Buritto/Hero 4.5 (MobileApplication) Date Class buggy

OMG I hope it's me!
var startDate:Date = new Date(2010, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999);
var endDate:Date = new Date(2011, 12, 31, 24, 00, 00, 00);
var realDate:Date = new Date();
trace("startDate:" + startDate.toDateString() + "  " + startDate.toTimeString());
trace("endDate:" + endDate.toDateString() + "  " + endDate.toTimeString());
trace("realDate:" + realDate.toDateString() + "  " + realDate.toTimeString());
startDate:Mon Jan 31 2011  23:59:59 GMT-0800
endDate:Wed Feb 1 2012  00:00:00 GMT-0800
realDate:Thu Feb 10 2011  00:45:46 GMT-0800
startDate    Date (@90d6e01)   
    date    31 [0x1f]   
    dateUTC    1   
    day    1   
    dayUTC    2   
    fullYear    2011 [0x7db]   
    fullYearUTC    2011 [0x7db]   
    hours    23 [0x17]   
    hoursUTC    7   
    milliseconds    999 [0x3e7]   
    millisecondsUTC    999 [0x3e7]   
    minutes    59 [0x3b]   
    minutesUTC    59 [0x3b]   
    month    0   
    monthUTC    1   
    seconds    59 [0x3b]   
    secondsUTC    59 [0x3b]   
    time    1296547199999 [0x12de03c3bff]   
    timezoneOffset    480 [0x1e0]
endDate    Date (@90d6e21)   
    date    1   
    dateUTC    1   
    day    3   
    dayUTC    3   
    fullYear    2012 [0x7dc]   
    fullYearUTC    2012 [0x7dc]   
    hours    0   
    hoursUTC    8   
    milliseconds    0   
    millisecondsUTC    0   
    minutes    0   
    minutesUTC    0   
    month    1   
    monthUTC    1   
    seconds    0   
    secondsUTC    0   
    time    1328083200000 [0x13537ed6800]   
    timezoneOffset    480 [0x1e0]  
realDate    Date (@90d6e41)   
    date    10 [0xa]   
    dateUTC    10 [0xa]   
    day    4   
    dayUTC    4   
    fullYear    2011 [0x7db]   
    fullYearUTC    2011 [0x7db]   
    hours    0   
    hoursUTC    8   
    milliseconds    58 [0x3a]   
    millisecondsUTC    58 [0x3a]   
    minutes    48 [0x30]   
    minutesUTC    48 [0x30]   
    month    1   
    monthUTC    1   
    seconds    6   
    secondsUTC    6   
    time    1297327686058 [0x12e0ec181aa]   
    timezoneOffset    480 [0x1e0]  
realDate inspector in Flash Builder shows date 10 but day 4?
month is Feburary it shows 1
I'm sorry but this appears totally f'ed up to me?!!
I'll look into but I really don't think there is much I can do with this?

getTIme() seems to be using day not date for the day?
I'm confused... I hope?!
You'll have to run the numbers too it must be were I'm miss calculating?
Maybe I can offset the month which seems wrong -1?
Rught so Day is dow or day of week with the date is the day of the month.
Still the getTime is using the day of the week to multiply the milliseconds returned from getTime() I think?
I suppose I can rebuild a new getTime() function for another on of my as3fix package classes.
Wait!!! What's this?
1016: Base class is final.    RealDate.as
You have got to be kidding me?!?

