Build tree-view

I'm using JDeveloper 10.1.3 ADF and JSF to create a page with a tree and a table. I need to add a code to link them in a way when I click on a tree leaf, it would populate the table. I want to override the DisclosureListener code. I need to find a value from the clicked-on node and pass this value to the executeWithParam that populates the table. I need help writing this function.

we have this lind of project too.
Any help will be appreciated.

Similar Messages

  • Build XML for Custom Nested Accordian (like Tree View Structure) for SharePoint List Data

    Expected output in Xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    - <TopRoot>
    - <Root id="1" Name="Department">
    - <Type id="2" Name="IT">
    - <SubType id="3" Name="Technology">
      <SubSubType id="4" Name="Sharepoint" />
      <SubSubType id="5" Name="ASP.NET" />
      <SubSubType id="6" Name="HTML 5" />
    List Details:
    list details for storing category / sub category data and code to build tree structure for the same.
    1.Create Custom List named “CategoryDetails”:
    2.Create Column “Category Name” of type single line of text. Make it as required field and check Yes for Enforce Unique values.
    3.Create column “Parent Category” of type lookup. under Additional Column Settings.
    Get information dropdown, select “CategoryDetails”.
    4.Choice column ["SRTypeName"] 1.Root,2.SRTYPE,3.SubSRTYPE, 4.SUBSUBSRTYPE
    In this column dropdown, select “Category Name”:  
    Referance:    -fine but don't want tree view just generate xml string
    i just follwed above link it work perferfectly fine for building tree view but i don't want server control.
    Expected Result:
    My ultimate goal is to generate xml string like above format without building tree view.
    I want to generate xml using web service and using xml i could convert into nested Tree View Accordian in html.
    I developed some code but its not working to generate xml /string.
    My modified Code:
    public const string DYNAMIC_CAML_QUERY =
            "<Where><IsNull><FieldRef Name='{0}' /></IsNull></Where>";
            public const string DYNAMIC_CAML_QUERY_GET_CHILD_NODE =
            "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='{0}' /><Value Type='LookupMulti'>{1}</Value></Eq></Where>";
            protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                 string TreeViewStr= BuildTree();
                 Literal1.Text = TreeViewStr;
            StringBuilder sbRoot= new StringBuilder();
            protected string BuildTree()
                SPList TasksList;
                SPQuery objSPQuery;
                StringBuilder Query = new StringBuilder();
                SPListItemCollection objItems;
                string DisplayColumn = string.Empty;
                string Title = string.Empty;
                string[] valueArray = null;
                    using (SPSite site = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Web.Url))
                        using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
                            TasksList = SPContext.Current.Web.Lists["Service"];
                            if (TasksList != null)
                                objSPQuery = new SPQuery();
                                Query.Append(String.Format(DYNAMIC_CAML_QUERY, "Parent_x0020_Service_x0020_Id"));
                                objSPQuery.Query = Query.ToString();
                                objItems = TasksList.GetItems(objSPQuery);
                                if (objItems != null && objItems.Count > 0)
                                    foreach (SPListItem objItem in objItems)
                                        DisplayColumn = Convert.ToString(objItem["Title"]);
                                        Title = Convert.ToString(objItem["Title"]);
                                        int rootId=objItem["ID"].ToString();
                                        sbRoot.Append("<Root id="+rootId+"
                                        string SRAndSUBSRTpe = CreateTree(Title, valueArray,
    null, DisplayColumn, objItem["ID"].ToString());
                                        SRType.Clear();//make SRType Empty
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
                return SRType.ToString();
             StringBuilder strhtml = new StringBuilder();
            private string CreateTree(string RootNode, string[] valueArray,
          List<SPListItem> objNodeCollection, string DisplayValue, string KeyValue)
                    strhtml.Appends(GetSRType(KeyValue, valueArray, objNodeCollection);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
                return strhtml;
            StringBuilder SRType = new StringBuilder();
            private string GetSRType(string RootNode,
            string[] valueArray, List<SPListItem> objListItemColn)
                SPQuery objSPQuery;
                SPListItemCollection objItems = null;
                List<SPListItem> objNodeListItems = new List<SPListItem>();
                objSPQuery = new SPQuery();
                string objNodeTitle = string.Empty;
                string objLookupColumn = string.Empty;
                StringBuilder Query = new StringBuilder();
                SPList objTaskList;
                SPField spField;
                string objKeyColumn;
                string SrTypeCategory;
                    objTaskList = SPContext.Current.Web.Lists["Service"];
                    objLookupColumn = "Parent_x0020_Service_x0020_Id";//objTreeViewControlField.ParentLookup;
                    (DYNAMIC_CAML_QUERY_GET_CHILD_NODE, objLookupColumn, RootNode));
                    objSPQuery.Query = Query.ToString();
                    objItems = objTaskList.GetItems(objSPQuery);
                    foreach (SPListItem objItem in objItems)
                    if (objNodeListItems != null && objNodeListItems.Count > 0)
                        foreach (SPListItem objItem in objNodeListItems)
                            RootNode = Convert.ToString(objItem["Title"]);
                            objKeyColumn = Convert.ToString(objItem["ID"]);
                            objNodeTitle = Convert.ToString(objItem["Title"]);
                            SrTypeCategory= Convert.ToString(objItem["SRTypeName"]);
                           if(SrTypeCategory =="SRtYpe")
                              SRType.Append("<Type  id="+objKeyColumn+" Name="+RootNode+ ">");
                             if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objNodeTitle))
                              SRType.Append(GetSRType(objKeyColumn, valueArray, objListItemColn));
                          if(SrTypeCategory =="SRSubTYpe")
                              SRType.Append("<SRSubType  id="+objKeyColumn+" Name="+RootNode+
                             if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objNodeTitle))
                              SRType.Append(GetSRType(objKeyColumn, valueArray, objListItemColn));
                          if(SrTypeCategory =="SubSubTYpe")
                              SRType.Append("<SubSubType  id="+objKeyColumn+" Name="+RootNode +"
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
                return SRType.ToString();
                // Call method again (recursion) to get the child items

