Buritto/Hero 4.5 (MobileApplication) popView stomping old mxml on existing view

I noticed when trying to dynamically load a SWFLoader with a new SWF source/load that after waiting for the event load COMPLETED and then calling popView (the suggested methodology), results in the old original mxml stomping the changes of in this case a newly loaded SWF in a SWFLoader.
I'm confused as to how one uses persistance manager or what?
   mainView.addEventListener(FlexEvent.VIEW_ACTIVATE, mainViewActivate);
   mainView.addEventListener(FlexEvent.VIEW_DEACTIVATE, mainViewDeactivate);
I mean once a viwe has been loaded with pushView you shouldn't have it re-wiped with a popView. Is this making sense? It made me think there are major problems with SWFLoader.
Currently I popView before calling load on a SWFLoader or the original mxml stomps over wipping out the updates, when you call popView on completetion of the load call.

Awesome SPSman!
I tried it and it still called my mxml's init() via creationComplete (with events deactivate and activate of course).
Maybe it's a bug still yet than? yes.
I've managed to work around it and it's really very desturbing situation to program for that I don't like as a default policy. [Although I fear I'm still battling with related issues.]
I think in the few adobe mobile examples I've seen (out there) it didn't really matter and therefore makes sense, but it's not my practical user experience. I should be managing that basically by reference?! I always though.
Thanks very much for the help I'm sure this thread will be of help to others one day when that helps in this situation.

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    I've discovered that this problem more likely relates to an issue with MobileApplication's navigator popView() !?
    It seems when the view that is underneath the popView is restored it stomps over top the previous mxml so something like SWFLoader...
    The suggested methodology is to wait until the dynamically reloaded new source of the SWFLoader is COMPLETED then popView to restore the newly loaded SWF, unfortunately the popView seems to stomp the previous source over top on restore by default so maybe this is persistance manager issue?... anyway this new stuff is really confusing so don't get me started with OMSF's SWFLoader traits etc. nightmares I now have.
    Where its more likely a previous view should retain it's state and not stomp from mxml a new view.
    I suppose I should start this a new thread.

  • Buritto/Hero 4.5 (MobileApplication) Scrollbar always visible?

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    Enough said there, making the scrollbar invisible or fade away is really bad (DESIGN Flaw).
    Trying to make it appear initially is ultimately currently impossible from what I can tell (BUG & DESIGN flaw).
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    Well first I replaced the skin with something people can actually see too instead of the thin line of black on black. (using a spark skin not the default)
                import spark.skins.spark.VScrollBarSkin;
                public function init():void {
                    xtc.getTextFor(title, contentTextArea);
                    contentScroller.verticalScrollBar.setStyle("skinClass", Class(VScrollBarSkin));
                    contentScroller.verticalScrollBar.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, bringMeBackPlease);
                public function bringMeBackPlease(e:MouseEvent):void {
                    trace("bringMeBackPlease: " + e.type);
                    trace("MOUSE: " + e.localX + " " + e.localY);
                    var ai:AnimateInstance = contentScroller.verticalScrollBar.activeEffects[0];
                    if(ai != null) {
                        if(ai.animation != null) {
                            ai.animation = null;
                            contentScroller.verticalScrollBar.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, bringMeBackPlease);
    Okay well that reminds me I totally replaced the skin with a Catylist built one two but this animated fade functionality resides clearly in the Scroller class I think.
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    I couldm't find a different none mobile spark scroller that isn't disfunctional in this way (fadeing scrollbars).
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                //private var restoreSliderFade:Fade = new Fade();
    skipping code it did fade the dcroller to view but I could not also make the scrollbar fade back.
    I tried simulating drag operations, mousedown, move events etc. nohting can actually get the f!ng scrollbar to appear that I can find.
    It's rare I result to forums so I'm hopeful people at Adobe in development see this stuff and actually realize the need a boolean on the MobileApplication Scroller Class that is something like autohideScrollbars with a default of false.
    Please help ASAP anyone any work around??!!!
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                private function draggingContent(me:MouseEvent):void {
                    trace("draggingContent" + me.toString());
                    switch(me.type) {
                        case MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN:
                            dragging = true;
                            dragOrigin = contentScroller.contentMouseY;
                            scrollStart = contentScroller.verticalScrollBar.value;
                        case MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE:
                            if(dragging == true) {
                                contentScroller.verticalScrollBar.value = (scrollStart + (dragOrigin - contentScroller.contentMouseY));
                        case MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP:
                        case MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT:
                            dragging = false;
    with listeners in initi()
                    contentTextArea.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, draggingContent);
                    contentTextArea.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, draggingContent);
                    contentTextArea.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, draggingContent);
                    contentTextArea.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, draggingContent);
    I could go on with all the ways I looked at ever class property and function, delved through the debug viewer inspecting values before and during states of visibility.
    Is there a way to access all the automation and disable certain ones like fading with my hack breaking other more useful smoothings, or override the ones I loath?!!
       Your angry MobileApplication Burrito Beta Testing Victim

