How to create bulk user ids in the FIM 2010 using powershell

i have the below powershell script but which will create only one user at time in the FIM. Can somebody help me with powershell scripit which will help us to create a bulk users .
 set-variable -name URI -value "http://localhost:5725/resourcemanagementservice' " -option constant
 function SetAttribute
    PARAM($object, $attributeName, $attributeValue)
        $importChange = New-Object Microsoft.ResourceManagement.Automation.ObjectModel.ImportChange
        $importChange.Operation = 1
        $importChange.AttributeName = $attributeName
        $importChange.AttributeValue = $attributeValue
        $importChange.FullyResolved = 1
        $importChange.Locale = "Invariant"
        if ($object.Changes -eq $null) {$object.Changes = (,$importChange)}
        else {$object.Changes += $importChange}
 function CreateObject
       $newObject = New-Object Microsoft.ResourceManagement.Automation.ObjectModel.ImportObject
       $newObject.ObjectType = $objectType
       $newObject.SourceObjectIdentifier = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
 if(@(get-pssnapin | where-object {$_.Name -eq "FIMAutomation"} ).count -eq 0) {add-pssnapin FIMAutomation}
 if($args.count -ne 1) {throw "You need to specify your attribute values as parameter"}
 $attributes = ($args[0]).split("|")
 if(0 -ne [String]::Compare(($attributes[0]).split(":")[0],"displayname", $true))
 {throw "You need to specify a display name"}
 $objectName = ($attributes[0]).split(":")[1]
 $exportObject = export-fimconfig -uri $URI `
                                  –onlyBaseResources `
                                  -customconfig "/Person[DisplayName='$objectName']"
 if($exportObject) {throw "L:User $objectName already exists"}
 $newUser = CreateObject -objectType "Person"
 foreach($attribute in $attributes)
    $attrData = $attribute.split(":")
    SetAttribute -object $newUser `
                 -attributeName  $($attrData[0]) `
                 -attributeValue $($attrData[1])
 $newUser | Import-FIMConfig -uri $URI
 write-host "`nUser created successfully`n"
    $exMessage = $_.Exception.Message
    {write-host "`n" $exMessage.substring(2) "`n" -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor darkblue}
    else {write-host "`nError: " $exMessage "`n" -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor darkred}

There's a good example on the
FIM PowerShell Module CodePlex site.
You could extend it by doing something like this:
### Create a sample CSV file
FirstName, LastName, AccountName, DisplayName
James, Bond, JamesBond, Agent
James, Taylor, JamesTaylor, Quartet
Wayne, Gretzky, WayneGretzky, The One
'@ | Out-File -FilePath Users.csv
### Create the users in FIM
foreach ($user in Import-Csv -Path Users.csv)
New-FimImportObject -ObjectType Person -State Create -Changes @{
DisplayName = $user.DisplayName
AccountName = $user.AccountName
FirstName = $user.FirstName
LastName = $user.LastName
Description = 'Have any grapes?'
EmployeeType = 'Contractor'
Domain = 'LITWARE'
Email = "$($user.AccountName)"
} -ApplyNow
CraigMartin – Edgile, Inc. –