    According to your post, my understanding is that you want to custom action for context menu in "Site Content and Structure" in SharePoint 2010.
    In "SiteManager.aspx", SharePoint use MenuItemTemplate class which represent a control that creates an item in a drop-down menu.
    For example, to create or delete the ECB menu for a list item in
    "Site Content and Structure", we can follow the steps below:
    To add the “My Like” menu, we can add the code below:      
    Text="My Like"
    To remove the “Delete” menu, we can comment the code below:
    The result is as below:
    More information:
    MenuItemTemplate Class (Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls)
    MenuItemTemplate.ClientOnClickScript property (Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls)
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Building tree using view crateria in view objects

    suppose that i have the following tables "class" ,"group" and "item".
    items in table "item" belong to groups in table "group" and groups belong to classes in table "class" .
    suppose there is another table called "selling_basket" that contains an id for the customer and also a foreign key for rows in item table for the items he sold and a "Customer" table that contains customers id and other informations.
    suppose that i want to build an JSF page that contains a table from a view based on the "customer" table and a tree of herarichy - class
    and when i click on a row on table customer the tree only display the herarichy for items that this customer sold just.

    i solve the probel the description as follow :
    . the problem : the problem is that when we use the tree model component with the scenario of filtration on the child nodes, we do a normal transactions of steps on the knowledge that the tree will use the master detail behavior as in table component and other ADF Master-details behaviors, so we build two view criteria one on employee and the other on department with the scenario of displaying only the department who has employees with salary equal some certain value, and only shows the employees who has salary equal that value, and on our code we apply the two criteria on the two view objects with the same value we entered to search for , the scenario works well for the top level nodes, but for child nodes it seems it doesn’t work, the behavior make us walk around our selves for why this happened. By debugging options and Tracing what SQL statements that it executes we found that the system execute two statements on the employee view object one with the bind value with the same we inserted and the other with null value, and we notice that the name of the second view object executed is not what we apply the view criteria for(departmentEO_employeeEO_emo_dept_FK_employeeView).
    .The solution: we notice that the tree component doesn’t use master detail behavior as in tables, and instead of that it uses the View link assessors (the run time generated view object departmentEO_employeeEO_emo_dept_FK_employeeView ), to get the detailed items, so we should override the action of the View link assessor.
    To deal with that we generate the view object rowimpl and viewimpl java classes, in the rowimpl class there is a method to call the link assessors with the following code:
    public RowIterator getEmployeesView()
    We write our code:
    public RowIterator getEmployeesView()
    ViewObject s=((DepartmentsViewImpl)this.getViewObject()).getViewLinks()[0].getDestination();//we get the employee object by using the view link
    // between department and employee
    // then we apply the view criteria to that view object and return it as view link
    System.out.println("row number "+s.getEstimatedRowCount());
    ViewCriteria evc=s.getViewCriteriaManager().getViewCriteria("EmployeesViewCriteria");
    return s;
    Notice that we use the employee view object getted by the view link instead of the master details.
    Sep 26 2011 @ 11:43
    J2EE Team
    for more info this the application url :
    notice that i diidn't attach the database with the project so you can connect to the local db
    Edited by: mohammad.j.b.yaseen on Sep 26, 2011 12:13 PM