    I'm sorry to hear you've been having problems with this, but thank you for providing this feedback on here.  It's really helpful for us to hear experiences like this so we can work to make things easier.
    1. "making the scrollbar invisible or fade away is really bad (DESIGN Flaw)."
    Native iOS and Android applications also fade away their scrollbars the same way, but they do initially show the scrollbar for a short time when the view is first loaded before fading them away.
    Here's an enhancement request for allowing scrollbars to always be visible: http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/SDK-29296
    2. "Trying to make it appear initially is ultimately currently impossible from what I can tell (BUG & DESIGN flaw)."
    This is something we thought about doing, but didn't have the time to implement in this release.  See attached ZIP for an example of how you might do this.
    There is an enhancement filed here: http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/SDK-29299
    3. "ScrollerPolicy is only about should it appear when the content is larger and that is also not the issue."
    When you're using a mobile Scroller the horizontalScrollPolicy/verticalScrollPolicy govern whether scrolling is allowed in that direction.  It doesn't have any further connection with the visibility of scroll bars like it does in a desktop Scroller.
    4. "Well first I replaced the skin with something people can actually see too instead of the thin line of black on black. (using a spark skin not the default)"
    The skin for the scrollbars has been updated since the preview release and will stand out more in the final release.
    5. "I couldm't find a different none mobile spark scroller that isn't disfunctional in this way (fadeing scrollbars)."
    On a desktop application you can hook up your own HScrollBar/VScrollBar directly to have more control over things like this, but in a mobile application only Scroller currently is able to handle touch-based scrolling.
    It might make sense to enable touch scrolling without needing a Scroller.  Here's the enhancement request for this: http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/SDK-29300
    7. "I tried simulating drag operations, mousedown, move events etc. nohting can actually get the f!ng scrollbar to appear that I can find."
    Interesting idea, but faking a touch scroll is quite tricky and won't really get the results you are looking for in the final release so I would recommend not going further down this approach.
    8. "It's rare I result to forums so I'm hopeful people at Adobe in development see this stuff and actually realize the need a boolean on the MobileApplication Scroller Class that is something like autohideScrollbars with a default of false."
    This relates to the first two bugs listed above.
    9. "Please help ASAP anyone any work around??!!!"
    See the attached ZIP for an example application that demonstrates how to keep the scrollbars always visible, as well as a sample way of implementing the initial show and fade functionality.
    It was a bit tricky to figure this out because both Scroller and ScrollerLayout affect the visibility of the scrollbars and change includeInLayout/scaleX/scaleY when things are not visible.
    10. "Your angry MobileApplication Burrito Beta Testing Victim"
    Again, thank you for your detailed feedback.  I know working with preview releases can be very frustrating at times, but hopefully the information in this post helps ease the pain a little.
    Please feel free to vote and comment on any/all of the bugs listed above.

