Budget snapshot from 0CCA_C11 Infocube and 0CO_OM_CCA_1 DS

We are using Infocube 0CCA_C11 with DS 0CO_OM_CCA_1. We use 0VTYPE (Value type) to differentiate between Planned and Actual costs.
What we want is to have a snapshot of that information. For example if the budget in the R/3 source system is changed (KP06), the users want to be able to see what the budget used to be before and after the change. Any ideas of how to implement such a solution?

That's been very helpful. I've removed the deletion flag in the infopackage but that's doing something I don't want. Obviously, if there are 100 records in the cube and I re-run the infopackage, it adds 100 more records and distorts the data.
So I've decided to create a copy of the Infocube, create a delta transformation between the two, limit 0VTYPE to 20 (planned) in the DTP and load data into the latter Infocube. Now I have my planned data in the second Infocube and they're distinguished by the request ID as you suggested.
However, the users would have to limit their query based on something that makes sense to them. Unlike the request ID, the loading date would be ideal, but I can't find it in the cube. How can I include it? What Infoobject should I be looking for?
Also, is the process I just described an efficient way of fulfilling the requirements?

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    Char1     Char2   
    100          RK     
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    100          RK       1113888
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    Hi Ramakrishna,
    Just consider this option - using APD you can store data as per your requirement(rad file and cube data) and create report on direct update DSO and using information broadcasting send it to business user.
    Ganesh Bothe

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    Thank you!
    Best regards,

    Hi guys,
    Thanks for your help so far. I would like to use the replacement path using another query. It seems more simple since I don't need to do any ABAP programming.
    However, it doesn't work for me. I made a pre-query on the infoCube, which contains the month I need for my other query. This pre-query uses a variable which restricts the data output to only data for current year up to current month. So if my input is 072009, then I will receive data for 012009-072009. My query result will then show me the month I need, since there will only be data for one specific month. So for 2009, the month that contains any data will be 052009. I need this month(052009) in my other query.
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    Hi Sanjeev,
    Use CALL FUNCTION To use FM in WD.
    something like this..
    Declarations for BAPI_HU_DELETE_FROM_DEL
             Return1 TYPE TABLE OF BAPIRET2.
      del = lv_imp_outdel.
             wa_hukey TYPE BAPIHUKEY-HU_EXID.
    loop at lt_pack_mat into ls_pack_mat.
      wa_hukey = ls_pack_mat-HANDLING_UNIT.
      MOVE wa_hukey TO hukey.
          DELIVERY = del
          HUKEY    = HUKEY
          RETURN   = Return1.
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    Will assign the points.

    Funds management:
    If the requirement is to budget expenses, then rea you can look at the cube 0CCA_C11.
    For funds management specifc cubes look at 0FIFM_C01
    Either way, you need to refine the cube to suit your requirements.
    Underneath the cube, you need to create planing objects.; in BPS or in IP.
    Ravi Thothadri

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    The InfoCube that is used as an export-DataSource is first initialized , meaning that the current status is transferred into the target BW. When the next upload comes around only those requests will then be transferred that have come in since the time of initialization. Different target systems can also be supplied like this
    Since it is request based ..data mart on info cube supports delta.
    Hope its helpful,

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    thanx in advance

    Hi Bhaskar ,
    I found the following links which is very good as it shows how to create  infocube step by step from basic with snapshots.
    Also check the foll.
    for creating ods objects
    Please reward for the same.

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    Thanks and Regards,

    Dear Friend,
    Not sure what have you done, it should be like this
    then you should build a multiprovider on top of these cubes (cube1 and cube2 ) and then create Query.
    Please check if this is something you have done.
    Hope this helps.

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    Thanks in Advance!
    Rohit Goel

    Hello Eli,
    I have one more query to ask on the above scenario.
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    I have defined the derivation strategy with the condition that overwrite with new value if already written (Deriving from Posting Date to Budget Period).
    Please guide me on this if possible.
    Thanks in Advance

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    Is there any difference between extracting data from BPC and standard InfoCubes?
    Thank you all!

    Moderator message - Welcome to SCN.
    But please do not cross and duplicate post.
    Thread locked.

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    no - the bet you can do without third party software is to pause and take a screen shot

  • Infocubes and info objects

    Hi guys,
            i'm new to BI. can any one differentiate between Infocubes and info objects..
    please be a bit specific.....

    An InfoCube describes (from an analysis point of view) a self-contained dataset, for example, for a business-orientated area. You analyze this dataset in a BEx query.
    An InfoCube is a set of relational tables arranged according to the star schema: A large fact table in the middle surrounded by several dimension tables.
    InfoCubes are filled with data from one or more InfoSources or other InfoProviders. They are available as InfoProviders for analysis and reporting purposes.
    The data is stored physically in an InfoCube. It consists of a number of InfoObjects that are filled with data from staging. It has the structure of a star schema.
    The real-time characteristic can be assigned to an InfoCube. Real-time InfoCubes are used differently to standard InfoCubes.
    ODS versus Info-cubes in a typical project scenario
    why we use ods?
    why is psa  & ods nessasary
    InfoObject: Basic building block of BW.. ( Its like a field )
    Business evaluation objects are known in BI as InfoObjects. They are divide into characteristics (for example, customers), key figures (for example, revenue), units (for example, currency, amount unit), time characteristics (for example, fiscal year) and technical characteristics (for example, request number).
    InfoObjects are the smallest units of BI. Using InfoObjects, information is mapped in a structured form. This is required for constructing InfoProviders.
    InfoObjects with attributes or texts can  themselves also be InfoProviders (if in a query).

  • Read data from an Infocube

    I'm writing a program to read data from an infocube, usfin FM RSDPL_CUBE_DATA_READ, but I can't get a result.
    This are the parameters I'm using:
    I_INFOCUBE                                = 'ZGE_CUB10'
    I_REFERENCE_DATE                  = sy-datum
    I_S_RFCMODE-ID                        = BIDCLNT100
    I_S_DELTAMODE-SYSID             = BID
    I_T_CHA-chanm    = 'ZGE_KPI'
    I_T_CHA-chaalias  = 'ZGE_KPI'
    I_T_CHA-orderby    = 0
    I_T_KYF-kyfnm   = 'ZGE_VALOR'
    I_T_KYF-kyfalias = 'ZGE_VALOR'
    I_T_KYF-aggr      = 'SUM'
    i_t_range-chanm       = 'ZGE_KPI'.
    i_t_range-sign           = 'I'.
    i_t_range-compop     = 'EQ'.
    i_t_range-low            = 'FTL_GLC10_0331'.
    i_t_range-high          = 'FTL_GLC10_0331'.
    E_T_COLUMN-colname   = 'salida_zge_valor'
    E_T_COLUMN-iobjname  = 'salida_zge_Valor'
    E_T_COLUMN-keyflag    = 'X'
    but I keep getting DELTAMODE_ERROR.
    any help??? any sample-code you may share??

    found some sample code...
    SAP also gives you sample programs on how to use the same...
    from thread :
    Re: RSDRI_INFOPROV_READ and compound selection conditions
    Edited by: Arun Varadarajan on Jun 5, 2009 7:24 PM

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