Bug? Picture Ring proprty String and Values" returns error 1054 in LV 8.5

Should that propert exist for a Picture Ring?
Message Edited by Ben on 09-01-2008 07:47 AM
Ben Rayner
I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
Rayner's Ridge is under construction
Go to Solution.
Error_1054.PNG ‏27 KB

The fact that the error is gone when you don't connect the indicator is good. Even better it is super.
It means the compiler removes that specific node from the execution stack if it isn't needed.
Free Code Capture Tool! Version 2.1.3 with comments, web-upload, back-save and snippets!
Nederlandse LabVIEW user groep www.lvug.nl
My LabVIEW Ideas
LabVIEW, programming like it should be!

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    I think the best idea is to use seconds since for your arithmetic, because it is going to be the most consistent and robust solution. Knowing that a day has 86400 seconds is all that is needed and you won't run in possible inconsistencies with date time implementations caused by our anything but logic calender. I would hazard that the functionality of converting a timestamp into year and day of year and back is impossible to make consistent without sacrificing other possibly conflicting transformation in the Timestamp into String and Timestamp from String manipulations.
    "Seconds since" being the actual base unit in all LabVIEW timestamps, it is best to do any arithmetic on it in this base unit.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

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    I'm new here so please let me know if I overstep any of the rules or expectations. I merely want to learn more about Java Programming efficiently, and easily. I can ask and discuss these topics with my online prof, but she doesn't have much time.
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    90 and above = A
    80 - 89 = B
    70 ? 79 = C
    60 - 69 = D
    Less then 60 ? F
    We had to use a void method to determine the average score for each student, a loop inside the method to read the and sum the 6 scores but without outputting the average score. The sum and average had to be returned in and output in void main.
    Then we had to use a value-returning method CalculateGrade to determine and return the grade for each student. But it can't output the grade because that must be done in void main.
    Finally the class average must be output.
    Our prof gave us a list of student names with their 6 scores.
    Ward 100 54 98 65 35 100
    Burris 89 65 87 84 15 32
    Harris 54 21 55 87 70 54
    Bettis 43 55 68 54 15 25
    Staley 87 54 98 45 54 56
    Randle 54 87 54 98 65 15
    Maddox 56 14 40 50 40 50
    Roth 30 40 54 78 24 19
    Holmes 14 87 98 34 55 57
    So all the data had to be read from a file and the results output to a file. Also we couldn't use 'global variables'. We had to use the appropriate parameters to pass values to and from methods.
    Question 1:  What does she mean by 'no global variables'? Maybe she means: don't use "*double test1, test2, test3, test4, test5*;"
    Anyway because I'm a slow learner with Java, I end up looking for sample programs that seem to do a similar job as the problem posed. So with this program I decided to adapt a program called Comparison of Class Averages.
    //Program: Comparison of Class Averages.
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    public class DataComparison
    public static void main (String[] args) throws
    FileNotFoundException, IOException
    //Step 1
    String courseId1; //course ID for group 1
    String courseId2; //course ID for group 2
    int numberOfCourses;
    DoubleClass avg1 = new DoubleClass(); //average for a course
    //in group 1
    DoubleClass avg2 = new DoubleClass(); //average for a course
    //in group 2
    double avgGroup1; //average group 1
    double avgGroup2; //average group 2
    String inputGroup1;
    String inputGroup2;
    StringTokenizer tokenizer1 = null;
    StringTokenizer tokenizer2 = null;
    //Step 2 Open input and output files
    BufferedReader group1 =
    new BufferedReader(new FileReader("a:\\group1.txt"));
    BufferedReader group2 =
    new BufferedReader(new FileReader("a:\\group2.txt"));
    PrintWriter outfile =
    new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("a:\\student.out"));
    DecimalFormat twoDecimal =
    new DecimalFormat("0.00"); //Step 3
    avgGroup1 = 0.0; //Step 4
    avgGroup2 = 0.0; //Step 5
    numberOfCourses = 0; //Step 6
    //print heading: Step 7
    outfile.println("Course No Group No Course Average");
    inputGroup1 = group1.readLine(); //Step 8
    inputGroup2 = group2.readLine(); //Step 9
    while((inputGroup1 != null) &&
    (inputGroup2 != null)) //Step 10
    tokenizer1 = new StringTokenizer(inputGroup1);
    courseId1 = tokenizer1.nextToken(); //Step 10a
    tokenizer2 = new StringTokenizer(inputGroup2);
    courseId2 = tokenizer2.nextToken(); //Step 10b
    if(!courseId1.equals(courseId2)) //Step 10c
    System.out.println("Data error: Course IDs "
    + "do not match.");
    System.out.println("Program terminates.");
    outfile.println("Data error: Course IDs "
    + "do not match.");
