Build dialog user interface

Hi all,
I'm building my first UI with javascript and Indesign.
Unfortunatly, I don't understand how to align the static text label with the editext label…
My goal is to align the labelBitmap, limitBitmap. The result have to look like this: "limite image bitmap 1200 dpi" on 1 ligne.
Can someone help me?
Thanks you for your answer.
I use the following code:
function createDialog() {
          var myArray = [];
     var myListBoxBounds = [0, 0, 564, 160];
          if (app.extractLabel("KasIgnoredFolders") != "") {
                    myArray = app.extractLabel("KasIgnoredFolders").split(",");
          var dlg = new Window("dialog", "réduction d'images");
          dlg.orientation = 'column';
          dlg.alignChildren = 'top';
          dlg.btnPnl = dlg.add('panel', undefined, "images ignorées");
          dlg.btnPnl.orientation = 'column';
          dlg.btnPnl.helpTip = "ajouté une image si vous ne souhaitez pas qu'elle soit prise en compte par ce script";
          dlg.btnPnl.listBox = dlg.btnPnl.add('listbox', undefined, myArray, {multiselect:true});
          dlg.btnPnl.listBox.bounds = myListBoxBounds;
          dlg.btnPnl.grp = dlg.btnPnl.add('group');
          dlg.btnPnl.grp.orientation = 'row';
          dlg.btnPnl.grp.addBtn = dlg.btnPnl.grp.add('button', undefined, "ajouter image");
          dlg.btnPnl.grp.addBtn.helpTip = "ajouter une image à la liste";
          dlg.btnPnl.grp.removeBtn = dlg.btnPnl.grp.add('button', undefined, "supprimer image");
          dlg.btnPnl.grp.removeBtn.helpTip = "supprimer l'image sélectionnée de la liste";
          dlg.btnPnl.grp.remAllBtn = dlg.btnPnl.grp.add('button', undefined, "supprimer toutes");
          dlg.btnPnl.grp.remAllBtn.helpTip = "supprimer toutes les images de la liste";
          dlg.grp = dlg.add('panel', undefined, "réglages");
    dlg.grp.orientation = 'row';
          dlg.grp.subGrp = dlg.grp.add('group');
          dlg.grp.subGrp.radioPanel_left = dlg.grp.subGrp.add('panel', undefined, "sous-échantillonnage");
          dlg.grp.subGrp.radioPanel_left.alignment = 'left';
          dlg.grp.subGrp.radioPanel_left.alignChildren = 'left';
    dlg.grp.subGrp.radioPanel_left.rad1 = dlg.grp.subGrp.radioPanel_left.add('radiobutton', undefined, "activé");
          dlg.grp.subGrp.radioPanel_left.rad2 = dlg.grp.subGrp.radioPanel_left.add('radiobutton', undefined, "désactivé");
          dlg.grp.subGrp2 = dlg.grp.add('group');
          dlg.grp.subGrp2.radioPanel = dlg.grp.subGrp2.add('panel', undefined, "sur-échantillonnage");
          dlg.grp.subGrp2.radioPanel.alignment = 'right';
          dlg.grp.subGrp2.radioPanel.alignChildren = 'left';
    dlg.grp.subGrp2.radioPanel.rad3 = dlg.grp.subGrp2.radioPanel.add('radiobutton', undefined, "activé");
          dlg.grp.subGrp2.radioPanel.rad4 = dlg.grp.subGrp2.radioPanel.add('radiobutton', undefined, "désactivé");
    //-----------------------limit text box------------------------------ here is the problem ---------------------------
    dlg.grp.subGrp2.radioPanel.labelBitmap = dlg.grp.subGrp2.radioPanel.add('statictext', undefined, 'limite image bitmap');
    dlg.grp.subGrp2.radioPanel.limitBitmap = dlg.grp.subGrp2.radioPanel.add('edittext', undefined, '1200');
          dlg.grp.subGrp2.radioPanel.limitUnitBitmap = dlg.grp.subGrp2.radioPanel.add('statictext', undefined, 'dpi');
    dlg.grp.subGrp2.radioPanel.labelRaster = dlg.grp.subGrp2.radioPanel.add('statictext', undefined, 'limite image pixelisée');
    dlg.grp.subGrp2.radioPanel.limitRaster = dlg.grp.subGrp2.radioPanel.add('edittext', undefined, '300');
          dlg.grp.subGrp2.radioPanel.limitUnitRaster = dlg.grp.subGrp2.radioPanel.add('statictext', undefined, 'dpi');
          // ----------------------- navigation ------------------------------
    dlg.okBtn = dlg.add('button', undefined, "lancer le script", {name:'ok'});
    dlg.cancelBtn = dlg.add('button', undefined, "annuler", {name:'cancel'});
    var myDialogResult =;
    var myResult = {};
    return myResult;

