Bug? Unable to add ActionListener using Anonymous class.

I come accross one strange behaviour while adding ActionListener to RCF component.
I am trying to add the ActionListener in the managed bean using the Anonymous.
We can add the actionListener to a button using following methods. I am talking about the the first case. Only this case is not working. Rest other 2 cases are working properly.
Case 1:
class MyClass {
     RichCommmandButton btnTest = new RichCommmandButton();
     public MyClass(){
          btnTest.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
               public void processAction(ActionEvent event){
Case 2:
class MyClass implements ActionListener {
     RichCommmandButton btnTest = new RichCommmandButton();
     public void processAction(ActionEvent event){
<af:button binding="#{myClassBean.btnTest}" actionListener="#{myClassBean.processAction}"/>
Case 3:
class MyClass implements ActionListener {
     RichCommmandButton btnTest = new RichCommmandButton();
     public void addActionLister(){
          //Use EL to add processAction(). Create MethodBinding
          FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
ExpressionFactory exprfactory = facesContext.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
          MethodExpression actionListener =
exprfactory.createMethodExpression(elContext, "#{myClassBean.processAction}", null, new Class[] { ActionEvent.class });
     public void processAction(ActionEvent event){
Java has provided good way to use the Anonymous classes while adding the listeners. It should work with the RCF also.
Some how i found the case 1 usefull, as i can have as many buttons in my screen and i can add the actionListener in one method. Also it is easy to read. I dont have to see the JSPX page to find the associated actionListener method.
Is it a bug or i am wrong at some point?
Any sujjestions are welcome.
- Sujay.

Hello Sujay,
As I said in my previous reply, you can try with request scope. In JSF you shouldn't use the binding attribute very often. I agree that anonymous class is nice, but don't forget that you might be dealing with client state saving here so it cannot be perfectly compared with Swing that maintains everything in RAM. What I think happens with you currently is the following:
1. Bean is created and the button instance as well. The ActionListener is added to the button;
2. The view is rendered and while it is, the binding attribute is evaluated, resulting in the get method of your bean being called;
3. Since the method returns something different than null, the button instance created in 1. get used in the component tree;
4. The tree's state is saved on the client, since your class isn't a StateHolder, nor Serializable, the StateManager doesn't know how to deal with it so it gets discarded from the saved state and maybe from the component itself (would have to debug the render view phase to be sure);
5. The postback request arrives, the tree is restored. When the handler reaches the button, it call the bean that returns the same instance that was used in the previous tree (since not request scoped), which is BAD because the remaining of the tree is not made of the same object instances, but rather new deserialized ones. The component then gets updated from the client state saved in 4, this might also be where the listener get removed (again debugging would tell you this, but I would tend more with the previous possibility). Note that with a request scoped bean you would have to add the listener during the first get method call (by checking if the component is null) or in the constructor as you're doing right now. It would be a very clean way and you could give the request bean (and thus the listener) access to the conversation scoped bean through injection which is very nice as well.
6. The invoke application phase occurs and the listener is no longer there.
Btw, this isn't a rich client issue, more a specification one. I'm curious if it works in a simple JSF RI application, if it does then I guess it would be a bug in Trinidad and/or rich client state handling architecture (using FacesBean).
~ Simon

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    the only time you would do the first one would be if you wanted several ActionListeners to do the EXACT SAME THING.
    Then you just write the "actionClass" one time, and have each Component use it.
    private class ActionClass implements ActionListener{
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                   //Random code.
    menuItem.addActionListener(new ActionClass());
    menuItem1.addActionListener(new ActionClass());
    menuItem2.addActionListener(new ActionClass());
    menuItem3.addActionListener(new ActionClass());But (as the other person mentioned) usually you use anonymous classes because each component has different actions.
    menuItem.addActionListener(new AbstractAction(){
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { ... }
    menuItem1.addActionListener(new AbstractAction(){
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { ... }
    menuItem2.addActionListener(new AbstractAction(){
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { ... }

