Build versions means 14.0.7015.1000 Installed and 14.0.7109.5000 Installed

I update my sharepoint farm with December 2013 c.u(14.0.7113.5000) and previously I installed sharepoint 2010 service pack 2 (version :​14.0.7015.1000)
what this  build versions mean here
 Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Installed
Microsoft Access Services English Language Pack
14.0.7015.1000 Installed  
Hotfix for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 (KB2849971) 64-Bit Edition
14.0.7109.5000 Installed  
Service Pack 2 for Microsoft SharePoint 2010 (KB2687453) 64-Bit Edition
14.0.7015.1000 Installed  
Microsoft Access Services Server
14.0.7015.1000 Installed

SP 1 = 14.0.6029.100
Services Pack 2= 14.0.7015.1000
December CU = 14.0.7113.5000
to understand completely about the CU Numbers, you should check the KB articles and more specifically file
information and you will get the all the possible build number for each file. Some files dont change the build number and some does.
you see the differnt version on central admin, On that page its shows all the updates till today applied to the form.
Please remember to mark your question as answered &Vote helpful,if this solves/helps your problem. ****************************************************************************************** Thanks -WS MCITP(SharePoint 2010, 2013) Blog:

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    15.0.4569.1000 is Sharepoint 2013 with SP1 version
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    phospholipid77 wrote:
    I actually did petition for one of those replacement disks. I got it from Apple a few weeks ago, but unfortunately I'm having this problem:
    Both of those suggest bad RAM as the likely cause.
    Your best bet may be to make an appointment at the Genius Bar of your local Apple Store. They should be able to sort it out fairly quickly.
    Otherwise, start with this: [Intel-based Macs: Using Apple Hardware Test|]. Run the Extended tests.
    If that doesn't find anything, try the (free) Rember, a heavy-duty memory tester, from:
    I know that my Mac shipped with 10.6.1. I know that the retail version I am buying is 10.6.3.
    That should work fine.
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    You'd have to ask them.

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    You could edit the following query to meet your requirement.
    SELECT     dbo.v_R_System.Name0, dbo.v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM.Caption0 AS [Operating System],
                          dbo.v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM.CSDVersion0 AS [OS Service Pack], arp.DisplayName0,
                          CASE WHEN arp.version0 LIKE '11.0.6361.0' THEN 'SP1' WHEN arp.version0 LIKE '11.0.7969.0' THEN 'SP2' WHEN arp.version0 LIKE '11.0.8173.0'
                           arp.version0 LIKE '12.0.6215.1000' THEN 'SP1' WHEN arp.version0 LIKE '12.0.6425.1000' THEN 'SP2' WHEN arp.version0 LIKE '14.0.6029.1000'
    THEN 'SP1' ELSE '' END
                           AS 'Service Pack', arp.Version0
    FROM         dbo.v_Add_Remove_Programs AS arp INNER JOIN
                          dbo.v_R_System ON arp.ResourceID = dbo.v_R_System.ResourceID INNER JOIN
                          dbo.v_RA_System_SMSInstalledSites AS ASSG ON dbo.v_R_System.ResourceID = ASSG.ResourceID INNER JOIN
                          dbo.v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM ON dbo.v_R_System.ResourceID = dbo.v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM.ResourceID
    WHERE     (arp.DisplayName0 LIKE '%Microsoft Office%edition%' OR
                          arp.DisplayName0 LIKE '%Microsoft Office Standard 2007%' OR
                          arp.DisplayName0 LIKE '%Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007%' OR
                          arp.DisplayName0 LIKE '%Microsoft Office Professional%2007%' OR
                          arp.DisplayName0 LIKE '%Microsoft Office Standard 2010%' OR
                          arp.DisplayName0 LIKE '%Microsoft Office Enterprise 2010%' OR
                          arp.DisplayName0 LIKE '%Microsoft Office Professional%2010%' OR
                          arp.DisplayName0 LIKE 'Microsoft Office 2000%' OR
                          arp.DisplayName0 LIKE 'Microsoft Office XP%') AND (arp.DisplayName0 NOT LIKE '%update%') AND
                          (arp.DisplayName0 NOT LIKE '%Microsoft Office XP Web Components') AND (dbo.v_R_System.Operating_System_Name_and0 NOT LIKE '%server%')
                          (arp.InstallDate0 NOT LIKE 'NULL')
    ORDER BY dbo.v_R_System.Name0, arp.DisplayName0, arp.Version0
    Full details:
    Best Regards,
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

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    Todd Flora

    I no longer need help with this, as I have determined to load weblogic on our build machine.