    outfile.println("Program terminates.");
    else //Step 10d
    calculateAverage(group1, tokenizer1, avg1); //Step 10d.i
    calculateAverage(group2, tokenizer2, avg2); //Step 10d.ii
    printResult(outfile,courseId1,1,avg1); //Step 10d.iii
    printResult(outfile,courseId2,2,avg2); //Step 10d.iv
    avgGroup1 = avgGroup1 + avg1.getNum(); //Step 10d.v
    avgGroup2 = avgGroup2 + avg2.getNum(); //Step 10d.vi
    numberOfCourses++; //Step 10d.vii
    inputGroup1 = group1.readLine(); //Step 10e
    inputGroup2 = group2.readLine(); //Step 10f
    }//end while
    if((inputGroup1 != null) && (inputGroup2 == null)) //Step 11a
    System.out.println("Ran out of data for group 2 "
    + "before group 1.");
    else //Step 11b
    if((inputGroup1 == null) && (inputGroup1 != null))
    System.out.println("Ran out of data for "
    + "group 1 before group 2.");
    else //Step 11c
    outfile.println("Avg for group 1: " +
    twoDecimal.format(avgGroup1 / numberOfCourses));
    outfile.println("Avg for group 2: " +
    twoDecimal.format(avgGroup2 / numberOfCourses));
    outfile.close(); //Step 12
    public static void calculateAverage(BufferedReader inp,
    StringTokenizer tok,
    DoubleClass courseAvg)
    throws IOException
    double totalScore = 0.0;
    int numberOfStudents = 0;
    int score = 0;
    tok = new StringTokenizer(inp.readLine());
    score = Integer.parseInt(tok.nextToken());
    while(score != -999)
    totalScore = totalScore + score;
    tok = new StringTokenizer(inp.readLine());
    score = Integer.parseInt(tok.nextToken());
    }//end while
    courseAvg.setNum(totalScore / numberOfStudents);
    }//end calculate Average
    public static void printResult(PrintWriter outp,
    String courseId,
    int groupNo, DoubleClass avg)
    DecimalFormat twoDecimal =
    new DecimalFormat("0.00");
    if(groupNo == 1)
    outp.print(" " + courseId + " ");
    outp.print(" ");
    outp.println("\t" + groupNo + "\t "
    + twoDecimal.format(avg.getNum()));
    So my adaptation turned out like this:
    //Program: Compute individual and class averages from input file.
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Exams
    public static void main (String[] args)
    throws FileNotFoundException
    //Step 1
    String nameId; //student name ID for list
    int numberOfStudents;
    DoubleClass avg = new DoubleClass(); //average for a student
    //in list
    double avgList; //average for list
    //Step 2 Open the input and output files
    Scanner group1 = new Scanner(new FileReader("c:\\list.txt"));
    PrintWriter outfile = new PrintWriter("c:\\student.out");
    avgList = 0.0; //Step 3
    numberOfStudents = 0; //Step 5
    //print heading: Step 6
    outfile.println("NameID List Student Average");
    calculateAverage(list, avg); //Step 7d.i
    printResult(outfile,nameID, avg); //Step 7d.iii
    avgList = avgList + avgList.getNum(); //Step 7d.v
    numberOfStudents++; //Step 7d.vii
    outfile.printf("Avg for List: %.2f %n",
    (avgList / numberOfStudents));
    public static void calculateAverage(Scanner inp,
    DoubleClass courseAvg)
    double totalScore = 0.0;
    int numberOfStudents = 0;
    int score = 0;
    score = inp.nextInt();
    courseAvg.setNum(totalScore / numberOfStudents);
    }//end calculate Average
    public static void printResult(PrintWriter outp,
    String nameId,
    int groupNo, DoubleClass avg)
    if (list == list)
    outp.print(" " + nameId + " ");
    outp.print(" ");
    outp.printf("%9d %15.2f%n", list, avg.getNum());
    I guess I was trying to find a shortcut that ended up being a long cut. Here's the algorithm I wrote.
    1.) Initialize the variables
    2.) Get the student name and his/her accompanying 6 exam scores, limiting the number of scores to 6.
    3a.) Calculate score of 6 exams for each student using void method called CalculateAverage.
    3b.) Use a loop inside the method to read and sum the six scores.
    4.) Use value-returning method CalculateGrade to determine and return each student's grade.
    5.) Output each student's grade in void main.
    6.) Calculate the average score for all students
    7.) Output entire class average
    And now I'm trying to piece together code to match each step of the algorithm starting from scratch.
    So I got the code for outputting each students grade in void:
    public static void printGrade(double testScore)
    System.out.print("Line 10: Your grade for "
    + "the course is ");
    if (testScore >= 90)
    else if (testScore >= 80)
    else if (testScore >= 70)
    else if (testScore >= 60)
    This code can read the the file with the scores:
    Scanner inFile =
    new Scanner(new FileReader("a:\\studentlist.txt"));
    PrintWriter outFile =
    new PrintWriter("a:\\avg.out");
    courseGrade = inFile.nextDouble();
    while (inFile.hasNext())
    studentName= inFile.next().charAt(0);
    courseGrade= inFile.nextDouble();
    I'm just trying to piece this thing together. Any tips would be appreciated. I will return with more pieces to the puzzle soon. As you can tell it's all kind of disorganized, and scatterbrained. Just trying to find some simplification or distillation, or recommendations.

