Buffered streaming over TCP/IP

I want to transmit a live (with a little delay) video or voice over TCP/IP and stay able to chat with keyboard too. What is the best way to do it?
Here is the link to my Chat-Project: Chat-Project
Thank you!
LabVIEW Portal

I use Datasocket for this. Never tried TCP/IP functionalities. Have you considered the Datasocket option? Or have you already resolved your task?

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  • How to send joystick data over TCP connection

    Hi all,
    I am a long time Labview discussion forum user for learning, but this is my first time posting a question, I hope somebody can help me!
    In the attached VI I am trying to send data from a joystick over a TCP connection. I can send data fine using the TCP examples (in fact the majority of my VI is just a copy of the example). However I am to the point where I do not know how to send all the data necessary (3 axis data, 12 buttons, and the POV data) over TCP. Strings, clusters, and arrays were never my strong suite and converting between them is a nightmare for me.
    Basically I am trying to send each axis data (X,Y, and Z), button data (12 buttons), and POV data (the POV data will be calculated to adjust the position of a camera, so the immediate data is not important, I will add functions to add the change in the button movements to write a standing position for two servos [pan and tilt], for which that I will need to send over the TCP connection) over the TCP connection to control various cameras and motors. I don't know if it is posible to send that much data over a TCP connection in one write VI through a string, and also how to separate the string on the other side in order to control the client VI.
    Again, the actual TCP communication I get, and can operate fine, just formatting all the data into a string (or whatever is required) so that I can unpack on the other side is the issue here.
    Another question I have (not impotant to get the program running just might make it easier on me) is can a TCP server (which sends the data to the client) also recieve data back from the client on the same port ( for example sensor data and digital positions [on,off])? Or do I need to set up two TCP communication loops with the first client acting as the server on a different port than the first, which then sends the data to the original server, which also has a client TCP configuration in another loop? I hope this makes sense...
    One final question.....I already have a solution to this but using labview for the entirety of this project would be nice. I use skype to stream 1080p video from a webcam to my computer so I can view live feed. Can labview do this? This would be awesome if so, I am just not sure if the communication protocols in use could support real time (or as close as possible to streaming) for 1080p video.
    Thanks all in advance for your help,
    cameraserver.vi ‏24 KB
    cameraclient.vi ‏18 KB

    Physicsnole wrote:
    In the attached VI I am trying to send data from a joystick over a TCP connection. I can send data fine using the TCP examples (in fact the majority of my VI is just a copy of the example). However I am to the point where I do not know how to send all the data necessary (3 axis data, 12 buttons, and the POV data) over TCP. Strings, clusters, and arrays were never my strong suite and converting between them is a nightmare for me.
    Well, you cast the axis info cluster to a string, but then you cast it back to an array of DBL. Thatr's not compatible. You should probably cast it back to an "axis info" cluster of exactly the same type. Go the the other VI and right-click the cluster wire to create a constant. Now move that diagram cluster constant to the other VI and use it as type.
    Your default ports don't seem to match. You seem to have client and server roles confused. In the sever you create a listener, but then you start sending packets, even though no connection is established. The connection needs to be initiated by the client.
    Your client stops the loop the first time a timeout is encountered. Shouldn't that be more permanent? Also, please retain code clarity and avoid unecessary complexities. For example, replace the "not or" with a plain "or" and change the loop to "stop if true"
    Physicsnole wrote:
    Basically I am trying to send each axis data (X,Y, and Z), button data (12 buttons), and POV data (the POV data will be calculated to adjust the position of a camera, so the immediate data is not important, I will add functions to add the change in the button movements to write a standing position for two servos [pan and tilt], for which that I will need to send over the TCP connection) over the TCP connection to control various cameras and motors. I don't know if it is posible to send that much data over a TCP connection in one write VI through a string, and also how to separate the string on the other side in order to control the client VI.
    You can send as much as you want. The casting to/from string is the same as described above.
    Physicsnole wrote:
    Another question I have (not impotant to get the program running just might make it easier on me) is can a TCP server (which sends the data to the client) also recieve data back from the client on the same port ( for example sensor data and digital positions [on,off])? Or do I need to set up two TCP communication loops with the first client acting as the server on a different port than the first, which then sends the data to the original server, which also has a client TCP configuration in another loop? I hope this makes sense..
    The primary function of a "server" is to wait for a connection and then communicate with the client once a conenction is established. An established TCP/IP connection is fully two-way and both sides can send and receive.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • IPhone HE-AAC Streaming over Mobile Network (3G)