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    FAILED. This message is taken from the execmgr.log.
    Ideally I'd like to allow the user to defer the install say 3 times and afterwards deploy it how you could manage WSUS patches.  
    Does anyone have any helpful suggestions around this?  Thanks in advance!

    Generaly, this is not possible I think, at least nothing can be done on Office side. Office
    365 cannot install the new build if any Office applications are running.
    We do have a attribute (FORCEAPPSHUTDOWN) that can be set in configuration.xml file to force shutting down any applications that block the action, but this will not
    make the process your ideal way.
    So through Office if you click Cancel the user cancels the update and will not be re-prompted? Surely in the corporate world you would want them to be compliant and not have the user ultimately manage their patch level? 
    I am already using Forceappshutdown but enabled the display level (in the config.xml) which is how they are prompted to close the app. For sure doing this silently would not be feasible.  It would automatically close office regardless. Definite no no.
     I will repost in the SCCM forum and see if i have any luck if what you say is true.  I can't be the only person with this issue.  I need to find some guidance on deferral procedures.

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    Is this possible ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Of course, I put this on my jnlp file,
        <j2se version="1.5+"/>
        <jar href="..... "/>
    </resources> But even with that, it doesn't display a nice message but a kind of exception instead.
    Thanks in advance.

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    System info:-
    OS X
    Build# 12E55
    SN# C02jjoNFDRV7
    Version 10.8.4
    Processor 1.7 GHz Intel Core i5
    Memory 4GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    Startup Disk:- Macintosh HD - 24.15 GB Availble  - 120.47 GB Total.
    Partition Map Scheme: GUID Partition Table
    What I do ?
    1-I Click Verify Volume its get error msg " Disk Utility stopped verifying MAcintosh HD"
    2- Volume bitmap needs minor repair for orphaned blocks????!!!
    3-Invalid volume free blocks count !!!
    4-The Volume MAC HD was found corrupt and need to be repaird!! How to repair???
    5-Error: This Disk need to be repaired window appears, Choose Disk Utility.
    Please I need Full Support for above problem
    Kind Regards,
    Anas Al Areefi

    misalaram wrote:
    Csound1@ thanks for reply
    i want to install microsoft office in my macbook pro
    how can i do tat...plz tell me
    Buy a copy of Office for Mac, install it, update it.

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    How would I install CS3 successfully?
    Probably not at all. New PC means Win 7 or Win 8 and CS3 is not compatible at all with the latter and exposes some not so minor issues with the otehr. Beyond that, if you feel adventurous, al lyou need is your CS3 and you will be asked for a serial of a previous product. Just expect this to be an unpleasant experience and don't say you haven't been warned. Of course you might end up happy like a kid on Christmas on the odd chance it may work without a hitch...

  • Programmatically Changing Build Version

    We are wanting to automate our build process and we have a particular problem. We have been looking into the Jenkins tool and quite possibly, LabVIEW 2011 may help us out when we upgrade, not sure though.  But before we look outside of LabVIEW for a solution, we want to run this dilemna by some of the LabVIEW users. We are using the Unit Test Framework and let's say we have some unit tests in our project. We wrote a wrapper VI that will do the following:
    1) progammatically execute the unit tests using the Run Tests from
    2) unbundle the test status from the output cluster array and look for a "Passed" result
    3) if the result is indeed "Passed" then this means that the overall results for the unit tests are OK and go ahead and call the Build Targets with the appropriate path, name of build and target. The name of the build is set in the properties of the build specification in the project.
    This works fine. What we want is the ability to either auto-increment the version number (which the checkbox is selected in the build properties) or set a version for the build. Only when you press the Build button in the build specification properties does the version get incremented automatically, not via programmatically.

