Bug with Solaris man page on dlsym

I hope someone at Sun working on Solaris is reading this. There are bugs in the Solaris 10 man page on dlsym - there are a couple of places that says "see the .". Apparently soemthing is missing. My version of man pages is "Last change: 26 Sep 2005".

The prototype of pthread_create() is correct on Solaris 10 man page (SunOS 5.10 Last change: 23 Mar 2005):
int pthread_create(pthread_t *restrict   thread,   const
pthread_attr_t *restrict         attr,         void
*(*start_routine)(void*), void *restrict arg);
But the prototype of pthread_cleanup_push() is correct on Solaris 10 man page (SunOS 5.10 Last change: 4 Oct 2005) is incorrect:
void pthread_cleanup_push(void (*handler, void *),void *arg);
I guess Sun simply has to check all the man pages of the pthread functions carefully one by one to make sure this error is fixed.

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    Last edited by zematis (2014-05-12 22:21:30)

    ayekat, thanks for the warm welcome!
    ayekat wrote:What article in the wiki?
    Here's the section in the Wiki I was referring to:
    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ma … vt-unicode
    karol wrote:Are you talking about using man pages before installing Arch or after installing but in the tty? Do you want to get the same colors in X?
    (I think) I was talking about the colors that the man pages are in the TTY. Specifically, my processes is:
    Boot up arch
    Login (X yet not started)
    Look at a man page - like the colors
    Startx - boot to window manager (i3)
    Look at a man page - want to change the colors
    That said, I liked the colors the man pages had before installing Arch quite a bit, and wouldn't object to learning what those are.
    ayekat wrote:Here you are changing how urxvt displays characters that are marked as underline, italic or bold; in particular you are changing their colours.
    The thing is, it won't only affect man pages viewed in urxvt, but everything.
    Makes sense
    ayekat wrote:As for changing the colour scheme of the manpage, you'll probably want to do it more properly, using the LESS_TERMCAP environment variables.
    I tried copying your format to my .bashrc and it worked great! So that's a win. Now I just need to figure out what the '\e[#;#;#m' numbers mean. I think I can probably handle that one on my own though. I found a resource here at:
    http://misc.flogisoft.com/bash/tip_colo … ng#colors2
    And it looks like it covers what I need to know.
    Thanks for your help!
    And honestly, at this point I think I can figure out what colorscheme I like given the info at hand. So I think we can call this one taken care of.
    If it interests anyone, I found a .sh script at the above link to display all 256 colors, then modified it to show the colors bolded, italicized etc. Here's the script:
    # This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
    # the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
    # and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
    # To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
    # http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details.
    for coltype in {0..8} ; do # Bold, Italic etc.
      for fgbg in 38 48 ; do #Foreground/Background
        for color in {0..256} ; do #Colors
          #Display the color
          echo -en "\e[(0${coltype});(${fgbg};5;${color}m ${color}\t\e[0m"
          #Display 10 colors per lines
          if [ $((($color + 1) % 10)) == 0 ] ; then
            echo #New line
        echo #New line
        echo #New line
      echo #New line
    exit 0

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    Chris Tidy

    It does sound like you're using "less" instead of more. When you see the "(END)" prompt you can simply type "q" and it will exit back to the command line prompt making it unnecessary to close the window. See the "less" manual page for more detail on the less command. Under Solaris 9 the paging was done with the "more" command. If you set the PAGER environment variiable to "more" the man page will use more and revert to the behavior you'd be used to with Solaris 9. Less erases the text you've already read when you type that final "q" which is a behavior I don't like. I didn't bother to determine if there is a way to fix that with less, I just went back to more. The choice between "more" and "less" is a personal preference.

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    sys(cd /usr/share/man; /usr/lib/sgml/sgml2roff /usr/share/man/sman1/man.1 > /tmp/sman_3827) fail!
    aborted (sorry)
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    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root bin 68016 Jan 9 2000 instant
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root bin 1366552 Jan 9 2000 nsgmls
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root bin 3183 Jan 6 2000 sgml2roff
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    with regards,
    Martijn de Munnik
    [email protected]

    Depending on how minimal your install was, you may not have installed the man pages.
    Take a look in /usr/share/man and see if you have the man pages installed, and if not, install them.

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    It's for C99. It has to do with pointer aliasing. See section D.1.2.1 of
    and section 3.8.2 of
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    the filesystem and bash packages need to be updated after the pacman 3.1 release
    if you want immediate results add
    UNSET MANPATH to your .bashrc
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  • KDE: Konqueror with man pages - also Firefox/Shiretoko styles

    I've only recently started using Arch.  Two weeks ago I installed, and so far all is going well, and I have to say that I'm very impressed with both the quality of this distribution and the thoroughness of the Wiki.
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    Section: File Formats and Conventions (5)
    ." make the size of the head bigger 
    \  ." make the size of the head bigger  \
    2) I'm using Firefox installed straight from the repository.  I next installed and used lxappearance appearance to change the style to the QTCurve style as suggested in the KDE Wiki page.  This works great, and Firefox looks more like a native KDE application right up until I log off.  When I log in, Firefox is back to looking like a foreign application again, and I have to run lxappearance again.  It only takes a few seconds, so it's an annoyance at worst, but it is somewhat annoying.  I have not tried switch2 or gtk-chtheme, perhaps I should?
    I can't believe I'm the first one to have these problems - but I've been searching and reading the Wiki as well as the general internet and haven't lucked onto anything for either problem.  I would really appreciate a link or hint pointing me in the proper direction for either or both of these problems.
    Thanks for any tips or links!
    Last edited by chrsprkr3 (2009-12-12 19:26:45)

