Build a JTree from data

Hello everyone,
I have to build a JTree from a table data from database. The table structure is
(id,parent_id,name). In order to build the tree, I have to the following 2 loop searching for the parent_id
while (i<size){
//find it's parent_id
It is too slow! Can anyone help me?

You just add children to whatever the parent node is for that object.DefaultMutableTreeNode root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode();
child1 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode();
root.add( child1 );
grandChild = new DefaultMutableTreeNode();
child1.add( grandChild );
greatGrandChild = new DefaultMutableTreeNode();
grandChild.add( greatGrandChild );Etc.

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    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.tree.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class nodeRenderer extends DefaultTreeCellRenderer
                                       implements TreeCellRenderer
    public static Icon icon= null;
    public nodeRenderer() {
    icon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("icon.gif"));
    public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(
    JTree tree,
    Object value,
    boolean sel,
    boolean expanded,
    boolean leaf,
    int row,
    boolean hasFocus) {
    tree, value, sel,
    expanded, leaf, row,
    treeNode node = (treeNode)(((DefaultMutableTreeNode)value).getUserObject());
    if(icon != null) // set a custom icon
         return this;
    *this is the class to represent a node
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.tree.*;
    import java.util.*;
    * Class used to hold information about a web site that has
    * been searched by the spider class
    public class treeNode
    *Url from the WebSpiderController Class
    *that is currently being processed
    public String msg;
    treeNode(String urlText)
         msg = urlText;
    String getUrlText()
         return msg;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.tree.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class gui extends JFrame implements Runnable
         *declare variable, boolean
         *thread, a object and a center
         protected URL urlInput;
         protected Thread bgThread;
         protected boolean run = false;
         protected WebSpider webSpider;
         public gui()
              *create the gui here
              setTitle("Testing Tool");
         //add Buttons to the tool bar
         ButtonListener startListener = new ButtonListener();
         ButtonListener cancelListener = new ButtonListener();
         ButtonListener closeListener = new ButtonListener();
              //creat a simple form
              urlLabel.setText("Enter URL:");
              current.setText("Currently Processing: ");
         //add scroll bars to the error messages screen and website structure
         //create the tabbed window           
    centerPane.setBorder(new javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder());
    centerPane.addTab("Search Parameters", formTab);
    centerPane.addTab("Error Messages", errorTab);
    centerPane.addTab("Website Structure", treeTab);
              //add the tool bar and tabbed pane
              getContentPane().add(toolBar, java.awt.BorderLayout.NORTH);
    getContentPane().add(centerPane, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);                    
              *create the tool bar pane, a center pane, add the buttons,
              *labels, tabs, a text field for user input here
              javax.swing.JPanel toolBar = new javax.swing.JPanel();
              javax.swing.JButton start = new javax.swing.JButton();
              javax.swing.JButton cancel = new javax.swing.JButton();
              javax.swing.JButton close = new javax.swing.JButton();      
              javax.swing.JTabbedPane centerPane = new javax.swing.JTabbedPane();
              javax.swing.JPanel formTab = new javax.swing.JPanel();
              javax.swing.JLabel urlLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
              javax.swing.JLabel current = new javax.swing.JLabel();
              javax.swing.JTextField url = new javax.swing.JTextField();
              javax.swing.JPanel errorTab = new javax.swing.JPanel();
              javax.swing.JTextArea errorText = new javax.swing.JTextArea();
              javax.swing.JScrollPane errorPane = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
              javax.swing.JPanel treeTab = new javax.swing.JPanel();
              javax.swing.JTextArea treeText = new javax.swing.JTextArea();
              javax.swing.JScrollPane treePane = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
              javax.swing.JTree searchTree = new javax.swing.JTree();
              *show the gui
              public static void main(String args[])
              (new gui()).setVisible(true);
         *listen for the button presses and set the
         *boolean flag depending on which button is pressed
         class ButtonListener implements ActionListener
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                   Object object = event.getSource();
                   if (object == start)
                        run = true;
                   if (object == cancel)
                        run = false;
                   if (object == close)
         *this method is called when the start or
         *cancel button is pressed.
         void startActionPerformed (ActionEvent event)
              if (run == true && bgThread == null)
                   bgThread = new Thread(this);
              if (run == false && bgThread != null)
         *this mehtod will start the background thred.
         *the background thread is required so that the
         *GUI is still displayed
         public void run()
                   webSpider = new WebSpider(this);
                   urlInput = new URL(url.getText());