    Developed an internet radio streamer using utilizing the html5 audio tags with jQuery and with a flash fall back for unsupported browsers, streaming through an icecast2 server. Upon testing the player on the iPhone Safari (iOS 5.0.1), we ran into a very peculiar issue.
    When the iPhone is connected to WiFi, it streams perfectly using the HE-AAC V2 stream @ 64kbps 44.1kHz (the preferred codec for apple products). However, when the iPhone is connected to the 3G mobile network (ATT and Verizon), it "stutters/buffers" or stops streaming for 1-2 secs every 1-2 minutes (does not stop streaming completely). The troubling thing is when the iPhone is forced to use a separate MP3 stream at the same bit rate, it does not have this issue and works very well on 3G.

    Hi Lawrence,
    Thanks for the fast response. I'm confused as to how AAC requires higher bandwidth over MP3 when it can produce higher quality audio at lower bit rates therefore requiring less bandwidth to stream over 3G. Are you referring to the bandwidth of the audio signal itself (at the codec level)?

  • Microphone Streaming over Network is Choppy

    Part of a program in development allows audio to be streamed over the Internet via microphone capture. The current solution seems to be working alright... however, at times the audio gets extremely choppy on the receiving side, almost to the point of being unable to hear it at all... 15 second gaps etc...
    I was wondering if you would look at this code and had any suggestions how I could improve this to make it flow better.
    Any help is appreciated. First is the server code. Second is the client (receiving code)
    public class MicrophoneManager implements Runnable {
    private static volatile ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream;
    private static String communicatorIP = null;
    public static volatile boolean interrupt = false;
    private AudioFormat getAudioFormat() {
    float sampleRate = 8000.0F;
    int sampleSizeInBits = 8;
    int channels = 1;
    boolean signed = true;
    boolean bigEndian = false;
    return new AudioFormat(
    }//end getAudioFormat
    public static void setCommunicatorIP(String communicatorIP) {
    MicrophoneManager.communicatorIP = communicatorIP;
    public void run() {
    try {
    AudioFormat audioFormat = getAudioFormat();
    DataLine.Info dataLineInfo = new DataLine.Info(TargetDataLine.class, audioFormat);
    TargetDataLine targetDataLine = (TargetDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(dataLineInfo);
    ArrayList<Byte> byteArrayList = new ArrayList<Byte>();
    byte tempBuffer[] = new byte[10000];
    byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    Thread mcThread = new Thread(new MicrophoneCommunicator());
    //bos = new BufferedOutputStream(byteArrayOutputStream);
    while (!interrupt) {
    while (byteArrayList.size() < 10000) {
    targetDataLine.read(tempBuffer, 0, tempBuffer.length);
    for (byte b : tempBuffer) {
    byte[] writerArray = new byte[byteArrayList.size()];
    tempBuffer = new byte[10000];
    for (int i = 0; i < byteArrayList.size(); i++) {
    writerArray[i] = byteArrayList.get(i);
    byteArrayOutputStream.write(writerArray, 0, writerArray.length);
    } catch (Exception e1) {
    private class MicrophoneCommunicator implements Runnable {
    public void run() {
    try {
    Socket microphoneSocket = new Socket(communicatorIP, 5751);
    BufferedOutputStream netStreamOut = new BufferedOutputStream(microphoneSocket.getOutputStream());
    while (!interrupt) {
    if (byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray().length >= 10000) {
    } catch (Exception e1) {
    }Now, here is the other code.
    public class Microphone implements Runnable {
    public void run() {
    try {
    byte[] tempArray = new byte[10000];
    ServerSocket micSocket = new ServerSocket(5751);
    Socket microphoneSocket = micSocket.accept(); //Now connected
    BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(microphoneSocket.getInputStream());
    ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(tempArray);
    AudioFormat audioFormat = getAudioFormat();
    AudioInputStream audioInputStream =
    new AudioInputStream(bais,
    tempArray.length / audioFormat.getFrameSize());
    DataLine.Info dataLineInfo =
    new DataLine.Info(
    SourceDataLine sourceDataLine = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(
    ArrayList<Byte> byteArrayList = new ArrayList<Byte>();
    boolean interrupted = false;
    while (!interrupted) {
    int nextByte = 0;
    while ((nextByte = bis.read()) != -1 && (byteArrayList.size() < 10000)) {
    byteArrayList.add((byte) nextByte);
    for (int i = 0; i < byteArrayList.size(); i++) {
    tempArray[i] = byteArrayList.get(i);
    sourceDataLine.write(tempArray, 0, tempArray.length);
    interrupted = global.micInterrupt;
    } catch (Exception e1) {
    private AudioFormat getAudioFormat() {
    float sampleRate = 8000.0F;
    int sampleSizeInBits = 8;
    int channels = 1;
    boolean signed = true;
    boolean bigEndian = false;
    return new AudioFormat(
    }//end getAudioFormat
    }If you guys have any ideas on how to make this smoother... please feel free... Also, please feel free to use this code however you wish. I'd really appreciate this... It's hard for people to communicate when it's so choppy this way.
    However, the stream is currently only one way though, it only goes from one system to another... not two-way. One talks, the other types... it's complicated, but just might be useful info.
    Both sides are communicating via lan... so speed of connection isn't an issue...
    Thanks in advance.

