Builds and Version Numbers on AppStore

Hello All
I was wondering, I check the AppStore often. I've already downloaded ML 10.8.2 from same. But now I always see I'm able to download ML. I've done this and saved the installer to an external. I'll wait a week and download again. When I go to replace the former download I always get "An older item exists in this location would you like to replace it." So of course I do. Can someone tell me why there is always a newer copy on ML on the AppStore? That is with a new verision number? Assuming the build is the same 12C54 ...I did a get info on the latest installer I downloaded and it said version 1.8.13 (?) I believe that was the version number under "get info." Is that the verison of the installer? and/or Devs always fixing bugs and putting newer verisons of build 12C54 up on the AppStore. I've Googled everything I can think of to find an answer but to no avail.
Message was edited by: MacJoseph

Can someone tell me why there is always a newer copy on ML on the AppStore?
Apple is fixing bugs in the installer scripts.
Devs always fixing bugs and putting newer verisons of build 12C54 up on the AppStore.
Mountain Lion doesn't change without the build number changing.
Thank you to the 41 people who read this with no clue as to even attempt a reply.
Perhaps 41 people thought about your question and did not have an answer.  Did you expect one "I don't know" and 40 "me either's"?

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    HI Ron,
    I am not sure, but the small files might be the resource forks of the photos.
    I know when I send photos to PC friends that I make sure the resource fork is removed from the photos before I send them other the recipient will get two diles in the email. One the resource fork and the larger is the photos.
    You might try exporting the photos from iPhoto to a folder on the desktop. From there you can use a program to delete the resource forks from the photos.
    You can then copy that folder of photos to the media player.
    There are different methods to do this.
    1-usings X-ray
    2-I have used GrimReeper in the past. It is a contextual menu plugin.
    Check out this page for more info
    You also might like to check out a newer app called Blue Harvest

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    Discoverer is a very mature product in the BI standpoint. These are the dates I remember from memory. I'm sure the disco team or some of the other members have more accurate dates
    3.1 May 1998
    4.1 December 2000
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    TUSC, The Oracle Experts.
    [email protected]

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    Hi Chris,
    Referenced Knowledgebase articles below...
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    2) What Versions of Software Drivers Can be Installed With My FieldPoint CD? -​0C42586256FC8006C75B7
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    Richard A

    Dear Richard Antony,
    The Versioning in the Workflow is very important its some what simmilar to the version on any SAP Objets like Tables, Program etc.
    Here Suppose any change comes in working workflow, then in stead of directly change them you can create a version of them and them modify it. So that you can reverst back to that version if required.
    Like wise there is lots of importance of versioning Workflow.
    The Active Plan version is also important to establish at SWU3. As all the Workflow is using Organization management which is very depended on the Active Plan version. so based on which Plan version you want to use you can Provide in SWU3 to tell Workflow system to use this.
    Hope this will give you a clear picture.

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    I had the same problem because there are so many iPod models.  There is a great article in Wikileaks that explains it all and also has pictures.  I'm confident this answer your question.

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    Hi Matt,
    Please check the crystal Report 2008 product versions
    Cr 2008+SP0 -
    Cr 2008+SP0 + FP1 -
    Cr 2008+SP0 + FP2 -
    Cr 2008+SP0 + FP3 -
    Cr 2008 + SP1 -
    Cr 2008 + SP1 + FP1.1 -
    Cr 2008 + SP1 + FP1.2 -
    Cr 2008 + SP1 + FP1.3 -
    Cr 2008 + SP1 + FP1.4 -
    Cr 2008 + SP1 + FP1.5 -
    Cr 2008 + SP1 + FP1.6 -
    Cr 2008 + SP1 + FP1.7 -
    Cr 2008 + SP1 + FP1.8 -
    Cr 2008 + SP1 + FP1.9 -
    Cr 2008 + SP1 + FP1.10 -
    Cr 2008 + SP1 + FP1.11 -
    Cr 2008 + SP2 -
    Cr 2008 + SP2 + FP2.1 -
    Cr 2008 + SP2 + FP2.2 -
    Cr 2008 + SP2 + FP2.3 -
    Cr 2008 + SP2 + FP2.4 -
    Cr 2008 + SP2 + FP2.5 -
    Cr 2008 + SP2 + FP2.6 -
    Cr 2008 + SP2 + FP2.7 -
    Cr 2008 + SP2 + FP2.8 -
    Cr 2008 + SP2 + FP2.9 -
    Cr 2008 + SP2 + FP2.10 -
    Cr 2008 + SP3 -
    Cr 2008 + SP3 + FP3.1 -
    Cr 2008 + SP3 + FP3.2 -
    Cr 2008 + SP3 + FP3.3 -

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    +"Revision Numbers Are Different Now+
    +In CVS, revision numbers are per file. This is because CVS stores its data in RCS files; each file has a corresponding RCS file in the repository, and the repository is roughly laid+
    +out according to the structure of your project tree.+
    +In Subversion, the repository looks like a single filesystem. Each commit results in an entirely new filesystem tree; in essence, the repository is an array of trees. Each of these trees is labeled with a single revision number. When someone talks about “revision 54”, he's talking about a particular tree (and indirectly, the way the filesystem looked after the 54th commit).+
    +Technically, it's not valid to talk about “revision 5 of foo.c.” Instead, one would say “foo.c as it appears in revision 5.” Also, be careful when making assumptions about the evolution of a file. In CVS, revisions 5 and 6 of foo.c are always different. In Subversion, it's most likely that foo.c did not change between revisions 5 and 6."+
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    Can somebody explain. JDev essentially is showing the version of the file when it was last checked in, but because of changes in some other files, the "actual" version (as per the definition in redbook) might have changed...jdev DOES NOT show this change...why the apparent difference is what I want to understand.