              catch (MalformedURLException e)
                   addressError addErr = new addressError();
                   addErr.addMsg = "URL ERROR - PLEASE CHECK";
              *this method is called by the web spider
              *once a url is found. Validation of navigation
              *happens here.
              public boolean urlFound(URL urlInput,URL url)
                   CurrentlyProcessing pro = new CurrentlyProcessing();
              pro.msg = url.toString();
              if (!testLink(url))
                        navigationError navErr = new navigationError();
                        navErr.navMsg = "Broken Link "+url+" caused on "+urlInput+"\n";
                        return false;
              if (!url.getHost().equalsIgnoreCase(urlInput.getHost()))
                   return false;
                   return true;
              *this method is called internally to check
         *that a link works
              protected boolean testLink(URL url)
                   URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
                   return true;
              catch (IOException e)
                   return false;
         *this method is called when an error is
              public void URLError(URL url)
              *this method is called when an email
              *address is found
              public void emailFound(String email)
              /*this method will update any errors found inc
              *address errors and broken links
              class addressError implements Runnable
                   public String addMsg;
                   public void run()
                        current.setText("Currently Processing: "+ addMsg);
              class navigationError implements Runnable
                   public String navMsg;
                   public void run()
              *this method will update the currently
              *processing field on the GUI
              class CurrentlyProcessing implements Runnable
              public String msg;
              public void run()
                   current.setText("Currently Processing: " + msg );
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import javax.swing.text.html.*;
    import javax.swing.tree.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    *this class implements the spider.
    public class WebSpider extends HTMLEditorKit
         *make a collection of the URL's
         protected Collection urlErrors = new ArrayList(3);
         protected Collection urlsWaiting = new ArrayList(3);
         protected Collection urlsProcessed = new ArrayList(3);
         //report URL's to this class
         protected gui report;
         *this flag will indicate whether the process
         *is to be cancelled
         protected boolean cancel = false;
         *The constructor
         *report the urls to the wui class
         public WebSpider(gui report) = report;
         *get the urls from the above declared
         public Collection getUrlErrors()
         return urlErrors;
         public Collection getUrlsWaiting()
         return urlsWaiting;
         public Collection getUrlsProcessed()
         return urlsProcessed;
         * Clear all of the collections.
         public void clear()
         *Set a flag that will cause the begin
         *method to return before it is done.
         public void cancel()
         cancel = true;
         *add the entered url for porcessing
         public void addURL(URL url)
         if (getUrlsWaiting().contains(url))
         if (getUrlErrors().contains(url))
         if (getUrlsProcessed().contains(url))
         /*WRITE TO LOG FILE*/
         log("Adding to workload: " + url );
         *process a url
         public void processURL(URL url)
              /*WRITE TO LOGFILE*/
              log("Processing: " + url );
              // get the URL's contents
              URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
              if ((connection.getContentType()!=null) &&
              log("Not processing because content type is: " +
         connection.getContentType() );
         // read the URL
         InputStream is = connection.getInputStream();
         Reader r = new InputStreamReader(is);
         // parse the URL
         HTMLEditorKit.Parser parse = new HTMLParse().getParser();
         parse.parse(r,new Parser(url),true);
    catch (IOException e)
         log("Error: " + url );
    // mark URL as complete
    log("Complete: " + url );
    *start the spider
    public void run()
    cancel = false;
    while (!getUrlsWaiting().isEmpty() && !cancel)
         Object list[] = getUrlsWaiting().toArray();
         for (int i=0;(i<list.length)&&!cancel;i++)
    * A HTML parser callback used by this class to detect links
    protected class Parser extends HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback
    protected URL urlInput;
    public Parser(URL urlInput)
    this.urlInput = urlInput;
    public void handleSimpleTag(HTML.Tag t,MutableAttributeSet a,int pos)
    String href = (String)a.getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.HREF);
    if((href==null) && (t==HTML.Tag.FRAME))
    href = (String)a.getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.SRC);
    if (href==null)
    int i = href.indexOf('#');
    if (i!=-1)
    href = href.substring(0,i);
    if (href.toLowerCase().startsWith("mailto:"))
    public void handleStartTag(HTML.Tag t,MutableAttributeSet a,int pos)
    handleSimpleTag(t,a,pos); // handle the same way
    protected void handleLink(URL urlInput,String str)
         URL url = new URL(urlInput,str);
    if (report.urlFound(urlInput,url))
    catch (MalformedURLException e)
    log("Found malformed URL: " + str);
    *log the information of the spider
    public void log(String entry)
    System.out.println( (new Date()) + ":" + entry );
    I have a seperate class for parseing the HTML. Any help would be greatly appreciated

