhosts file).  I did this because, from what I gathered on several forum posts, I needed a virtual container to redirect requests coming from my DynDNS host to the proper website.  My "feedback" website functions just fine locally.
    In an attempt to "put" my website on the web where others can see it, I setup a virtual host folder called E:/vhosts/Feedback.  The directoryroot in httpd-vhosts points to this location.  In the DW4 "Manage Sites..." dialogue box for remote info I selected local/network, localhost, and targeted the E:/vhosts/Feedback folder.  This seemed to work as the site was "uploaded" to that folder (I could see them in windows explorer).  However, I still could not visit the site from the web.  Next, I tried several different remote info configurations.  The only one I felt came even close to working was when I ran the FileZilla app and used FTP (to configure the remote info in "Manage Sites...").  With the FileZilla admin window open I could actually see myself logging in, but it could not find the E:/vhosts/Feedback folders.  The error said that the file did not exist or there was a permission problem.  Well, the files do exist (I can see them in windows explorer); and I thought that entering the following directive in my httpd-vhost file would avoid any permissions issues:
    <Directory E:/vhosts>
       Order Deny,Allow
       Allow from all
    So, I finally broke down and bought custom DNS services from for $30/yr.  This allowed me to register a domain name in addition to the free hosting service I had already signed up for.  I was expecting an email with the FTP info for the remote info dialogue window in DW4, as mentioned in some posts.  I did NOT receive any such an email.  Now, I feel like I just wasted 30 bucks.
    I have spent 2-3 hours a night for that past few days trying to figure out how to "put" my Feedback website on the web either from my own computer or a hosting service.  I knew nothing about websites prior to downloading the DW4 trial version roughly 6 days ago.  I would not have been able to tell you the difference between a static and dynamic site.  I've learned a lot since then thanks to these tutorials and moderator feedback, but only enough to realize how much more is out there.  I've only scratched the surface so to speak.  However, I've been running in circles lately and I just don't understand what's going on.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    I find it simply astounding that these tutorials would go so far as to instruct me on how to download, install, and setup xampp, create a database in myPHPadmin, setup local and test servers in DW4; and yet, somehow neglect to instruct me on how to configure these apps to make the site available from the web.  I mean, what is the point of creating a WEBsite if I can't put it on the WEB?!
    3/22/2010 - Horse bucked me off into the mud...time for a new horse!
    Good news:  I got a refund from DynDNS.  They only offer domain name and host name services--not website hosting!  I had misunderstood them to be a web hosting service.  Also, I think I know what the problem was.  The static IP I set from my router was still "private."  I needed to have set it to a public, external, static IP, right?  Anyway, I've given up on the whole self-hosting thing.  Gonna try GoDaddy.
    3/23/2010 - Remember that story about the frog who could only jump 1/2 the distance to the end of the dock?  I know EXACTLY what that feels like...
    Now, I have some kind of database problem.  I was successful in uploading my feedback website to GoDaddy.  However, when I viewed my page there were some "localhost" SQL database errors that I'm assuming were generated because the database I was referencing in my site is actually located on my machine.  So, I created a similar database on GoDaddy's PHP server, but when I go to update the location of my database in DW4 (double-clicking the db in the databases panel) it times out looking for the server, and crashes DW4 every single time.  A window pops up that says "File Activity - localhost" and it just sits there until I close it.  Then, DW4 crashes (I click the End Now button).
    What do I have to do to get DW4 to use the databases I created on my host's PHP server?
    3/24/2010 - Eureka!  I'm going streaking!  C'mon everyone!
    It works!  I can't believe it actually works!  It's sooooo beautiful when it works!
    It was the Test Server configuration!  The name is what misled me.  I figured the Test Server was for testing purposes only--a local place to check the functionality of my site before uploading it.  But, no!  It actually determines which Application Server is acting on my website.  That's why DW4 kept crashing.  I was attempting to establish a database (MySQL) connection to my Host's Application Server with my Test Server configured for localhost!  I had a hunch this was the case, but I wasn't sure where the Application Server was located--whether on my Host's web server or on their Application (PHP) server.  I was trying to put the SQL connection info in the Test Server configuration box.  Recalling a diagram from a tutorial it dawned on me that they're both in the same place!  Once I set my Test Server to the same location as my web server (remote info)...voila!  The only difference being the pathname:  "/" for the test server, and "/feedback" for the remote info.  I could then edit my database connection without crashing.  I noticed I had to export my database from my local App Server (myPHPadmin), and import it to my Host's App Server (also myPHPadmin) in order for the website to function properly. 
    So, this experience has raised some new questions:
    1.  Why aren't there profiles within the site manager that would allow me to select whether I want to test locally or remotely?  As it is, I have to go in and manually change the test server to my machine's local App Server each time I want to test locally, and then change it back to my Host's App Server when I want to upload my site.  Moreover, I have to edit the database (MySQL) connection to point to a local database stored on my app server to test locally, and change it back to test remotely; which means I have to export the database from my Host's App Server, and import it to my local App Server!
    2.  If I had more than one test server, presuming I diversified my Hosts to have a backup site ready to go in the unlikely event GoDaddy's Scotsdale AZ datacenter got nuked, how would the website I was working on locally in DW4 know which site to use (from my Site Manager...)?  In other words, if I have two test servers in my DW4 Site Manager, how does the website I'm working on know which test server to use?  It seems to me that in order to establish a MySQL connection in the database panel, I need to have the correct Test Server configured.  But, if there's two how does it know which one to use?  The reason I ask is because when I click the [+] button in the database panel it only asks for a SQL server.  There is no option to select a site.  If the SQL database connection depends on the Test Server, how would it know which one of my two test servers is acting on the database?
    2.a.  Why doesn't DW4 call the "Test Server" what it really is--an Application Server?!  Had this distinction been evident in the "Category" column of the DW4 Site Manager, it would have saved me a 6-day trip to a new dimension of pissed off!
    3.  What happens to my website when I try to edit the files located on my remote site?  I noticed when I attempt to load them (by double-clicking the file in my remote file panel) that a window pops up asking me if I really want to open a "dependent" file.  Does this mean my site will not function properly when I'm editing the remote file?  Or, does DW4 download a copy of it?