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    Hi Wilder, hi Mark,
    first of all: The tutorial sources Mark posted - especially the book "Powershell 3 in A month of lunches" - are good to get a baseline start. A really great reference, especially when you try to learn it while still dealing with your daily business.
    On another note, Wilder: While I fully agree that learning things sequentially is usually the best, I too jumped right in instead of learning how to walk first (though it's been some time now. Fewer years than you'd think, but still ...). So I thought I'd
    give you a little aid with that function husk, so you could just stuff interesting bits into an available structure, making use of the fun tools in a useful context (It's fun fiddling around with the commands, but if you have to type in all of them manually
    each time, using the GUI is often just faster. Doing fun things and being efficient with it feels even better though ...). So ... while I
    do agree with yourself, learn it the Correct & Proper Way, I also do
    intend to finish this little explanation about the husk, all the way to the end.
    Everything below this paragraph is part of this.
    function Copy-ADUser
    A brief description of the Copy-ADUser function.
    A detailed description of the Copy-ADUser function.
    .PARAMETER GivenName
    A description of the GivenName parameter.
    .PARAMETER Surname
    A description of the Surname parameter.
    .PARAMETER Template
    A description of the Template parameter.
    PS C:\> Copy-ADUser -GivenName "Max" -Surname "Mustermann" -Template "Jonny.Normal"
    Additional information about the function.
    Param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    ) # Create finished Strings
    $JoinedName = $GivenName + "." + $Surname
    # Create new User
    $NewUser = New-ADUser -Surname $Surname -GivenName $GivenName -DisplayName "$Surname, $GivenName" -SamAccountName $JoinedName -Name "$Surename, $GivenName" -PassThru
    # Copy from old User
    $NewUser | Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -MemberOf (Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $Template | Where { $_.Name -ne 'Domain Users' })
    # Do Whatever else you feel like doing
    This is again the same function husk I posted earlier. Only this time, I filled a little logic (the pieces that were already posted in this thread). This time, I'll not only go over each part again ... I'll do it by reposting the segments and trying to show
    some examples on how to modify the parts. Thus some of it will be repetitive, but this way all the info is in one spot.
    Segment: Comment Based Help
    A brief description of the Copy-ADUser function.
    A detailed description of the Copy-ADUser function.
    .PARAMETER GivenName
    A description of the GivenName parameter.
    .PARAMETER Surname
    A description of the Surname parameter.
    .PARAMETER Template
    A description of the Template parameter.
    PS C:\> Copy-ADUser -GivenName "Max" -Surname "Mustermann" -Template "Jonny.Normal"
    Additional information about the function.
    That's the premier documentation part of a function, that teaches a user what the function does and how to use it. It's what's shown when using the Get-Help cmdlet.
    Comment texts are not restricted to single lines however. For example you could replace ...
    PS C:\> Copy-ADUser -GivenName "Max" -Surname "Mustermann" -Template "Jonny.Normal"
    ... with ...
    PS C:\> Copy-ADUser -GivenName "Max" -Surname "Mustermann" -Template "Jonny.Normal"
    Creates a new user named Max Mustermann and copies the group memberships of the already existing user Jonny Normal to this new User
    ... and get an explanation on what the example does when using Get-Help with the
    -Detailed parameter (Explaining examples is always a good idea).
    Segment: Parameter
    Param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    This is the segment that tells Powershell what input your function accepts. Each parameter of Copy-ADUser you set will be available in the next segment as a variable of the same name. You can add additional parameters if you need more information for your
    logic. For example, let's add a parameter that allows you to specify what Organization the new user should belong to:
    Param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    That's how that would look like. You may notice that I didn't add the line with
    "[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] this time. This means you
    may add the Organization parameter when calling Copy-ADUser, but you need not.
    Segment: Logic
    # Create new User
    $NewUser = New-ADUser -Surname $Surname -GivenName $GivenName -DisplayName "$Surname, $GivenName" -SamAccountName "$GivenName.$Surename" -Name "$Surename, $GivenName" -PassThru
    # Copy from old User
    $NewUser | Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -MemberOf (Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $Template | Where { $_.Name -ne 'Domain Users' })
    # Do Whatever else you feel like doing
    This is the part of the function that does the actual work. Compared to the first husk I posted, this time there are two commands in it (and some comments). First, I create a new user, using the information passed into
    the parameters -Surname and -GivenName. Then I Copy the group memberships of the user identified by the information given by the
    -Template parameter.
    So, let's modify it!
    # Tell the user you are starting
    Write-Host "Starting to create the user account for $GivenName $Surname"
    # Create new User
    $NewUser = New-ADUser -Surname $Surname -GivenName $GivenName -DisplayName "$Surname, $GivenName" -SamAccountName "$GivenName.$Surename" -Name "$Surename, $GivenName" -PassThru
    # Tell the user you are copying Group Memberships
    Write-Host "Copying the group-memberhips of $Template to $GivenName $Surname"
    # Copy from old User
    $NewUser | Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -MemberOf (Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $Template | Where { $_.Name -ne 'Domain Users' })
    # Do Whatever else you feel like doing
    Now after adding a few lines, the logic will tell us what it's doing (and do so before it
    is taking action)!
    Hm ... didn't we create a change in the Parameter Segment to add an -Organization parameter? Let's use it!
    # If the -Organization parameter was set, the $Organization variable will be longer than 0. Thus do ...
    if ($Organization.Length -gt 0)
    # Tell the user you are starting
    Write-Host "Starting to create the user account for $GivenName $Surname in the Organization $Organization"
    # Create new User
    $NewUser = New-ADUser -Surname $Surname -GivenName $GivenName -DisplayName "$Surname, $GivenName" -SamAccountName "$GivenName.$Surename" -Name "$Surename, $GivenName" -Organization $Organization -PassThru
    # If the -Organization parameter was NOT set, the $Organization variable will have a length of 0. Thus the if-condition does not apply, thus we do the else block
    # Tell the user you are starting
    Write-Host "Starting to create the user account for $GivenName $Surname"
    # Create new User
    $NewUser = New-ADUser -Surname $Surname -GivenName $GivenName -DisplayName "$Surname, $GivenName" -SamAccountName "$GivenName.$Surename" -Name "$Surename, $GivenName" -PassThru
    # Tell the user you are copying Group Memberships
    Write-Host "Copying the group-memberhips of $Template to $GivenName $Surname"
    # Copy from old User
    $NewUser | Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -MemberOf (Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $Template | Where { $_.Name -ne 'Domain Users' })
    # Do Whatever else you feel like doing
    There! Now we first check whether the -Organization parameter was set (it's not mandatory after all, so you can skip it). If it
    was set, do whatever is in the curly braces after if (...). However, if it wasn't set, do whatever is in the curly braces after
    And that concludes my "minor" (and hopefully helpful) tutorial on how to use the function husk I posted :)
    With this, whenever you find another cool command that helps you in the user creation process, you can simply add it, similar to what I did in these examples.
    And if it all didn't make much sense, go through the tutorials in proper order and come back - it'll make much more sense then.
    Cheers and good luck with PowerShell,
    There's no place like