    I'd recommend using UDP streams instead of TCP streams, and I'd recommend discarding out-of-order packets and packets that are delayed beyond a certain threshold (which you can play with)...

  • Multi Thread Server over TCP/IP

    Multi Thread Server over TCP/IP. Does it work?
    In my box it works only over IPC protocol.

    S C Maturi (guest) wrote:
    : Mark Malakanov (guest) wrote:
    : : Multi Thread Server over TCP/IP. Does it work?
    : : In my box it works only over IPC protocol.
    : Mark,
    : Multi threaded server over TCP/IP will not work with
    : the current distribution of Oracle 8.0.5 on Linux.
    : This is corrected and a patch would be released soon.
    : Maturi
    tcp 0 0 bock.nettek-ll:listener bock.nettek-
    llc.co:4196 ESTABLISHED
    tcp 0 0 bock.nettek-llc.co:4196 bock.nettek-
    ll:listener ESTABLISHED
    (I have serveral of these)
    TNS Ping Utility for Linux: Version - Production on 07-
    JAN-99 18:45:52
    (c) Copyright 1997 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Attempting to contact (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)
    OK (440 msec)
    ...and from my install log you see that I selected MTS:
    -[ YESNO
    Q> Would you like MTS (Multi-Threaded Server) configured
    and the SQL*Net$
    A> TRUE
    Please explain? Will TCP/IP MTS work via the loopback adapter
    only? So far I have not tried a remote TCP/IP connection.

  • Can I render a Flash frame as a bitmap and send it over TCP/IP?