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    Enough said there, making the scrollbar invisible or fade away is really bad (DESIGN Flaw).
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                import spark.skins.spark.VScrollBarSkin;
                public function init():void {
                    xtc.getTextFor(title, contentTextArea);
                    contentScroller.verticalScrollBar.setStyle("skinClass", Class(VScrollBarSkin));
                    contentScroller.verticalScrollBar.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, bringMeBackPlease);
                public function bringMeBackPlease(e:MouseEvent):void {
                    trace("bringMeBackPlease: " + e.type);
                    trace("MOUSE: " + e.localX + " " + e.localY);
                    var ai:AnimateInstance = contentScroller.verticalScrollBar.activeEffects[0];
                    if(ai != null) {
                        if(ai.animation != null) {
                            ai.animation = null;
                            contentScroller.verticalScrollBar.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, bringMeBackPlease);
    Okay well that reminds me I totally replaced the skin with a Catylist built one two but this animated fade functionality resides clearly in the Scroller class I think.
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    I couldm't find a different none mobile spark scroller that isn't disfunctional in this way (fadeing scrollbars).
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                //private var restoreSliderFade:Fade = new Fade();
    skipping code it did fade the dcroller to view but I could not also make the scrollbar fade back.
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    It's rare I result to forums so I'm hopeful people at Adobe in development see this stuff and actually realize the need a boolean on the MobileApplication Scroller Class that is something like autohideScrollbars with a default of false.
    Please help ASAP anyone any work around??!!!
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                private function draggingContent(me:MouseEvent):void {
                    trace("draggingContent" + me.toString());
                    switch(me.type) {
                        case MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN:
                            dragging = true;
                            dragOrigin = contentScroller.contentMouseY;
                            scrollStart = contentScroller.verticalScrollBar.value;
                        case MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE:
                            if(dragging == true) {
                                contentScroller.verticalScrollBar.value = (scrollStart + (dragOrigin - contentScroller.contentMouseY));
                        case MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP:
                        case MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT:
                            dragging = false;
    with listeners in initi()
                    contentTextArea.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, draggingContent);
                    contentTextArea.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, draggingContent);
                    contentTextArea.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, draggingContent);
                    contentTextArea.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, draggingContent);
    I could go on with all the ways I looked at ever class property and function, delved through the debug viewer inspecting values before and during states of visibility.
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       Your angry MobileApplication Burrito Beta Testing Victim

    I'm sorry to hear you've been having problems with this, but thank you for providing this feedback on here.  It's really helpful for us to hear experiences like this so we can work to make things easier.
    1. "making the scrollbar invisible or fade away is really bad (DESIGN Flaw)."
    Native iOS and Android applications also fade away their scrollbars the same way, but they do initially show the scrollbar for a short time when the view is first loaded before fading them away.
    Here's an enhancement request for allowing scrollbars to always be visible: http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/SDK-29296
    2. "Trying to make it appear initially is ultimately currently impossible from what I can tell (BUG & DESIGN flaw)."
    This is something we thought about doing, but didn't have the time to implement in this release.  See attached ZIP for an example of how you might do this.
    There is an enhancement filed here: http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/SDK-29299
    3. "ScrollerPolicy is only about should it appear when the content is larger and that is also not the issue."
    When you're using a mobile Scroller the horizontalScrollPolicy/verticalScrollPolicy govern whether scrolling is allowed in that direction.  It doesn't have any further connection with the visibility of scroll bars like it does in a desktop Scroller.
    4. "Well first I replaced the skin with something people can actually see too instead of the thin line of black on black. (using a spark skin not the default)"
    The skin for the scrollbars has been updated since the preview release and will stand out more in the final release.
    5. "I couldm't find a different none mobile spark scroller that isn't disfunctional in this way (fadeing scrollbars)."
    On a desktop application you can hook up your own HScrollBar/VScrollBar directly to have more control over things like this, but in a mobile application only Scroller currently is able to handle touch-based scrolling.
    It might make sense to enable touch scrolling without needing a Scroller.  Here's the enhancement request for this: http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/SDK-29300
    7. "I tried simulating drag operations, mousedown, move events etc. nohting can actually get the f!ng scrollbar to appear that I can find."
    Interesting idea, but faking a touch scroll is quite tricky and won't really get the results you are looking for in the final release so I would recommend not going further down this approach.
    8. "It's rare I result to forums so I'm hopeful people at Adobe in development see this stuff and actually realize the need a boolean on the MobileApplication Scroller Class that is something like autohideScrollbars with a default of false."
    This relates to the first two bugs listed above.
    9. "Please help ASAP anyone any work around??!!!"
    See the attached ZIP for an example application that demonstrates how to keep the scrollbars always visible, as well as a sample way of implementing the initial show and fade functionality.
    It was a bit tricky to figure this out because both Scroller and ScrollerLayout affect the visibility of the scrollbars and change includeInLayout/scaleX/scaleY when things are not visible.
    10. "Your angry MobileApplication Burrito Beta Testing Victim"
    Again, thank you for your detailed feedback.  I know working with preview releases can be very frustrating at times, but hopefully the information in this post helps ease the pain a little.
    Please feel free to vote and comment on any/all of the bugs listed above.