    Hi Sorry to be a pain again,
    I have re worked the gui class so it looks like this now:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.tree.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class gui extends JFrame implements Runnable
         *declare variable, boolean
         *thread, a object and a center
         protected URL urlInput;
         protected Thread bgThread;
         protected boolean run = false;
         protected WebSpider webSpider;
         public String msgInfo;
         public String brokenUrl;
         public String goodUrl;
         public String deadUrl;
         protected DefaultMutableTreeNode rootNode;
    protected DefaultTreeModel treeModel;
         public gui()
              *create the gui here
              setTitle("Testing Tool");
         //add Buttons to the tool bar
         ButtonListener startListener = new ButtonListener();
         ButtonListener cancelListener = new ButtonListener();
         ButtonListener closeListener = new ButtonListener();
              //creat a simple form
              urlLabel.setText("Enter URL:");
              current.setText("Currently Processing: ");
         //add scroll bars to the error messages screen and website structure
         // NEW CODE
         rootNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Root Node");
         treeModel = new DefaultTreeModel(rootNode);
         treeModel.addTreeModelListener(new MyTreeModelListener());
         tree = new JTree(treeModel);
         //create the tabbed window           
    centerPane.setBorder(new javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder());
    centerPane.addTab("Search Parameters", formTab);
    centerPane.addTab("Error Messages", errorTab);
    centerPane.addTab("Website Structure", treeTab);
              //add the tool bar and tabbed pane
              getContentPane().add(toolBar, java.awt.BorderLayout.NORTH);
    getContentPane().add(centerPane, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);     
              *create the tool bar pane, a center pane, add the buttons,
              *labels, tabs, a text field for user input here
              javax.swing.JPanel toolBar = new javax.swing.JPanel();
              javax.swing.JButton start = new javax.swing.JButton();
              javax.swing.JButton cancel = new javax.swing.JButton();
              javax.swing.JButton close = new javax.swing.JButton();      
              javax.swing.JTabbedPane centerPane = new javax.swing.JTabbedPane();
              javax.swing.JPanel formTab = new javax.swing.JPanel();
              javax.swing.JLabel urlLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
              javax.swing.JLabel current = new javax.swing.JLabel();
              javax.swing.JTextField url = new javax.swing.JTextField();
              javax.swing.JPanel errorTab = new javax.swing.JPanel();
              javax.swing.JTextArea errorText = new javax.swing.JTextArea();
              javax.swing.JScrollPane errorPane = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
              javax.swing.JPanel treeTab = new javax.swing.JPanel();
              javax.swing.JTextArea treeText = new javax.swing.JTextArea();
              javax.swing.JScrollPane treePane = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
              javax.swing.JTree tree = new javax.swing.JTree();
              *show the gui
              public static void main(String args[])
              (new gui()).setVisible(true);
         *listen for the button presses and set the
         *boolean flag depending on which button is pressed
         class ButtonListener implements ActionListener
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                   Object object = event.getSource();
                   if (object == start)
                        run = true;
                   if (object == cancel)
                        run = false;
                   if (object == close)
         *this method is called when the start or
         *cancel button is pressed.
         void startActionPerformed (ActionEvent event)
              if (run == true && bgThread == null)
                   bgThread = new Thread(this);
                   //new line of code
              if (run == false && bgThread != null)
         *this mehtod will start the background thred.
         *the background thread is required so that the
         *GUI is still displayed
         public void run()
                   webSpider = new WebSpider(this);
                   urlInput = new URL(url.getText());
                   bgThread = null;
              catch (MalformedURLException e)
                   addressError addErr = new addressError();
                   addErr.addMsg = "URL ERROR - PLEASE CHECK";