  • Buritto/Hero 4.5 (MobileApplication) Date Class buggy

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    var startDate:Date = new Date(2010, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999);
    var endDate:Date = new Date(2011, 12, 31, 24, 00, 00, 00);
    var realDate:Date = new Date();
    trace("startDate:" + startDate.toDateString() + "  " + startDate.toTimeString());
    trace("endDate:" + endDate.toDateString() + "  " + endDate.toTimeString());
    trace("realDate:" + realDate.toDateString() + "  " + realDate.toTimeString());
    startDate:Mon Jan 31 2011  23:59:59 GMT-0800
    endDate:Wed Feb 1 2012  00:00:00 GMT-0800
    realDate:Thu Feb 10 2011  00:45:46 GMT-0800
    startDate    Date (@90d6e01)   
        date    31 [0x1f]   
        dateUTC    1   
        day    1   
        dayUTC    2   
        fullYear    2011 [0x7db]   
        fullYearUTC    2011 [0x7db]   
        hours    23 [0x17]   
        hoursUTC    7   
        milliseconds    999 [0x3e7]   
        millisecondsUTC    999 [0x3e7]   
        minutes    59 [0x3b]   
        minutesUTC    59 [0x3b]   
        month    0   
        monthUTC    1   
        seconds    59 [0x3b]   
        secondsUTC    59 [0x3b]   
        time    1296547199999 [0x12de03c3bff]   
        timezoneOffset    480 [0x1e0]
    endDate    Date (@90d6e21)   
        date    1   
        dateUTC    1   
        day    3   
        dayUTC    3   
        fullYear    2012 [0x7dc]   
        fullYearUTC    2012 [0x7dc]   
        hours    0   
        hoursUTC    8   
        milliseconds    0   
        millisecondsUTC    0   
        minutes    0   
        minutesUTC    0   
        month    1   
        monthUTC    1   
        seconds    0   
        secondsUTC    0   
        time    1328083200000 [0x13537ed6800]   
        timezoneOffset    480 [0x1e0]  
    realDate    Date (@90d6e41)   
        date    10 [0xa]   
        dateUTC    10 [0xa]   
        day    4   
        dayUTC    4   
        fullYear    2011 [0x7db]   
        fullYearUTC    2011 [0x7db]   
        hours    0   
        hoursUTC    8   
        milliseconds    58 [0x3a]   
        millisecondsUTC    58 [0x3a]   
        minutes    48 [0x30]   
        minutesUTC    48 [0x30]   
        month    1   
        monthUTC    1   
        seconds    6   
        secondsUTC    6   
        time    1297327686058 [0x12e0ec181aa]   
        timezoneOffset    480 [0x1e0]  
    realDate inspector in Flash Builder shows date 10 but day 4?
    month is Feburary it shows 1
    I'm sorry but this appears totally f'ed up to me?!!
    I'll look into but I really don't think there is much I can do with this?

    getTIme() seems to be using day not date for the day?
    I'm confused... I hope?!
    You'll have to run the numbers too it must be were I'm miss calculating?
    Maybe I can offset the month which seems wrong -1?
    Rught so Day is dow or day of week with the date is the day of the month.
    Still the getTime is using the day of the week to multiply the milliseconds returned from getTime() I think?
    I suppose I can rebuild a new getTime() function for another on of my as3fix package classes.
    Wait!!! What's this?
    1016: Base class is final.    RealDate.as
    You have got to be kidding me?!?

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    How can I unlock the copy protection of songs that I've acquired some years ago with an old - and non existing anymore - account? Can I link the songs to my new account or do I have to purchase them again?

    If you're in the US, you will be able to use iTunes Match for $25 a year to remove copy protection in a few months: http://www.apple.com/icloud/features/
    If you're not, you can't.  You can authorise iTunes with the old account in addition to your current account, so all your songs will play, but I'm not sure what will happen if you try to sync them to an iPod.