    Thanks for your reply. So I take it you are more familiar with Object Oriented Programming more than Procedural Based Programming?
    Well the teacher insisted I follow the algorithm instead of trying to adapt another program to the problem. But sometimes that approach saves time I've noticed since many of the code examples we study in Java are like 'the golden oldies'.
    The student gradebook problem is repeated over and over in different forms. Maybe if I just approached the problem more linearly:
    1.) Initialize the variables
    String studentId
    int numberOfStudents
    DoubleClass avg = new DoubleClass(); //average for a student
    double avgGroup: //average for all students2.) Get the student name and his/her accompanying 6 exam scores.
    Scanner group = new Scanner(new FileReader("c:\\list.txt"));
    PrintWriter outfile = new PrintWriter("c:\\student.out"));
    3a.) Calculate score of 6 exams for each student using void method called CalculateAverage using a loop to read and sum the six scores. The loop must be inside the method. It does not output the average score. The sum and average must be returned and output in void main.
    method calculateAverage
    double totalScore //to store the sum of all the scores of each student
    int numberOfExams;  //to store the number of
    int score; //to read and store a course score
    double totalScore = 0.0
    int numberOfExams = 0;
    int score = 0;3b.) Use a loop inside the method to read and sum the six scores.
    Using psuedocode (since the variables have been declared and initialized)
    i)get the next student score
    RIght here my approach of adapting another program to my new program becomes problematic
    the pseudocode here is:
    ii) while (score != -999):
    I.) update totalScore by adding course score read in step i.
    II.) increment numberOfExams by 1
    III.) Get the nex student score
    iii) studentAvg.setNum(totalScore / numberOfExams);
    *What is the purpose of the statement while (score != -999)?*
    I don't see why they picked -999?  Will this loop allow me to read an endless number of student names and theri accompanying number of exams and then find the average for each student?
    I'll go into the next algorithmic steps later.
    4.) Use value-returning method CalculateGrade to determine and return each student's grade.
    5.) Output each student's grade in void main.
    6.) Calculate the average score for all students
    7.) Output entire class average
    Thanks ahead of time for any suggestions, tips.