    I am not suprised no one answered your questions, there are simply to many of them. Can I suggest you read the faq on 'how to get help quickly at -
    Especially the section Don't which says -
    Don't post a series of questions in  a single post. Splitting them into separate threads increases your  chances of a quick answer.

  • How do I link my Creative Cloud account with Business Catalyst Web Hosting service?

    I'm having difficulty understanding how to access the Business Catalyst service. I have attempted to log in directly to but continue to receive an error login message stating that my username and password are not recognized. I was not able to create a new business catalyst website via Dreamweaver either, despite having successfully logged into my Adobe Cloud account.
    The only way I was able to set-up a website for use with Business Catalyst was by logging in via, and pressing the "try now" button, which allowed me to create a demo site. This also allowed me to log into BC, but when I attempted to upgrade the site from a trial to the webbasic service, I am asked for a payment method.
    I understand that the creative cloud service includes basic web hosting for up to 5 sites and should work seamlessly with DW or Muse, or using the InContext editing options provided via browser, but I am unable to truly access any of this content. Am I doing something wrong here?
    Thank you

    Please approach our support and supply them with your Adobe ID and the site URL you want to take live and they will do this for you in couple of minutes.

  • What to look for in a web hosting company for Flex applications

    I am trying to figure out what I need to look for in a web
    hosting company if I want to deploy my own Flex applications? I
    don't anticipate having any special requirements other than the
    ability to interact with databases and XML files. Can someone help
    me figure out what the server-side requirements are?
    Thanks in advance!

    then almost 99.9% hosting will work.
    if you want a Flexx app with compiler then oo thats different
    but as you say "I don't anticipate having any special requirements
    other than the ability to interact with databases and XML files"
    then you can go with pretty much any hosting, as long as they have
    apache, Database serve and I think thats it.

  • Can I use iCloud as a web host

    I have no knowledge of iCloud. I have never wanted to have all of my information "out there". So my question is two fold; can I use iCloud as a web host for a webpage I design in iWeb. I'd like to advertise my condo for rental. The second part of my question is; can I only store that portion of information on iCloud, or do I need to share all of my computer info?
    Thank you.

    iCloud isn't like our old iDisk. It's more about connecting muliple devices to the same shared data.

  • HELP! First time connecting to web host. How do I download my site files!!

    Okay! My site is on my web host! I am a little lost since my web host gave me not totally clear directions on how to do this. I had sent him some of my pages including my home page he connected to their web server along with a dating software that was connected to the pages I sent. This is what he wrote after the comments in bold and so I am little lost.
    Putting this here to show what I can access. >> Here is how you can access your control panel of the dating software: with my sign in and password info given
    Putting this here to show what I can access. >> Here is how to access your control of the site itself on my web hosting server: with my sign in and password info given
    Be sure to download the entire site into your Dreamweaver and place a backup copy of it on an external hard drive or someplace else secure.
    That's where I am lost, how do I download to DW? I previously loaded locally since I was working on my site on my lap top, so I know I have change those setting in DW. I can look thru my DW book. It's the download part I am a little confused about.
    Thanks for responses to help me!

    Remote view, local view shows the files on your computer (thus the name local).
    Just a tip, you can expand the files panel to full page by clicking on the expand icon on the far right hand side, (click on this again in expanded window to return to the main DW program).

  • Looking for new web hosting

    I'm currently hosting my site through GoDaddy. Plain and simple, I am looking to switch from them because of the way they choose to advertise their product. I'm looking for a new web hosting company to host my site and need some help finding a good one.
    As for price, I'm looking for something in the same price range as GoDaddy. After a little research, these are the few that I've found:
    InMotion Hosting
    I'm pretty confident in my ability to choose a good one, but I just want to be sure there's nothing I'm missing about web hosting that would make it smart for me to avoid any of the above. Just a few notes about what I'm working with:
    My site was made in DreamWeaver. The entire site is 17 html pages. It just contains mostly text, some spry and some embedded video, so not a lot needed for data usage.
    If there is any other information needed for you to help me, let me know. Thanks!

    If I were you I would go check out reviews on .  Very reliable forum for reviews and sometimes hosts like those post specials over there so you don't start off paying full price.

Maybe you are looking for

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