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    If you are using LCM and these are native users then you should be able to enter an uncrypted password and when it is imported it should be encrypted.
    Leave the internal id column blank for new users, test by creating one new user.

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    I'm guessing you're getting a 401 error back in soapUI. If so, this is because soapUI needs to send some credentials which match that user exactly.
    How would that user invoke the service normally - with an embedded WSS user / password in the request, or with an x509 cert + Identity Assertion? SoapUI will have to do the same as the client application does.
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    Hi Rawat,
       You Don't need to create User Exits,but you need to find user Exits.Below are list of user Exits for MB31.
    Use proper exit as per your requirement.
    Exit Name     Description
    MBCF0002     Customer function exit: Segment text in material doc. item
    MBCF0005     Material document item for goods receipt/issue slip
    MBCF0006     Customer function for WBS element
    MBCF0007     Customer function exit: Updating a reservation
    MBCF0009     Filling the storage location field
    MBCF0010     Customer exit: Create reservation BAPI_RESERVATION_CREATE1
    MBCF0011     Read from RESB and RKPF for print list in  MB26
    MB_CF001     Customer Function Exit in the Case of Updating a Mat. Doc.
    award points if ans is useful.

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    Hi Mate;
    Please check below link:
    Re: Creating 1000+ users in Oracle R12

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    I have a spreadsheet that has headers. I need to move all of the objects on this exception report to the proper OU (all going to the same OU).
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    2) Open AD search
    3) enter display name in find box
    4) locate object
    5) right click object in results and click move.
    6) move to the OU " Online/Users OU/Business Process"
    --- How can i use Import-CSV to automate this process?
    Thanks for any help, there is about 4K lines on this sheet and it normally takes about 25 days of "busy work" to accomplish this, then 5 days later I have to re-run the report and start over.
    Josh Borges