  • Interpreting a string variables value & returning a constants int value

    Let's say I have the following:
    private string ballColour;
    private static final int RED = 1;
    the value of the variable ballColour is obtained via keyboard input from the user.
    lets say they enter in the string red (or RED, whatever case, it's converted to lowercase & stored in ballColour).
    I now want to create a method which returns the integer value of the RED constant (i.e. if the user enters a ballColour of red, I want to return the integer value 1 - to a new variable called intValueOfBallColour).
    I've no idea how to do this & i'm sure it isn't that complicated, but I'm having trouble with incompatible data types.
    Please help!

    Hmm...not really.
    I have a class & a driver (though the driver really
    only contains the system.out.println & gets the
    user's input).
    The class should be doing all the work & whilst our
    code is somewhat similar, i.e. same kind of
    principle, it differs quite a bit.
    For example, I'm not sure what this section of your
    code is for:
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    ballColour = args[0];
    System.out.println("intValuOfBall=" +
    Ball=" + intValuOfBall);
    My class contains many more methods/constructors.
    it really should work. I'll have a look at your code
    more & see if i can get it work. It's so
    straightforward. So frustrating as well.
    Thanks so much for your help.you can post your whole code (between code tags), that'll help people spot the problem

  • Keynote SEND TO and EXPORT returns error message re: problem/space

    When I attempt to either "Send To" or "Export" a recorded Keynote presentation, I receive the error:
    "Your slideshow can't be exported as a movie for an iPod There’s not enough disk space, or there was a problem with the movie file."
    I attempted: Send to iWeb, Send to iTunes. I also attempted to export to Quicktime.
    My system: MacBook Pro 17" 2.16 approx. 10GB free space
    The lecture is just under 60 minutes in duration. No slide transitions or effects (just straight slide, slide, slide).
    Hopefully someone has a fix so that I can record my presentations and send them into iWeb for my students. When I attempted an export to YouTube, Keynote became unresponsive and I had to force-quit and lost this lecture's recording.

    Check the other two posts on this issue as well. We are all clearly having the same problem.
    Having worked in Software QA for quite a few years (including at Apple), I am stunned this one got by. The only explanation would be that there is not a standard protocol for compatibility testing when things like Quicktime get an update. Looks like it's time for a new protocol!

  • How to check empty string and null? Assign same value to multiple variables

    How do I check for empty string and null?
    in_value IN VARCHAR2
    2. Also how do I assign same value to multiple variables?
    var_one NUMBER := 0;
    var_two NUMBER := 0;
    var_one := var_two := 0; --- Gives an error

    MichaelS wrote:
    Not always: Beware of CHAR's:
    SQL> declare
      2    l_str1   char (10) := '';
      3    l_str2   char (10) := null;
      4  begin
      6    if l_str1 is null
      7    then
      8      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR1 is null');
      9    elsif l_str1 is not null
    10    then
    11      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR1 is NOT null');
    12    end if;
    14    if l_str2 is null
    15    then
    16      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR2 is null');
    17    elsif l_str2 is not null
    18    then
    19      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR2 is NOT null');
    20    end if;
    21  end;
    22  /
    oh STR1 is NOT null
    oh STR2 is null
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> alter session set events '10932 trace name context forever, level 16384';
    Session altered.
    SQL> declare
      2    l_str1   char (10) := '';
      3    l_str2   char (10) := null;
      4  begin
      6    if l_str1 is null
      7    then
      8      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR1 is null');
      9    elsif l_str1 is not null
    10    then
    11      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR1 is NOT null');
    12    end if;
    14    if l_str2 is null
    15    then
    16      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR2 is null');
    17    elsif l_str2 is not null
    18    then
    19      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR2 is NOT null');
    20    end if;
    21  end;
    22  /
    oh STR1 is null
    oh STR2 is null
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> SY.

  • Array of Ring to string value for creating a table

    I want to convert an array of ring to string and generate a table from it.
    But using property node for converting each ring is changing all the value of the table!
    each array represents different register!hence required to change  for different array! 
    i am hereby attaching a  Vi!
    Go to Solution.
    Untitled 1.vi ‏1944 KB

    How about this simple solution? Array of a ring control to Array of string.
    Message Edited by Yamaeda on 04-13-2010 08:36 AM
    LabVIEW 8.2 - 2014
    "Only dead fish swim downstream" - "My life for Kudos!" - "Dumb people repeat old mistakes - smart ones create new ones."
    G# - Free award winning reference based OOP for LV