    I want to draw some combination of bitmaps, flash shapes, vectors, text etc and draw them programmatically into my movie using ActionScript, and then get every "rendered" pixel of my movie (at 100% view) into an array that I send to another program over TCP/IP. Can anyone help me here?
    The first part of the question is if its possible to render a frame that is a collection of Flash elements as a bitmap? I know that I can iterate through a bitmap and get every pixel using the getPixel method but I'm trying to access the final rendered frame displayed on my screen, including, as I said Flash shapes and text.
    The second question is what would be the best way to send this "video frame" over TCP/IP? Would I use an XML socket connection? That is the only way I know how to send data out of Flash over TCP/IP but I don't know if it is the only way - the help page says the data needs to be formatted as XML, which seems unwieldly for this application.
    I'm doing this now by using Max/MSP/Jitter to do a screen capture the size and location of my Flash movie and then send out the resulting matrix using a "jit.net.send" object (which lets you send frames of video over TCP/IP), but this is too clumsy for the installation I am building.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks! That was exactly what I was looking for in the first half of the question. And I guess the draw() method works in AS2 as well as AS3. I will test it but from what I understand, I can use a Bitmap as kind of my bottom-level container, then create (in ActionScript) a movie clip that can contain other movie clips or drawing API commands or whatever, animate these various elements then finally draw() them into the bitmap. I see that in AS3 I can even use getPixels or getVector to capture the full "video frame" in one line of code.
    Thanks rothrock, for the helpful links. My application is kind of unusual, in that I'm sending "video" data to a proprietary LED controller box for display on a low resolution LED display. I connect to the box over TCP/IP and send it "frames of video" 20 times a second. I got this to work with this other content and software (Max/MSP/Jitter) and I want to see how I could capture all the rendered pixel data in successive frames of Flash animation, format it properly, then send it over TCP/IP to this controller box. Don't really now enough about the various flavors of TCP/IP connections to figure out how to do this in Flash, and I know there are security limitations built in to Flash that have to be worked around. But my movies are small (say 96 pixels by 72 pixels) and I need to send uncompressed data directly to my controller box, so these interesting links showing how to use server-side scripts to create jpgs or pngs are probably not going to help me. I will hopefully find a higher-level programmer than myself to work this out, and I think some of the techniques here will hopefull prove to be helpful.
    Thanks again for your help!

  • Safety of MS Sharing on LAN over TCP/IP via NetBIOS and/or Direct SMB

    Shalini Sampath Kumar at http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-security/ suggested I post this question over
    What is the safest recommended way to set up MS File and Printer Sharing on a LAN with both Windows 7 Pro and XP Pro machines?  Does "Direct hosting of SMB over TCP/IP," help?  What about setting a "Scope ID" (or did that go out
    with Windows NT)?
    Background:  I've been trained to be paranoid about NetBIOS over TCP/IP.  Right now I have only XP Pro machines on my peer-to-peer workgroup LAN (behind a NAT router and with Simple File Sharing turned off), on which File and Printer Sharing has been
    unbound from TCP/IP and bound to NetBEUI instead, so I feel fairly safe.  Port scanning by ShieldsUp doesn't see any ports through the router, open or closed -- in other words, it appears to be "stealthed," for what that's worth.  With
    NetBIOS disabled on all computers inside the LAN, however, can I perform a valid test of what will happen when File and Printer Sharing is re-bound to TCP/IP?
    My New Problem:  I'm planning to add Window 7 Pro machines, for which NetBEUI isn't an option, and then to transition entirely to Win7 before XP goes off extended support in April.  I will still use a peer-to-peer architecture with password-protected
    sharing turned on (no HomeGroup).  It appears that I can still get rid of NetBIOS (and WINS) in favor of "Direct hosting of SMB over TCP/IP," which sounds safer.  Apparently then only port 445 will be vulnerable instead of ports 137-139. 
    In any case I want to do everything I can to protect my file-sharing port(s) from the Internet (e.g., from anyone who might break into my LAN either by making a wireless connection or by hacking the router itself).  Can anybody give a clear set of steps
    to change sharing from NetBIOS (which I would like to disable entirely) to direct hosting of SMB and to verify that I'm protected as well as possible?
    I will have to completely revamp the network-file-sharing configuration of my XP machines as soon as the first Win7 machine goes on line (and possibly tweak the configuration of Win7 as well), perhaps as early as this week. I want to do this in the way that
    maximizes security to the extent possible.  Thanks in advance more details and guidance on this topic! -- JCW2
    P.S. -- These computers are all laptops and will be used away from my home LAN -- another reason for paranoia about File and Printer Sharing.  I realize that Windows 7 provides an easy way to disable F&PS by selecting any new network location as
    "public," but XP does not (as far as I know).  Fixing that will take more effort and be harder to remember... -- JCW2