    Hi Josh,
    This assumes that you can save your file as an actual CSV file:
    $skippedUsers = @()
    Import-Csv .\userList.csv | ForEach {
    $displayName = $_."Display Name"
    $user = Get-ADUser -Filter "DisplayName -eq '$displayName'" -Properties DisplayName
    If ($user.Count) {
    $skippedUsers += $displayName
    Else {
    $user | Move-ADObject -TargetPath 'OU=Business Process,OU=Users OU,OU=uk Online,DC=home,DC=test,DC=com' -WhatIf
    If ($skippedUsers) { Write-Host 'The following users could not be moved automatically:' -ForegroundColor Red ; $skippedUsers }
    Do you have to use the display name property? That's not guaranteed to be unique, so you might run into problems. The script above will not attempt to move the user if more than one is returned by the command.
    EDIT: I've also added -WhatIf to Move-ADObject. Now the command won't actually move your users, it will just tell you about it. Remove it if you're happy with the output.
    Don't retire TechNet! -
    (Don't give up yet - 12,420+ strong and growing)

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    How to create portal user and integrate the user with external application for single sign-on ?
    I want to access my external application thru portal user ..?

    Hi Jithin,
    The link that you've shared talks about a different scenario.
    In my case, I want to pass the portal user id when the user clicks on the Help Link present in the header area.
    I am trying to pass it along with the Help Link Url property of a masthead iview but it is not getting passed to the target Url.
    I would like to know if it is possible to pass the Portal User Id in this way or not.
    Though if we create a appintegrator iview and pass the user id <User.UserID> along with the target Url, it reaches there.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • How can i create multiple apple ids from the same mac

    There seems to be a limit on how many apple ids can be created from the same cpu. Trying to create 100 apple ids for a client to use on ipads distributed to employees i found i could only create three or four before i got the message account cannot be created, contact itunes support. Had the same problem creating multiple itunes accounts through the App Store.

    I found this discussion because I need to create dozens of Apple IDs for the faculty and staff of the school for which I'm the IT Director.
    This is weak.
    Apple, PLEASE upgrade the Apple ID system so it represents the current needs and paradigm.
    What am I thinking, Apple (like Google) don't follow user discussion forums, except by accident when an employee sees something and is motivated enough to carry the water for users in need.

  • How to create many user in the same database

    my question is "How to create many user in the same database(application)?"
    for example, i have students, teachers, and staffs user using my application.
    i can create many users to use the same application right?, how ^^''' ???
    (right now i can only create application and then it shows every data in my DB
    but i want it to show only the data for the user who login to that application)
    ps. i'm newbie, please help T^T

    You need to create a user table within your application that maintains their privileges. If you have LDAP you could use this for authorisation otherwise the table would handle that as well (store passwords etc). Your reports etc would then be filtered on information from this table.
    Check out some of the sample applications to see how authorisation and access is implemented (Online store is one). The how-to on the issue tracking system should also have some useful pointers.

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    The iPad does not support multiple user accounts.

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    I want to create a user that can login the OID/LDAP. I know how to create a user, it is allowed to login OIDDAS, but I also want the user to grant access to ldap directly. How do i do that?
    And how can I give it read rights and or update/delete rights on a specific tree?

    did you see the OiD developers guide? Here you find some examples how to create users in OiD using pl/sql or java.
    how to use directory access control can be found in

  • How to create a user  y which will have the same content of existing user x

    how to create a user y which will have the same content of existing user x ,
    like all the tables,procedures,functions and packages

    You can do the following.
    1. Use CREATE USER to create the new account/schema
    2. Use exp to export old schema
    3 Use imp with fromuser=<old user> and touser=<newuser>

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    No, as I stated in the post this is the first issue we've had with the phone. No, this was not a replacement phone, this is the same phone I bought from the apple store in December and had not been serviced by anyone, it did not have any issues until last week.