              *this method is called by the web spider
              *once a url is found. Validation of navigation
              *happens here.
              public boolean urlFound(URL urlInput,URL url)
                   CurrentlyProcessing pro = new CurrentlyProcessing();
              pro.msg = url.toString();
              if (!testLink(url))
                        navigationError navErr = new navigationError();
                        navErr.navMsg = "Broken Link "+url+" caused on "+urlInput+"\n";
                        brokenUrl = url.toString();
                        return false;
              if (!url.getHost().equalsIgnoreCase(urlInput.getHost()))
                   return false;
                   return true;
              *this method is returned if there is no link
              *on a web page, e.g. there us a dead end
              public void urlNotFound(URL urlInput)
                        deadEnd dEnd = new deadEnd();
                        dEnd.dEMsg = "No links on "+urlInput+"\n";
                        deadUrl = urlInput.toString();               
              *this method is called internally to check
         *that a link works
              protected boolean testLink(URL url)
                   URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
                   goodUrl = url.toString();
                   return true;
              catch (IOException e)
                   return false;
         *this method is called when an error is
              public void urlError(URL url)
              *this method is called when an email
              *address is found
              public void emailFound(String email)
              /*this method will update any errors found inc
              *address errors and broken links
              class addressError implements Runnable
                   public String addMsg;
                   public void run()
                        current.setText("Currently Processing: "+ addMsg);
              class navigationError implements Runnable
                   public String navMsg;
                   public void run()
              class deadEnd implements Runnable
                   public String dEMsg;
                   public void run()
              *this method will update the currently
              *processing field on the GUI
              public class CurrentlyProcessing implements Runnable
                   public String msg;
              //new line
              public String msgInfo = msg;
              public void run()
                   current.setText("Currently Processing: " + msg );
         * NEW CODE
         * treeText.addObject(msgInfo);
         public DefaultMutableTreeNode addObject(Object child)
         DefaultMutableTreeNode parentNode = null;
         TreePath parentPath = tree.getSelectionPath();
         if (parentPath == null)
         parentNode = rootNode;
         parentNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)
         return addObject(parentNode, child, true);
         public DefaultMutableTreeNode addObject(DefaultMutableTreeNode parent,
    Object child)
         return addObject(parent, child, false);
         public DefaultMutableTreeNode addObject(DefaultMutableTreeNode parent,
         Object child,boolean shouldBeVisible)
         DefaultMutableTreeNode childNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(child);
         if (parent == null)
         parent = rootNode;
         treeModel.insertNodeInto(childNode, parent, parent.getChildCount());
         if (shouldBeVisible)
         tree.scrollPathToVisible(new TreePath(childNode.getPath()));
              return childNode;
         public class MyTreeModelListener implements TreeModelListener
              public void treeNodesChanged (TreeModelEvent e)
                   DefaultMutableTreeNode node;
                   node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)
                        int index = e.getChildIndices()[0];
                        node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)
                   catch (NullPointerException exc)
              public void treeNodesInserted(TreeModelEvent e)
              public void treeStructureChanged(TreeModelEvent e)
              public void treeNodesRemoved(TreeModelEvent e)
    I beleive that this line of code is required:
    I have placed it where the action events start the spider, but i keep getting this error:
    cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : method addObject (java.lang.String)
    location: class javax.swing.JTextArea
    Also the jtree is not showing the window that I want it to and I am not too sure why. could you have a look to see why? i think it needs a fresh pair of eyes.
    Many thanks

