Web host other than BC

I have a problem : I already purchase a hosting with another web host than BC. Is there any possibility to associate a BC temporary website to my web host ? I already purchased a domain name with them too.
Thanks for your help

Hi there,
You can not host Business Catalyst on anything else. It is a closed system.
If you mean just the domain name rather then hosting (there is a difference. Think the house is the hosting and the domain is your address.) then you can point your domain to Business Catalyst.

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    One person says that we can upload the site to the our purchased host through FTP. Sure, but everyone is COMPLETELY computer illiterate. So that isn't a solution. We need something they can just press and it will work. Can I configure iweb to do this. This is a Yes or NO question. I just need to know. I can do the legwork myself, but before I get started down that road, I need to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Otherwise it's dreamweaver.
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    Whatever happened to helping people to learn or teaching, or has this art suddenly disappeared? I am sure that most people were computer illiterate as you put it before we got our hands on one and were taught or helped to learn how to use it. I know I was. I remember about 16 years ago now, when I was at university, I needed a computer, so I purchased an Amstrad. It was a black and white monitor and had no hard drive, so all work needed to be saved on a floppy disc. This saw me through uni and I then decided to buy my first proper computer which was a Viglen PC. This had an internet connection and I learned how to use this by fiddling myself and reading books and with help from others.
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    I totally agree with what Roddy has said. How hard can it really be to publish to a folder - this can be done from within iWeb itself, by selecting the Publish to MMe or a folder option? If someone were to set up an ftp client such as Cyberduck for people to use and have all the info needed entered into it, then all they need do is click on upload and select first the site folder and then the index file. Is this really going to be so hard?
    Do you really think that using Dreamweaver is going to be easier than using iWeb? If these people are not even able to click on publish to a folder and then upload using Cyberduck themselves, then do you really think that they will be able to use Dreamweaver any better? Dream on then if you think this!!

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    Purchase a device like this. They are offered by many cellular carriers
    Verizon Wireless - Mobile Broadband -

  • Hosting other than .Mac?

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    kakster84 wrote:
    I believe iWeb was developed as a personal web page making tool. If you're doing it for a church, you will probably have to invest in learning how to upload files anyways. You're most likely going to have to learn it in order to teach it. I wish my brother had taught me.
    Maybe take a web page building class at the local high school or community college. If you just don't have time to learn it, maybe suggest your church purchase a lower end mac.
    I disagree with kakster84.
    It doesn't matter that it is for a church, personal, business etc. It only matters what the content will be. I would assume a church website would be more information and images then anything complicated that would require a class or some extra software.
    I have build business websites for doctors, actors, ecommerce companies etc and always use iWeb.
    What does the fact that it is for a "church" have to do with "investing in learning how to upload files"? Use iWeb, click "Publish" button. Done!
    The whole point of a Mac, iWeb and .Mac is that you don't need to take classes. BUT if you can't seem to get started then walk into you local Apple store and ask for some help from an employee. If you must take a "class" then the Apple store provides one on one training for a yearly fee.

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    Well, I made a decision and went with Just Host. Good price but not a lot of support for iWeb. In hindsight, I wish I had 1) taken advice from one of you and signed up for a host that iWeb users have already used and 2) looked through JustHost's support pages for specific iWeb upload info.
    I published (using CyberDuck) with help from their online chat "person" who was very helpful and I don't think was a computer. But then when it came time to make changes, I couldn't figure it out myself. Couldn't figure out the "upload to public_html" instruction". So after MANY online chats with JustHost, I ended up trying the publish to an FTP Server, fiddled with the settings (based on all the discussions here) and finally got the revision to work.
    Bottomline, take the advice of people here who have already used a host with their iWeb website.
    Here's my site, my first, for a friend with a small business:
    p.s. to Roxanna: PayPal can give you a shopping cart, just creat the buy now or add to cart buttons and then a view cart button. That's what I did for Kim.

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    MobileMe is not free.
    Search : free webhosting
    You can narrow the results by being more specific by adding town, province or country.
    You can also start by checking out your own ISP.
    Or be free as in here : www.000webhost.com
    Here's mine : http://dailynews.webege.com/

  • Creating a Pocast to be hosted somewhere other than .mac

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    so for example I might add...
    Is there anything else that needs to be added to this path ... like /podcast?
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    Anyone with any clear advice on how to do this?!!!
    It would be nice just to have a link on a page to the RSS feed without having to go to this "bolt on" page.
    Hope these Q's make some sense!!!
    Any ideas?