    Thanks for your replies.
    @Timo - I checked out the project from SVN repository to a new folder. It still shows the old versions for some files. In other words, all files are not on same version as shown in app navigator.
    @John - I have tried to reproduce the sections from the Redbook that I felt relevant and that led me to thinking what I am thinking (expecting) now.

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    yes, Oracle JDeveloper versions are in synch with OC4J and 10.1.3 JDeveloper uses OC4J 10.1.3.

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    Provide the version numbers of your operating system and relevant applications, for example "iOS 6.0.3" or "iPhoto 9.1.2".

    What is the question?

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    Can I used Dreamweaver CS5.5 to learn to build and style a web page? I see the CC version but I want to use the earlier version. THx

    you can use the 30 trial and/or purchase from a 3rd party.
    for the trial:
    Downloadable installation files available:
    Suites and Programs:  CC 2014 | CC | CS6 | CS5.5 | CS5 | CS4, CS4 Web Standard | CS3
    Acrobat:  XI, X | 9,8 | 9 standard
    Premiere Elements:  13 | 12 | 11, 10 | 9, 8, 7 win | 8 mac | 7 mac
    Photoshop Elements:  13 |12 | 11, 10 | 9,8,7 win | 8 mac | 7 mac
    Lightroom:  6| 5.7.1| 5 | 4 | 3
    Captivate:  8 | 7 | 6 | 5.5, 5 | 1
    Contribute:  CS5 | CS4, CS3 | 3,2
    FrameMaker:  12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7.2
    Download and installation help for Adobe links
    Download and installation help for Prodesigntools links are listed on most linked pages.  They are critical; especially steps 1, 2 and 3.  If you click a link that does not have those steps listed, open a second window using the Lightroom 3 link to see those 'Important Instructions'.

  • TS1702 I have have version numbers that are different to the ones stated in the appstore.

    I paid for and downloaded direct from the app store Batman Lockdown for the ipad recently and instead of version 1.03 i see in my settings that it is version 8710.655 which appears to be a version not legal or from the apple store. MY device is new, not jailbroken and I deleted the app and tried to download from wifi as well as Verizon and i get the same issue...this is not the only app btw - about 5 of 20 of my apps all have version numbers not in line with the producer version...
    Help understanding this would be great since this poses a lot of apparent issues with the security of my device, account and network obviously...thanks.

    Reset your iPad by holding the home and on/off buttons together for 6 or 7 seconds till the Apple logo appears.  Then update your apps one at a time.  Do not start the next app until the current one downloads and finishes installing.

  • Visual Studio 2010 Production Release Version Numbers

    I uninstalled the beta and installed the production release.  After letting it convert my projects, I noticed that the version numbers for the .NET assemblies appear to be 13.0.2000.0 and in the beta version they were 14.0.2000.0.
    Can someone from SAP confirm the version numbers for the production release?

    You are correct. The final build is version 13. Long story due to download sizes and integration. I've updated 4 Images now both 32 and 64 bit and had no problems. Other major change is there is no connectivity to BOE Enterprise and no plans to add it.
    See this [Link |Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 Production Release Now Available;for more info and known issues.
    Thank you

  • Missing Software and version #

    Okay, how would you all handle this:
    In ZEN 7, we had JUST MSI And add/remove programs setup for software inventory. It actually did pretty good (example, it found a bunch of ESRI ArcGIS stuff).
    It would show ALL the SDK (ie, there's an SDK for C++, one for VB, etc.)
    It would also show the complete version and build number (ie:
    Now we are using ZAM 7.5 (in addition to ZEN, but eventually will cutover to ZCM)
    Anyway, ZAM 7.5 seems even more limited in its software inventory.
    It doesn't find any of the SDK's (I've had to submit multiple fingerprint wizards in the past for missing software).
    It also doesn't report build numbers, just versions like 9.2
    Sooo, what's the best way to handle this?
    The missing stuff I'm either going to have to add more fingerprints (very time consuming as I have to go visit the PC's with the software to run the utility) or add local product (in which case I've gotta get the people to send me the .exe and whatnot). Either way, stinks, IMO.
    And how should I handle the missing version information? It's in the windows registry at the least, but I'm not sure about the actual VBR info in the file. Do I submit an SR, enhancement request, run the wizard?
    Version info is very important for us because it signifies the product patch levels (ie, it doesn't say like: Hi I'm ArcView 9.2 SP3, but rather, I'm 9.2.somethingsomethingsomethng)

    Recognition in ZAM - and ZCM - has been, over time, focused more towards business applications than development applications. In that environment, recognition out to the build number is viewed as less relevant; accordingly, most fingerprints tend to report at the "N.N" or "N.N.N" level. The recognition technology is quite capable of reporting out to "N.N.N.N" and indeed that level of granularity is utilized when requested and appropriate. (We pickup the build from the VRB.) Further, when specified, "promotion" fingerprints will automatically discover versions with new build numbers in them and create new products on-the-fly. This type of fingerprint must, however, be engineered by Novell.
    Generally, the recognition team has placed less emphasis on SDKs. We tend to make decisions towards products that will have impact on the majority of customers. But, as you've mentioned, we respond to requests for signatures.
    From the software local products perspective, if you are gathering "software file" (the ZAM name) or "file scan" (ZCM) data, you shouldn't need to have files sent to you to create a local product. In ZAM 7.5 you can create a local product from the Software Files report in the web console fairly efficiently. It works even better in the ZENworks Control Center of ZCM 10. On a project earlier this year, at a customer site where there is a lot of internal application development and a strong commitment to populating the VRB on every update, we created over 150 local products - with different product names and versions - in about a minute.

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