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                   }//end method
              }//end action listener
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    Yeah, you shouldn't use anonymous classes like that; that's not the purpose of anonymous classes. If you really, really, want to use an anonymous class, you will have to use a initializer block, like this:
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        { // initializer block
            addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
                    // do something
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          return queue.isEmpty();
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       Runnable task;
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          task = null;
          synchronized(queue) {
             try {
                if(queue.isEmpty()) queue.wait();
                else task = (Runnable)queue.getNext();
             } catch(InterruptedException e) { break; }
          if(task != null) task.run();
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    * Implements a FIFO queue for storage and retrieval of objects.  This class
    * is not synchronized.
    public class Queue {
         /** circular buffer containing queued objects */
         protected Object[] queue;
         /** index of next object to be returned */
         protected int nextReturn;
         /** index in which to store next object inserted */
         protected int nextInsert;
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         queue = new Object[capacity];
         nextInsert = 0;
         nextReturn = 0;
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    public boolean isFull() { return(queue[nextInsert] != null); }
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         if(queue[nextInsert] == null) {
              queue[nextInsert] = obj;
              nextInsert %= queue.length;
         } else throw new QueueException();
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              queue[nextReturn] = null;
              nextReturn %= queue.length;
              return obj;
         } else throw new QueueException();
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    I can't explain why it happens, but I've seen this
    behaviour before. I found that it was to do with an
    inner class (WorkerThread in your code) having a
    private constructor - if I made my inner class
    constructor at least package (default) access, then
    the anonymous class was no longer created.
    The generated default constructor for a class has the
    same access modifier as the class, so in your example,
    the default constructor that the compiler generates is
    I suspect the problem will go away if you either:
    1. Remove the private modifier from the WorkerThread
    class declaration.
    2. Add a no-args constructor to the WorkerThread
    class, and don't specify an access modifier.Yes, the reason is the private constructor. After decompile using JAD, the reason seems to be: if a private inner class does not explicitly have any constructor, a default no-arguments private constructor is created, and seems this default constructor can't be accessed directly (in source code, it can). So, another no-private constructor (package accessible) is created automatically (with an argument of Object's type), and the
    new WorkThread();is actually like this:
    new WorkThread(null);
    private class WorkThread implements Runnable{
       private WorkThread(){}
       WorkThread(Object obj) {
    }and I would guess it's using anonymous class tech to achieve this like:
    new WorkThread(null) {
       WorkThread(Object obj){
    }The JLS should have specified this situation.

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       Class clazz = Class.forName(myClass);
                final Method method = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(requiredMethod, new Class[]{URL.class});
                final Object returned = method.invoke(clazz.newInstance(), new Object[]{request}); but, its really pain to use in this way in all the places.
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          FileChannel ic = new FileInputStream("new.jar").getChannel();
          FileChannel oc = new FileOutputStream("old.jar").getChannel();
          ic.transferTo(0, ic.size(), oc);
          oc.close();After this code is executed, our application totally uses the new jar file.It is little fast than using reflection. Is this a good idea?

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        appContextSite = new SP.AppContextSite(context, hostweburl);
        oWeb = appContextSite.get_web();
        oList = oWeb.get_lists().getByTitle('Documents');
        fileCreateInfo = new SP.FileCreationInformation();
        fileCreateInfo.set_content(new SP.Base64EncodedByteArray());
        fileContent = "<%@ Page Inherits=\"Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.TemplateRedirectionPage,Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c\" %> <%@ Reference VirtualPath=\"~TemplatePageUrl\"
    %> <%@ Reference VirtualPath=\"~masterurl/custom.master\" %>";
        for (var i = 0; i < fileContent.length; i++) {
        newFile = oList.get_rootFolder().get_files().add(fileCreateInfo);
        context.executeQueryAsync(function () {
        }, function (sender, args) {
            alert(args.get_message() + '\n' + args.get_stackTrace());
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    help is always appreciated.

    Your code works fine in both my on-premises and SharePoint Online. I have given the app full control, so I suspect this is a permissions issue. I would check your permissions on your appmanifest. Must be something to do with publishing permissions. Try
    giving full control and work the permissions down.
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    When i have give reference of my project jar to java callout it doen't found external libraries.
    Could you please tell me how to add external libraries in class path folder or How to use to add it through web-logic server ?

    Thanks, I have solved issue.
    We can add on following path in windows pc:
    One you add your external lib here then do restart weblogic server instance.
    Now, you have that external lib or jar in use.

  • [svn:bz-trunk] 8910: Bug: LCDS-936 - Should have better error message in servlet log if server in services-config .xml is configured to use wrong class.

    Revision: 8910
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-07-29 14:22:26 -0700 (Wed, 29 Jul 2009)
    Log Message:
    Bug: LCDS-936 - Should have better error message in servlet log if server in services-config.xml is configured to use wrong class.
    QA: Yes
    Doc: No
    Checkintests: Pass
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    After many hard working days.i finally found the error cause,i needed to make weblogic datasource also ADF doesnt work on internet explorer browser,it works on safary.hope it helps somebody

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    I have been unable to add an HP Photosmart C4480 printer to my existing printer list using a USB connection. Software seems to be available and thought I had downloaded it, but doesn't work. Any suggestions?

    Try deleting the printer, restarting, and trying software update again.
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    I posted a message on the "Songpop" support forum.At first they said this was a problem relating to my ISP.
    I have spoken to my ISP and asked if there are connection drops at the time I have been billed (ie to establish if my wifi dropped and 3G kicked in without my knowledge) and have been advised that there aren't any connection drops at that time.
    "Songpop" have now responded that "This is an issue to take up with Apple Support"  see: http://support.songpop.fm/songpop/topics/playing_songpop_on_phone_via_wifi_but_i ncurring_download_data_charges_for_3g_useage?utm_content=topic_link&utm_medium=e mail&utm_source=reply_notification
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