    In versions before LabVIEW 2014, this was truly difficult, as the Version Number for a particular Build Spec is stored deep within the XML that is part of a Project (modify at your own risk).  There are also some inconsistencies in the XML Tags, in particular whether the third dotted number of the Build Spec is called "Fix" or "Patch".
    LabVIEW 2014 introduced a Set Build Specification Version that allows you to set the Build Spec within the Project by supplying the name of the Target (usually "My Computer"), the name of the Build Spec, and the path to the Project file.  There is also in LabVIEW 2012 and higher (I don't know if this is present in LabVIEW 2011) a Build option called a Pre-Build Action, whereby you can specify a VI to run before the Build takes place.
    In my LabVIEW implementation, my LabVIEW Projects live inside folders that are part of a SubVersion repository.  I wrote a utility that, given the path to the Project File, can return the SubVersion Build number.  Using the Pre-Build Action, I can call this Utility, get the SVN Build Number, and use Set Build Specification Version (or other LabVIEW code to diddle the Project XML file directly).
    This, in fact, works, but there's a bug -- the file that results from this Build does not have the Build number specified by the Pre-Build Action.  It turns out that as part of the Build process, the Version is cached first, then the Pre-Build Action is applied (updating the Version, perhaps), then the Build takes place using the cached Version.  The "simple fix" is to Build twice -- the first time to save the SVN Version into the Build Version number, the second time to use this saved Version number in accomplishing the Build.
    I've alerted NI to this conundrum.  I didn't get the sense that they are willing or eager to change this behavior.
    Bob Schor

  • IPhone SDK build version

    Hello everyone. I'm fairly new to Mac programming and the Xcode environment so I hope one of you can answer my silly question: How can I tell which build version of the iPhone SDK I have installed?

    Hey jerberrs,
    Is there a way to tell at compile time what the SDK version is? I have both 2.0 and 2.1 installed and I am looking for a way to conditionally compile based on the version of the SDK.

  • 10.4.7 Build Versions Listed by Apple

    You know every time you think, ah I'll just quickly look this up - simple - somehow someone somewhere manages to make it just a little more complicated than you could expect.
    Concentrating only on the I-Mac OS X...10.4
    Since my build version is different from apple's listed version I am assuming that these are just generic codes. As long as the first two digits agree?
    Then you get mac os x builds which would you believe are then completely different??
    Or am I so stupid as to think that 'builds' and 'build versions' could ever have had the same meaning?

    MacTracker is a free database of specifications of all Macs ever built:

  • I am trying to use a website that requires that my computer have the lastest version of Java, which I have updated and installed, however Firefox does not recon

    I am trying to use a website that requires that my computer have the latest version of Java, which I have updated and installed Java 7 Update 51 (64-bit), however Firefox does not recognize that I even have Java on my computer. My computer is 64-bit
    When I run "Verify Java Version" it show nothing is installed... but it is, I know that for a fact because it shows in my "Control Panel/Programs/Programs and Features".
    When I go back to the Java Download page, the following message is visible:
    "We have detected you may be viewing this page in a 32-bit browser. If you use 32-bit and 64-bit browsers interchangeably, you will need to install both 32-bit and 64-bit Java in order to have the Java plug-in for both browsers."
    My question is this:
    Is there a way to change my Firefox browser from 32-bit to 64-bit.... because it appears that this is way Java is not functioning properly?

    Firefox needs 32-bit plugins, so you'll need to install 32-bit Java for Firefox.
    No, you can't change Firefox from 32-bt to 64-bit. There is a Nightly 64-bit version (alpha) of Firefox, but it is used only to test for regressions until development is resumed.

  • I have installed the most recent version of Snow Leopard on my MAC, and I am trying to install Mountain Lion from the Apple Store.  It will not install, because it says I do not have 2GB of memory, even though I have over 200GB available.  Please help.

    I have installed the most recent version of Snow Leopard on my MAC, and I am trying to install Mountain Lion from the Apple Store.  It will not install, because it says I do not have 2GB of memory, even though I have over 200GB available.  Please help.

    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    One thing is the memory, and another thing is the hard disk space. You are telling me that you have 200 GB of free space on the hard disk, but the App Store is telling you that you have to install 2 GB of memory or more on your Mac if you want to upgrade to OS X Mountain Lion.
    First of all, open  > About this Mac > More Info, and copy "Model Identifier" here, so we can know what Mac you have got and how much memory you can install.
    We recommend to buy the memory in OWC or Crucial (Crucial is cheaper and offers the same compatibility warranty as OWC) because you won't probably have any problem with the memory you buy there

  • What is the build version for Sharepoint 2013 Server including trial version there is one?

    Hello Community
        When using WS2012 and Sharepoint 2013 Server, what
    build version for a Sharepoint 2013 Server farm should
    be applied and where do you get the cumulative update
    for it (trial version also if there is one)?
        Thank you

    According to your description, my understanding is that you want to know which SharePoint build version should be applied to Windows Server 2012 and where to get cumulative update.
    If you want to use SharePoint in Windows Server 2012, you can use the RTM version 15.0.4420.1017.
    For CU update and build version, I suggest you can refer the detailed article below:
    SharePoint 2013 Build Numbers
    Best Regards
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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