  • Creating dynamically JTree from database values

    I have a local database with some node values. I receive these values from database as a String[].
    short example:
    String[] Values = {"mainNode","Processors","mainNode","RAM","mainNode","Monitors",
    "Kingston","400MHz","Kingston","433MHz"}First value is higher node, second is a child.
    I'd like to produce dynamically JTree from Values[] like below:
    |----MonitorsI can't build up any working and fast solution :(
    Can anyone help me ?
    Please for any advices (samples) which will help me to apply it.
    Dearly regards!

    This is a relatively straight forward task but it smacks of being homework so unless you post what you have already done you are unlikely to be given any code.
    As a hint -
    Go through the data creating a Map between the parent value and a child DefaultMutableTreeNode which contains as user object the child String.
    When you extract a parent String from the data lookup the parent DefaultMutableTreeNode in the map and add the child DefaultMutableTreeNode to the parent DefaultMutableTreeNode.
    Note - All the map is doing is giving you a quick way of looking up a DefaultMutableTreeNode given a parent name.
    Note - that your tree will have problems if the same value appears in two or more branches!

  • Create JTree from XML

    hi. I have created a simple XML file which contains a hierarchical structure of strings.
    Also, I have created a SAXParser to read from the xml.
    But I don't know how to put this structure in a JTree.
    I don't want the tree to appear on my screen. I just want to access certain nodes at different times.
    Any help?

    If it's not to display it, you certainly don't need a JTree to store your data.
    Maybe you need to use a DOMParser instead but that shouldn't prevent you from building a more appropriate data model.

  • Report Generation - Build an exe from a PC with different Office Version

     I want to build an exe from a VI that uses Report Generation Toolkit. The application has to be deployed on several PCs that use Office 2000. During development phase I installed on my PC, Office 2000 and everything was ok. After I was done with it, I reinstalled Office 2007. So, the Report Generation Toolkit from my PC is for Office 2000 (it was installed when I had Office 2000 on my PC).
     These days I had to fix some bugs from my application, I made a new exe but the part that generates Word reports (using RGT) is not working anymore - I received that error with -35...9935 (or something like this).
     I tried to search for the problem and I found it: with exactly the same VI's (_Word Dynamic - for Office 2000) the invoke nodes from a PC with Office 2007 and a PC Office 2000 look different. For example in, the invoke node Document is different for a PC with Office 2000 + RGT for 2000 and a PC with Office 2007 + RGT for Office 2000 (no mistake).
     So, I've tried to copy the VI's from a PC with Office 2000 + RGT 2000 to my PC but I cannot build it because I get the error: There are some errors in _Word Dynamic (the invoke nodes do not fit).
    Finally my question is: How can I build the exe on my PC: Office 2007 but with RGT for Office 2000??
    Go to Solution.

    Thank you for your advice. Can you please tell me what you want to say with the wrapper vi? I don't really understand what you mean.
    By the way, I solved the problem. I discovered that the Invoke Nodes are updated based on the Object Library for the ActiveX control (in this case the MS Office). The data types are store in the msword9.olb (version 9 - for office 2000 in Office folder) and msword.olb (version 12 - for office 2007 also in Office folder). I tried to register the msword9.olb (using the regsvr32.exe) but it doesn't work for olb files - I need the ocx or dll. But, if I replace the msword.olb from Office 2007 with msword9.olb from Office 2000 everything work.
    Ok, steps that have to be done:
    1. Install the RGT for Office 2000 on the PC
    2. DO NOT Change anything in _Word_Dynamic When Office 2007 is installed the VI arrow should be broken (error in VI)
    3. Copy the msword9.olb from a system with Office 2000 (or your version) and copy it to your system with Office 2007 with the new name msword.olb. DO NOT FORGET to make a backup of the original MS Office 2007 file and to restore it at the end.
    4. After the new msword.olb is there, the _Word_Dynamic should have no error
    5. Build your exe application
    6. Restore the old msword.olb
    7. ENJOY your life !
    I hope this is useful also for somebody else.

  • List Builder only shows 1 data set at a time

    Am attempting to get a list builder to display multiple data sets but am hitting a wall.  When a 1st data set is selected then all OK.  Add 2nd data set and update list and only 1st is shown.  Remove 1st and update and data is refreshed to 2nd list.  Add 3rd and repeats itself and so on.  Looks like all OK based on the sample but built from scratch and think missing something simple in the destination range (although appears fine).  thoughts?

    Can you describe this in more detail? 
    How are your datasets defined in your excel model and how are your target cells formatted?
    How are you trying to display the two resultsets in list builder in the first place?  The cell range has to be contiguous for list builder to work.

  • Create printouts from data submitted in a form.

