Buddy Menu Question

Hi all,
I recently downloaded the Buddy Menu xtra as an alternative
to the very expensive starsoft starmenu xtra. However, i find it
difficult to figure out how to do the simplest thing of all...
change the size of the text in the displayed menu. If you have used
this xtra please help me, i really don't want to go and buy the
startmenu xtra... my menus are extremely simple to justify this
amount of money...
Many thanks

I'd hardly call 99$ for a sw Xtra expensive. Haven't tested
either of the
mentioned products, but I do know that creating a multi-level
context menu
is much harder than it may seem.
Furthermore -and mostly speculating here- the number of
director developers
does not allow much room for luxuries of e.g. 20$ xtras. It
usually is
either free, or 100$+.
> my menus are extremely simple to justify
> this amount of money...
Perhaps. But is this the only project you'll ever do that
will be using
"wgb14" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:f5jotj$6p4$[email protected]..
> Hi all,
> I recently downloaded the Buddy Menu xtra as an
alternative to the very
> expensive starsoft starmenu xtra. However, i find it
difficult to figure
> out
> how to do the simplest thing of all... change the size
of the text in the
> displayed menu. If you have used this xtra please help
me, i really don't
> want
> to go and buy the startmenu xtra... my menus are
extremely simple to
> justify
> this amount of money...
> Many thanks

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    YEah, you should repair permissions and probably reinstall it sounds like.
    Yoy can't have different music play in one menu. You can have multiple identical menus however. You can script end jumps and connections to randonly pick a menu or you can just have the end jump or back button go to different versions of the identical menus.

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    If i understand your question correct, u a looking for
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    This question was answered by jim balthrop, on Wednesday,
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    found the answer in an Adobe Tech Note
    Example of select tag before modification:
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    Example of edited select tag
    <select name="menu1"
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    Try copying and pasting of the play movie link and the chapter links from their original menu to the main menu. Then delete them and the menu they were in originally. Make a backup copy of the iDVD project beforehand. I've done essentially the same thing in projects.

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    Thank you for posting your URL, this should be done as a matter of course.
    You do need to have SpryDOMUtils.js uploaded to your SpryAssets folder for the script to work.
    The following explains the working of the script
    function InitPage(){
    Spry.$$('#MenuBar1 li').forEach(function(node){ // check each li within a region with an ID of MenuBar1
        var a=node.getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; // finds all a elements inside the li, but we only want the first so [0]
        if(a.href == window.location){ // if the href is the same as the current window location e.g. index.html
            Spry.Utils.addClassName(node,"activeMenuItem"); // add a class called activeMenuItem
    As soon as a class is added, CSS will take care of the styling. In the case that I have suggested, the CSS merely changes the background colour. This could just as happily be a background image.
    If you want a different image for each menu item, then assign a class to the menu item as in
    <li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="home-services.html" class="red">Home Services</a></li>
    <li><a href="business-services.html">Business Services</a></li>
    <li><a href="web-hosting.html">Web Hosting</a></li>
    <li><a href="online-backup.html">Online Backup</a></li>
    <li><a href="about-us.html">About Us</a></li>
    <li><a href="contact.html">Contact Us</a></li>
    The style rule could then be
    .red .activeMenuItem {  background: url(home-button.png); }

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    Great thank you very much, added the code and its working
    Just one more question, hope this makes sense: I want to put
    the menu along a line that is the same color as the menu so i put
    to menu into a table and used a color background, is this the best
    way to do it? The problem i am having is that the table has this
    padding that i can't get rid of, i want it the same size as the
    menu, but i can make the table any smaller...
    Appreciate the help

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    Congrats on the upgrade! No need to worry, when doing an alternate upgrade, everything on your line and your Mom's line stays the same. If you are hesitant on the process, our customer service line would be happy to process the order. You can reach them at 800-922-0204, or by dialing *611 from your phone.
    Thank you!
    Katie H
    VZW Support
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • Creative zen menu question/cracked screen

    I have an unusual request.
    <img alt="Cracked screen" src="http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/644/pa50006.jpg" height="600" width="800[/img]
    Firstly I must say that my lovely creative zen's screen is cracked :< some guy kicked me on the side of my leg where zen was in my pocket and then I realized the screen got cracked.
    The thing is, it still works quite well (despite flawly "back" button which I have to press several times to get it to work) and I keep listening to music with it, new screen costs more than an used zen so I will stick with it for some more time before upgrading to new model.
    As the screen is cracked I have to navigate through the menu tbe way I remember, so the question, or request is as follows:
    . I would like to know if when I'm in the main menu, if I press UP several times, will it stop on the st position in the menu or the selection will continue from the bottom towards first position again ? (like looped selection)
    2. I have brightness set to 00%, would someone be so kind giving me instructions how to get to the settings/brightness and set it back to minimum 0%? Like down 5x, OK, down3x, OK, left etc.
    3. I'd like also instructions how to play all the tracks, so far I remember how to play an album, It's like 3x or 4x down, OK, 3x down, OK, OK, play. Whenever I put new tracks the playlist gets updated and I can't play them like that with the play button :<.
    I'd be really gratefull for the information provided.

    You're SOL dude...
    I've had a cracked screen for a month now and have tried everything...
    -tried to return it-too late
    -tried to buy a replacement screen-can't find them anywhere and they're made in singapore
    -tried to use an ipod video screen-doesn't fit
    -So you gotta send it back to creative-cost: ~$20.00 and no player for a few weeks
    Good luck, you're taking it better than I did

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    Hi All,
    I haven't been able to find a good answer to this question as of yet, so I am hoping someone has a clear answer!  I am creating one of the simplest menus possible for my project.  It is composed of a screen capture from my timeline as the background image and a text button which is the name of the short film and acts as the "Play" button.  My project is only one timeline, so nothing complicated.  I am able to make the video play from the menu when I use the remote and physically push the "enter" button, but I would like it to play whether I push the "enter" button OR the physical "play" button on the remote.  I can't understand why pushing play on the remote wouldn't count as using the button?
    Thank you for your time, and if there is any solution or work around, this would be great!  Some of the people who watch my videos don't understand the difference between "enter" and "play" and then the whole thing feels much less professional.
    Thank you!

    I'm having this same issue.
    I have a single menu with one item that is going to play one timeline of video.
    I'd like to have it set up where the user presses play or enter and the video plays.
    I'm not able to do that. I haven't enabled any overrides. Would appreciate any help.
    Thanks so much.

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    customised e.g colour, text and any other small details.
    Even when using the standard drop down menu, how can you have
    a particular text, whenever I go to edit font list it does not show
    the typeface, although it is activated in suitcase.
    Secondly, how can I create a custom pop up window?
    I would really appreciate any help for either of these
    Many Thanks

    Creator does not recognize (or whatever you say) characters like '<'. You can import js file which includes your script or change these characters for example put "<" instead of "<".

Maybe you are looking for

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