Hi thanks you for your reply!
It's work now.
I add my code if it can help someone:
#include "tools.jsx"
#include "pictures_tools.jsx"
var results = create_dialog_main ();
if(results != null){
    $.writeln (results.cibleBitmap)
    $.writeln (results.cibleRaster);
    $.writeln (results.limitBitmap);
    $.writeln (results.limitRaster);
    $.writeln ("prop "+results.isPictureProp)
    $.writeln ("sous echant "+results.isSousEchantillonnage)
    $.writeln ("sur echant "+results.isSurEchantillonnage)
    for(var i = 0; i<results.array_of_ignored_picture.length; i++){
        $.writeln("img: "+results.array_of_ignored_picture[i]);
        alert("le script a été annulé");
* function who create a dialog box for the script
* @return an array of results if the user click run, then return null
function create_dialog_main() {
    var myArray = [];
    var myListBoxBounds = [0, 0, 500, 200];
    var myListMargins = [10, 10, 0, 0];
    // window
    var win = new Window("dialog", "réduction d'images");
    win.orientation = "column";
    win.alignChildren = "top";
    // ignored img panel
    var ignored_pan = win.add("panel", undefined, "images ignorées");
    var grp_ignored = ignored_pan.add("group");
    grp_ignored.orientation = "column";
    grp_ignored.helpTip = "ajouté une image si vous ne souhaitez pas qu'elle soit prise en compte par ce script";
    grp_ignored.listBox = grp_ignored.add("listbox", undefined, myArray, {multiselect:true});
    grp_ignored.listBox.bounds = myListBoxBounds;
    grp_ignored.margins = myListMargins;
    // group button
    var ignored_pan_button = ignored_pan.add("group");
    ignored_pan_button.orientation = "row";
    ignored_pan_button.addBtn = ignored_pan_button.add("button", undefined, "ajouter image");
    ignored_pan_button.addBtn.helpTip = "ajouter une image à la liste";
    ignored_pan_button.removeBtn = ignored_pan_button.add("button", undefined, "supprimer image");
    ignored_pan_button.removeBtn.helpTip = "supprimer l'image sélectionnée de la liste";
    ignored_pan_button.remAllBtn = ignored_pan_button.add("button", undefined, "supprimer toutes");
    ignored_pan_button.remAllBtn.helpTip = "supprimer toutes les images de la liste";
    // settings panel
    var setting_pan = win.add("panel", undefined, "réglages");
    setting_pan.orientation = "column";
    setting_pan.minimumSize = [500, 0];
    //group cible and prop
    var grp_cible_prop = setting_pan.add("group");
    grp_cible_prop.orientation = "row";
    grp_cible_prop.alignment = "left";
    //group cible bitmap, cible raster
    var grp_bitmap_raster = grp_cible_prop.add("group");
    grp_bitmap_raster.orientation = "column";
    grp_bitmap_raster.minimumSize = [250, 0];
    //group bitmap cible
    var cible_bitmap_pan = grp_bitmap_raster.add("group");
    cible_bitmap_pan.orientation = "row";
    cible_bitmap_pan.alignment = "left";
    cible_bitmap_pan.labelCibleBitmap = cible_bitmap_pan.add("statictext", undefined, "cible image bitmap");
    cible_bitmap_pan.cibleBitmap = cible_bitmap_pan.add("edittext", undefined, "1200");
    cible_bitmap_pan.cibleBitmap.minimumSize = [60,0];
    cible_bitmap_pan.cibleUnitBitmap = cible_bitmap_pan.add("statictext", undefined, "dpi");
    //group raster cible
    var cible_raster_pan =  grp_bitmap_raster.add("group");
    cible_raster_pan.alignment = "left"
    cible_raster_pan.orientation = "row";
    cible_raster_pan.labelCibleRaster = cible_raster_pan.add("statictext", undefined, "cible image pixelisée");
    cible_raster_pan.cibleRaster = cible_raster_pan.add("edittext", undefined, "300");
    cible_raster_pan.cibleRaster.minimumSize = [50, 10];
    cible_raster_pan.cibleUnitRaster = cible_raster_pan.add("statictext", undefined, "dpi");
    // group proportionnelle
    var prop_pan = grp_cible_prop.add("panel", undefined, "images non-proportionnelles");
    prop_pan.alignChildren = "left";
    prop_pan.minimumSize = [200, 0];
    prop_pan.rad1 = prop_pan.add("radiobutton", undefined, "autorisées");
    prop_pan.rad2 = prop_pan.add("radiobutton", undefined, "interdites");
    prop_pan.rad2.value = true;
    // group ss echantillonnnage and ss echantillonnage -> group echantillonnage
    var grp_echantillonnage = setting_pan.add("group");
    grp_echantillonnage.orientation = "row";
    // group ss echantillonnage
    var ss_echantillonnage_pan = grp_echantillonnage.add("panel", undefined, "sous-échantillonnage");
    ss_echantillonnage_pan.minimumSize = [75,140];
    var grp_ss_echantillonnage = ss_echantillonnage_pan.add("group");
    grp_ss_echantillonnage.alignChildren = "left";
    grp_ss_echantillonnage.orientation = "column";
    grp_ss_echantillonnage.alignment = "left";
    grp_ss_echantillonnage.margins = [0,25,0,0];
    ss_echantillonnage_pan.rad1 = grp_ss_echantillonnage.add("radiobutton", undefined, "activé");
    ss_echantillonnage_pan.rad1.value = true;
    ss_echantillonnage_pan.rad2 = grp_ss_echantillonnage.add("radiobutton", undefined, "désactivé");
    // group sur-echantillonnage
    var sur_echantillonnage_pan = grp_echantillonnage.add("panel", undefined, "sur-échantillonnage");
    sur_echantillonnage_pan.alignChildren = "left";
    sur_echantillonnage_pan.rad1 = sur_echantillonnage_pan.add("radiobutton", undefined, "activé");
    sur_echantillonnage_pan.rad1.value = true;
    sur_echantillonnage_pan.rad2 = sur_echantillonnage_pan.add("radiobutton", undefined, "désactivé");
    // group limite bitmap
    var limite_bitmap_pan=  sur_echantillonnage_pan.add("group");
    limite_bitmap_pan.orientation = "row";