    Removing the NetBIOS transport has several advantages compared to NetBIOS over TCP, you can find detailed infromation in the following KB
    Direct hosting of SMB over TCP/IP
    TechNet Community Support
    Hi again -- I think I'm slowly catching up with you.  Following from my previous message...
    Somebody on another forum mentioned creating "Hosts" files on each computer to substitute for the DNS server that I don't have on my workgroup.  This is intriguing if I can figure out how to set it up.  (I've heard it said that taking control of
    your "Hosts" file is a good safety precaution anyhow, since it is a frequent target of hackers trying to divert legitimate Web requests to their own malicious sites.)  Does anybody have tips and/or references that would help me accomplish the name resolution
    Finally, what functionality do I really lose by going the Direct-Hosting-of-SMB-with-Hosts-file (or drive mapping) route as opposed to using NetBIOS over TCP/IP?  Granted, any new machine added to the network would also have to be added to all the "Hosts"
    files (or mapped to a new drive letter) on each machine; but given that I already have to add it to the MAC filter and assign it a DHCP reservation in my router, this isn't a heavy burden for something that doesn't happen often.  Would everything then
    work the same as if NetBIOS were providing the name resolution?
    One missing piece that I see so far -- it's not obvious how this same trick would apply to printer sharing (although I'm not using that feature right now anyhow).  Could this be handled seamlessly through the "Hosts" file as well?
    Thanks and Best Regards to All -- JCW2

  • Slow streaming over wifi using ipad

    Why is streaming over wifi slower than over cellular connection?  Other devices don't have the same issue.

    generally we all think and expect wifi will be faster than a cell connection.  But that will not always be the case.  A good uncongested LTE runs pretty fast.
    But the wifi should be fast enough that you wouldn't notice any issues unless:
    You are using a public wifi spot where the signal is metered.  Where I work, they clamp the wifi for guests at 250k.
    The wifi cannot run any faster than your internet connection.  Is it clean?
    Recent stoires here are explaining how verizon and Comcast have been allowing you tube and netflix feeds to become overcongested, in an effort to extract $$ from them for the privilange of sending you the signal.
    a good place to start is to get a speed app - like Speed test (there are a bunch in the store) and see what speed your wifi is delivering.
    One thing that is almost certain, your wifi is a whole lot cheaper than your cell signal!

  • Connecting to non-secure listener port over TCPS

    I am trying to connect to non-SSL port over TCPS.
    When I use tnsping, it hangs.
    When I do an OCIServerAttach, it hangs.
    Client is 10.2
    And Database server is 9.2 and higher..
    Any way I can find out why this is happening??

    Maybe I'm not getting the point, but when you do not use SSL on this port, why do you want to use TCPS. Wouldn't TPC be a better choice?