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    Exchange 2013 SP no DAG. A couple of days ago we migrated from one exchange 2013 sp1 server to another exchange 2013 sp1 server. This new server seems to running fine with the exception that the old DB is in the new server's queue viewer:
    New DB is mailbox database and the other DB is the old DB. How do I get the old DB out of the queue. The old exchange server has NOT been removed/uninstalled. We want to keep the old server (powered off) for a couple days to make sure things are working

    How did you remove the old server you migrated from?
    Ed Crowley MVP "There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."
    We have not removed it as of yet because we want to make sure everything is working correctly before we uninstall exchange.
    @Amy, yes the old DB shows up when running that command. The server that holds that DB is powered off and ECP says it is dismounted.
    Also, it seems this old DB, its message count keeps going up in number. When I suspend that DB, all SMTP mail stops. I dismounted the old DB on the new server and when I try to mount it again on the new server:
    Failed to mount database "Mailbox Database 0119046452". Error: An Active Manager operation failed. Error: The database
    action failed. Error: Operation failed with message: MapiExceptionDatabaseError: Unable to mount database.
    (hr=0x80004005, ec=1108)
    Diagnostic context:
        Lid: 65256
        Lid: 10722   StoreEc: 0x454
        Lid: 1494    ---- Remote Context Beg ----
        Lid: 45120   dwParam: 0x2125B5C
        Lid: 57728   dwParam: 0x2125C08
        Lid: 46144   dwParam: 0x2125C76
        Lid: 34880   dwParam: 0x2125C76
        Lid: 34760   StoreEc: 0xFFFFFB4A
        Lid: 41344   Guid: f73fb9e2-08c8-4ff9-be1c-5f1da4b9c8f1
        Lid: 35200   dwParam: 0x234C
        Lid: 46144   dwParam: 0x2125FD1
        Lid: 34880   dwParam: 0x2125FD1
        Lid: 54472   StoreEc: 0x1388
        Lid: 42184   StoreEc: 0x454
        Lid: 1750    ---- Remote Context End ----
        Lid: 1047    StoreEc: 0x454      [Database: Mailbox Database 0119046452, Server: OLDSERVER.domain.com]
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (Mailbox Database 0119046452:ADObjectId) [Mount-Database], InvalidOper
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=NEWSERVER,RequestId=086534c0-9a9b-421b-b7ca-afb27be4aa7b,TimeStamp=11/27/2014 12:4
       7:40 PM] [FailureCategory=Cmdlet-InvalidOperationException] F20EA44B,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigura
        + PSComputerName        : newserver.domain.com

  • Replaced old ipod want existing music on new ipod

    Can anyone please tell me how I get my existing library onto my new I-Pod? Thanks

    Is the music in iTunes? If it is just connect the new iPod to your computer and follow the on screen instructions to register and name it. It will update from your existing library. Depending on the size of your library and the type of iPod you choose you can have it update all songs and playlists, selected playlists only or you can manage it manually.
    If you only have the songs on the old iPod you need to return them to your computer. Connect your iPod to your computer. If you have any iTunes Music Store purchases the transfer of purchased content from the iPod to authorised computers was introduced with iTunes 7. A paragraph on it has been added to this article: Transfer iTunes Store purchases using iPod
    The transfer of content from other sources such as songs imported from CD is designed by default to be one way from iTunes to iPod. However there are a number of third party utilities that you can use to retrieve the music files and playlists from your iPod. You'll find that they have varying degrees of functionality and some will transfer movies, videos, photos, podcasts and games as well. Have a look at the web pages and documentation, this is just a small selection of what's available, they are generally quite straightforward. You can also read reviews of some of them here: Wired News - Rescue Your Stranded Tunes
    TuneJack Windows Only
    iPod2PC Windows Only
    iGadget Windows Only
    iDump Windows Only
    iRepo Windows Only
    iPodRip Mac & Windows
    YamiPod Mac and Windows Versions
    Music Rescue Mac & Windows
    iPodCopy Mac and Windows Versions
    There is also a manual method of accessing the iPod's hard drive and copying songs back to iTunes on Windows or a Mac. The procedure is a bit involved and won't recover playlists but if you're interested it's available at this link: Two-way Street: Moving Music Off the iPod