  • Is empty string and Null same?

    create table x
    (empid number);
    Table created.
    insert into x values ('');
    1 row created.
    insert into x values (null);
    1 row created.
    SQL> set null <<>>
    SQL> select * from x;
    <<>>So i can safely change an Insert statement like
    insert into x values ('');to
    insert into x values (null);Right?

    michaels2 wrote:
    char pads with spaces to the length of the data itemdon't think so - at least not on my Oracle finally fixed it. Before 11.2 it was pretty much as ajallen noted:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
        flag CHAR(2);
        PROCEDURE check_null (p_flag IN CHAR)
          IF p_flag = '  '
              dbms_output.put_line ('flag is equal to ''  ''');
            ELSIF p_flag IS NULL
                dbms_output.put_line ('flag is null');
              dbms_output.put_line ('other');
          END IF;
        flag := '';
        check_null (flag);
        flag := NULL;
        check_null (flag);
    flag is equal to '  '
    flag is null
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    alter session set events '10932 trace name context forever, level 16384';
        flag CHAR(2);
        PROCEDURE check_null (p_flag IN CHAR)
          IF p_flag = '  '
              dbms_output.put_line ('flag is equal to ''  ''');
            ELSIF p_flag IS NULL
                dbms_output.put_line ('flag is null');
              dbms_output.put_line ('other');
          END IF;
        flag := '';
        check_null (flag);
        flag := NULL;
        check_null (flag);
    flag is null
    flag is null
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  • Ping and Tracert return General Failure

    My PC resolves the hostname to the correct IP but my ping and tracert return error "General Failure." (and tracert immediately gives the error, indicating an issue with my machine).
    I tried using a fix that I found through google, the command 'netsh winsock reset' but that was to no avail. I almost thought it worked as I could access the site after the restart, but this was while my applications were still loading. I refresh the page
    and I get the Firefox cannot connect error.
    This leads me to believe there may be some kind of fault on my configuration somewhere but I have no anti-virus nor firewall application running though I have however used Spybot's Search and Destroy immunizer tool, which includes modification to my HOSTS
    file. Other than that I don't believe I have any application that could be causing an issue with site access.
    I am running Windows 7 Ultimate x64 with SP1.

    Firstly, please let me know which destination you tried to ping and tracert? Can you access this website using the IP address?
    Meanwhile, please try the following to test the issue:
    1. Register DNS via command on Windows 7:
        ipconfig /flushdns
    ipconfig /registerdns
    Reset hosts file
    3. Test the issue in
    Clean Boot mode to check whether this is a third party tool issue.
    Hope this helps.
    Vincent Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Distinguishing between empty string and null values

    hi all,
    I am using an ODBC connection to connect my java app to database using JDBCODBC driver. I have 2 columns 'aColumn' and 'bColumn' in my table, both allow null values. I have one row in it, which has null value in aColumn and empty string in bColumn. I retrieve this row's data and assign it to 2 columns : 'aColumnVar' and 'bColumnVar' respectively. I find out that both 'aColumnVar' and 'bColumnVar' variables has null values (although bColumnVar should has an empty string as its value). Now my ODBC connection Data Source has the option "Use ANSI nulls, paddings, and warnings" ON. I turn it off and try again. This time both 'aColumnVar' and 'bColumnVar' variables has empty string as values (although aColumnVar should has null as its value).
    How can I make sure that i can get the data exactly as it is in the database in my variables?

    there is a wasNull() method on ResultSet. After you
    have obtained the value of a column e.g. by calling a
    method like getString you can call wasNull and if it
    returns true then the value on the database is null.
    Check the java docs, it might explain it better
    et.html#wasNull()I am using MS SQL Server 7.0 under Windows NT 4.0 with JDK 1.2. My ODBC connection Data Source has to have the option "Use ANSI nulls, paddings, and warnings" ON.
    I try the wasNull() method but it is doing the same thing i.e. telling me that a column is null when in database it is null (right); and a column is null when in database it is an empty string (wrong). I suspect it is something to do with the JDBC-ODBC driver I am using.