  • SSL Connection over TCP using SSLSocketFactory to remote C++ Server

    Despite my traversing through the archives, I could not find a
    solution to my problem. So hopefully, that would mean i have a simple
    isolated, and FIXABLE problem :-)
    My web application running under Weblogic 7.01 as a servlet needs to
    connect to a remote server using SSL over tcp.
    The server is a C++ app using openssl libraries to serve up a
    self-signed certificate.
    The code fragments to do so look like this:
         SSLSocketFactory sf =
         connection = sf.createSocket(host, port);
    Upon the flush, I get the following error:
    java.io.IOException: Write Channel Closed, possible SSL handshaking or
    trust failure
         at com.certicom.tls.record.WriteHandler.write(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.interfaceimpl.TLSConnectionImpl.fireAlertSent(Unknown
         at com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.HandshakeHandler.fireAlert(Unknown
         at com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.HandshakeHandler.fireAlert(Unknown
         at com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.HandshakeHandler.handleHandshakeMessage(Unknown
         at com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.HandshakeHandler.handleHandshakeMessages(Unknown
         at com.certicom.tls.record.ReadHandler.interpretContent(Unknown
         at com.certicom.tls.record.ReadHandler.readRecord(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.ReadHandler.readUntilHandshakeComplete(Unknown
         at com.certicom.tls.interfaceimpl.TLSConnectionImpl.completeHandshake(Unknown
         at com.certicom.tls.record.WriteHandler.write(Unknown Source)
         at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flushBuffer(BufferedOutputStream.java:67)
         at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flush(BufferedOutputStream.java:125)
         at java.io.DataOutputStream.flush(DataOutputStream.java:99)
    My guess is that its complaining about not trusting the certificate
    being sent back by the server.
    I typically use JSSE for this application when running within other
    appservers, and
    this application has no problems. But because i've run into issues
    with using JSSE in WL7.01 (another topic
    for another day), I'm using the default WL ssl library.
    I have set weblogic.security.SSL.trustedCAKeyStore=d:\bea\weblogic700\server\lib\cacerts,
    and imported my
    certificate into that cacerts file. This doesn't seem to fix my
    problem. Is there another truststore
    that my webapp may rely on? Where within the admin console can I
    figure this out?
    Or am I on the wrong track here?
    Also, if its any clue, elsewhere within the same application, I make
    https requests to another
    web app running under the same weblogic server - and that is fine - I
    use the URLConnection class in those cases.
    Any help is much appreciated!

    Can you show us the stacktrace?

  • IO delay causes buffered streams to hang

    I'm writing an application that uses the network and in order to test under slow conditions I created custom input/output streams that just puts in a delay in the basic read() and write(int b) methods before calling the method for the stream passed in the constructor. This allows me to find problems where the interface hangs under slow conditions etc. very quickly.
    The problem is that on buffered streams (I have specifically had trouble with BufferedReader and BufferedOutputStream) it causes the stream to just hang. It works fine without the stream with the delay but with it something is causing a hang. I think it may have something to do with the network because I don't have the problem with File IO. Does anybody know why a delay would cause a buffered stream to hang?

    Well the I know the socket has not timed out. I usually set the delay about 1 to 3 milliseconds. This will happen everytime a read() or write(int b) occurs so it is enough to slow things down.
    This is a code sample that shows the basic idea for reading in a file:
    import java.io.*;
    public class Example
    static class SlowInputStream extends InputStream
    private InputStream in;
    public SlowInputStream(InputStream i)
    public int read() throws IOException
    try { Thread.sleep(3); }
    catch(InterruptedException e) {}
    return in.read();
    public static void main(String[] args)
    throws IOException
    System.out.println("Need filename.");
    SlowInputStream sis=new SlowInputStream(
    new FileInputStream(args[0]));
    BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(sis));
    String text;
    StringBuffer temp=new StringBuffer();
    I would have posted a networking example but I create a subclass of PlainSocketImpl to so I can wrap all the streams networking streams and this requires to set the bootclasspath, but the above shows the basic technique.

  • How could I create a Compliance Settings that enforces NetBIOS over TCP/IP?