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    Suggest that you try the following:
    Power off everything again and wait at least 15 minutes. (Some cable companies...like mine....take even longer for the equipment back at the company to fully reset)
    Power off means pulling the power cord from the back of the modem or unplugging the power cord from the wall.
    Power up the cable modem and let it run by itself at least 2 minutes
    Power up the AirPort Exteme the same way
    Power up each network device one at a time about a minute apart
    Check the network
    If no luck, you will need to perform a Factory Default Reset on the AirPort Exreme and reconfigure it again.
    Resetting an AirPort Base Station or Time Capsule FAQ
    Be sure to use the same time of power down, power up sequence as above.

  • Switching New website with old one using existing URL

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    There are a couple ways:
    1) sFTP the site to your new site. You will have to insert the forms, menus, etc. from the old site to the new one.
    2) Switch the new site to a live site and delete the old one. Caution with this approach as you will lose any data in the old site.
    Hope that helps some, if you have questions let me know.

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    Thanks to Microsoft, I have had to reinstall Windows 7 several times, and now have three lots of Thunderbird installations, one of them on a second disk, D, on my current pc. The C drive holds my current W7 installation and has my current Thunderbird installation.
    1. I would like to incorporate the old Thunderbird messages from D - ideally both received and sent, but at least received - into my current installation on the C drive. Is this possible, and if so how, please ?
    (I have tried searching the knowledge base, but do not have knowledge of the right keywords to bring up any past answers to this query)
    2. A further possibility, but not critical, would be to incorporate the Thunderbird messages from my laptop's W7 installation - and ideally in future synchronize them, so that updates (downloaded mesages and sent messages) on one get added to the other.
    3. A third possibility, which would be nice but is even less critical, would be to incorporate the really very old (oh, must be a couple of years) messages from the Thunderbird installation in the WindowsOld folder on my C drive. I have looked at an answer on this, but it only applied to moving to a new installation of Thunderbird, not an existing one.
    Space is not a problem, by the way.
    Grateful for any help on at least the first point - thanks.

    For item 1, you might want to consider leaving things where they are and use multiple profiles to switch between them. see https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/using-multiple-profiles
    Another approach is to export mail from your D drive and import to your current TB. There is an add-on to TB which allows import and export of emails in various formats to a separate storage medium (external disk, thumb drive, etc.). You could do the same for your laptop.
    The instructions on how to download and install it can be found at http://barryduggan.info/exportMail.php
    For item 2, if you use IMAP instead of POP, messages will be synchronized. See https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/glossary-terms-including-types-accounts
    For item 3, the same export/import process should work for those messages as well.
    <b>NOTE:</b> for all of the export and import processes, select individual emails (even if it's all of them!) rather than folders, unless you are going to use separate folders for each imported batch.
    Backup your current profile before you start all this!
    Let me know if you need clarification.

  • RZ20 - after renaming of hostname old nodes still exist

    Hi all,
    I would like to ask you what should i do to get rid of old hostname nodes in RZ20. After renaming our sap hostnames the nodes in RZ20 are duplicated - both old and new hostname nodes are present. I tried to delete obsolete information from segment and context overview in RZ21, reseted to warm up but nothing help. Old segments appears again in RZ21 after some time and in RZ20 is still the mess with duplicated nodes. Any idea how to solve this?