  • Assigning value to picture in picture ring control

    i made a picture ring that contains 23 images. I'm measuring a real-time signal and want to assign (for example) picture 1 to measured-voltage-value of 0.5 V, picture 2 to 1 V, picture 3 to 1.5 Volts, etc.
    How do i do this?

    It all depends on your code structure.
    While evaluating my code please have in mind that I am a LV novice. Therefore sometimes my code might violate some coding rules that I have to learn about myself. But how else could I do that...
    Chart zoom with "Mouse Over" effect

  • How do I put strings, which I get during runtime, in a Ring-item? And how to open a Frontpanel of a SubVI by pushing a Button in the MainVI during runtime?

    I'm very new to LabVIEW and every day I learn such a lot about LabVIEW. I did not find any example according to my problem, but I don't know how to do the following :
    In the MainVI I read different strings from file in an array (In the example below I defined them as constants. The example only shows how the frontpanels should look like).
    During a loop I calculate different values, which will be written in an array, too, and in every loop the array of values will be overwritten with the new calculated values. (string[i] belongs to value[i])
    Now, by pushing the button 'sub' during runtime, I want to op
    en the Frontpanel of a SubVI, on which you see a Ring and a numeric Indicator. Now, I want to show the strings I read in the MainVI as items in the Ring-menu. If I choose one of the items (strings) in the Ring-menu during runtime, I want to show the accordant value, which was calculated in the MainVI, in the numeric Indicator, and in every loop the new calculated value should be shown in this Indicator automatically.
    So I have two questions:
    1. How do I put the strings into the Ring-menu during runtime?
    2. How to open a SubVI-Frontpanel during runtime, and how to pass the calculated values to it?
    Every answer I accept with thanks!
    main.vi ‏29 KB
    sub.vi ‏9 KB

    See the atttached vis :
    1/ Pass the string array to the sub-vi, then use a property node to replace the ring node strings
    2a/ From the subvi front panel window, rightclick on the icon, and select "Show connector". Define the connections
    2b/Set the sub vi properties (right click on the vi icon, select "VI properties... >> Window appearance..." go to "customize...", and checkmark the "Show front panel when called" item).
    3/ your main vi should run 2 separate loops in order to avoid that reading the data stops the aquisition process (if any !..), or the reverse situation.
    You should read the LV manual to find out how to create a sub-vi : there are a number a basic things to learn and to memorize...
    Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
             E-List Master - Kudos glutton - Press the yellow button on the left...        
    main.vi.zip ‏16 KB

  • Can I call a function from a dll in LabVIEW that returns:double*string and int.?

    I have a function from a dll that return a double* string and an integer. How can I call this function from LabVIEW? There is a possibility to work in LabVIEW with a double* string?

    pcbv wrote:
    > Hello all,<br><br>The header of the function is:
    > "HRESULT WRAPIEnumerateDevices(WRAPI_NDIS_DEVICE **ppDeviceList, long *plItems);"
    > where WRAPI_NDIS_DEVICE have this form:
    > typedef struct WRAPI_NDIS_DEVICE<br>{<br>
    > WCHAR *pDeviceName;<br>
    > WCHAR *pDeviceDescription;<br><br>}
    > WRAPI_NDIS_DEVICE;<br><br>
    > The function is from WRAPI.dll, used for communication with wireless card.
    > For my application I need to call in LabVIEW this function.
    Two difficulties I can see with this.
    First the application seems to allocate the array of references
    internally and return a pointer to that array. In that case there must
    be another function which then deallocates that array again.
    Then you would need to setup the function call to have a pointer to an
    int32 number for the deviceList parameter and another pointer to int32
    one for the plItems parameter.
    Then create another function in your DLL similar to this:
    HRESULT WRAPIEnumExtractDevice(WRAPI_NDIS_DEVICE *lpDeviceList, long i,
    CHAR lpszDeviceName, LONG lenDeviceName,
    CHAR lpszDeviceDesc, LONG lenDeviceDesc)
    if (!lpDeviceList)
    if (lpDeviceList[i].pDeviceName)
    WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0,
    pDeviceList[i].pDeviceName, -1,
    lpszDeviceName, lenDeviceName,
    NULL, NULL);
    if (lpDeviceList[i].pDeviceName)
    WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0,
    pDeviceList[i].pDeviceDescription, -1,
    lpszDeviceDesc, lenDeviceDesc,
    NULL, NULL);
    return NO_ERROR;
    Pass the int32 you got from the first parameter of the previous call as
    a simple int32 passed by value to this function (and make sure you don't
    call this function with a higher index than (plItems - 1) returned from
    the first function.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • Compare a string and a binary value