    Long story short:
    I'm looking to set up a system that automatically creates a document from data submitted in a form. So imagine I type "Jason" in the name field, "Orangutans" in the favorite animal field, and when I click print I'm presented with an A4/Letter document that says "my name is Jason and I love Orangutans" and the background is covered in cute orange apes. Where do I start?
    Long story long:
    I work at a computer store and due to my experience with Adobe products* I've been tasked with creating all the signage in the store. I've been doing all the signs for a year now and now we have a bunch of different signs that need printing every day. The most in-depth and time-consuming ones for me are signs for Trade-In computers. Unlike new computers, the specs are always different based on the particular model we buyback from the client. There are all kinds of fields that are different in each case.
    As it stands, I have an illustrator file with all the information in the right place, and when a computer comes in I take all the specs, fill in the right boxes and unhide the image layer so I get an image of the corresponding model on my document. This takes considerable time, and means the process is specific to me, i.e if I'm not in the store, the computers don't get put up for sale beacuse we can't add a spec/price sheet.
    What I want to do is automate the process so that anyone in the store can make these signs. All they will have to do is fill in a form (online or locally) that asks for model, year, RAM, HDD, etc**. Then when they click submit it returns a completed sign that they can print and put up next to the computer.
    I'm not entirely sure how to accomplish this. I've looked at Adobe's free online FormCreater***, and I like the simple data output that it creates. However, I'm uncertain as to my next steps. I imagine I'll need it to send the results to a computer with blank templates for the Trade-In computers. It would then need to populate the applicable fields and automate all the work I usually do.
    Where should I start? I'm willing to learn anything to get this working.
    *Illustrator, Photoshop, Flash, inDesign
    **Total of ~18 text and 4 image fields need to be changed per sign.

    I'm willing to learn anything to get this working.
    Excellent! Right attitude.
    Where should I start?
    With my favorite "graphics program": FileMaker Pro. (Yep. My favorite graphics-project tool is a relational database program.)
    You see, you've discovered something that graphics people are discovering with increasing frequency all the time: Your project is not a graphics problem. It's a data problem.
    Note how little of your problem has to do with graphics. Emphasis mine:
    ...we have a bunch of different signs that need printing every day.
    the specs are always different based on the particular model
    automate the process so that anyone in the store can make these signs
    All they will have to do is fill in a form (online or locally)
    an image of the corresponding model
    See if this scenario sounds appealing:
    You have on your computer a single file, named TradeIns. You or one of your authorized users doubleClick it. It opens to a nicely organized form that is completely self-explanatory; requires absolutely no training to use.
    It's completely idiot proof. The user doesn't have to know anything about any graphics program. He can't break anything.
    Consistency is maintained because everything that can be automated is. Dependency intelligence is built in. Popup menus limit data entries to legitimate choices (ex: Models). Subsequent data entry choices are automatically filtered based on data already entered (ex: RAM configurations limited to those possible for Model). User prompts and hints (highlighting, event-driven messages, tooltips, data validation, etc.) make sure that all required information is entered.
    When the data entry is done, the user clicks a button labeled Print Preview: A3 Poster. The display automatically changes to a pre-defined A3 formatted layout with all the data graphically styled (Headline, descriptive blurb, bullet list of features, price, etc., etc.), the company logo and contact info in place, and a graphic of the appropriate model appears in the background. The user clicks a button labeled Print Poster. Next to it, by the way, is a button labeled Email Poster To...
    If you want, you can enable up to five people concurrently to access and interact with the solution in their web browsers from anywhere. So the data entry can be performed by staff members who logon (according to access priviledges you define and control down to the individual field level if need be) in the office, from home, or even on their iPhone. Multiple users can enter/edit data at the same time.
    It's 2:00 Tuesday when Customer leaves with his new machine. You clean up his trade-in a little; put it on the display shelf. Pull out your iPhone and take a photo of it. Tap the specs in. The data, including the photo, are simultaneously entered into the database. You lock the door and go home at 5:00, confident that a formatted sales flier of "Just Arrived" trade-ins will be automatically emailed to your mail list before you get home.
    You, having admin priviledges, can add to, alter, elaborate upon the functionality (ex; add an automatic price calculator) anytime you need, with no downtime on the system.
    How difficult, time-consuming is this?
    Once the requirement details are nailed down, and the raw beginning data for populating values lists is provided, an intermediate level FileMaker developer could build the above-described solution and have it up and running, ready for data entry, in less than a day, easy.
    Cost? $500 for one copy of FileMaker Pro Advanced. That's it. (And...*achem*'s not rented; it's a normal perpetual license.) And with it you can build an unlimited number of other data-driven solutions for your business. You can even bind them as fully-functional standalone applications which you can distribute without royalties.
    Based on what you've described so far, the solution's starting data schema would be very simple:
    Create a new database with three related tables:
    Trade Ins
    The fields for each table would be something like this:
    Model ID (primary key; text; unique)
    Model Name (text)
    Brand (text)
    Image (container)
    Trade Ins
    Trade In ID (primary key; text; computer's serial number)
    Model ID (foreign key; text; value list)
    Spec ID (auto-enter serial number)
    Model ID (foreign key)
    Trade In ID (foreign key)
    Spec Name (value list)
    Description (text)
    You'd have two Layouts (screens): Data Entry and A3 Poster. You could build as many additional Layouts to display whatever combinations of the data you want for as many purposes as you may encounter. Export to PDFs or Excel spreadsheets any time. Build automated reports with live graphs, use conditional formatting, automate with scripts, etc., etc.
    Marvelous program. Every business should have it.