    Er... my 's's have magically returned? But I have no idea why. I didn't even restart Firefox. (I'd already tried that and it made no difference.)
    Would really like to know why...
    EDIT: I still don't have 'm's etc. in code listings, though.
    Last edited by cfr (2012-03-26 00:58:19)

  • No man pages in solaris 9

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    Man pages are in SUNWman package. During Live Upgrade did you use Sol 9 CD 2 of 2 or did you quit after just using CD 1 of 2? Additionally, if your original Sol 8 install was "Core" or "End User" the man pages would not have been installed, by default, unless you added them later, so the LU may have seen that original was "Core" for example, and didn't load man pages.

  • Man pages in solaris 9

    I have installed solaris 9 by live upgrade from solaris 8 to solaris 9 . After installation i cannot find man pages . i installed the package SUNWdoc but still its not working . Any suggestion is greatly appreciated
    And also smc not working , any ideas .

    SUNWman seems to be the package containing the man pages:
    % pkgchk -l -p /usr/share/man/sman1/sh.1
    Pathname: /usr/share/man/sman1/sh.1
    Type: regular file
    Expected mode: 0444
    Expected owner: root
    Expected group: bin
    Expected file size (bytes): 86295
    Expected sum(1) of contents: 52036
    Expected last modification: Okt 19 00:48:12 2002
    Referenced by the following packages:
    Current status: installed

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    em74 wrote:
    These crashes are annoying as sh......
    I can well imagine that they are.
    I would backup, restore to factory settings, restore from the backup and then try again. If that fails, restore again but do not use the backup - restore as new. If the iPad functions OK as new, then slowly rebuild the iPad adding your apps, music etc, methodically to see if you can pin down what might be causing the problem.
    if all of that fails, it's time to schedule an appointment at an Apple a Store (must be done online) and have them take a look, or of it is lees than two weeks old, just return it for a refund and buy another one.

  • How do you change volume permissions with Solaris Volume Manager?

    (Previously posted in "Talk to the Sysop" - no replies)
    I'm trying to set up Solaris 9 to run Oracle on raw partitions. I have my design nailed down and I have built all the raw partitions I need as soft partitions on top of RAID 1 volumes. All this is built using Solaris Volume Manager (SVM).
    However, all the partitions are still owned by root. Before I can create my Oracle database, I need to change the owner of the Oracle partitions to oracle:oinstall. The only reference I found telling me how to do this was in a Sun Blueprint and it essentially said "You can't change volume permissions directly or permanently using SVM and chown will only remain effective until the next reboot. To make the changes permanent, you must modify /etc/minor_perm". Unfortunately, I can't find an example of how to do this anywhere and the online man pages are not particularly helpful (at least not to me).
    I'd appreciate a quick pointer, either to a good online resource or, even better, a simple example. For background, the volumes Oracle needs to own are:
    I provide this information because I'd like to assign some, but not all, of the devices under /dev/md/rdsk to the oracle user and I was hoping some smart person out there could illustrate an approach using simle regular expressions, at which I'm horribly poor.
    Thanks in advance,

    Ron, I feel your pain.  I just came from an HTC also and a lot of stuff with this iPhone is bugging the crap out of me.  Who makes a phone where you can't adjust the ringer and alert volumes independently?  Instead, I have to adjust the alert volume when it is active.  C'mon guys.  Get with the program.  You won a bunch of Android users over with the 4S, but you're going to chase us all back when we're done with our contract.  Frustrating.  

  • Libc/stdio bug in Solaris!?

    I was testing the following code using gcc + cc on Solaris 10 x86 & Solaris 8 sparc, both times it breaks. It breaks inside a call to fprintf. According to the man-pages I should not do a read after write without a flush/position change (which is done). I should not do a write after read without a position change or if the input reached the end of the file (which is the case here). So I assume that either I overlooked something or there is a subtle bug in the implementation stdio.
    Matthias Kretschmer
    The "bad guy":
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    main(int argc, char **argv)
    FILE *fp;
    int i, j, k;
    int values[37];
    char buf[256];
    /* initialize values to bullshit */
    for (i=0; i<37; i++)
    values[i] = rand() % 32;
    /* open file */
    if ((fp = fopen("test.txt", "a+")) == NULL) {
    /* loop to write and then read all */
    for (j=0; j<100; j++) {
    printf("j=%d\n", j);
    /* loop for writing all */
    for (i=0; i<10000; i++) {
    for (k=0; k<37; k++)
    if (fprintf(fp, " %d", values[k]) < 0) {
    if (fprintf(fp, "\n") < 0) {
    printf("write done\n");
    /* seek to beginning */
    if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
    printf("seek done\n");
    /* read in everything */
    while (fgets(buf, 256, fp) != NULL) ;
    /* with the following code it doesn't crash for me on Solaris */
    #if 0
    if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END) < 0) {
    printf("read done\n");

    Please try if the "printf("seek done\n");" line has been reached by adding an "fflush(stdout);" after that line - otherwise you will not get the message if the program crashes. (If the program crashes the data written by successful fprintf()s will also be gone.)
    Maybe the "fgets(buf, 256, fp)" is the problem because buf is 256 bytes long - but it must be 257 (258 ?) bytes long due to the trailing NUL byte.

Maybe you are looking for

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