    limite_bitmap_pan.labelBitmap = limite_bitmap_pan.add("statictext", undefined, "résolution min. image bitmap");
    limite_bitmap_pan.limitBitmap = limite_bitmap_pan.add("edittext", undefined, "1000");
    limite_bitmap_pan.limitUnitBitmap = limite_bitmap_pan.add("statictext", undefined, "dpi");
    // group limit raster
    var limite_raster_pan =  sur_echantillonnage_pan.add("group");
    limite_raster_pan.labelRaster = limite_raster_pan.add("statictext", undefined, "résolution min. image pixelisée");
    limite_raster_pan.limitRaster = limite_raster_pan.add("edittext", undefined, "200");
    limite_raster_pan.limitUnitRaster = limite_raster_pan.add("statictext", undefined, "dpi");
     // ----------------------- navigation ------------------------------
    var grp_navigation = win.add("group");
    grp_navigation.orientation = "row";
    grp_navigation.alignment = "right";
    grp_navigation.cancelBtn = grp_navigation.add("button", undefined, "annuler", {name:"cancel"});
    grp_navigation.okBtn = grp_navigation.add("button", undefined, "lancer le script", {name:"ok"});
    //-------------------------- functions ----------------------------
    cible_bitmap_pan.cibleBitmap.onChange = function(){
        is_textfield_valid (this, "1200", "vous devez saisir un nombre entier");
    cible_raster_pan.cibleRaster.onChange = function(){
        is_textfield_valid (this, "300", "vous devez saisir un nombre entier");
    limite_bitmap_pan.limitBitmap.onChange = function(){
        is_textfield_valid (this, "1000", "vous devez saisir un nombre entier")
    limite_raster_pan.limitRaster.onChange = function(){
        is_textfield_valid (this, "200", "vous devez saisir un nombre entier");
    function is_textfield_valid(object, default_value_number, alert_str){
        if (!isInt(object.text)) {
            object.text = default_value_number;
        if(parseInt (object.text) < 1){
            alert("vous devez saisir un nombre plus grand ou égal a 1");
            object.text = default_value_number;
    function is_limitfield_valid(current_object, object_to_compare, default_value_number, alert_str){
        is_textfield_valid (current_object, default_value_number, alert_str);
    function isInt(n) {
        return parseFloat(n) == parseInt(n, 10) && !isNaN(n);
    ignored_pan_button.addBtn.onClick = function() {
                    var array_of_files = File.openDialog ("selectionner une image ou plusieurs images", get_file_filter ([".psd", ".png", ".jpg", ".eps"], "choisir une image"), true);
                    if (array_of_files != null) {
             for(var index = 0; index<array_of_files.length; index++){
                if (!is_in_array(File.decode(array_of_files[index].name), myArray)) {
                    var file_name = array_of_files[index].fsName.toLowerCase();
                    var extension = file_name.slice(file_name.lastIndexOf ("."));
                     if (extension == ".eps") {
                        var eps_img = new File(file_name);
                            alert("seule les fichiers eps de type image (non-vectorielle) peuvent être ajoutés");
                else {
                                        alert("cette image a déjà été ajoutée");
             grp_ignored.listBox = grp_ignored.add('listbox', myListBoxBounds, myArray, {multiselect:true});
             grp_ignored.listBox.bounds = myListBoxBounds;
             grp_ignored.margins = myListMargins;
    ignored_pan_button.remAllBtn.onClick = function() {
                    myArray = [];
    ignored_pan_button.removeBtn.onClick = function() {
                    if (grp_ignored.listBox.selection != null) {
                              for (var i = grp_ignored.listBox.selection.length - 1; i  >= 0; i --) {
                                        myArray.splice(grp_ignored.listBox.selection[i].index, 1);
            alert("selectionner une image puis clicker sur le bouton supprimer image");
    //-------------------------- return values ----------------------------
    var results = {};
    // if show == 1 the user click run
    if( == 1){
        // is the picture prop check or not
            results.isPictureProp = true;
            results.isPictureProp = false;
        // is the sous echantillonnage check
            results.isSousEchantillonnage = true;
            results.isSousEchantillonnage = false;
        // is the sur echantillonnage check
            results.isSurEchantillonnage = true;
            results.isSurEchantillonnage = false;       
        // return the target value, the validation is done during onChange event
        results.cibleBitmap = cible_bitmap_pan.cibleBitmap.text;
        results.cibleRaster = cible_raster_pan.cibleRaster.text;
        results.limitBitmap = limite_bitmap_pan.limitBitmap.text;
        results.limitRaster = limite_raster_pan.limitRaster.text;
        results.array_of_ignored_picture = myArray;
    //else the script was canceled
        results = null;
    return results;
function get_file_filter(array_of_ext, prompt_str){
    function return_filter(file){
        var is_valid = false;
        var index = 0;
                while (file.alias) {
                    file = file.resolve();
                    if (file == null) {
                        is_valid = false
                if ( == "Folder") {
                    is_valid= true;
                    var extension ="."));
                    if (extension.indexOf (array_of_ext[index]) > -1 ){
                        is_valid = true;
        return is_valid;
    return return_filter;