  • Bug in tree view of synonyms owned by other user

    I'm connecting into Oracle whith SQL Developer and user SYS as SYSDBA. When I browse tree view of synonyms of another user, the synonyms that include database link don't display !!! If I connect whith that user the synonyms are displayed correct.
    Is this a bug ? There are a solution ?
    Thanks !
    Oracle SQL Developer
    Build MAIN-53.38
    Copyright © 2005,2008 Oracle. All Rights Reserved.
    IDE Version:
    Product ID: oracle.sqldeveloper
    Product Version:
    Component Version
    ==========     ======
    CVS Version     Internal to Oracle SQL Developer (client-only)
    Oracle IDE
    Plataforma Java(TM)     1.6.0_06
    Versioning Support

    Hi there,
    while we support dblinks, we dont support following them thru on synonyms or browsing them either. This is a feature right now and you can vote for this as a feature in a later release by submitting a feature request at

  • Is there a way to open SSRS 2005 tree view in a table in a Details row upward?

    I building some reports with SSRS, and showing data in a table. The table has one Details row that forms at the end multiple rows with the tree view (+ and -).
    Is there a way to open the tree view upwards and not downwards so that the children of level 2, 3 etc come over the parent row?
    I've goggled it everywhere, but I don't seem to find the answer. If anyone could help me out, I would appreciated.

    Hi again.
    And by the way, this is a parent child hierarchy. I have made a group details row with a "ParentUniqeName" on Parent Group text box and "UniqueName" on the Group On expression box by using Edit Group menu.
    In addition, there is a drill down functionality on the table.
    Now, it seems that the order of the items is correct, I just want it to have the opposite order.
    Thanks again...

  • 10g: Classes are missing in a package tree view

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    Any ideas or similar experience?

    The latest internal build is 1493. Is it possible to reproduce the bug without getting your entire project? If so can you enumerate the steps? Thanks.

  • How can i make the navigation easier in my content area? (TREE VIEW)

    Now I use 1 navbar for my whole content area.
    This is what I want :
    I would like to navigatie in my content area lik I navigate in the explorer of microsoft.
    Is there a script,
    portlet, or something like that.
    when I delete a folder it must automaticle disapear from the tree view.
    When I add it must be displayed.
    When the folder isn't public it, the public can't see it
    thxc in advance
    Bert Leeman

    If you are using the same nav bar you could build a custom nav bar in the shared objects and publish it as a portlet. In the properties of a folder you can assign an image for the nav bar. This could make it look like a tree assuming you build the images that way. Also your folder links should disappear from the nav bar when they are deleted. I think.

  • Folder list - tree view

    I'm trying to build a tree view of an account's folders but I keep
    running into a problem no matter which approach I take. In the code
    snippet below I'm using the PopulateTree method recursively to add
    nodes to the tree view. This works using the .NET GW API but when I
    use SOAP it seems that I get my root folder, my Mailbox (which is
    immediately below my root folder) but when the function recurses
    against what should be a different list of (sub-) folders I end up
    with the root and Mailbox folders in the next call to PopulateTree.
    I've also tried doing the first level inline with the initializing
    code, calling PopulateTree against each of the folders in the first
    level as the parent folders but I still seem to only get the root
    folder and Mailbox again within the foreach loop of the PopulateTree
    method. Otherwise, I can list all the folders in a text string if I
    ask for a recursive listing.
    PopulateTree(treeFolders.Nodes[0], "Folders");
    private int PopulateTree(TreeNode parentNode,
    string parentFolderID)
    WR.getFolderListRequest flreq =
    new WR.getFolderListRequest();
    flreq.recurse = false;
    flreq.parent = parentFolderID;
    WR.getFolderListResponse flres =
    if (flres.status.code != 0) return flres.status.code;
    TreeNode localNode;
    int folderCount = flres.folders.Length;
    foreach (WR.Folder folder in flres.folders)
    localNode = parentNode.Nodes.Add(;
    localNode = null;
    return 0;