  • How to create Mobile User Account

    Hi all,
    I have a dumb question but it makes me crazy !!!
    I'm new in CRM 5.2 and in mobile as weel.
    My question is : How to create a user acount into my mobile infrastructure ?
    I've followed the following explanation but I don't find the solution :
    In there, it tells me to go thought User Management tool of Mobile Application Studio ( is it Microsoft Visual Studio ?) but in there i do not find any tools.
    Thanks for your future help

    Creation of User Accounts
    This process describes the steps required to create user accounts for secured and controlled access to the Mobile Application Repository (MAR). User accounts are created for consultants, who intend to customize mobile client applications using Mobile Application Studio (MAS). User account allows a consultant to log on to MAS.
    Process Flow
           1.      During the installation of MAR, the system enables the User Management feature.
    If MAR is upgraded from a release prior to 3.0 to the current release, the User Management feature must be enabled manually by system administrator. This is done by changing the umfrc parameter value to “YES” in the ARS_SYSTABLE.
           2.      The CRM technical administrator creates a DSN to access MAR by using the default internal login arsdb with password arsdb.
           3.      The CRM technical administrator carries out the following tasks using the User Manager tool of MAS:
                                a.      Creates user accounts.
                                b.      Associates each user account with a standard MAR profile. For more information, see Profiles of the Mobile Application Repository.
                                c.      Specifies a password for each user account.
    Login IDs of the Mobile Application Repository
    A login ID is a source through which users log on to Mobile Application Studio, and connect to the Mobile Application Repository (MAR). When MAR is installed, standard login IDs are available by default. While creating user accounts, the system administrator associates a standard login ID with the profile of each user account.
    Login ID
    Allows you to:
    ·        Perform administrative activities in MAR.
    ·        Create and modify development objects in MAR.
    ·        Modify the password of a user account.
    ·        Create and modify development objects in MAR.
    ·        Modify your own password.
    ·        View development objects in MAR.
    ·        Modify your own password.
    ·        Get information about the MAR.
    ·        Validate MAR users.
    Create a DSN for MAR. The default password for this login is arsdb.
    Profiles of the Mobile Application Repository
    A profile of the Mobile Application Repository (MAR) is a collection of access rights defined for:
    ·        Development objects, like tiles, tile sets and business objects of mobile client applications
    ·        Services of MAR like change lists and namespaces
    The standard profiles that are available are listed below.
    Profile name
    Associated login ID
    Allows you to:
    ·        Perform administrative activities like creating and maintaining users.
    ·        Read and write repository specific information (ARS_SYSTABLE).
    ·        Create and modify development objects in MAR.
    ·        Release and revert a change list.
    ·        Transfer the ownership of objects to another MAR.
    ·        Create link objects to integrate tile set help.
    ·        Create and modify framework objects in MAR.
    ·        View development objects in MAR.
    ·        Modify your own password.
    ·        Read repository specific information (ARS_SYSTABLE).
    ·        Create and modify development objects in MAR.
    ·        Release change lists that have been created only by you.
    ·        Modify your own password.
    ·        Transfer the ownership of objects to another MAR.
    ·        Read repository specific information (ARS_SYSTABLE).
    ·        Modify your own password.
    ·        Create and modify development objects in MAR.
    This profile does not allow you to release change lists.
    ·        Read repository specific information (ARS_SYSTABLE).
    ·        Create and modify development objects in MAR.
    ·        Modify your own password.
    ·        Transfer the ownership of objects to another MAR.
    ·        Release and revert change lists.
    This profile does not allow you to create a change list.
    ·        Read repository specific information (ARS_SYSTABLE).
    ·        Create and modify development objects in MAR.
    ·        Release and revert change lists.
    ·        Modify your own password.
    ·        Transfer the ownership of objects to another MAR.
    ·        Read repository specific information (ARS_SYSTABLE).
    ·        Create and modify development objects in MAR.
    ·        Release the change list you have created.
    ·        Transfer the ownership of objects to another MAR.
    ·        Create and modify framework objects in MAR.
    ·        Read repository specific information (ARS_SYSTABLE).
    ·        Create and modify development objects in MAR.
    ·        Release the change list you have created.
    ·        Create link objects to integrate tile set help.
    ifhelpfull reward me some points

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