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    Hi Adrian,
    Got the following when grepped through the web. You can give a try and see whether it works :
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    CONSTRAINT {color:red}pk_view{color}
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    Hope it can help.
    Best regards,

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    [UPDATE 5/17/2012 - There is an improved version.]
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏558 KB

    Elijah K wrote:
    Thanks for posting this Aristos.  I would normally be one of those to go bug you at your desk, but in case I'm not the only one with this question... which particular flickering problem are you referring to?  The act of switching tabs?  In all honesty, I've never noticed...
    When you move controls around on the screen, normally you try to Defer Panel Updates while you do that. But Defer Panel Updates has an effect on control's abilities to catch certain mouse clicks, so when you're trying to move a control to catch the mouse, you have to work a lot without Defer Panel Updates, so if you're adjusting captions, etc, to match the new location, you can see flicker as properties adjust. You can move the control off-screen, as long as you have already updated the picture control to reflect the changes. It took a while to catch all the ways that the flickering can crop up. I think I got 'em all.
    Attached are the VIs saved for LV 2009. Actually, they're saved for LV 8.6, but it doesn't work in 8.6 because of a bug in the picture control that existed back then.
    Attachments: ‏391 KB

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    You can do this in test stand if a simple interface containing just a prompt and buttons will do. In your main sequence, the first step is to create a MessagePopup step. Put a title like "Test Selection". Put a message like "Choose a Test". Label button 1 "test 1". Label button 2 "test 2", and so on. Create a local numerical variable called TestNum. In the post expression section of the first step, add the line Locals.TestNum = Step.Result.ButtonHit. You next step can be a sequence call to the first test sequence. Add a precondition that Locals.TestNum==1. The following steps can all be sequence calls to your other test sequences with preconditions of Locals.TestNum==x, where x is the number corresponding to the button hit in step one. When the selected test sequence is done, the main sequence will be repeated with the message popup asking for a test to run.
    - tbob
    Inventor of the WORM Global

  • User interface builder for JSPs?

    Has anyone used a good builder for a web user interface based on JSPs?

    There is no template for Interactive Reports like for a "normal" report. You need to modify the CSS and supply your own for this to happen.
    I believe most things are tagged with #apexir - firebug with Firebox is invaluable. This thread may help:
    Re: changing the look and feel of interactive report.

  • Why do I get -18001 Errors using Customised TestStand User Interface

    Hi all
    I have a problem when attempting to run my application on my host NT PC. I have a customised operator interface to TestStand written using Labview 5.1.1 and built using the LabVIEW application builder. I am running the TestStand Development (Run-Time) System on my host PC.
    The problem is that as soon as I go to run my sequence of vis (mass compiled using the same version of LabVIEW and assembled for run-time distribution) I receive the error '-18001 VI Not Executable.'
    I think this is probably to do with how I've included the ActiveX server in my LabVIEW User Interface application, but knowing very little about ActiveX I'm not sure exactly what the problem is.
    If anyone
    has any ideas, I would be extremely grateful for any assistance you could offer. My TS version is 1.0.1