    Right call it once recursive, and then cache in Map or similar structure.
    On 12/20/2012 5:58 AM, Preston Stephenson wrote:
    > There are issues with certain folders. You really should only call
    > getFolderListRequest the one time doing recurse true. You should
    > cache the results. You can build u a tree view with the results.
    > At least that is what I do.
    > Preston
    >>>> On Wednesday, December 19, 2012 at 8:48 AM, Lilith<[email protected]>
    > wrote:
    >> I'm trying to build a tree view of an account's folders but I keep
    >> running into a problem no matter which approach I take. In the code
    >> snippet below I'm using the PopulateTree method recursively to add
    >> nodes to the tree view. This works using the .NET GW API but when I
    >> use SOAP it seems that I get my root folder, my Mailbox (which is
    >> immediately below my root folder) but when the function recurses
    >> against what should be a different list of (sub‑) folders I end up
    >> with the root and Mailbox folders in the next call to PopulateTree.
    >> I've also tried doing the first level inline with the initializing
    >> code, calling PopulateTree against each of the folders in the first
    >> level as the parent folders but I still seem to only get the root
    >> folder and Mailbox again within the foreach loop of the PopulateTree
    >> method. Otherwise, I can list all the folders in a text string if I
    >> ask for a recursive listing.
    >> treeFolders.Nodes.Clear();
    >> PopulateTree(treeFolders.Nodes[0], "Folders");
    >> private int PopulateTree(TreeNode parentNode,
    >> string parentFolderID)
    >> {
    >> WR.getFolderListRequest flreq =
    >> new WR.getFolderListRequest();
    >> flreq.recurse = false;
    >> flreq.parent = parentFolderID;
    >> WR.getFolderListResponse flres =
    >> ws.getFolderListRequest(flreq);
    >> if (flres.status.code != 0) return flres.status.code;
    >> TreeNode localNode;
    >> int folderCount = flres.folders.Length;
    >> foreach (WR.Folder folder in flres.folders)
    >> {
    >> localNode = parentNode.Nodes.Add(;
    >> PopulateTree(localNode,;
    >> }
    >> localNode = null;
    >> return 0;
    >> }

  • How to blick tree view few specific nodes

    here i got a code which show how to blink tree view node but i am confuse that how to blink few node.
    Answered by:
    Avatar of Tamer Oz
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    Treeview control - How to make a node blink?
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    Is there a "elegant" way to make blink a treeview node?
    I am thinking to use a timer with the collection of nodes that I want to make the blink effect, and update the icon ...
    Friday, November 06, 2009 6:19 PM
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    Avatar of Kikeman
    R. BOSCH
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    You can develop your custom control for this purpose. The logic you mentioned was correct. Here is a sample control that I developed by the logic you mentioned.
    public class BlinkingTreeView : TreeView
    private Timer t = new Timer();
    private List<TreeNode> blinkingNodes = new List<TreeNode>();
    public BlinkingTreeView()
    t.Interval = 1000;
    t.Tick += new EventHandler(t_Tick);
    bool isNodeBlinked = false;
    void t_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
    foreach (TreeNode tn in blinkingNodes)
    if (isNodeBlinked)
    //update Icon
    tn.Text = tn.Text.Substring(0, tn.Text.Length - 1);//to test
    isNodeBlinked = false;
    //update Icon
    tn.Text = tn.Text + "*";//to test
    isNodeBlinked = true;
    public void AddBlinkNode(TreeNode n)
    public void RemoveBlinkNode(TreeNode n)
    public void ClearBlinkNodes()
    public List<TreeNode> BlinkingNodes
    get { return blinkingNodes; }
    public int BlinkInterval
    get { return t.Interval; }
    set { t.Interval = value; }
    public void StartBlinking()
    isNodeBlinked = false;
    t.Enabled = true;
    public void StopBlinking()
    t.Enabled = false;
    just show me how to use BlinkingTreeView class. i will have tree view which will have few node and few nodes may have few child nodes. now how to achieve by this class BlinkingTreeView and show me how to blink few specific node not all. thanks

    better to come with code. first populate tree view with some dummy node this way
    now blink Child1-sub2 & Child2-sub1. please come with code. thanks