  • Error when  building a report from 2 different subject areas

    Hello Experts,
    I am using obiee
    I have 5 dimension D1,D2,D3,D4,D5 connected to fact1 and 4 dimension connected to fact2 such as D1,D2,D6,D7.
    where D1,D2 is common to both the facts.
    Fact1 Is in subject area 1 and Fact2 is in subject area2.
    I need to create a report by adding columns of  subject area 1 and 2 with columns from all the dimensions D1,D2....D7.
    As of now i am getting error stating "No fact table exists at the requested level of detail " when i try to add columns from 2 different subject areas.
    Can anyone help me in solving the above problem.
    Is there any prerequisite to be taken care when  building a report from 2 different subject areas.

    Hello Nagireddy,
    So kind of you, for your quick reply
    I was able to solve the error by doing below steps in additional what you have specified
    -->For the fact table LTSs, set the logical level in the Content tab to the dimension's lowest level for each conforming dimension (leave the non-conforming dimensions level blank).
    Now I have another requirement i,e
    I need to have non measure columns such as Date into the newly created fact in BMM layer.
    I tried doing the steps which I followed for measure column, but it is throwing the same error which I get earlier.
    Below is the error
    Error Codes: OPR4ONWY:U9IM8TAC:OI2DL65P
    State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 43113] Message returned from OBIS. [nQSError: 43119] Query Failed: [nQSError: 14025] No fact table exists at the requested level of detail:
    Let me know if have any suggestions

  • Disallowed implicit conversion from data type datetime to data type timestamp

    Received error: [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC
    Driver][SQLServer]Disallowed implicit conversion from data type
    datetime to data type timestamp, table 'myTbl', column 'duration'.
    Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
    I have a field named duration hh:mm:ss.lll that I am trying
    to insert into MS SQL. DB has field defined as [duration]
    [timestamp] NOT NULL,
    My insert has this: INSERT INTO myTbl( duration) VALUES(
    <cfqueryparam value="2006-05-26 11:12:13"
    cfsqltype="CF_SQL_TIMESTAMP"/> )
    Why does this not work? rrrrrrrrrrrrrr! BTW: also tried with
    seconds as 13.111 which did not work. Does the db duration need to
    be date? I just want to store a duration for the time of a movie...
    10 Q

    Originally posted by:
    Received error: [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC
    Driver][SQLServer]Disallowed implicit conversion from data type
    datetime to data type timestamp, table 'myTbl', column 'duration'.
    Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
    I have a field named duration hh:mm:ss.lll that I am trying
    to insert into MS SQL. DB has field defined as [duration]
    [timestamp] NOT NULL,
    My insert has this: INSERT INTO myTbl( duration) VALUES(
    <cfqueryparam value="2006-05-26 11:12:13"
    cfsqltype="CF_SQL_TIMESTAMP"/> )
    Why does this not work? rrrrrrrrrrrrrr! BTW: also tried with
    seconds as 13.111 which did not work. Does the db duration need to
    be date? I just want to store a duration for the time of a movie...
    10 Q
    Duration as a timestamp? How odd, most people would store it
    as an integer. Or, if you want to build your own string, the syntax
    is {ts 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'}. The seconds might not be required.
    In any event, use createodbcdatetime() for the value you want
    to put into your table.

  • JTree from root

    If a TreeNode has been set as the root of a JTree, is there any method that will recover the JTree from the TreeNode (other than just coding the info into the program's data when you set the node as root)?

    I managed to come up with a pair of jtree/node classes that do what I want, e.g. node.addNotify(newChild) causes the jtree display to update; I think this is better than node.add(newChild);<something update the jtree display> on the basis that `an intelligent object moves complexity from the many to the few'(Cline & Lomow _C++ FAQS+ p 42).  I'm just surprised that this isn't made easier to do.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Re: Printer connection to hub

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