  • Buritto/Hero 4.5 (MobileApplication) popView stomping old mxml on existing view

    I noticed when trying to dynamically load a SWFLoader with a new SWF source/load that after waiting for the event load COMPLETED and then calling popView (the suggested methodology), results in the old original mxml stomping the changes of in this case a newly loaded SWF in a SWFLoader.
    I'm confused as to how one uses persistance manager or what?
       mainView.addEventListener(FlexEvent.VIEW_ACTIVATE, mainViewActivate);
       mainView.addEventListener(FlexEvent.VIEW_DEACTIVATE, mainViewDeactivate);
    I mean once a viwe has been loaded with pushView you shouldn't have it re-wiped with a popView. Is this making sense? It made me think there are major problems with SWFLoader.
    Currently I popView before calling load on a SWFLoader or the original mxml stomps over wipping out the updates, when you call popView on completetion of the load call.

    Awesome SPSman!
    I tried it and it still called my mxml's init() via creationComplete (with events deactivate and activate of course).
    Maybe it's a bug still yet than? yes.
    I've managed to work around it and it's really very desturbing situation to program for that I don't like as a default policy. [Although I fear I'm still battling with related issues.]
    I think in the few adobe mobile examples I've seen (out there) it didn't really matter and therefore makes sense, but it's not my practical user experience. I should be managing that basically by reference?! I always though.
    Thanks very much for the help I'm sure this thread will be of help to others one day when that helps in this situation.

  • Error on Desktop: iTunes unable to load data class information from sync services.

    Error on Desktop; iTunes unable to load data class information from sync services.

    Hi there Randall112,
    You may find the troubleshooting steps in the article below helpful.
    iTunes for Windows: "Unable to load data class" or "Unable to load provider data" sync services alert
    -Griff W. 

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    I make WAD report that using Map Web Item.
    I devide to four (4) classes for legend (Generate_Breaks).
    I want to change default value for the class by javascript and for this,
    I need to get maximal value from the class.
    How to get maximal value from the data/class.
    please give me solution for my problem.
    Many Thx
    Eddy Utomo

    use this to get the following End_date
    Try this
    Current StartDate <?START_DATE?>
    Current End Date <?END_DATE?>
    Next Start Date <?following-sibling::ROW/END_DATE?>
    Previous End Date <?preceding-sibling::ROW[1]/END_DATE?>
    <?end for-each?>
    Current StartDate 01-01-1980
    Current End Date 01-01-1988
    Next Start Date 01-01-1990
    Previous End Date
    Current StartDate 01-01-1988
    Current End Date 01-01-1990
    Next Start Date 01-01-2005
    Previous End Date 01-01-1988
    Current StartDate 01-01-2000
    Current End Date 01-01-2005
    Next Start Date
    Previous End Date 01

  • When trying to sync my I Phone 4 to I tunes I am getting a message: Unable to Data class information from Sync Services. What does this mean?

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    In the course of your troubleshooting to date, have you worked through the following document?
    iTunes for Windows: "Unable to load data class" or "Unable to load provider data" sync services alert

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    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Mac OS X

  • I keep getting this error message: ITunes was unable to load data class information from Synch Services. Reconnect or try again later. What does that mean? Can I fix it? or do I have to wait for the next update?

    I keep getting this error message: ITunes was unable to load data class information from Synch Services. Reconnect or try again later. What does that mean? Can I fix it? or do I have to wait for the next update?

    See TS2690: iTunes for Windows: "Unable to load data class" or "Unable to load provider data" sync services alert.

  • Was unable to load data class info from sync services.  try again later.

    Since installing the latest version of itunes ( whenever I have either mine or my wife's iphones (4 and 5c, both with the latest 7.1.1) turned on and I start iTunes, I receive the error message saying that itunes was unable to load data class info from sync services.  try again later.
    If I leave the phones turned off and open iTunes, I am able to sync my old ipod so it appears to be an issue with the software on the phones? 
    I'm just not sure where to start.  I've made sure that itunes has the latest version and no more updates are available.
    Thanks in advance,

    this is on a windows 7 machine, btw.

  • ITunes was unable to load data class information from Sync Services. Reconnect or try again later.