    I would like to add to Richard's input. The typical reasons a VI cannot be executed that cause this message are:
    1) There is an error in the VI such that the run arrow of the VI is broken when the VI is open in the LV development environment. This problem is usually easy to debug because you should get the error (shown below) when running your sequence in the sequence editor using the default "LabVIEW" ActiveX server provided by the LV development environment (not the LV ActiveX server provided by your operator interface which is by default named "TestStandLVGUIRTS" ).
    An error occurred in the 'MyVIStep' step of the 'MainSequence' sequence in 'MySequence.seq'.
    LabVIEW : VI is not executable.
    An error occurred accessing the LabVIEW ActiveX automation server. Error Code: -18001
    2) The same error will occur when
    a. you are using any LV ActiveX server other than the "LabVIEW" server provided by the LV development environment, AND
    b. at least one of the called VI was not assembled for distribution properly. This means that not all test VIs and their *entire* hierarchy were distributed.
    I am not sure exactly what you have done so have compiled some information that I think will help. Below I have included the document, Overview of Distributing TestStand when your Sequences use the LV Standard Prototype Adapter, which will appear in the NIDZ shortly. Another useful document is the NIDZ document Distributing LabVIEW Test VIs, which you can obtain from our website. Read these documents before preceding with the steps immediately below, which give you an example process for distributing. This may help provide a better understanding and guidance in the distribution process. We are working to simplify this process in future versions of TestStand.
    For the following example distribution I recommend that you are use default shipping code so that the problem is not complicated with potential errors added through customizations you have made.
    Building The Operator Interface
    The following are steps if you are using a LabVIEW operator interface.
    1) Copy the contents of \OperatorInterfaces\NI\LV to \OperatorInterfaces\User\LV.
    2) Open a new VI in LabVIEW. Make sure all other VIs are closed.
    3) In LabVIEW Select Tools>>Build Application or Shared Library
    4) In the builder click the Load button and load \OperatorInterfaces\User\LV\testexec.bld. This build script is configured to create testexec.exe that contains the LV ActiveX server with the name of TestStandLVGUIRTS (see the Application tab of the builder).
    5) In the builder click Build.
    6) Once the application testexec.exe is built, run it once so that the server TestStandLVGUIRTS is automatically registered. You do not need to run a sequence. Close texec.exe.
    Creating a LabVIEW Run-time Server
    If you are using the LabVIEW operator interface then skip this section. The following steps are meant for those who use an operator interface written in a ADE other than LabVIEW. They provide you with a LabVIEW run-time server that is used by TS to run your VIs.
    1) Copy the contents of \Components\NI\RuntimeServers to \Components\User\RuntimeServers.
    2) Open a new VI in LabVIEW. Make sure all other VIs are closed.
    3) In LabVIEW Select Tools>>Build Application or Shared Library
    4) In the builder click the Load button and load \Components\User\RuntimeServers\LabVIEW\TestStandLVRTS.bld. This build script is configured to create TestStandLVRTS.exe that contains the LV ActiveX server with the name of TestStandLVRTS (see the Application tab of the builder).
    5) In the builder click Build.
    6) Once the application TestStandLVRTS.exe is built, run it once so that the server TestStandLVRTS is automatically registered on your development machine. Close TestStandLVRTS.exe.
    Assembling the Test VIs for Run-Time Distribution
    This distribution process uses one of the shipping TS examples that calls LV VIs.
    1) From LV mass compile all VIs in the directory \Examples\AccessingArrays\UsingLabVIEW\. Please make sure that there were no error messages in the Status tab of the Mass Compile dialog box.
    2) In the sequence editor open \Examples\AccessingArrays\UsingLabVIEW\AccessingArrays.seq
    3) Confirm that the sequence runs without problem.
    4) In the sequence editor select Tools>>Assemble Test VIs for Run-time Distribution.
    5) If you are using TestStand 2.0 select \Examples\AccessingArrays\UsingLabVIEW\AccessingArrays.seq as the file from which the VIs should be assembled.
    6) Set the target directory to be something distinct like C:\temp\AssblVIs.
    7) If you are using TestStand 2.0 skip adding Dynamic VIs
    8) Save with or without diagrams. Its your choice.
    Change Search Directories
    Once the VIs are assembled successfully, you must add the new target directory to the TS search directories.
    1) In the sequence editor select Configure>>Search Directories.
    2) Add your target search directory (e.g. C:\temp\AssblVIs) to the search directories.
    3) Close the Edit Search Directories dialog box.
    4) Confirm that your sequence steps now reference the assembled VIs. Right click on a step in the sequence and select Specify Module.
    5) The dialog should show that the code module is found in the target directory (e.g. C:\temp\AssblVIs) that you just added to the search directories.
    6) Run the sequence. This is the initial test to see if the VIs are assembled properly.
    Switch the LV Adapter to use the TestStandLVRTS server or TestStandLVGUIRTS
    1) In the sequence editor select Configure>>Adpaters.
    2) In the Configurable Adapters control select the LabVIEW Standard Prototype Adapter and then click the Configure button.
    3a) If you are not using the LV operator interface then switch the ActiveX server to TestStandLVRTS.
    3b)If you are using the LV operator interface then switch the ActiveX server to TestStandLVGUIRTS.
    4) Close the adapter configuration dialog boxes. You will get a couple of questions boxes. Just click OK each time.
    5) Now run your sequence. If successful you are no longer using the LV development environment to run your VIs. This shows that the VIs were assembled correctly, the LV ActiveX server is working properly and that the search directories are configured properly.
    You can now try and run the sequence using your operator interface on you development computer. If this test works it means that you have also confirmed that your operator interface is working correctly with all the other components. Now it is just a matter of moving all the component correctly to the target machine.
    Distributing Components
    -To distribute your operator interface use the distribution tool of the application development environment (ADE) in which you built your operator interface.
    -To distribute the TS engine using the Run Engine Installation Wizard tool. This tool is typically not used for distributing your sequences and VIs, which you will probably distribute more frequently than the TS engine. It does distribute and register your LV run-time server (if you are using one) as long as you have stored it in \Components\User\RuntimeServers. It also distributes other TS components that you have stored under the directory \Components\User\.
    -You can use whatever distribution system you like to distribute your VIs and sequence files (e.g. ZIP and network transfer are popular) . Ensure that you distribute the assembled VIs and not the development VIs. Also ensure that the location of the VIs on the target machine is one of the TS search directories.
    Hope this helps.
    Overview of Distributing TestStand when your Sequences use the LV Standard Prototype Adapter
    The general outline of the components to be distributed and the actions to take are followed by a more detailed description.
    Components that need to be distributed:
    TS engine
    Operator interface
    LabVIEW executable that will act as a LabVIEW ActiveX automation server (If the operator interfaces is written in LabVIEW, it can function as the LabVIEW ActiveX automation server.).
    LabVIEW run-time engine
    LabVIEW test VIs
    Test sequence files
    Actions before distributing:
    It is recommended that you test the distribution components on the development machine before you distribute them to your target machine. In this manner you can more easily debug errors that you may encounter
    Create the executable that will serve as your LabVIEW ActiveX server on the target machine (components 2 or 3 above).
    Assemble the test VIs for distribution.
    Update the TestStand search directories so that the sequences reference the assembled VIs.
    Configure the LabVIEW Standard Prototype Adapter to use the LabVIEW ActiveX server that you will install on the target machine.
    Test the distribution components on the development machine.
    Enter section headings, separating each section with a line break:
    TS Engine Component
    Operator Interface Component
    LabVIEW ActiveX Server
    Configuring the LabVIEW Standard Prototype Adapter
    LabVIEW Run-time Engine Component
    Assembling your Test VIs for Distribution
    TS Engine Component
    With any TestStand distribution you must install the TestStand runtime engine on the target machine. The Run Engine Installation Wizard tool, found under Tools menu of the Sequence Editor, facilitates this process. The wizard tool will create two files, SetupTSEngine.exe and Move the two files to your target machine and run SetupTSEngine.exe to install the TestStand engine.
    These installation files include the current configuration settings that exist in the Sequence Editor at the time the tool is invoked. It also includes all process models, TestStand types and step type modules. If you have customized components of TestStand and saved them under the directory TestStand\Components\User, then the components will also be included with the engine installation.
    You must purchase at least a base deployment or debug deployment license for each machine on which you install the TestStand engine.
    Operator Interface Component
    You will also need to install an operator interface executable on the target machine. This program acts as a client to the TS runtime engine, controlling the execution of sequences and displaying their progress. TestStand ships with several versions of TestStand operator interfaces, which are written in different application development environments (ADE). For distributing the operator interface executable, refer to the application development environment in which it was created.
    LabVIEW ActiveX Server
    You must have a LabVIEW ActiveX server on the target machine. TestStand uses the LabVIEW ActiveX server to run VIs using either the LabVIEW development environment or the LabVIEW runtime engine. The LabVIEW ActiveX server is provided by either LabVIEW development environment or by any LabVIEW executable that has been built with �Enable ActiveX Server� selected. This setting can be accessed in the LabVIEW Application Builder during the build process. When this preference is enabled, you must enter a server name. You will use the server name to configure the LabVIEW Standard Prototype adapter in TestStand.
    If your operator interface is written in LabVIEW, then it can act as the LabVIEW ActiveX server on your target machine. TestStand ships with two operator interfaces written in LabVIEW. The standard LabVIEW operator interface is located in TestStand\OperatorInterfaces\NI\LV, while a simplified version is located in TestStand\Examples\OperatorInterfaces\Simple LV. LabVIEW buildscripts are provided for these applications to facilitate building an operator interface in the latest version of LabVIEW. The settings of these buildscripts are such that the applications are LabVIEW ActiveX servers with the server names of TestStandLVGUIRTS for the standard operator interface, and TestStandSimpleLVGUIRTS for the simple operator interface. The applications register the servers the first time they are executed. If you want to manually register or unregister one of the servers, you can invoke the executable with the /RegServer and /UnregServer command-line arguments respectively.
    If your operator interface is programmed in a language other than LabVIEW, then you will need a separate LabVIEW executable to provide the LabVIEW ActiveX server on your target machine. For this purpose, TestStand ships with a LabVIEW run-time server application located in TestStand\Components\NI\RuntimeServers\LabVIEW. A LabVIEW buildscript is provided for this application to facilitate building a run-time server in the latest version of LabVIEW. The settings of this buildscript are such that the application is a LabVIEW ActiveX server with the server name of TestStandLVRTS.
    Note: When an ActiveX executable server is accessed, the executable is launched automatically if it is not already executing.
    Configuring the LabVIEW Standard Prototype Adapter
    When TestStand runs a VI using the LabVIEW Standard Prototype adapter, it does so using a LabVIEW ActiveX server. By default the adapter is configured to use the �LabVIEW� server, which is provided by the LabVIEW development environment. If you do not have the LabVIEW development environment on your target machine then you must configure the LabVIEW Standard Prototype adapter within TestStand to use a different server (e.g. TestStandLVGUIRTS, TestStandLVRTS, or TestStandSimpleLVGUIRTS).
    To configure your LabVIEW Standard Prototype adapter, select Configure>>Adapters from the menu. In the Adapter Configuration dialog box that appears, select the LabVIEW Standard Prototype Adapter in the Configurable Adapters section. Click the Configure button. You can select or type a server name in the Select or Type Which LabVIEW ActiveX Server to User control. If your server name is not in the list you will need to type it.
    As explained in the LabVIEW ActiveX Server section above, TestStand ships with LabVIEW buildscripts to build a LabVIEW operator interface and a LabVIEW run-time server application. These applications are LabVIEW ActiveX servers with server names TestStandLVGUIRTS and TestStandLVGRTS, respectively. You can configure you LabVIEW Standard Prototype adapter to use one of these servers.
    LabVIEW Run-time Engine Component
    If any of your sequence steps use the LabVIEW adapter or if your operator interface is written in LabVIEW, then you must install the LabVIEW runtime engine on the target machine. It is important that your LabVIEW run-time engine is the same version as the VIs that TestStand executes.
    You can find installation files for the LABVIEW 5.1 run-time engine in the LabVIEW installation directory, Labview\APPLIBS\installs\RunTime. In addition, you can choose to automatically distribute and install the LabVIEW run-time engine with the distribution of a LabVIEW executable. Refer to LabVIEW documentation.
    Assembling your Test VIs for Distribution
    After distributing TestStand, you must ensure that your sequences are able to locate the VIs they call, and the VIs must be able to locate their required resources.
    One common mistake is to simply copy the original VIs from the development machine to the target machine. Once you have configured your LabVIEW Standard Prototype adapter to use a LabVIEW ActiveX server other than LabVIEW, your sequence will not be able to execute your original test VIs that your sequences call.
    TestStand provides the Assemble Test VIs for Distribution tool, which gathers test VIs and their required resources, and places them in a common location for distribution. You can then modify your TestStand search directories so that your sequences reference the assembled VIs. These topics are covered in the NIDZ document Distributing LabVIEW Test VIs.
    Links: See Distributing LabVIEW Test VIs below
    Remember to test your distribution components on your TestStand development system before distributing TestStand. If the execution does not work on the development system it is not going to work on your target machine. On your development machine you have more ability to debug problems you may encounter.
    Note: One common problem of testing distribution components on your TestStand development system is that your sequences reference the original Test VIs instead of the assembled test VIs. Refer to the NIDZ document Distributing LabVIEW Test VIs for assistance.
    Once the components work on your development machine, you are ready to install them on your target machine. The order in which you install these components on the target machine is irrelevant.