  • A tree-view in HTML page with nodes generated with java script in run time is not visible in the UI Automation Tree. Need Help

    I have a HTML page with an IFrame. Inside the Iframe there is a table with a tree view
    <treeview id="tv1"></treeview>
    In UIA, i am able to traverse till the tree view but not able to see it.
    I have used the TreeWalker.RawViewWalker Field to traverse the node from the desktop Automation.RootElement. 
    I tried to use AutomationElement.FromPoint method to check whether i am able to get that element. Fortunately i was able to get the automation element. 
    i tried to get the path to root element from the node element using the TreeWalker.RawViewWalker. I was able to get the parent path to the root element.
    But trying the reverse way like navigating from root element to tree node, was not getting the element for me. 
    Please help me with suggestions or inputs to resolve this issue. 

    Thanks Bernard,
    It works fine with JInitiator but not working with
    the JPI. For JPI what settings I need to do ??hi TKARIM and Bernard, i am having similar problem even with the Bernard's recommended setup. could you post the webutiljini.htm (i presume you are using config=test) ?
    i am actually using jinitiator with Oracle HTTP Server of OAS 10gR2) calling Forms Server 6i (f60cgi). After setting up according to Bernard's recommended setup steps, the java console showed that it loaded the icon jar file when it could not read the form, but it skipped the loading of the icon jar file once it read and started the form. How do we specify in the form to pick up the icon from the jar file instead from a directory ? Or do we need to specify ? Any ideas ?
    Thx and Regards

  • How to create a tree view in adobe configurator

              How to create a tree view in adobe configurator

    Please, can you explain what you mean exactly?

  • How to populate list in tree view  dynamically

    I am new to  Indesign Plugin creation.
    I want to create list in tree view dynamically.
    I tried wlistboxcomposite sdk sample in indesign cs4.
    I have some doubts in this.
    1. Can i write my own method in  WLBCmpTreeViewAdapter class because it's implements ListTreeViewAdapter
    If it's possible how can i call this method.
    2. In this example they populating static string in constructor like this
    WLBCmpTreeViewAdapter::WLBCmpTreeViewAdapter(IPMUnknown* boss):ListTreeViewAdapter(boss){
    K2Vector<PMString> lists;
    for (int32 i = 0; i< 12; i++){PMString name(kWLBCmpItemBaseKey);name.AppendNumber(i+1);name.Translate();lists.push_back(name);}
    InterfacePtr<IStringListData> iListData(this, IID_ISTRINGLISTDATA);}
    and this list is populating on loading time but my requirement is i have one button "get list" after clicking this button i have to populate the list, how can
    i achieve this.
    Pls do needful.

    The TreeViewAdaptor is responsible for mapping your custom data to the tree view itself.  I almost always start by making it return some fixed number of objects with names "item 1" etc. That way you get the tree view working first.
    Then, after you get it laid out and displaying properly, you can worry about using real data.  At that point, you have your adaptor return the actual number of items in your list and each individual item.  Then you can populate your list when you push your button and then invalidate the IControlView of the tree view widget to cause it to redraw.  At that point your adaptor will get called and your data should appear.
    "Expert for hire"

  • URGENT | Need HELP to build programmatic view criteria

    I need to build programatic view criteria like below,
    ((JobId = "SH_CLERK" AND Salary > 2500) OR ( Salary > 2500))
    AND (DepartmentId =100)
    Kindly help how can we achieve this,
    The ViewCriteriaItem objects like below, how to link them to achieve like above statement.
    ViewObjectImpl empVOImpl = getEmployeesView1();
    ViewCriteria vc = empVOImpl.createViewCriteria();
    ViewCriteriaRow vcr = vc.createViewCriteriaRow();
    //criteria for employee id
    ViewCriteriaItem vci1 = vcr.ensureCriteriaItem("JobId");
    //criteria for showing employees whose salary are more than 10000
    ViewCriteriaItem vci2 = vcr.ensureCriteriaItem("Salary");
    vci2.setValue(new Number(2500));
    //criteria for department
    ViewCriteriaItem vci3 = vcr.ensureCriteriaItem("DepartmentId");
    vci3.setValue(new Number(100));
    - Rajesha
    Edited by: user12820425 on May 15, 2013 10:18 AM