    I know I can save the site/podcast to the desktop and
    then add/upload to an existing website.
    When iWeb saves locally it asks for the url for the
    This is so that the internal links work.
    so for example I might add... www.mycoolwebsite.com
    Is there anything else that needs to be added to
    this path ... like /podcast?
    You should have http:// on the front, then the URL for your webspace, whatever that is. If you save the pages to the root level of your webspace, then that will do. You might want to create a folder on the server called podcast, in which case you would need the /podcast, which represents the folder.
    Should it be saved to its own discrete folder?
    That's up to you: if you are not going to have any other pages then you might as well save to the root level. If you are going to have different sections it would be logical to have folders: but it doesn't really matter as long as the links are correct.
    Note that when you upload, you send the contents of the folder you saved to, not the folder itself. Note also that your start page must be called index.html (though iWeb should take care of that).
    Also I guess I will need to create a button within
    iweb, on the podcast page, to take the user back to
    the Host home page.
    I don't use iWeb, but it must offer links to the pages within the site and back to the main page.
    It would be nice just to have a link on a page to the
    RSS feed without having to go to this "bolt on" page.
    Note that the link to the rss feed is for programs such as NetNewsWire which are rss readers, don't confuse this with an ordinary web page. You link to the rss page just the same as any web page: http://severname.com/rss.xml or whatever it's called (the extension must be .xml).

  • Can iWeb be hosted by another site other than .Mac?

    I have already purchased a domain name and a hosting agreement with GoDaddy, however I cannot utilize their web page templates for some reason. Another mac user suggested I purchase iWeb and then have GoDaddy host. Can that be easily accomplished?

    Yes, it can be easily accomplished. Here's iWeb's Help info on this topic...
    Publishing to a server or hosting service other than .Mac:
    Instead of publishing your site to .Mac, you can publish your site to a local folder and then upload it to the server or hosting provider of your choice. You may want to use this method if you own a domain name and want to place your site there.
    To publish your site to a local destination:
    Choose File > Publish to a Folder.
    Choose a location to store your site, and then click Choose.
    After you publish your site to a folder, you can use an FTP (file transfer protocol) client to upload the site folder and index file to the location of your choice. iWeb does not provide an FTP client, but they are easy to obtain. Some hosting services provide a web-based FTP upload service, or you can download an FTP client from the web. For more information, contact your server administrator.
    If you don't publish your site to .Mac, these features are unavailable:
    Password protection
    Blog comments
    Blog search
    Hit counter
    Enhanced slideshows
    Also, for Subscribe buttons to work, you must specify your site's URL in the field provided after you publish to a folder.

  • Best practice to configure a web server which hosting more than 1000+ Websites.

    We are deploying a new server for our shared clients. We have a new branded server with good config. Server is hosting IIS,MySQL,Mailserver is this ok. Or should i keep mailserver on different server. Also should i change the installation path of iis and
    other application or installing apps on C drive & keeping all websites and databases on D drive is good for server.
    Akshay Pate

    "Server is hosting IIS,MySQL,Mailserver is this ok."
    Impossible to tell.  You have not given us any indication of the configuration of the server nor the expected workload.  Yes, you say 1000+ web sites, but if each web site is looked at once a day, that's a lot different than if each web site
    is access 10,000 times a day.  So we can't tell if it makes sense to install different roles on different physical servers, though that is often considered a best practice.  Similarly, it is generally a good idea to install applications/data to drives
    other than the C: drive, but without a lot more information (too much for a technical forum), it is pretty difficult to say anything specific.
    If you do not feel comfortable making the decisions yourself, you would be better served by hiring a consultant to evaluate your proposed configuration and perform some benchmarking based on you expected workloads and traffic patterns.
    . : | : . : | : . tim

  • .Mac server speed vs. other web hosting services

    Does anyone have any direct experience comparing the speed with which iWeb pages load on other web hosting services in comparison with .Mac?
    I find that when I access my site using IE on a Windows platform, the load times can be pretty slow. Do other web hosting services load iWeb pages quicker?
    Is the problem iWeb, the .Mac server or both?
    I am going to need to use iWeb, does it make any sense to switch to another web hosting service (e.g., blue host) to post my site developed in iWeb or will it make no difference?
    Many thanks for your comments.

    iWeb offers try WYSIWYG page, which is cool, but if you get away from the standard websafe fonts, your site will be a bunch of fat PNGs and not HTML text, since the text fields will all turn into images. I went to a iWeb-created site recently that had two screens worth of text that iWeb had converted to a PNG. The text on the page took forever to download since it was a 650K image.
    As previously mentioned IE (Mac or PC) has never rendered PNGs well. It's hard to imagine it doesn't support a Web-standard image format that's been around as long as the Web has. No wonder FireFox use is growing so fast.
    There are other things that can be done to shrink site size and speed up loading. Basics, like limiting most pages to one screen, using a basic font like Verdana, and keeping images to small screen sizes. Also importing photo albums and images for blogs through iPhoto's button keeps them all as JPEGS. Movies and music are a really killer too, since iWeb loads those cool QT frames. When you have more than one per page, loading time can take forever.