    I would like to compare two passwords encoded into two different's LDAP directory.
    For these two directories, I have not the same libraries, so that the encoded value of the first password returned is a String, and the second one is a binary.
    Could you tell me if it is possible to compare them?
    Thanks a lot!
    Best regards

    Hi dwg,
    in LDAP directories, there is no encryption. There is
    hash coding.
    The same method of hashcoding is used in the two
    directories, but we do not have (and we cannot)
    decode the data.
    We only have to compare the two hashcoded values.
    About the "binary", you are right. It is a byte
    How about this function:
    equals (<string parameter>, new String(<array
    parameter>, "UTF8"))
    do you think it is OK?
    Thanks for your help!So you have a hashcode from one directory, and a plaintext String from the other? In that case you have to hash the plain String and then compare the two hashes. You can't turn a hash back into a String, which you seemed to point out when you said "but we do not have (and we cannot) decode the data."

  • Calling Stored function and showing returned value on the UI screen

    I am calling a stored function by using the following steps mentioned as per the below link. The stored function returns a single scalar value
    Please verify if I am putting the code in the classes as required by the ADF framework.
    * 1) In class CustomApplicationModuleImpl extends ApplicationModuleImpl*
    // Some constants
    public static int NUMBER = Types.NUMERIC;
    public static int DATE = Types.DATE;
    public static int VARCHAR2 = Types.VARCHAR;
    protected Object callStoredFunction(int sqlReturnType, String stmt,
    Object[] bindVars) {
    CallableStatement st = null;
    try {
    // 1. Create a JDBC CallabledStatement
    st = getDBTransaction().createCallableStatement(
    "begin ? := "+stmt+";end;",0);
    // 2. Register the first bind variable for the return value
    st.registerOutParameter(1, sqlReturnType);
    if (bindVars != null) {
    // 3. Loop over values for the bind variables passed in, if any
    for (int z = 0; z < bindVars.length; z++) {
    // 4. Set the value of user-supplied bind vars in the stmt
    st.setObject(z + 2, bindVars[z]);
    // 5. Set the value of user-supplied bind vars in the stmt
    // 6. Return the value of the first bind variable
    return st.getObject(1);
    catch (SQLException e) {
    throw new JboException(e);
    finally {
    if (st != null) {
    try {
    // 7. Close the statement
    catch (SQLException e) {}
    With a helper method like this in place, calling the func_with_no_args procedure shown in Example 37-7 would look like this:
    *2) In class CustomServiceImpl extends CustomApplicationModuleImpl*
    public String callEnvironmentName(){
    return (String) callStoredFunction(VARCHAR2, "CAR_UTIL_PK.get_environment_name()", new Object[] {});
    3) If I have the first two steps correct, I was to display the value returned by method callEnvironmentName() with scalar values like (Development, Production etc) at the footer of each JSFX page. What is the flow I should follow, should I call callEnvironmentName() from some managed bean? Also I want to store it once on first call to some application variable and use that to populate the JSFX pages. Is there a working example. What is the best practice?
    Edited by: user5108636 on Apr 5, 2011 11:58 PM

    Hi John,
    Duplicate alerts are coming for BP_Confirmed as well as one custom event. Earlier I thought there is some issue with my custom event, but when it came for BP_Confirmed also, then i have a doubt something is wrong with the application.
    I have also checked that BP_Confirmed is being raised only once inside the method-BP_CONFIRM of class-cl_crmcmp_b_cucobupa_impl.
    raise event BPConfirmed
      CLASS cl_crm_ic_services DEFINITION LOAD.
      CREATE OBJECT event.
      event->set_name( if_crm_ic_events_con=>gc_bpconfirmed ).
      event_srv = cl_crm_ic_services=>get_event_srv_instance( ).
      event_srv->raise( event ).
    Are you aware of any other place from where this event is getting triggered?
    Thanks for your help!

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