    Anyway, a slew of problems here, but the most curious is what happened after I erased the Time Capsule disk. I allowed one Mac to complete its "first" backup, and then went on to the other Mac.
    It sounds like the "other" Mac was still connected to the network using Ethernet.....and.....you had not turned off Time Machine on the "other" Mac.....so it simply went ahead and made a new backup....since the Mac was already "aimed" at the Time Capsule and Time Machine was "On".
    So, the "other" Mac went ahead and made a backup.....you just were not aware that it had done so.
    Now, if you are saying that the "other" Mac can go back using Time Machine and read backups that were done several days ago, or weeks ago, then that is different issue.

  • How do I get something like the old TEXT ONLY to view the new "mobile" news pages on one page like it was up to April?

    I used to get a digital version of the front page of the printed wall st journal, now I get a long series of screens with big print headings & a picture. Pretty much the same thing at Bloomberg news. I get it that that's all they can get on a phone screen, but I'm not using a phone, so why am I being punished! Is there some setting I can change or an add-on to fix this without having to change to a text only browser?

    I do not want to half to install things into my PC that i do not trust! I just want this gone and like i said Firefox should of given us the choice to add this and not forced us, because if there is no actual way to remove it then il be forced to remove Firefox till they either remove it or allow us to remove it!

  • A way to remove old folio from Content Viewer?

    I'm buffled, there is no delete/remove option within ACV for testing sideloaded folios?

    Hit the Archive button.

  • How do i find an old apple id

    is there any way to find out what my old apple id user name was? i was looking through my old ipod video and looked at all the songs that i purchased and i want them on my labtop. the problem is that i have an iphone and a new apple id user name and can not remember what my old one was. there has to be a way to be able to get thoughs songs. i did buy them, long time ago, but songs do not expire.

    Perhaps you have an old email confirmation for the purchase of those songs?  That would  have your Apple ID.
    Do any of your old purchased songs exist in your current iTunes library?  If you can find one such song, do a Get Info (right click Get Info) on the song in iTunes.  On the Info window's Summary screen, it shows the Apple ID used to purchase that song.
    If that's not possible, you can use a third-party method or utility to transfer all song from your iPod to your computer's drive.  Do an Internet search on something like "ipod transfer" to get some links.  (The CNET article seems to be popular.)
    Once the songs are on you computer's hard drive, you can add them to your iTunes library.  If your old purchases from the iTunes Store were from the early days of the iTunes Store, the songs may have DRM (copy protection).  You will not be able to play or sync those older DRM'd songs unless you authorize your computer for the Apple ID used to make the purchase.  Now that the song is in your iTunes library, you can do a Get Info on the song to find the Apple ID used to make the purchase (as mentioned earlier).  The command to authorize your computer for that Apple ID is under  Store in the menu bar.
    NOTE:  More recent iTunes Store song purchases do not use DRM.

  • Mac Mail downloads all my old messages with IMAP

    How do I stop this happening? I just want to download messages from now onwards. But I'm getting thousands of old emails downloading to my inbox and no way to stop it seemingly.
    I'm on Mac OSX 10.6.8, using Mail 4.6. I have an @hotmail.com email account.
    Second option would be to somehow delete these messages once they've all downloaded, but without deleting them from the hotmail server... any ideas??
    Many thanks.

    Though the original question is old, people are still viewing it when they need help with the problem.
    I found this possible solution:
    Apple Mail - Removing Messages from the Server
    To have your Apple Mail remove messages from the server when you check mail (using POP), you will follow these steps:
    After opening the Apple Mail program, click on "Mail" from the menu at the top.
    Click on "Preferences"
    Click on "Accounts" (the @ symbol)
    If you have more than one mail account, select the one you want to work with
    Click "Advanced"
    Make sure the box next to "Remove copy from server after retrieving a message" is checked.
    You can also remove messages currently saved on the server by clicking the "Remove now" button.
    Click "Save" when you close the Preference pane
    Using "Remove copy from server after retrieving a message" will make sure your messages are always downloaded to your Mac, and prevent your mailbox quota from being exceeded.

Maybe you are looking for