    Hi Rajesha,
    You can follow below steps.
    1)Create VOImpl for VO on which you have query based.
    2)Remove Column(eg.JobId) from standard Default ViewCriteria
    3)In VOImpl create method to Create View custom Criteria, Add element
    public ViewCriteria  addCustomVC(){
                ViewCriteria vc = null;
                vc = this.createViewCriteria();
            ViewCriteriaRow vcRow = vc.createViewCriteriaRow();
            if(getJobId() != null){ 
                vcRow.setAttribute("JobId", "' job_id = "+getJobId()+"'"); 
            }else {
    return vc;
    }4)Override standard method public String getCriteriaItemClause to exclude above columns
        public String getCriteriaItemClause(ViewCriteriaItem viewCriteriaItem) {
            if( "JobId".equals(viewCriteriaItem.getName()) ) {
                return (String) viewCriteriaItem.getValue();   
                return super.getCriteriaItemClause(viewCriteriaItem);
        }5)Override public void executeQuery() method to add custom view criteria
        public void executeQuery()
                applyViewCriteria(addCustomVC(), true);

  • Display data as a tree view on IE5

    I want to display data which is parsered by .xsql and use .xsl transfrom to HTML as a tree view(using javascript).
    Is there any sample or suggestion will eb grateful.

    Thanks for the backup :-)
    A new version of the Tree Tag will be out some time this summer, by the way. It features:
    1) The possibility to attach an object to a tree node (getObject(), setObject(...)).
    This means you can display more information in the tree than just what is available
    on the tree node itself. The information in this attached object can also be displayed.
    This attached object can for instance be rendered by Struts's <bean:write ...> tags
    2) Client side event listeners.
    A new tag will be added that will only evaluate it's body when a node is expanded, collapsed,
    selected or unselected. This way you can have a small bit of javascript sent along with the tree html to the browser, when a node is expanded/collapsed or selected/unselected, that for instance reloads the page in another frame in the browser
    3) The <tree:tree...> tag will be able to detect selected/unselected nodes by itself, if the select request is sent to the page containing the <tree:tree tag>. In the current version only expands/collapses are detected automatically. This new feature is implemented to support the client side event listeners.
    4) Someone asked for no-arg contructors of the TreeNode for use with reflection. They will be added to.
    A larger, more detailed manual will probably also be available for a small fee, in addition to the free basic user guide and the free web app. example.
    Look out for it ;-)
    Jakob Jenkov

  • SharePoint 2013---How to convert current left Navigation into tree view

    Hi All,
    I want to convert current left navigation into tree view in SharePoint 2013. When we click on Modify Navigation and set headers and links; I need that should be convert into tree view. All headers should be expandable to thier links.
    I just want tree view on navigation headers and links. not for all site and subsites which we can enabled from site settings --> Modify All Site settings --> Tree view
    Please help me Master Page editing on Navigation Generation.. Thanks in advance!

    Hi Anna,
    If you want to replace the Quick Launch part with the custom treeview web part in master page, you can comment out or remove the quick launch code block "<!--SPM:<SharePoint:SPNavigationManager id="QuickLaunchNavigationManager.....>....<>-->",
    then insert the custom web part snippet code in proper location in seattle master page, then all pages inheriting the seattle master page will have this web part.
    Note, please back up the master page before customizing the original master page for recovery.
    Daniel Yang
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected] 
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

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  • Nube needs help inserting a JQuery horizontal menu bar into my site-help.

    Please forgive the ignorance of my questions but I am new to Mobile site design and Dreamweaver. I am trying to build a responsive web site for my company that can be viewed on multiple platforms, but am having trouble inserting a responsive menu and

  • Do you have to implement SRM to use the self service procurement?

    I was interested in possibly using the self service procurement functionality. Do you have to implement SRM for this to be available? Thanks! Chris Lintner Aflac


    I am trying to follow the directions to add the degree symbol to the toolbar. I need the degree symbol code to enter. Also, there is already a degree symbol in the cmds.cfg and menu.cfg files. Not sure why the symbol does not appear on the drop-down?

  • Airport Self Assigned IP/No IP Address and Ethernet Cable not detected

    My aiport status keeps changing to: No IP Address Self Asigned IP Conected to the internet Even when it says connected to the internet, It isn't. Also my iMac won't detect any ethernet cable and I know the cables work because they work on my Macbook.