    Ever since I upgraded to iTunes 10.4 I've been getting this dreaded message on many occasions when I try to sync my iPhone 4 or iPad 2 with my Win 7 64 bit machine. "iTunes was unable to load data class information from Sync Services. Reconnect or try again later." What happens is that local content (music, videos etc) will sync properly to my iPhone, but other content (such as Outlook information, MobileMe stuff, etc) will not.
    I have uninstalled and completely purged all Apple data from my PC (including hidden files and folders under Common Files and in the Registry) and reinstalled iTunes. Yet after one or two syncs, the same problem resurfaces. The other weird part is that the Sync Services crap-out message will happen after I do a successful sync, leave the iPhone connected to the PC, and don't even touch the computer for several hours.
    I've actually developed a very tedious work around that seems to restore syncing if for a short time.
    - Undock/unconnect all Apple devices from the PC.
    - Close iTunes, MobileMe control panel, and Safari (if you have it).
    - Start Task Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del) and shut down iTunesHelper.exe and SyncServer.exe
    - Open up a Windows Explorer window (like My Computer) and under Tools, Folder Options, View, toggle on Show Hidden Files and toggle off Hide Protected Operating System FIles
    - In WIndows Explorer, navigate to "C:\Users\<your name>\App Data\Roaming\Apple Computer". Rename the folder Sync Services to something else, like Sync Services_Old.
    - In WIndows Explorere, navigate to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support" and double-click on AppleSyncNotifier.exe.
    - Go back to your Folder Options and turn off SHow Hidden Files and toggle on Hide Protected Operationg System Files
    Now you can start up iTunes again and connect your device. It should sync properly again (at least, until it doesn't once more).
    Does anyone at Apple have any idea about this error or a solution?

    I actually spent a fair amount of time on the phone with a senior Apple tech last week. He directed me to this topic:
    It's important that you go through the steps EXACTLY as described here and in the proper order. Also make sure MobileMe control panel is uninstalled (if you have it).
    Interestingly, when I went through this procedure and then reinstalled iTunes 10.4 64-bit  (didn't do MobileMe or Safari at this stage, but QT is automatically installed) everything worked perfectly. The aforementioned error messages disappeared and all is working flawlessly, as it should.
    I hope my expereince will help! Give it a try.

  • ITunes was unable to load data class information from sync services.

    I get the error message "iTunes was unable to load data class information from sync services. Reconnect or try again later" after reinstalling iTunes. I cancel the message and iTunes proceeds to sync with my iPhone 4. The phone and iTunes software are the latest releases. My PC is running Windows 8.1, which had to be reinstalled after the system crashed, requiring a total reinstall of all software.

    Doublechecking. You've tried the following document?
    iTunes for Windows: "Unable to load data class" or "Unable to load provider data" sync services alert

  • Itunes was unable to load data class information from sync services.Reconnect and try again later.

    when I open itunes I get message " itunes was unable to load data class information from sync services. reconnect or try again later "
    I am unable to sync my ipad 2 or iphone 4 through itunes. I have tried all suggested options, removing itunes and related components from control panel + verified completely uninstalled from C program files + then reinstalling latest version of itunes (version Also tried running itunes as administrator. Also tried reset sync history in itunes  Also tried system restore on windows 7 from earlier period.Still get the same above message.
    I run 64bit windows 7. Have recently renewed my Norton Intenet Security. Everything was OK up till then. Could this have anything to do with it.

    A quick cursory browse seems to point that the problem is on Apples end since the last update of iTunes, theres loads of forum posts about it but Apple themselves arent responding as yet other then the usual "unplug, delete sync data, reconnect or completely uninstall iTunes" spiel which doesnt work so hopefully they will fix it sooner or later

  • When I connect my iphone4s to itunes on  my laptop I get this error...itunes was unable to load data class info from sync serv

    When I connect my iphone4s to itunes on  my laptop I get this error...itunes was unable to load data class info from sync serv

    In the course of your troubleshooting to date, have you worked through the following document?
    iTunes for Windows: "Unable to load data class" or "Unable to load provider data" sync services alert

  • Itunes-error "Itunes was unable to load data class information from sync services"

    Something is going wrong when ever i want to plug in my ipod-using itunes. It loads for like 5 minutes then a error message pops up saying "Itunes was unable to load data class from sync services. reconnect or try again later."
    Though it works when i restart the computer but i dont want to have to restart the computer everytime i want to sync my ipod to itunes.
    I have uninstalled itunes too and downloaded it again and still keeps doing this.

    OK.  Try this article:
    iTunes for Windows: "Unable to load data class" or "Unable to load provider data" sync services alert

Maybe you are looking for