  • TS 4.1 User Interface Forward/Back Buttons

    I'd like to the add the Forward/Back Buttons to my User Interface similar to those in the Sequence Editor. I use a modified version of the Full Featured UI on the production floor and often switch to editor mode to work on the sequence. I find it very cumbersome not to be able to jump back and forth between Sequences while doing so.
    Were the buttons created using the "Editing Class" proporties and methods to build a stack of recently selected sequences?  Or are the buttons already existing with the methods simply needed to be called?
    Any suggestions how to impment this functionality while in edit mode? 

    "but keep in mind that the UI is not meant for developing. It instead was designed with operators debugging in mind."
    I don't agree with that. The UIs are fine for developing if they meets your needs. If not, then you have to weigh using the sequence editor, which is not nearly as customizable, vs the cost of reimplementing whatever you can't do without that the sequence editor already has.
    Note that most of the things that are missing from the UIs would take a fair amount of effort to re-implement (type editing, ...). If there were already simple-user-ready-drop-in-components for the missing features, we probably would have already included them in the UIs.
    We want the UIs to be functional, but the top priority is that they be simple enough such that they can be readily modified.
    Note that in some cases there are apis to support features that aren't in the UIs, but there isn't a complete control that wraps everything. For example, Engine.SearchFiles() is a huge amount of the implementation for find-and-replace, but there currently isn't a user callable dialog for invoking it or a user accessible control for automatically browsing the results, thus we don't currently include that feature in example code for the UIs. I don't know the specifics of forward/back, so I'm not sure how much of the implementation is exposed as public APIs, beyond the goto-location functionality (see Locations.GotoLocation, ...).
    - James