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    T61 15.4" T9300 (2.5GHz 6MB L2) Windows 7 Professional x64 4GB Memory, NVidia Quadro NVS 140M

    ThinkVantage Client Security Solution includes Password Manager which is close to what you are after I think.  It works with IE, Firefox and standard application dialogs too.
    I was previously employed by Lenovo but have no formal role on this forum.
    I am here on my own time because I like fooling with PCs, especially Lenovo ones. ALL my posts are purely my personal opinion.

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    It should be around 7 and a half gigs. In iTunes, across the bottom there should be a bar that show how much storage is being used and by what. (music, movies, apps, etc.) To make music take up less room, you can check the box to make it convert the music to 128kbps AAC. This lowers the quality, but with most earbuds and speakers, you can't even tell the difference.
    The iPod touch has parental controls built in. You'll find them in Settings. I think they only work for enabling/disabling Safari, Mail, YouTube, and App Store. Here's an app that does more: http://www.mobicip.com/online_safety/ipod_touch

  • Generic Connector - Web Services - Format provider other than SPML?

    Using OIM, I need to "talk" with Windows Sharepoint [Web] Services in order to provisioning an user (actualy, I need to associate a user to a Sharepoint Group).
    To do that, I'm exploring the Generic Technology Connector capabilities.
    From what I understand reading the documentation, the target Web Services have to "understand" the "SPML" format provider standard, and I didnt have found any evidences that the Sharepoint Services are SPML compliant.
    So, my questions are:
    1) Anyone knows of a GTC talking with Web Services non-SPML compliant (in particular, Microsoft-branded Web Services)?
    2) Are there alternative ways of doing what I need (using the Generic Connector... or not)?
    Thanks in advance.

    the way we did it was to get the wsdl of the service you need to talk to.
    try and create the client stubs with axis or xfire (depending on which version of axis you may need other than rpc/encoded format) create the standalone client to test you service.
    once you get it working take you client code, jar it up into the ThirdParty directory along with the required jars for the service implementation.
    then write your adapter using the code from the your client jar.

  • MacBook Pro freezes when using any app other than the web browser.

    My MacBook freezes when using any app other than the web browser. I can open up Google Chrome and use it all day with no problem, but if I minimize it and try to browse through photos in my picture folder or do anything that involves the Finder, the computer just freezes up and I get the rainbow wheel. If I put in a CD to play it, the computer freezes with the rainbow wheel. Any suggestions? I would like to use the mac for more things than the internet.

    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a diagnostic test. It’s unlikely to solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    The purpose of the test is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party software that loads automatically at startup or login, by a peripheral device, or by corruption of certain system caches. 
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards. Boot in safe mode and log in to the account with the problem. Note: If FileVault is enabled, or if a firmware password is set, or if the boot volume is a software RAID, you can’t do this. Ask for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including sound output and  Wi-Fi on certain iMacs. The next normal boot may also be somewhat slow.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin. Test while in safe mode. Same problem? After testing, reboot as usual (i.e., not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of the test.

  • When someone other than myself downloads an image from my web album, a dynamically generated file name replaces the original file name.  How I can prevent the original file name being replaced during the downloading process?

    When someone other than myself downloads an image from my web album, a dynamically generated file name replaces the original file name.  How I can prevent the file name being changed during this downloading process?

    Hi Glenyse,
    Here are my steps.
    1.  I upload multiple image (jpg) files onto my photo album.
    2.  I select the "sharing" by email option for this album.
    3.  I enter the recipient's email address.
    4.  The recipient receives my message and clicks on the link.
    5.  The recipient accesses my photo album and clicks on one of the images.
    6.  The image opens up to its own screen.
    7.  The recipient selects the "download" and then save file option.
    Here is the part I do not understand.  For some reason, during this "download" process, the original name which I have given to the file is replaced by different name.  So I was hoping that someone knows how to prevent the file name from being changed during the "download and save" process.
    Much appreciated if you can help me find a solution to this problem.

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