    Hello Everyone,
    I need to be able to enforce NetBIOS over TCP/IP on some collections. I've created a batch script  with one line that disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP but I also need to make sure this is enforced. How could I do the enforcement using Compliance Settings?
    This is the line I use to disable it;
    "wmic nicconfig where (TcpipNetbiosOptions!=Null and TcpipNetbiosOptions!=2) call SetTcpipNetbios 2"
    Thank you everyone in advance for any help

    I could probably help you with a CI for discovery and remediation, but I need (or you need to define) an additional parameter.
    If I were to run this as a powershell discovery script:
    $adapter=(gwmi win32_networkadapterconfiguration | where {$_.ipenabled -eq "1"})
    Foreach ($nic in $adapter) {
    write-host $nic.TcpIPNetBiosOptions
    what's echo'd out (in my testing) is a 0, a 1 , or a 2.
    0 means "default--use what your dhcp is offering"
    1 = enabled
    2 = disabled.
    So... from your standpoint... is a 0 or 1, (either one) acceptable?  or is only a value of 1, a hard-coded at the client (not whatever the default is from dhcp) the only acceptable value?
    fyi, the remediation script, if 1 is the only acceptable answer, would probably be this:
    $adapter=(gwmi win32_networkadapterconfiguration | where {$_.ipenabled -eq "1"})
    Foreach ($nic in $adapter) {
    Standardize. Simplify. Automate.

  • Whats the different between regular strems and buffered streams?

    Hum , Hey.
    Whats the different between regular streams(un buffered) and buffered streams?
    When should I use buffered streams and when should I use buffered streams?
    Thanks in advance !

    Gonen wrote:
    CeciNEstPasUnProgrammeur wrote:
    Heck, I often asked myself that, too. If only there were any documentation for those classes one could read...
    The buffer allows the stream to read a whole chunk of data, even though your program requests it one byte at a time. Reading larger chunks from a file e.g. is much faster than trying to read single bytes. Especially considering that usually, a whole cluster is read and you'd discard all but one byte, and then repeat the same...so if the buffered is faster . why there is un buffered streams?Lots of reasons. Maybe you're sure you're going to send or receive all the data in one transaction, so you don't want to waste memory on another buffer. Maybe you're sending data to a device that requires real-time input, like a robotic arm.

  • HTTP 1.1: Using streams over socket; How ?

    Can anyone give me a short example as how to handle streams over a persistent socket-connection ?
    I've trouble handling this.
    I can't "reget" the stream (create a new input/output stream over an existing socket-connection).
    Is there someone who can help me ?
    I'm getting confused !!!

    Since no one helped I could only try to find out myself:
    The problem is I used some example-source that fitted well for HTTP 1.0, but led to erroneous results when applied to HTTP 1.1
    It's no problem in HTTP 1.1, but you need to read ALL input (headers and possibly content) before trying to process anything:
    From the headers you need to read until an empty line is discovered.... Don't just break on return or newline, this will leave an extra character in the input:
    Protocol requires both \r and \n. So you always break 1 char to early when scanning bytes and then concluding on a \r that the line is over.
    Then you should possibly read 'contentlength bytes' (I've not tried it out yet) in case of POST.
    Flushing is enough to write all data to output.
    Open and close can't work. "Regetting" a stream is not possible, so all input for this request must be taken from inputstream before trying to process the next request.

  • Send Bytes over TCP/IP

    {noformat}I am trying to send an array of bytes over tcp using OutputStream to a chat dispatch server, but few extra bytes are getting added at the begining and
    at the end of the original data I want to send.
    Why is this hapening and how do I overcome this?{noformat}

    ejp wrote:
    byte[] consisted of byte array converted from this hex dumpConverted how?
    If you use a String as a container for this binary data it will be corrupted.I declared the dump as a string like:
    after this what should i do?
    what I am doing is
    1. extract two characters from the string at a time
    2. join them to make a string of two characters
    3. then treat that string as a hex value
    4. convert that hex value to its ascii-char equivalent( so i get an array of characters )
    5. convert the array of characters to array of bytes and send .
    I think that there is a better way to do this. Please suggest. So that no problem occurs.

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