  • FAQ: User Interface Guidelines for CRM 2007 are now available

    The CRM UI Concept Team has made the UI Guidelines for CRM Web Client User Interface (CRM 2007 UI) available to the BPX community:
    This document provides an overview of the on-premise as well as the off-premise versions of the SAP CRM Web Client User Interface (UI). It contains the properties and principles of the SAP CRM Web Client UI that are already committed and available. For planned features, refer to the corresponding specification documents.
    The information in the guidelines starts with general topics, followed by details. The sections are organized with high-level topics like Page Types and Navigation Schema first, followed by the consecutive sections describing which building blocks and elements of the UI populate the various pages. A section typically starts with one or more screenshots of a central UI element with a generic explanation. The subsequent sections explain the detailed aspects of each element.
    We hope that you will find this information useful.
    Enjoy the new CRM UI! [UI Guidelines for CRM Web Client User Interface (CRM 2007 UI)_ |]
    Edited by: Zhaojie Liu on Jun 10, 2009 10:08 AM

    not sure why your download stops.. you can also try to download via this link: [|] (Document is 17,4MB of size)
    Here the guidelines also have been posted together with an article about the CRM 2007 Web Client UI.
    Hope this helps
    Best regards

  • User Interface Guidelines for CRM 2007 are now available

    The CRM UI Concept Team has made the [UI Guidelines for CRM Web Client User Interface (CRM 2007 UI)|] available to the BPX community:
    This document provides an overview of the on-premise as well as the off-premise versions of the SAP CRM Web Client User Interface (UI). It contains the properties and principles of the SAP CRM Web Client UI that are already committed and available. For planned features, refer to the corresponding specification documents.
    The information in the guidelines starts with general topics, followed by details. The sections are organized with high-level topics like Page Types and Navigation Schema first, followed by the consecutive sections describing which building blocks and elements of the UI populate the various pages. A section typically starts with one or more screenshots of a central UI element with a generic explanation. The subsequent sections explain the detailed aspects of each element.
    We hope that you will find this information useful.
    Enjoy the new CRM UI!
    Feel free to provide your feedback.
    Edited by: Florian Weigmann  on Jul 17, 2008 9:14 PM

    not sure why your download stops.. you can also try to download via this link: [|] (Document is 17,4MB of size)
    Here the guidelines also have been posted together with an article about the CRM 2007 Web Client UI.
    Hope this helps
    Best regards

  • Error -17501 flxCVIadp.​dll when starting CVI full featured user interface on Windows 7

    We see the following error dialog when we launch the CVI full-featured user interface (TestExec.exe):
    Unable to load test environment adapter 'flxCVIadp.dll'. Run setup to re-install or remove this adapter.
    Could not connect to TSAutoMgr.exe server. DCOM permissions might be incorrect because of configuration changes for remote execution.  To fix this issue, ensure that the current user is in the default DCOM access permissions or that no users are in the access permissions section of the dcomcnfg.exe dialog box.  You can use the dcomcnfg.exe program, located in the Windows System directory, to change DCOM access permissions.
    Error code: -17501, Unexpected Operating System Error." 
    When this error happens, we can't run any calls to CVI code from within the User Interface.
    We are running Windows 7.  We don't see the error if we run TestExec.exe from the default location:
    C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\TestStand 2013\UserInterfaces\Full-Featured\CVI
    We get the error message if we copy the CVI directory to somewhere else on the C:\ drive (C:\MyUserInterface for example).  The error happens when we run TestExec.exe directly, but it does not happen if we are already running Labwindows/CVI and we launch TestExec.exe from CVI.
    We are seeing this error with both TestStand 4.2.1 and TestStand 2013 running on different PCs.  This error happens on Windows 7, but not Windows XP.  Though we get the same error with our custom user interface, we see the same error with the stock CVI full-features user interface provided by NI.
    Any ideas about why we can run this from the TestStand directories, but not any directory on our C:\ drive?

    Hi Peter,
    Based on the error messages it looks like this might be a Windows 7 security issue, which would be why it doesn't occur on XP since security is handled differently in that OS. Have you gone into dcomcnfg.exe and checked the DCOM permissions as described in the error message?

  • ADF error-"Row currency has changed since the user interface was rendered"

    I have created a ADf page and then created entity and view object for a table.
    I have created fields which are binded to the the view object .
    when i open the page after deploying it i get the following error
    "Row currency has changed since the user interface was rendered. The expected row key was oracle.jbo.Key[]"
    Please help me
    Edited by: 798554 on Sep 28, 2010 10:45 PM

    That's a common exception in ADF. If you click the browser back button, you can get this message. You could search for a solution in other posts, perhaps like that:
    JBO-35007: Row currency has changed.. when Rollback fom a Dialog page
    You should also mention your JDev version!

  • User interface template substitution tags problem

    Portal (Upgraded from
    Hi all,
    I am designing an unstructured user interface for use with my portal reports.
    I have located a help document called 'Unstructured user interface template substitution tags' from the standard portal help pages.
    My problem is that only a few of these tags are actually being substituted for their correct values when I run my reports. For example the help document says the #PAGE.CUSTOMIZEPAGE# tag should be substituted with HTML text hyperlink to the customize page dialog. On my report this tag and the majority of others are substituted with a blank line.
    Any ideas?

    Same problem exists with the #TITLE# tag. However, SOMETIMES (I don't know how or why) the tag shows up. If I find out what the secret is, I'll let you know.
    Anyone else have any input?
    Pat Murray

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